You can format your SD card on the zaurus by entering the following commands in the terminal : umount /dev/mmcda1 mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcda1 mount /dev/mmcda1 However you schould check first if /dev/mmcda1 is your SD card by typing cat /proc/mounts the output should look like this : /dev/root / cramfs ro 0 0 /proc /proc proc rw 0 0 /dev/ram1 /dev minix rw 0 0 /dev/mtdblock1 /home ext2 rw,sync 0 0 none /dev/pts devpts rw 0 0 /dev/mmcda1 /usr/mnt.rom/card vfat rw 0 0 This works fine with a Embedix version 1.0 (see System Info for that)