Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Networking
Previous: 我要怎麼做才能設定左撇子用的滑鼠 ?
Next: 我應該到哪邊找有關無磁碟開機 (diskless booting) 的資料?

10. Networking

10.1. 我應該到哪邊找有關無磁碟開機 (diskless booting) 的資料?

10.2. FreeBSD 的主機可以當作某個網路上的路由器 (router) 嗎 ?

10.3. 我可以透過 FreeBSD 將我的 Win95 機器連上 Internet 嗎?

10.4. 為什麼我在 compile ISC 最新版的 BIND 程式時老是失敗?

10.5. FreeBSD 支援 SLIP 和 PPP 嗎?

10.6. FreeBSD 支援 NAT 或 Masquerading 嗎?

10.7. 我不能使用 ppp ,我做錯了什麼嗎 ?

10.7.1. 我一執行 ppp ,它就掛在那邊不動了
10.7.2. Ppp 在 -auto 模式下不能撥號
10.7.3. What does "No route to host" mean
10.7.4. My connection drops after about 3 minutes
10.7.5. My connection drops under heavy load
10.7.6. My connection drops after a random amount of time
10.7.7. Nothing happens after the Login OK! message
10.7.8. I keep seeing errors about magic being the same
10.7.9. LCP negotiations continue 'till the connection is closed
10.7.10. Ppp locks up shortly after connecting
10.7.11. Ppp locks up when I shell out to test it
10.7.12. Ppp over a null-modem cable never exits
10.7.13. Why does ppp dial for no reason in -auto mode
10.7.14. What do these CCP errors mean
10.7.15. Ppp locks up during file transfers with IO errors
10.7.16. Why doesn't ppp log my connection speed?
10.7.17. Ppp ignores the `\' character in my chat script
10.7.18. Ppp gets a seg-fault, but I see no ppp.core file
10.7.19. The process that forces a dial in auto mode never connects
10.7.20. Why don't most games work with the -alias switch
10.7.21. What are FCS errors ?
10.7.22. None of this helps - I'm desperate !

10.8. I can't create a /dev/ed0 device!

10.9. How can I setup Ethernet aliases?

10.10. How do I get my 3C503 to use the other network port?

10.11. I'm having problems with NFS to/from FreeBSD.

10.12. Why can't I NFS-mount from a Linux box?

10.13. Why can't I NFS-mount from a Sun box?

10.14. I'm having problems talking PPP to NeXTStep machines.

10.15. How do I enable IP multicast support?

10.16. Which network cards are based on the DEC PCI chipset?

10.17. Why do I have to use the FQDN for hosts on my site?

10.18. ``Permission denied'' for all networking operations.

10.19. How much overhead does IPFW incur?

10.20. How can I redirect service requests from one machine to another?

10.21. Where can I get a bandwidth management tool?

Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Networking
Previous: 我要怎麼做才能設定左撇子用的滑鼠 ?
Next: 我應該到哪邊找有關無磁碟開機 (diskless booting) 的資料?