Trilogy store reports for the US & Canada

In General

"I've been in touch with the nice folks at tower records and their stores across the country currently have the
DVD in stock.  of course calling your local tower store is strongly advised before stopping by.  i used to work
there, so i've got the inside scoop...  :) store sku search information i've just received is updated daily, so as of
today the availability looked good.  also, has the TRILOGY DVD in stock and ready to
ship for $19.99!"

(Thanks Jamie)

"Just wanted to let you know as it seems the us stores are wishy washy with the DVD...our stores DO have it...we
have reasonable coverage all over the US...I just talked to our DVD buyer...and more in our distribution
centers...any FYE, COCONUTS, STRAWBERRIES or SATURDAY MATINEE stores should have ahead
of course...but better than waiting and looking and getting the run around..."

(Thanks Jeff)


"Here in Montreal it is impossible to find the Trilogy....One guy in a store told me that the official release date
was june 10th...So for Steve in Quebec and the rest of the province, it sounds like we will have to wait a little
longer....I was so dissappointed because my day was better because I was suppose to buy the Trilogy tonight! If
only tonight I could sleep!"

(Thanks Martin)

"I live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and I was unable to find the Trilogy DVD today. I went to a few places and
they all said next Tues (June 10th). I was wondering if anyone else around here got a copy or if they were told the
same as me. I am hugely disappointed to say the least, especially knowing that so many people were able to get a
copy today. I can't wait much longer. This sucks!"

(Thanks Jill)

"This is a cry for help: is there anyone in Quebec City, or in the Quebec province that has found Trilogy? I have
phoned at Future Shop, HMV and some other local stores, and everyone keeps telling me that Trilogy comes out
on June 10th. Any clue?"

(Thanks Steve)


"I finally found one lonely copy of the Trilogy DVD at Sound Shop Music at the mall in Oxford, Alabama. They
told me more copies would be in soon."

(Thanks Joey)

"I have also had no luck finding Trilogy at Best Buy. (In Birmingham AL Area). However, I did get one at Sam
Goody. I would suggest to people who can't find it, to head to the malls!"

(Thanks Jon)


"I live in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and there are two music store chains here...Hastings and Sam Goody's.
According to the guy at Sam Goody's, the dvd wasnt even on their release sheet, so the chain probably wouldnt be
stocking any unless special ordered. Same thing with Hastings, only available through special order.   grrrrrrrrr!!!
I special ordered through Hastings only because the guy at Sam Goody's looked at me like I was crazy when I
asked about the Cure dvd."

(Thanks Mark)


"In Sacramento: Target ain't got it, Best Buy ain't got it (though they have the overseas Picture Show DVD)...
Virgin at Arden Mall has it (several copies as of Tuesday)."

(Thanks J. Lund)

"In California, I got two copies today at Tower Records, Sacramento. They had two copies left. I tried Best Buy
first and they didn't even have it listed as an upcoming release. "

(Thanks Elise)

"Well I pre-ordered the Trilogy DVD at Borders online for in-store pick up here in Bakersfield, CA.  I called
them yesterday and they said that my order hadn't come in.  I asked them if they got any copies and he said they
had one copy.  I have a feeling they wouldn't have gotten any if I hadn't pre-ordered.  I asked them to hold on to
that one and I went down and picked it up.  I am not sure why this is so hard to get a hold of.  Most places have no
idea what you are even talking about."

(Thanks John)

"I got my copy at the wherehouse in Fresno,Calif. They had 4 copies left."

(Thanks Mariya)

"Just got my copy of Trilogy at Virgin Megastore in LA. They are also giving out a free "Best of British" CD
with purchase. It's British Month at Virgin!"

(Thanks Lynne)

"I just wanted to let you know that the Virgin Megastore at the Ontario Mills Mall in Ontario, CA, has several
copies of the Trilogy dvd on the shelf. They're even on sale for $19.00."

(Thanks William)


"Have you heard of any delays in the US release of Trilogy? I have gone to Best Buy, MediaPlay, Circuit City,
and Independent Records, and none of these stores have it in. Best Buy indicated that it has been pushed back to
June 24th. I live in Colorado Springs, CO, by the way."

(Thanks David)


"Here in Connecticut (new england) I did not find the Trilogy dvd at best buy or circuit city, but I did get the 1
copy they had at borders."

(Thanks carnagevisor)


"i got my dvd from the borders books & music in wilmington.i got the only one that was on the shelf.i guess the rest
are in the back."

