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A complete listing, by date, with links to all on-line publications, reports, and statistical tables.

05-10-04   Anti-Reproductive-Rights Crimes in California, 2003
Senate Bill 780, effective January 1, 2002, enacted two new laws: the California Freedom of Access to Clinic and Church Entrances (or California FACE) Act, and the Reproductive Rights Law Enforcement Act. It also mandated this annual report to the Legislature to include information such as the number of crime events, types of offenses, level of offense, weapons, location of the crime, race/ethnicity, gender, and age of victims and suspects.

04-29-04   Review of Homicide Crime Statistics
The homicide crime data were extracted from the Criminal Justice Statistics Center (CJSC) Homicide File. These data are reported to CJSC by local law enforcement agencies via the Supplementary Homicide Report (SHR). A more complete analysis of statewide homicide data can be found in the annual “Homicide in California, 2002” publication.

04-28-04   Preliminary Report
CRIME in 2003, January through December
This report compares preliminary crime counts for January through December 2003 with final counts for the same period in 2002 for California law enforcement jurisdictions serving populations of 100,000 or more.

01-29-04   Concealable Firearms Charges in California, FY 2003
Provides data on individuals charged with committing a crime under California Penal Code sections 12025 and 12031. The data, submitted by the county district attorneys, include analyses and tables displaying the following elements: The offender's race/ethnicity, gender, and age, county, firearms offense, level of offense (misdemeanor or felony), and additional offenses charged.

01-07-04   Preliminary Report
CRIME 2003 In Selected California Jurisdictions, January through September.
This report compares preliminary crime counts for the first nine months of 2003 with counts for the same period in 2002 for jurisdictions with populations of 100,000 or more.

01-05-04   Review of Domestic Violence Statistics
Domestic violence-related data can be found in three data bases maintained by the Criminal Justice Statistics Center (CJSC). This data was extracted from the Domestic Violence-Related Calls for Assistance file, the Monthly Arrest and Citation Register, and the Homicide file. This review includes over 40 data tables. While most of the data in this review are 1992-2002, some tables include data as far back as 1980.

11-14-03   Homicide in California, 2002
This report contains information about the crime of homicide and its victims, demographic data on persons arrested for homicide, and information about the response of the criminal justice system. Information about the death penalty, the number of peace officers killed in the line of duty, and justifiable homicide is also included. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

10-28-03   Criminal Justice Profiles, 2002
Trend data are presented for crimes, arrests, arrest dispositions, criminal justice personnel and expenditures for the most recent 10 years (1993-2002). There is a separate Criminal Justice Profile for each county and the state. In each county profile, the data are presented for each contributing jurisdiction. Included are over 1,600 statistical tables, most of which can be downloaded to spreadsheets.

10-23-03   Crime in California, 2002
(Previously titled "Crime in Delinquency in California.") This publication contains the most comprehensive set of data on California crimes, arrests, and criminal justice actions. Crime in California contains information on crimes, arrests, adult felony arrest dispositions, adult corrections, criminal justice expenditures and personnel, citizens' complaints against peace officers, and domestic violence. This report is in PDF format only.

10-15-03   Preliminary Report - Crime 2003 (January through June)
This report compares preliminary crime counts for the first six months of 2003 with counts for the same period in 2002 for jurisdictions with populations of 100,000 or more.

10-01-03   Juvenile Justice in California, 2002
This annual report, the first report following the restoration of the Juvenile Court and Probation Statistical System, is organized to provide the reader with factual information about the personal and social characteristics of delinquents. The report contains specific information on juvenile population, race/ethnic groups, gender, numbers of arrests, referrals to probation departments, petitions, juvenile court dispositions, sustained offenses, and race/ethnic group representation. This report is in PDF format only.

09-03-03   Reproductive Rights Law Enforcement Act - Plan
This special report to the Legislature was generated in response to Senate Bill 780 which requested the Attorney General develop a plan to prevent, apprehend, prosecute, and report anti-reproductive-rights crimes. This report contains 16 recommended strategies to address anti-reproductive-rights crimes in California.

