Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse
The Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse relies upon many different statutes in its criminal and civil prosecutions involving both Medi-Cal fraud and elder abuse. The statutes referenced below are representative of the ones most commonly charged by the Bureau against defendants. However, the charts are not intended to be all-inclusive. The crimes charged depend upon the specific circumstances of each particular case, and each case is different.
Also included for the benefit of the public are charts with statutes commonly relied upon by private parties in civil actions.
Although summaries of the statutes and their corresponding penalties have been provided, you should always refer to the statute itself for the exact wording and effect. To that end and for the convenience of the public, hyperlinks have been provided to bring you to the statute itself - simply left-click on the name of the statute. The Bureau assumes no responsibility for any reliance placed upon the charts below, or for any inaccuracies contained in such charts or in the text of the statutes displayed on the hyperlinked web pages. The information provided should not be considered a substitute for thorough independent research through appropriate means into the correct text, application, and effect of each statute.
Medi-Cal Fraud Statutes CRIMINAL | CIVIL | CIVIL - PRIVATE