(Thanks Simon)

District of Columbia

"As of yesterday, June 3, Borders and Barnes & Noble did not have Trilogy and did not tell me when they would.
Although the the B&N clerk offered to order it for me.  Thankfully, Tower Records (downtown) have it in stock
and on sale for $19.99. What a joy to see and hear what I have been downloading for what seems the past 100

(Thanks Denis)


"I just want let you know that I found the trilogy DVD last weekend in FYE in Aventura mall in North Miami Beach, Florida."
(Thanks Sixto)

"I am so upset at myself for not pre-ordering on-line! It was wierd though, the sale clerk checked the computer,
and the Trilogy DVD was listed, but ZERO stock in every store in Florida...

(Thanks Morris)


"I saw about fifteen copies of the Trilogy DVD at Tower Records in north Atlanta (Buckhead). I actually received
Trilogy from Laser's Edge yesterday, but thought it may be worthwhile to tip off any Atlanta Cure fans about the
availability of the DVD at Tower Records."

(Thanks Jason)


"Kamar and I were able to buy copies of the DVD at Tower records for only $19.00. They had numerous copies
there. "

(Thanks Lindsey)

"For anyone in Rockford, IL, there were at least four copies of Trilogy other than the one I purchased at Media
Play as of June 3, at 1:30 pm."

(Thanks Alan)


"Believe it or not, I was able to find a copy of the Trilogy DVD here in Baton Rouge, Louisiana today. First two
places I went had sold out, but I finally got my hands on one, only 2 left in that store now!! "

(Thanks Chad)


"In response to some Trilogy updates I spend my whole lunch period trying to find a store in the College Park
Md area that who had it available. Thumbs down to Borders, Barnes and Noble and Best Buy . I finally had to
drive an hour away in pouring down rain rush hour traffic to locate it FYE (for Your Entertainment ) close to
Baltimore. They even set one aside for me. Please check them out the stores in Maryland area are huge.!!!!!"

(Thanks Amy)


"I got my copy of the trilogy DVD today at FYE in Jackson,MS."

(Thanks Jeff)


"I have confirmed that no Best Buy in the St. Louis metro area (including Illinois area) has a copy of the Trilogy
DVD in stock. Although, I did find out that it was released to them on May 23 (a Friday?).  I was able to find a
copy, the last one, at Borders in the St. Peters Mall.  So Borders looks like St. Louis folks’ best bet."

(Thanks John)

New England region

"Just a quick note to let you know if anybody is in the New England area I picked up the Trilogy DVD yesterday
at Newbury Comics.  They have locations in MA, RI, NH and ME (I think)."

(Thanks Brian)

New York

"I picked up the Trilogy DVD on its release date with no problem at Record Stop in Ronkonkoma, Long Island.
They are a small, independantly owned CD/DVD, music merchandise store that has new releases 99% of the
time.  When you call them to  ask about a release, chances are they knew about it before you did.

Anyway, after reading the postings from people on Long Island that can't find a copy, I called Record Stop and
asked if they are replenishing their stock on the Trilogy DVDs, and yes, they do have at least one copy on hand
since its release.

I recommend calling them first before driving out to them, and most times they will hold a copy for you if you
leave your name and will get there in a relatively short time. Their number is (631)-585-3294 and they are located
on Portion Road in Lake Ronkonkoma.

No, I don't work there, but they have never let me down with new releases in the 14 years that I have been going

(Thanks Scottydog)

"Just wanted to let all of you NY folks out there know that the Trilogy DVD is in stock at the Virgin MegaStore
in Union Square, they had about a dozen left when I got mine. It was $19.995 plus you get a free "Best of British
Music" CD."

(Thanks Sanjiv)

"just wanted to give an update--I live in Pelham, New York---tried several stores--in Yonkers---Suncoast video
and Sam Goody's seem to have the Dvd--each store only had TWO copies of it????  I found this ridiculous--but I
got one just now.  Seems like trying to find the trilogy DVD is like finding the Holy Grail!!!   On a final note--It is
most definitely worth it!!!!!  Sam Goody's charges a bit more than everyone else though---$25.99.  Good luck to

(Thanks Jayden)

"Yesterday after calling almost every store in the city(New York), I only found one store in the city that has it ,
the tower records in manhattan in lincoln cter they said they had it for 19.99...I even gave a fake name so they
could hold it for me..just in case I couldnt find any around my area (Westchester county)..and today june 4th..I
called all Barnes & nobles in my area..and none of them have it..finally i got all they numbers for Fye and
coconuts, and to my surprise the one in the westchester mall has it but for $26.99 I mean i figured with all the tolls
that are around here to get to the city ,better for me buy it at $26.99 if theres any cure fans around the
westchester are here in New u know where u cand find it......"