07-15-03   Hate Crime in California, 2002
This is an annual report regarding crimes motivated by the victim's race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability as reported by law enforcement agencies. Only law enforcement agencies can identify and submit reports of hate crimes to the Department of Justice. This report is in PDF format only.

07-01-03   Crime in California, 2002 - Advance Release
This publication compares rates for the periods 2001 and 2002. Since 1980 marked a high point for the California Crime Index, rates for the periods 1980 and 2002 are also compared. This report is in PDF format only.

04-28-03   Preliminary Report
CRIME in 2002, January through December
This report compares preliminary crime counts for January through December 2002 with final counts for the same period in 2001 for California law enforcement jurisdictions serving populations of 100,000 or more.

02-11-03   Preliminary Report
CRIME 2002 In Selected California Jurisdictions, January through September.
This report compares preliminary crime counts for the first nine months of 2002 with counts for the same period in 2001 for jurisdictions with populations of 100,000 or more.

01-07-03   Felons and Others Arrested for Firearms Possession
This report was generated in response to Senate Bill 1608 (2000) which requested the Attorney General study and report to the Legislature if Penal Code sections 12021 and 12021.1 are effective deterrents to owning or possessing firearms by convicted felons, narcotics addicts, and those prohibited as an express condition of probation. Results of the study indicated there was a decrease in every category of arrest, court disposition, and conviction from 1998 to 2000, except where there were previous convictions for serious or violent felonies.

01-02-03   Crimes Committed Against Homeless Persons
This report was generated in response to Senate Resolution 18 which requested the Attorney General to assess the extent of crimes against the homeless, to develop plans to address the problem, and to determine if hate crimes are occurring in the homeless community. Results of the study indicated that crime in general is very prevalent in the homeless community however, there is not sufficient evidence to support the expansion of the definition of hate crime to include the homeless.

12-17-02   Concealable Firearms Charges in California, FY 2001/2002
Provides data on individuals charged with committing a crime under California Penal Code sections 12025 and 12031. The data, submitted by the county district attorneys, include analyses and tables displaying the following elements: The offender's race/ethnicity, gender, and age, county, firearms offense, level of offense (misdemeanor or felony), and additional offenses charged.

12-05-02   Preliminary Report - Crime 2002 (January through June)
This report compares preliminary crime counts for the first six months of 2002 with counts for the same period in 2001 for jurisdictions with populations of 100,000 or more. During the first six months of the year, number of crimes increased 7.5 percent in state's largest cities and counties.

11-05-02   Criminal Justice Profiles, 2001
Trend data are presented for crimes, arrests, arrest dispositions, criminal justice personnel and expenditures for the most recent 10 years (1992-2001). There is a separate Criminal Justice Profile for each county and the state. In each county profile, the data are presented for each contributing jurisdiction. Included are over 1,600 statistical tables, most of which can be downloaded to spreadsheets.

10-15-02   Homicide in California, 2001
This report contains information about the crime of homicide and its victims, demographic data on persons arrested for homicide, and information about the response of the criminal justice system. Information about the death penalty, the number of peace officers killed in the line of duty, and justifiable homicide is also included. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

09-18-02   Hate Crime in California, 2001
This is an annual report regarding crimes motivated by the victim's race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability as reported by law enforcement agencies. Only law enforcement agencies can identify and submit reports of hate crimes to the Department of Justice. This report is in PDF format only.

09-05-02   Crime and Delinquency in California, 2001
This publication contains the most comprehensive set of data on California crimes, arrests, and criminal justice actions. C&D contains information on crimes, arrests, adult felony arrest dispositions, adult corrections, criminal justice expenditures and personnel, citizens' complaints against peace officers, and domestic violence. This report is in PDF format only.

09-05-02   Crime and Delinquency in California, 2001 - Advance Release
This publication compares rates for the periods 2000 and 2001. Since 1980 marked a high point for the California Crime Index, rates for the periods 1980 and 2001 are also compared. This report is in PDF format only.

03-25-02   Preliminary Report
CRIME 2001 In Selected California Jurisdictions, January through December.
This report compares preliminary crime counts for 2001 with final counts of 2000 for jurisdictions with a population of 100,000 or more.

