- California Legislative Analyst's Office - Tobacco Settlement Report - This report entitled- "The Tobacco Settlement, What Will It Mean For California" discusses the potential impact of the Master Settlement Agreement on California. The report answers numerous questions about how the settlement works, and raises issues for consideration by the Legislature. [212K/18 pgs]
- California Legislative Information - You can find out what the California Legislature is doing by viewing the Senate and Assembly calendars. You also can search and view the current status of legislation, as well as existing law.
- California Smokers' Helpline - If you are a California resident, you can call the California Smokers' Helpline at 1 800-NO-BUTTS or visit their website. This free service is provided by the California Department of Health Services and is operated by the University of California San Diego
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC) - This CDC Tobacco Information and Prevention site offers quick information on tobacco, current tobacco-related events, Surgeon General's Reports, educational guides and research, data and reports sorted by topics.
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -The federal EPA offers a variety of information and resources on Environmental Tobacco Smoke, also known as secondhand smoke. You can learn how to protect children and adults from its harmful effects.
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC) -The FTC has a long history of reviewing many aspects of the tobacco industry and its advertising and marketing practices. You can search this site for information on a variety of issues relating to the regulation of the tobacco industry.
- National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) - This site provides information on the National Master Settlement Agreement, tobacco news updates and settlement payments to the states.
- US House of Representatives Committee on Commerce - The congressional committee on April 22, 1998 released to the public approximately 39,000 documents subpoenaed from the tobacco industry in the matter of State of Minnesota, et al. V. Philip Morris, Inc., et al. No. C1-94-8563 (2nd Judicial Dist., MN). Documents are listed by company and are searchable.
- The University of California at San Francisco Library - The university's library maintains a California-based tobacco control archives, including an electronic version of The Cigarette Papers, by Stanton A. Glantz, John Slade, Lisa A. Bero, Peter Hanauer, and Deborah E. Barnes.
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- Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) - ASH is a national legal-action anti-smoking organization supported by contributions, that provides a resource for people who are concerned about non-smokers' rights, advocacy programs, and the latest tobacco news and updates.
- American Lung Association - At the American Lung Association's official web site you can find out how to keep your lungs healthy, and get information about this organization's national and community activities related to tobacco issues.
- Americans for Non-Smokers' Rights - A California-based lobbying organization dedicated to the rights of non-smokers. The site features tobacco news updates from all over the nation, and provides networks for non-smokers' advocacy programs.
- Next Generation California Tobacco Control Alliance - "The new Online Cessation Resource Center is a one-stop-shop for California health care providers to access tools, materials and information and to learn about their important role in helping patients quit smoking."
- Tobacco BBS - This is a free resource center focusing on tobacco and smoking issues. This web site features news, information, tobacco-related links, alerts for tobacco control advocates, and open debate on a wide spectrum of tobacco issues.
- Tobacco Control Resource Center (TCRC) and Tobacco Products Liability Project (TPLP) - This site provides information on tobacco trials throughout the nation, including recent decisions, opinions and summaries. Includes links to FDA-related resources and two publications: Tobacco on Trial, the web editions of Tobacco Control's national print publication, and the Tobacco Control Update, a quarterly newsletter on tobacco-related news and legislation in Massachusetts. The TPLP also refers potential tobacco-related plaintiffs to attorneys. This site is associated with the STIC site.
- TOBACCOPEDIA - This online Tobacco Encyclopedia is sponsored by GLOBALink - The International Tobacco Control Network. Tobaccopedia is a very comprehensive site with a wide range of tabacco-related resources from all over the world, also includes web links, tobacco-related studies, and historical documents. Visitors can subscribe to GLOBALink to receive e-mail updates on specific subjects of interest, or suggest a site to include on the web page.
- World Health Organization (WHO) Tobacco Free Initiative - Key objectives of the World Health Organization include, promoting a healthy lifestyle to citizens of the world as well as finding ways to decrease the number of people infected by preventable diseases.
