This manual documents JBDeploy, the ipk packaging tool specificaly for use with the Sharp Zaurus SL-5x00 handheld PC.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Section 1.1: What Is JBDeploy

Chapter 2: Using JBDeploy
Section 2.1: How to Use JBDeploy

Chapter 3: Advanced Configuration
Section 3.1: The projProps File
Section 3.2: The script Files

Credits & Licence

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 What Is JBDeploy

JBDeploy is a tool written in Java which can be used to create install packages in the .ipk format. JBDeploy has a user interface for creating Java applets, Java applications or QT application packages, automatically generating the required control, Icon and desktop defiention files to install them on the Sharp Zaurus.

As of this time JBDeploy has only been tested on Windows NT machine using J.D.K. 1.1.8.

Chapter 2: Using JBDeploy

2.1 How to Use JBDeploy

JBDeploy has been developed as an 'application/applet' and so can be run either as a Java application or as an applet via an html file. The code for JBDeploy is packaged in the JBDeploy.jar file. You can start JBDeploy by either double clicking on the JBDeploy.jar file from Windows explorer if you have a J.D.K. installed or with the command line java -jar JBDeploy.jar.

Once run JBDeploy will display a user interface screen with the following fields which you must fill in before creating the deplyment .ipk.

Type: Select the type of application you wish to deploy from either Java applet, Java Application or QT application.

Project Name: Type the name of the project you wish to deploy.

Description: Type a description of the project you wish to deploy.

Maintainer: Type the name and email of the person responsible for maintaining the project.

Version: Type the version number of the project you are deploying.

Deploy File List. Using the Add and Remove buttons, select all the files you wish to include in the deployment package. This must include and Icon with the extension .png for you project.

Details button The details button allows you to change the install destination of all the files you have added to your deployment package. First select the file you wish to alter in the Deploy Files List and then press the Details button to change it's install destination.

Icon: Select the Icon you wish to be displayed on the desktop to start your application. You must have added this .png format Icon in the Deploy File List first.

Html File: If you are deploying a Java applet you will need to type the name of the html used to start your applet here.

Main Class: If you are deploying a Java application you will need to type the name of the main class used to start your application here.

Exec Line: If you are deploying a QT application you will need to type the shell command to launch your application here.

Ipk File Name: Type the name of the .ipk file you wish to create here.

Deploy Button Press this button to create the deployment .ipk file when you have filled in all the required data. The ipk file will be created in the current directory with the name you specified in the Ipk FileName field.

Save Button Use this button to save all the data you have filled in for your project. The project settings are saved in two files in the current directory 'PrjProps' which contains project property data and 'DeployList' which contains a list of source and destination files to be included in the deploymet package for this project.

You may find it usefull to have seperate copies of PrjProps and DeployList files in each of your Java or QT application project directories, Then you can re-deploy newer versions of your projects using the saved deployment setting simply by running JBDeploy with the current directory set to your project directory and updating the verison number.

Chapter 3: Advanced Configuration

3.1 The PrjProps File

Some of the .ipk install options are not present on the JBDeploy user interface screen. These can be set manually by editing the PrjProps file with a Unix compatible text editor.

The PrjProps settings which can only be changed using a text editor are:

Comment=Test applet comment

3.2 The script Files

When JBDeploy creates an .ipk deployment package it creates a <your proj name>.desktop file and shell script to lauch your project from the QT desktop.

JBDeploy does this by copying a shell script from the scripts directory under JBDeploy into the deployment .ipk file which is used as the command line to launch your project.

When the shell script is copied into the deployment .ipk all occurances of the variable named $RUNFILE are replaced with the Html File, Main Class or Exec Line you specified.

If you selected to create a Java Applet deployment package then the runjaplt script is used as the template file.

If you selected to create a Java Application deployment package then the runjappp script is used as the template file.

If you selected to create a QT Application deployment package then the runqtapp script is used as the template file.

Credits & Licence

JBDeploy was written by Ian Linsdell, it is free and can be used in any way you wish.

JBDeploy uses the 3rd party library 'tar.jar' written by Timothy Gerard Endres and released into the public domain, licence text is located in the tar.jar and also copied below:

---- Public Domain ----
This work was autored by Timothy Gerard Endres,
This work has been placed into the public domain.
You are free to use this work in any way you wish.