01-07-02   Concealable Firearms Charges in California, FY 2001
Provides data on individuals charged with committing a crime under California Penal Code sections 12025 and 12031. The data, submitted by the county district attorneys, include analyses and tables displaying the following elements: The offender's race/ethnicity, gender, and age, county, firearms offense, level of offense (misdemeanor or felony), and additional offenses charged.

01-07-02   Homicide in California, 2000
This report contains information about the crime of homicide and its victims, demographic data on persons arrested for homicide, and information about the response of the criminal justice system. Information about the death penalty, the number of peace officers killed in the line of duty, and justifiable homicide is also included. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

10-11-01   Crime and Delinquency in California, 2000
This publication contains the most comprehensive set of data on California crimes, arrests, and criminal justice actions. C&D contains information on crimes, arrests, adult felony arrest dispositions, adult corrections, criminal justice expenditures and personnel, citizens' complaints against peace officers, and domestic violence. This report is in PDF format only.

10-10-01   Preliminary Report - Crime 2001 (January through June)
This report compares preliminary crime counts for the first six months of 2001 with counts for the same period in 2000 for jurisdictions with populations of 100,000 or more.

09-10-01   Criminal Justice Profiles, 2000
Trend data are presented for crimes, arrests, arrest dispositions, criminal justice personnel and expenditures for the most recent 10 years (1991-2000). There is a separate Criminal Justice Profile for each county and the state. In each county profile, the data are presented for each contributing jurisdiction. Included are over 1,600 statistical tables, most of which can be downloaded to spreadsheets.

08-28-01   Crime and Delinquency in California, 2000 - Advance Release
This publication compares rates for the periods 1999 and 2000. Since 1980 marked a high point for the California Crime Index, rates for the periods 1980 and 2000 are also compared. This report is in PDF format only.

08-10-01   Hate Crime in California, 2000
Reported hate crime events and offenses in 2000 were very similar to the reported numbers in 1999. The number of reported hate crime events this year were five less than those reported in 1999 (1,957 vs. 1,962). The number of reported hate crime offenses - there can be one or more offenses in a crime event - was one more than in 1999 (2,002 vs. 2,001). This is an annual report regarding crimes motivated by the victim's race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability as reported by law enforcement agencies. Only law enforcement agencies can identify and submit reports of hate crimes to the Department of Justice. This report is in PDF format only.

05-07-01   Drug Arrests in California, 1990-1999
This report contains information regarding arrrests for the commission of drug offenses as defined by California statute. It is divided into two general categories: felonies and misdemeanors.

05-01-01   Crime in California
Crime in California is a report that answers several key questions, such as, how much crime is there, what are the short- and long-term trends, who are the victims and perpetrators, how does the criminal justice system work, and what are the costs of crime. This report is written in a "quick reference" style that relies heavily on charts. A flowchart of the "sequence of events" in the criminal justice system is very informative.

03-20-01   Preliminary Report
CRIME 2000 In Selected California Jurisdictions, January through December.
This report compares preliminary crime counts for 2000 with final counts of 1999 for jurisdictions with a population of 100,000 or more.

02-28-01   Concealable Firearms Charges in California, 2000
Provides data on individuals charged with committing a crime under California Penal Code sections 12025 and 12031. The data, submitted by the county district attorneys, include analyses and tables displaying the following elements: The offender's race/ethnicity, gender, and age, county, firearms offense, level of offense (misdemeanor or felony), and additional offenses charged.

02-20-01   Why Did the Crime Rate Decrease Through 1999?
Crime, driven by an epidemic of crack cocaine use and handgun toting by young people, peaked in the early 1990's. This publication reviews the reasons which experts have offered for the subsequent decline in crime through 1999 and suggests circumstances that would cause crime to increase in 2000 and beyond.

12-11-00   Preliminary Report
CRIME 2000 In Selected California Jurisdictions, January through June.
This report compares preliminary counts of crimes for the first six months of 2000 with those of the same period in 1999 for jurisdictions with a population of 100,000 or more.