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- American Legacy Foundation - The ALF is dedicated to "Promoting Tobacco Free Generations". The foundation was established to reduce tobacco usage in the United States as outlined in the Master Settlement Agreement of November 1998.
- California Department of Education Healthy Kids Program Office - The department's Tobacco Use Prevention Education Program (TUPE) supports tobacco prevention programs through California's local school districts or county offices of education. Grants and other programs are funded with California's Proposition 99 funds —The Tobacco Tax Initiative.
- California Department of Health Services Tobacco Control Section - The Tobacco Control Section works to achieve a tobacco-free California, and reduce illness and premature deaths attributable to tobacco by implementing programs to reduce tobacco use and exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke.
- Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids - This national organization focuses on reducing tobacco use among America's children. The National Center for Tobacco Free Kids promotes youth advocacy and works in conjunction with health, civic, corporate, and youth groups that are also concerned with the reduction of tobacco use among young people.
- CyberIsle - This site is created by teens for teens. Come here to learn about things teenagers need to know in areas such as health and making smart and informed choices. Don't forget to visit "Smoking Island". Visitors must register for access.
- Students Working Against Tobacco - This is a site dedicated to teens; learn tobacco facts and play quizzes and games to test your tobacco knowledge.
- Technical Assistance Legal Center - TALC provides assistance to California cities and counties developing local laws to restrict tobacco advertising and youth access to tobacco products in their communities.
- TEENS - Foundation for Tobacco-Free Youth - Teens visit this site to understand the trials and tribulations of being a teen smoker with the help of Buttbreath and his sister Nicotina. View video clips and find out if you are being duped by the tobacco industry.
- The Truth - This site was developed for teens by teens. The Truth campaign is a national tobacco prevention effort and represents the public education campaign supported by the American Legacy Foundation.
- Youth Media Network - The Youth Media Network is a program designed to involve youth and teenagers on a peer-to-peer level on a variety of tobacco issues, including health issues and other activities to promote smoke-free adolescents. This statewide project of the California Department of Health Services is funded through Proposition 99—The Tobacco Tax Initiative.
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- Brown & Williamson Tobacco Company - The Brown & Williamson Litigation Document Site provides public access to documents produced by the company relating to smoking and health actions pursuant to the Master Settlement Agreement. The site includes documents from the American Tobacco Company.
- Council for Tobacco Research (CTR) - This site provides public access to documents produced by The Council for Tobacco Research - U.S.A., Inc., relating to health and smoking actions pursuant to the Master Settlement Agreement. CTR replaced the Tobacco Institute as the public relations and lobbying agents of tobacco companies. CTR and the Tobacco Institute were named as co-defendants in tobacco lawsuits due to what has been regarded as their attempts to cover up knowledge of smoking-related diseases associated with very early research.
- Liggett Group Incorporated - This tobacco company was the only major company to settle with states on smoking related lawsuits prior to the Master Settlement Agreement. As a result they were not included as a defendant in California's suit.
- Lorillard Tobacco Company - Lorillard Tobacco Company Document Site provides public access to documents produced by Lorillard relating to smoking and health actions pursuant to the Master Settlement Agreement.
- Philip Morris Incorporated - The PMI Tobacco Litigation Document Site provides the public with access to documents related to smoking and health actions pursuant to the Master Settlement Agreement.
- R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company - The R.J.R. Tobacco Litigation Document Site contains documents produced by R.J. Reynolds relating to smoking and health actions pursuant to the Master Settlement Agreement.
- Tobacco Industry Document Archive Site - This site created pursuant to the Master Settlement Agreement provides access to millions of pages of tobacco company documents that have been produced in civil smoking and health litigation in the United States.
- Tobacco Institute (TI) - This site provides public access to documents produced by the now defunct Tobacco Institute relating to smoking and health actions pursuant to the Master Settlement Agreement. This non-profit corporation acted as the public relations and lobbying extension of the tobacco companies.
- Tobacco Resolution - This web site was created by the tobacco industry to provide a comprehensive source of tobacco information, access to documents and updates on legislation and the settlement of tobacco litigation.
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