Citizen's Guide to Preventing & Reporting Elder Abuse
An educational tool which offers guidance on ways seniors and their caretakers can identify the tell-tale signs of elder abuse and practical advice on how to avoid and report victimization. This publication is available to the public at no cost. The guide is available on-line or by writing the Office of the Attorney General, 1300 I Street, Suite 1150, Sacramento, CA 95814.
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Guía Para Cuidadanos Ciudadanos Para Prevenir Y Denunciar El Abuso De Ancianos
Un folleto educativo que sirve como guía para que ancianos y personas encargadas de cuidarlos aprendan a reconocer señales de abuso; con prácticos consejos sobre cómo evitar ser víctima y cómo informar una sospecha de abuso. Este folleto está disponible al público sin costo alguno. Puede ser obtenido a través del internet o por escrito: Office of the Attorney General, 1300 I Street, Suite 1150, Sacramento, CA 95814.
Reporte Entero [1,04 MB/ 39 pagina]
Por Capitulo
This is the message of a new, three-year multi-media public education campaign on elder and dependent adult abuse launched recently by the Attorney General's Office. Check out the video message at the Attorney General's SafeState Featured Campaign web page. By learning to recognize signs of abuse and reporting suspected cases, you can make a difference in the lives of elderly and dependent Californians.
The Peace Officer and Prosecutor's Guide to Combating Elder Abuse (Volume 1)
This is the first of a three volume set designed for use by law enforcement officers and prosecutors. Volume 1 emphasizes investigative and case building techniques. A limited quantity of this volume is available exclusively to peace officers and prosecutors and may be obtained by contacting the Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse at (916) 263-0401 or writing to the Bureau at 1425 River Park Drive, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95815.
The Peace Officer and Prosecutor’s Guide to Combating Elder Abuse (Volume 2)
Volume 2, in the form of a compact disc (CD), provides mainly prosecutorial tools, including sample trial briefs, memoranda of points and authorities, affidavits, search warrants, jury instructions, and numerous other writings relevant to the prosecution of elder abuse. The CD is available free of charge to peace officers and prosecutors, exclusively, and may be obtained by contacting the Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse at (916) 263-0401 or writing to the Bureau at 1425 River Park Drive, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95815.