11-20-00   Homicide in California, 1999
This report contains information about the crime of homicide and its victims, demographic data on persons arrested for homicide, and information about the response of the criminal justice system. Information about the death penalty, the number of peace officers killed in the line of duty, and justifiable homicide is also included. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

10-30-00   Crime and Delinquency in California, 1999
This report presents statistics showing the amounts and types of offenses known to public authorities and the administrative actions taken by the criminal justice system. For 45 years, Crime and Delinquency in California has provided information on crimes and the criminal justice process. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

10-10-00   Criminal Justice Profiles, 1999
Trend data are presented for crimes, arrests, arrest dispositions, criminal justice personnel and expenditures for the most recent 10 years (1990-1999). There is a separate Criminal Justice Profile for each county and the state. In each county profile, the data are presented for each contributing jurisdiction. Included are over 1,600 statistical tables, most of which can be downloaded to spreadsheets.

08-22-00   Crime in California and the United States, 1988-1998
This report presents crime data for California from 1988 to 1998 and compares these data against crime data for the United States less California, and crime data for the six other states with populations over 10 million (Florida, Illinois, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas). This report is in PDF format.

08-02-00   Crime and Delinquency in California, 1999 - Advance Release
This publication compares rates for the periods 1998 and 1999. Since 1980 marked a high point for the California Crime Index, rates for the periods 1980 and 1999 are also compared. This report is in PDF format only.

07-27-00   Hate Crime in California, 1999
Reported hate crimes in 1999 increased by 12.1% over 1998; and 11.9% over 1995, the first full year of reporting this new crime category. This is an annual report regarding crimes motivated by the victim's race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability as reported by law enforcement agencies. Only law enforcement agencies can identify and submit reports of hate crimes to the Department of Justice. This report is in PDF format only.

03-29-00   Crime 1999 in Selected California Jurisdictions, January through December
This report compares preliminary crime counts for 1999 with final counts of 1998 for jurisdictions with populations of 100,000 or more.
This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

03-07-00   Report on Juvenile Felony Arrests in California, 1998
This report contains information about members of the at risk juvenile population (aged 10-17) who have been arrested for felony offenses. The purpose of this report is to provide accurate and complete information by organizing and displaying data about juvenile felony arrests and adult felony arrests. Data by county and by cities with population over 100,000 are also available in the Appendices. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

01-26-00   Report on Violent Crimes Committed Against Senior Citizens in California, 1998
This report contains information about reported violent crimes committed against members of the population who are 60 years of age and older. Data by county and by cities with population over 100,000 are also available in the Appendices. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

01-25-00   Crime as Reported by Selected California Agenices, January through September, 1998 and 1999
This is a special statistical report based on preliminary crime data for the first nine months of 1999 compared to the same period in 1998. The data table displays the total number of crimes reported by the 76 agencies serving populations of 100,000 or more. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

11-17-99   Preliminary Report
CRIME 1999 In Selected California Jurisdictions, January through June.
This report compares preliminary counts of crimes for the first six months of 1999 with those of the same period in 1998 for jurisdictions with a population of 100,000 or more. This report can be viewed in HTML and PDF formats.

09-16-99   Homicide in California, 1998
This report contains details about the crime of homicide and its victims, information about persons arrested for homicide, and the response of the criminal justice system. Information about death penalty, the number of peace officers killed in the line of duty, and justifiable homicides are also included. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

08-19-99   Report on Arrests for Burglary in California, 1998
This report contains information about persons arrested for the crime of burglary. The purpose of this report is to provide policy makers and the public with accurate and complete criminal statistical information by organizing and displaying 1998 arrest data and multi-year arrest data for burglary. Statewide totals of burglary arrests are displayed by gender, race, and age. Data by county and by cities with populations over 100,000 are also available in the Appendices. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

08-17-99   Report on Arrests for Domestic Violence in California, 1998
This report contains information about persons arrested for the crime of domestic violence. It's purpose is to provide policy makers and the public with accurate and complete information about domestic violence arrests in California. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

08-17-99   Crime and Delinquency in California, 1998
This report presents statistics showing the amounts and types of offenses known to public authorities and the administrative actions taken by the criminal justice system. For 45 years, Crime and Delinquency in California has provided information on crimes and the criminal justice process. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

