Proposition 65
Enforcement Reporting
State law requires any person suing "in the public interest" to enforce "Proposition 65, The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, to notify the Attorney General of the lawsuit and outcome of the case. This site provides forms for use in complying with the reporting requirements of California Health and Safety Code Section
25249.7 (d) (e) and (f). Click on the type of form you need.
Electronic filing is not currently available. Until electronic filing is available, complete, print and mail to:
Proposition 65 Enforcement Reporting
Attention: Prop 65 Coordinator
1515 Clay Street, Suite 2000
Post Office Box 70550
Oakland, California 94612-0550
Reporting A Complaint
(PDF 33 KB/ 1 Page)
Any person bringing private Proposition 65 enforcement action must submit this report with specific case information to the Attorney General.
Reporting A Settlement
(PDF 26 KB/ 1 Page)
Any person who has a settlement, irrespective of court approval, must submit this report on the amount of the settlement or civil penalty and corrective action being taken.
Reporting A Judgment
(PDF 56 KB/ 1 Page)
Any person bringing an action to enforce Proposition 65 must file this report on the judgment or final disposition of the case, even if dismissed.
Refer to the instructions for completing the forms.
These documents summarize all settlements of Proposition 65 cases brought by private plaintiffs from January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2002. The summaries are based on reports submitted to the Attorney General pursuant to SB 1269 (1999) and SB 471 (2001). The data show total penalties, attorney fees and other funds collected. Also included is a brief description of actions defendants were required to take to remedy alleged violations. Copies of individual settlements are available on request.
PROPOSITION 65 AMENDED REGULATION. This amended regulation takes effect immediately. The amended regulation addresses recent changes enacted to the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. Addendum to Final Statement of Reasons Immediate Effect Justification Final Statement of Reasons.
The listed documents are available in PDF (Portable Document Formats).
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