Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Networking : 我不能使用 ppp ,我做錯了什麼嗎 ? : Ppp over a null-modem cable never exits
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10.7.12. Ppp over a null-modem cable never exits

There is no way for ppp to automatically determine that a direct connection has been dropped. This is due to the lines that are used in a null-modem serial cable. When using this sort of connection, LQR should always be enabled with the line

          enable lqr

LQR is accepted by default if negotiated by the peer.

Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Networking : 我不能使用 ppp ,我做錯了什麼嗎 ? : Ppp over a null-modem cable never exits
Previous: Ppp locks up when I shell out to test it
Next: Why does ppp dial for no reason in -auto mode