08-16-99   Hate Crime in California, 1998
This report documents the number of crimes reported each year motivated by the victims' race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or physical/mental disability. This is the fifth report and covers the period January 1 through December 31, 1998. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

08-09-99   California Criminal Justice Profiles, 1998
This annual Criminal Justice Profile series supplements and expands on the data provided in the CJSC's "Crime and Delinquency in California". There is a separate Criminal Justice Profile for each county and the state. Trend data are presented for crimes, arrests, arrest dispositions, corrections populations, criminal justice personnel and expenditures for the most recent 10 years (1989-1998). This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

06-29-99   Crime and Delinquency in California, 1998 (Advance Release)
Provides annual criminal justice data at the earliest possible date. Information on crimes, arrests, and adult felony arrest dispositions is included. This report can be viewed in the HTML format or the PDF format.

04-23-99   Report on Arrests for Driving Under the Influence in California, 1997
This report contains information about persons arrested for the crimes of Driving Under the Influence of alcohol or drugs. The purpose of this report is to provide accurate and complate statistical information on Driving Under the Influence (DUI) to the public and government entities for the development and evaluation of criminal justice programs and legislation. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

03-19-99   Homicide in California, 1997
This publication contains information about the crime of homicide and its victims, demographic information about persons arrested for homicide, and information about the response of the criminal justice system. Information about the death penalty, the number of peace officers killed in the line of duty, and justifiable homicide is also included.

02-23-99   Preliminary Report
CRIME 1998 In Selected California Jurisdictions, January through December.
This report compares preliminary crime counts of 1998 with final counts of 1997 for jurisdictions with a population of 100,000 or more. This report can be viewd in HTML and PDF formats.

12-17-98   Crime Data Tables, 1997
Provides annual crime statistics for homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, larceny-theft, and arson offenses. Tables present statewide, county, and jurisdiction data by each crime category. Statewide and county tables also show crime rates per 100,000 population.

12-01-98   Crime and Delinquency in California, 1997
This report presents statistics showing the amounts and types of offenses known to public authorities and the administrative actions taken by the criminal justice system. For 45 years, Crime and Delinquency in California has provided information on crimes and the criminal justice process. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

09-14-98   Hate Crime in California, 1997
Documents the number of crimes reported each year motivated by the victims' race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or physical/mental disability. This is the fourth report and covers the period January 1 through December 31, 1997. This report can be viewed in PDF format only.

09-08-98   Preliminary Report
CRIME 1998 In Selected California Jurisdictions, January through June.
This report compares preliminary counts of crimes for the first six months of 1998 with those of the same period in 1997 for jurisdictions with a population of 100,000 or more. This report can be viewed in HTML and PDF formats.

06-15-98   Crime and Delinquency in California, 1997 (Advance Release)
Provides annual criminal justice data at the earliest possible date. Information on crimes, arrests, and adult felony arrest dispositions is included. This report can be viewed in the HTML format or the PDF format.

06-02-98   Crime and Delinquency in California, 1996
This publication contains the most comprehensive set of data on California crimes, arrests, and criminal justice actions. C&D contains information on crimes, arrests, adult felony arrest dispositions, adult corrections, criminal justice expenditures and personnel, citizens' complaints against peace officers, and domestic violence. For over 40 years C&D has provided information on crime and the criminal justice process.

05-04-98   Links to California County, City, and College Crime Statistics
Access California law enforcement agencies' crime statistics.

04-14-98   California County Crime Tables by Jurisdiction
Contains California crime statistics for each county by jurisdiction for the years 1995 and 1996.

04-13-98   Homicide in California, 1996
Contains details about the crime of homicide and its victims, information about persons arrested for homicide, and the response of the criminal justice system. Information about the death penalty, the number of peace officers killed in the line of duty, and justifiable homicides is also included. This report can be viewed in the PDF format only.

03-25-98   CJSC Outlook: Crime in Urban and Rural California
This Outlook examines annual crime rates for urban and rural areas in California for the years 1987 through 1996. The report can be viewed in the HTML and PDF formats.

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