-------------------------------- ReadManiac Bug fixing and features history -------------------------------- Known bugs ------------------------------------------------ - sometimes currently opened file can not be deleted; Overwork: open other file and then delete; - midlet can crash when loading fonts, created with CreateFont Utility ("Not enought memory to initialize the system"). Overwork: create smaller font. Fonts with height large then 9 pixels are too big anyway; - when paging backward, text formatting is very bad; No overwork; still trying to solve. - midlet is unstable in sl45i and can crash with "Out of heap memory" error. This is "feature" of sl45i firmware and can not be solved. Big midlet size only makes it worse. If this happends, just start midlet again... - sometimes vertical white lines appear on the right side of the lines when using standart fonts in negative mode on sl45 (firmware bug). No overwork; - sometimes midlet hangs when reading storage file list on sl45. A hack is used here, so do not expect it to work 100% :( - russian filenames are displayed as " .txt". As I understand, firmware converts all russian letters to spaces, when, f.e. you visit directory with file explorer. Midlet can do nothing with this. - version 1.8+ sometimes does not show all user-installed fonts in "fonts" menu on SL45i FW56 without "fontlist.dat". Overwork: create "fontlist.dat". v1.9a ------------------------------------------------ - Nokia version(Beta); - speed improvements, especially for 65 series; - batery power consumption became smaller; - font 5x4 replaced with 6x3; - fixed: localized text on label in download input form is corrupted; - fixed: unable to browse "\storage" folder on 65 series; - fixed: crash to title when answering incoming call; v1.9 ------------------------------------------------ - ReadManiac has got search engine! Search for books with "File->Search book..." menu item; - ReadManiac automatically handles page redirection when downloading from HTTP; - menu has been made a little wider, so long filenames better fit on screen; - larger font is used in menu on models with big screen; - first page turns immediatelly after enabling slideshow; - "UpperCase" option moved to "Fonts" menu; - new option "Font->Accents:" - yes/no - use or not accented characters; - fixed: unable to download files from www.gutenberg.org - a page with "Moved permanently" error is returned; - new font has been included in package: 5x3ru_1.fnt - Cyrillic charset, made by Andrejs Usacovs. Also build-in 5x3 font now contains small letters (has only uppercase before); - fixed bug: all english leters appeared in upper case with non-primary codepage; - fixed minor bug: "EOF" line is invisible when status bar is on top; - minor bugfixes; v1.8b ------------------------------------------------ - Czech version - thanks to Martin Krejza - CrazyCZ for translation; - file browser now browse subdirectories inside storage on SL45i FW56; - file browser now can browse MMC card on S65 phone; v1.8b ------------------------------------------------ - File browser now works on C65V and other customized models (Thanks to El Efecto Conil for usefull information and testing); - continue download ("Get next part of the file") now does not require to download and discard start of the file. Start of the file is just skipped (if web server supports this). v1.8a ------------------------------------------------ - Slovak version - thanks to Peter Bachraty for translation ! - English - Cyrillic midlet version; - fixed bug: midlet is unable to save settings if installed on top of older version; - minor fix in strings in "English - Central Europe" midlet; - 6x4ru cyrillic font by Khruschev Sergey included in package (see "\SampleFont"); v1.8 ------------------------------------------------ - C65 model now supported; - partial download (download file starting from specified offset in bytes), continue download (get next part of partially downloaded file) - usefull for small storage phones; - now midlet can show contents of "storage" directory on sl45i with firmware 5601 Thanks to Chaos (http://users.iptelecom.net.ua/~dmitry_z/) for code snippet ! - there are three versions of midlet now: English - Central Europe, English - Western Europe, Russian. Difference is in interface language, contained fonts and codepages; - codepages affect both standart and build-in fonts; - fonts have been reworked; new 8x5 font added; - fixed bug: last file is not re-opened on the next launch (65 series); - fixed bug: search does not respect codepage (f.e. Russian strings can not be searched); - new option: "Formatting - Upper case" - convert all letters to upper case; - short press "4" - search next, long press "4" - search; - key "0" assigned back to "Page down" action. To add extra 3 second to current page in slide show mode use "7" key; - long press of "Page Up" or "Page Down" keys - jump throught several pages; - " " tags are also removed while downloading html pages; - "6" key