Chorus History


Music for the
Feast of Christmas

Carmina 2003

Spain Tour

Brahms' Requiem


Navidad Nuestra

Tour of Italy

Voices of Light

La Koro Sutro


Eastern Europe

Carmina Burana



A Brief History of the Cabrillo Chorus

The Cabrillo Chorus was formed when Cabrillo opened its doors in Watsonville High School in 1961. The first director was Ralph Kent, followed by Theodore Toews, Allen Illich, Gene Manners, and Antony Antolini. In the early years, the chorus performed in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and the East Coast. In December 1988, Tony Antonlini led the chorus in a tour of the Soviet Union, performing Sergei Rachmaninoff's Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. The San Jose Public Television Station, KTEH, accompanied us and produced Rediscovering Rachmaninoff, a one hour documentary which has been shown all over the world.

A partial listing of works performed follows to highlight some of the great memories, moments and achievements of Cabrillo Symphonic/Cantata Chorus.



For two decades, Cabrillo Chorus has performed Music for the Feast of Christmas, a concert that marks the beginning of the holiday season for many with an evening of warmth and a sing-along. We hope you will join us for our 21st Annual event this December.

Feast of Christmas '98



Carmina Burana: a theatrical collection of poem/songs


Carmina Burana

Spring 2003 the Chorus performed Carmina Burana, the energetic work by Carl Orff, the German composer and folklorist. The grand finale of the Santa Cruz Symphony brought out the largest audiences of season.

Web Archive:
Carmina Burana 2003



In the summer of 2001, the Cabrillo Symphonic Chorus toured Spain. Concerts were presented in cathedrals in Barcelona, Seville, Cordoba, Toledo, Segovia and Madrid.

Viva Espana!



Brahm's Requiem

Johannes Brahms
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Spring 2001 the Cabrillo Chorus was privileged to perform the Brahms' Ein Deutsches Requiem with the Santa Cruz Symphony conducted by Larry Granger.

Web Archive:
Brahms' text with translation
Printer friendly text


In spring 2000, the chorus prepared and sang Bach's St. Mathew Passion with Cantiamo! During the summer of 2000, the chorus performed Mendelssohn's Elijah at the Civic Auditorium and at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco with Ensemble Monterey. Both performances involved intense preparation, and were rewarding experiences for all involved. Numerous chorus members sang fabulous solos, and Art Schuller made his debut as Jesus and Elijah. The chorus also sang in Mahler's "Resurrection" Symphony with the Santa Cruz Symphony. What a busy and glorious choral year!


Navidad Nuestra

Mission San Antonio in Jolon

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Summer 1999 the chorus conducted a home tour, performing in Watsonville, Salinas, and Mission San Antonio in Jolon. We performed Ramirez' Navidad Nuestra, with Latin American percussion and stringed instruments in the lovely Steinbeck Center.



During the summer of 1998, 90 singers and 30 friends and family, affectionately known as "The Entourage" toured Italy. It was a life changing experience for everyone who went. We sang in the Duomo of Milan, St. Mark's Basilica in Venice, the Cathedral of Siena, the Duomo in Florence and sang at a mass in the Vatican. It was an unforgettable experience to sing Palastrina's Tu es Petrus in the Vatican, with the words themselves lining the great dome above us in golden letters six feet high. Our final performance was at the Church of the Twelve Apostles in Rome.



Tour of Italy

Cabrillo Chorus Tour of Italy

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Voices of Light

Joan of Arc prays in the 1937 silent film
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The summer of 1996 the chorus performed Richard Einhorn's Voices of Light with the Cabrillo Music Festival. This cantata was performed in conjunction with the 1928 silent film, Joan of Arc. Mr. Einhorn said that he had never heard the work performed better.


In 1995, the chorus took a summer expedition to the Mission at Santa Barbara, where we performed Lou Harrison's La Koro Sutro, a setting in Esperanto of the Buddhist Heart sutra. We performed with a gamelan, an amazing red and gold ensemble of gongs and bells.

In March of 1996, the Cabrillo Symphonic Chorus performed at the American Choral Director's Association Annual Conference for the Western Region. The chorus performed Harrison's La Koro Sutro with gamelan, and introduced a whole new generation of choral directors to this exciting work by one of the 20th Century's greatest composers. This great honor was a tribute to the hard work and spirit of all members of the Cabrillo Chorus


La Koro Sutro

Lou Harrison's La Koro Sutro

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Wild Nights–Wild Nights!
Were I with thee
Wild Nights should be
Our Luxury!
Futile–the winds–
To a Heart in port–
Done with the Compass–
Done with the Chart!
Rowing in Eden–
Ah, the sea!
Might I but moor–Tonight–
In thee!
-- Emily Dickinson

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The chorus began rehearsals for Harmonium, by John Adams, performed with the Cabrillo Music Festival late in the summer of 1994. Probably the most difficult piece of music the chorus has ever sung, Harmonium catapulted chorus members to new heights of musical ability.


In July 1994, approximately 80 singers and 30 "groupies" toured Eastern Europe, performing in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland. The programs included sacred music, American spirituals, opera, and Carmina Burana. Singing Carmina Burana with orchestras whose players spoke no English, had never worked with a woman conductor, and had never seen a costumed chorus enter from the back of the hall singing, dancing and shouting, was a unique and wonderful experience!


Eastern European Tour

Carmina Burana poster in Eastern Europe
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Carmina Burana

Carmina Burana poster by Kitty Wallace

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In the summer of 1993, the chorus produced Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, a bawdy celebration of life. We sang in costume and sold out the Civic Auditorium to a standing room only house of over 1,400 excited audience members. After a fantastic standing ovation, we finished the performance by holding a gala celebration where we ate and danced and sang until the early hours of the morning.


In the fall of 1991, Cheryl Anderson stepped upon the podium, bringing her bright personality, brilliant musicianship, and a vast choral repertoire. In May 1992, we performed our first opera concert, dressed in fantastic costumes and having a tremendous amount of fun. From this beginning has evolved the Cabrillo Opera program.


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