(Thanks Henry)

"I guess I'm one of the luckier Cure fans around, because I found my copy of the DVD rather easily. I got my
copy from Media Play; it was the only copy they had. Best Buy didn't have it, and neither did FYE. I live in NY,
by the way."

(Thanks Renfield)

"Just wanted to let you know that the trilogy DVD is pretty hard to locate in Long Island, NY. Best Buy and
Circuit City both do not have it in stock. The good news is that the Tower records in Carle Place had about 15
copies as of this morning when I bought mine."

(Thanks Greg)

North Carolina

"I live in Charlotte, NC. I went to 2 different Media Plays today and neither of them had Trilogy, nor did they
have any mention of it in any of their computers!! I then went to a Best Buy and they told me the release date was
June 24th. By this time I was beginning to feel a little paranoid, and I wondered if there was some sort of corporate
conspiracy against The Cure. I had to go to Manifest Records (which I think is an independent record store) to find

(Thanks Robert)


"I went to one of the Media Plays, as well as Circuit City, and Coconuts here in Columbus, Ohio, and the Trilogy
DVD was nowhere to be found. I didn't bother checking the Best Buys, since everyone is saying it isn't there in
other states. I wound up ordering it on the Circuit City website (next day air, of course!)."

(Thanks James)


"i picked up my copy of the DVD at wherehouse music in salem, oregon...they had 4 copies left yesterday

(Thanks Jamie)


"I see as we don't have a Philadelphia, PA store report yet.  I live in Swarthmore ( 15 minutes out of philly ).  I
got a copy of the DVD at Sam Goody...for a ridiculous $24.99 + tax = $26.49.  I was ripped off.  I only paid this
much, because I couldn't bear to wait any longer.  Suncoast Video also had 2 copies.  BORDERS books / music
had none."

(Thanks Lee)

"The Sam Goody stores in the Pittsburgh area have Trilogy.  I picked up my copy Tuesday afternoon."

(Thanks Craig)


"I gave up searching here in east TN. I ordered it on this morning. it was $18.74, no tax, and after
2 day shipping added it came to 25.22. (if i had gotten 3 to 7 day shipping it would have be 21.72 and if i had gotten
1 day it would have be 29.72. If i had spent 25.00 or more shipping would have been free.)"

(Thanks phorteen)


"Just wanted to say that I live in Fort Worth and I too drove around yesterday trying to track down Trilogy.  I
had the same problem with Best Buy.  Sam Goody didn't even have a date or the Trilogy in their computer
system.  I finally found it at Wherehouse Music.  They had several copies sitting on a display right as you walked
in the front door.  It was $22.99 plus tax.  Hope that helps."

(Thanks Jerko)

"Just wanted to let you know, for those living in the north texas area (denton, lewisville, dallas, fort worth,
mid-cities) the wherehouse music in lewisville had at least 10 copies on shelves yesterday."

(Thanks Jason)

"Have you heard of anyone not carrying the Trilogy DVD. The biggest Best Buy here in Houston reported that it
wasn't going to be out until 6/24. Any idea what's going on?"

(Thanks Kevin)

"For those looking for the Trilogy DVD in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, the Virgin Megastore at Mockingbird
Station has quite a few copies."

(Thanks Brice)

"Tower Dallas has about four copies of the Trilogy DVD, though you'll have to ask for it, as they haven't bothered
sticking any on the shelves yet. On sale @ $19.99. Great disc, although why they had to provide such bloody awful
packaging when the menus and opening credit sequence are absolutely brilliant at setting the mood and could
easily have formed the basis for the cover, I'll never know."

(Thanks Simon)

"I sympathize with all the Houston people that wrote in. Borders, Barnes and Noble, Circuit City, and Best Buy
had none ordered at any location in Houston. We happen to be the 4th largest city in the US, you'd think
someone here would like THE CURE!! Anyway, diligence pays off- let folks inH-Town know that they can get
their copy at Wherehouse Music. They have several."

(Thanks Pauline)

"Any good suggestions on where to pick up the Trilogy in Austin, Texas? No one in the small West Texas town
I live is stocking it (not even the few major chains that we have). I hope to pick it up in Austin while I'm there on
business this weekend."

(Thanks Chris)

"Very pissed of at best buy now, June 24 Trilogy release. Not only that but I got weird stares from people as i
wore my Bloodflowers T-Shirt, Turned out to be a miserable day. Looked at other stores here in Dallas-F.t worth
Texas, But no cure dvd to be found. Any info from texas people about the dvd?"

(Thanks Christopher)


"I found Trilogy available at Tower Records in Fairfax.  They had several copies.  Best Buy and Circuit City had

(Thanks Eric)