is assigned to "Goto page..."; - "fontlist.dat" is no longer needed on phones with working browser. Also, on some phones, fonts can be installed to other directory than "storage" (f.e. "\misc" in case of 65 series, where "storage" is hard to find); - file browser have "-storage" item to quickly move to storage directory; - minor bugfixes; v1.7b ------------------------------------------------ - I hope finally fixed this :) - clock shows time respecting TimeZone and daylight-saving; - minor fix in rmhelp.txt; - new feature: status bar can be positioned on top or bottom of the page; v1.7a ------------------------------------------------ - fixed bug: midlet tries to open directories as files, browser does not work; - fixed bug: browser does not work on CF62; - fixed bug: midlet does not remember AutoSleep: Off option; - fixed bug: clock shows time ignoring TimeZone; - fixed bug: read progress percentage shows negative values on large files; - new feature: Y Spacing can be negative: -2..3; v1.7 ------------------------------------------------ - full featured browser. Read FAQ on browser support on different phones; - eyeguard can be disabled; - autosleep can be disabled; - ability to turn on 1-pixel border at the top of screen; - "up" key does not turn off slideshow; - slideshow speed can be adjusted in menu; - key "4" is binded to "Search" and "Search next"; - center joystick press works like "Select" and "Show info"; - time is shown correctly (I hope...) respecting TimeZone; - read progress is shown in percents in stats screen; - long filenames scroll correctly in stats screen; - "8" and "0" keys have been swapped. Now "8" shows next page, and "0" adds extra 3 seconds to current page in slide show; - some fonts have been re-worked; - english version now includes mostly fonts with Windows: Central Europe charset. v1.6a ------------------------------------------------ - russian version of midlet appeared; v1.6 ------------------------------------------------ - CX65, C60, MC60 and CF62 support; - new option: indent paragraphs; - new font included in the package - 7x5 cyr; - fixed bug: when using standart fonts, some pages appear blank; - fixed bug: menu appears blank on C60; - fixed bug: minor corruption in menu image on some phones; - fixed bug: very small fonts (5x3) do not work on C60; - file list works on MC60; - very small fonts, created with CreateFont tool, now work on C60; v1.5 ------------------------------------------------ - "File" menu shows all files from "storage" directory on S55,S57,SL55 and M55 phones. No need to type filenames manualy ! - repeated keys; - long filenames scroll in "File" menu; - Createfont.exe displays existing fonts in "Save As" dialog; - new layout option: Negative: on/off - negative page image (white pixels on black background); - new layout option: Border: on/off - adds single pixel border to the left of text; - new formating option: XSpacing: on/off - insert spaces to fill by width; - pages count from 1 (was: from 0); - fixed bug: midlet crashed when reading last page of help; v1.4 ------------------------------------------------ - distributed under Freeware license - Stability increased a little. Some tricks have been added to support poor SL45i memory manger implementaion. v1.3 ------------------------------------------------ - Added support for fonts with overhung glyphs, f.e. PUNJAB script. v1.2 ------------------------------------------------ - text formating is completely redone, no annoing "Formatting text" messages anymore. Can jump fast to random page. Page size is assumed 128 bytes for simplicity; - added "Slide show" feature; - "8" key adds 3 seconds to current displayed page in "Slide show" mode; - added status bar with time and page number; - added information screen (called with "5" key), displays current time, file name and page; - text files can be erased in "File open" dialog; - "File open" dialog displays free space; - title picture looks fine on small screens (Siemens M50); - download progress displays amounth of bytes received; - "right" and "left" keys act like "select" and "cancel"; - while browsing menu, "down" key, pressed on the last menu item, returns you to the top of menu; similar applies to the top item; - "0" key acts like "down" key; - midlet size has been reduced (for faster download); - performance improved a little, page cache size increased; - added new option to CreateFont: "Upper Case". Uncheck it, and program will not change all letters in the font to upper case. - "Font7x5" replaced with "6x4 CE" - font with "Windows: Central Europe" charset. Old font "Font 6x4" renamed to "6x4 CYR". Known issues: when paging backwards, text formating can differ from forward paging. * Thanks to Igor Morozov for testing support. ------------------------------------------------ v1.1 ------------------------------------------------ - fixed bug in CreateFont utility that caused hanging under Windows 95/98; ------------------------------------------------