Chat Transcript: Live Chat with Roger O'Donnell of The Cure, Friday, May 21st at 6:00pm E.S.T.

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Mod says: Roger is here, ready to go?

Roger says: Hello
sleepybeauty says:I know you're a good computer programmer and designer.What do you think of Bowie Net?

Roger says: It's very professional. And completely different to the Cure site, which is a lot more home-spun

Gilly says:what do you think about david bowie?
Roger says: I've liked him on and off over the years, depending upon what kind of music he's into at the time.

lovecat says:DB has said on a number of occasions that there were no good bands in the '80s, would you like to blow an online rasberry at him for me?
Roger says: What did he do between 1979 and 1989?

ThefouranswerGURU says:did the cure ever consider to cover a Bowie song?And if so which song. What song Bowie should have to cover
Roger says: We did.
Roger says: Young Americans. It was for an XFM compilation CD.

Helen2 says:who are some of your favourite artists and what do you think of Bowie's art (be honest ;-)
Roger says: My favorite artists are: Smashing Pumpkins, Orbital, Underworld, Herbie Hancock, and I've never seen any of David's art, but I'm sure it's excellent.

sleepybeauty says:How was it like playing in Psichedelic Furs?
Roger says: Hard work. But I did get to meet David because he was a big fan.

Helen2 says:what about painters?
Roger says: David Hochney is my favorite artist.

lovecat says:Is Robert Smith as cuddly to work with as he comes across on video?
Roger says: I cuddled him the other day.

anna sanchez  1. how did you come to meet the members of the cure?
Roger says: On a train... true!

ThefouranswerGURU says:is Reeves still involved in the Cure or was it just a one off
Roger says: He hasn't played on the new album so far, but who knows.

ThefouranswerGURU says:arent you sad that only Robert was invited to play songs on the 50th birthday of Bowie, leaving the Cure as a band out
Roger says: no

Why will the cure not play any B-side or soundtrack singles live?Thanks, Chris
Roger says: We have enough A side material to keep us going. It's difficult to narrow down a set list because we have so many songs. Usually we end up with a repetoire of about 75 songs while we're on tour, and they're all A sides or album tracks.

RaMOANa says:Hallo Roger, I'm late ooops...dunno what questions I missed
Roger says: What do you suggest I do, repeat all of them??

sleepybeauty says:Did you see that concert?
Roger says: No.

Gilly says:whats your favourite cure song?
Roger says: I have a few... Like Cockatoos, Prayers for Rain, amongst others.

ThefouranswerGURU says:what is the biggest advantage of being famous and what is the worst thing of it?
Roger says: I'm not famous.

ThefouranswerGURU says:what is your fav Bowie song
Roger says: I've got quite a few of those... Probably a classic one from each period. My first favorite is Letter to Hermionie.
Roger says: Heroes. Fame. Let's Dance. I really liked the period around The Man Who Fell to Earth.

RaMOANa says:What do you think of a fellow keyboardist, Mike Garson?
Roger says: I'm not aware of his work.

Raven says:Are you listening to any new bands lately? If so, which ones do you like?
Roger says: Tortoise. I really love Tortoise. They're not a new band, but they're new to me.

lovecat says:are you at least rich?
Roger says: Depends upon how you quantify rich... I'm rich in love.

sleepybeauty says:I red on your bio that you've also worked in Fashion industry? Can you tell us something more about?
Roger says: I had a clothing store in Toronto. It was more "street wear" than high fashion. I became very good friends with Shawn Stussey, who was a designer.

ThefouranswerGURU says:did the cure really send in a text for that Bowie writing contest, and why was it not choosen as the best song
Roger says: Yes we did all enter the contest. We didn't win because obviously David has terrible taste.

Ty-Bone says:do you think Robert knows to play guitar ?
Roger says: I think Robert's one of the most under rated guitarist in R&R. 10 times as good as Reeves.

Ty-Bone says:I wonder if Robert knows only the basics of guitar when I saw his concerts ! what you think ?
Roger says: He plays basic guitar on stage because he's singing at the same time.

Helen2 says:that is fighting talk Roger
Roger says: I can take Reeves any day!
Roger says: Helen2, I did get pissed off when he started using synth guitars to play the piano.

arafel says:what do you think of Love and Rockets, and of their recent break up?
Roger says: I cried for days.

Gilly says:lol

Ty-Bone says:Do you like new techno happening I mean good side of techno ?
Roger says: What do you mean by that?

ThefouranswerGURU says:have u ever heard the first songs of Suede, before the first album, Art, Be My God and Wonderfull sometimes, They sound like the cure, dont u think so
Roger says: I detest Suede.

Helen2 says:we are having a party tomorrow night Roger, what music should be play?
Roger says: Not Suede. Or the Smiths.
Roger says: I don't get anywhere near the Stereo when I have a party. My girlfriend takes over.

RaMOANa says:boxers or briefs, or do you go commando? Sorry, this is sort of a standard query
Roger says: The ones I wear are called Boxer-Briefs (CK).

sleepybeauty says:why don't you like them?
Roger says: I don't know why I don't like them. I hate him. He just wants to be... Doesn't he want to be David Bowie? There's only room for one "Duke"

arafel says:well what would SHE play?
Roger says: She's got 300 CD's and you get to hear about 2 seconds of each one. Just when you're getting into a song, she changes it.
Roger says: Gus Gus. Smashing Pumpkins. Bjork.

Ty-Bone says:What music you like to listen most when you really have some time ?
Roger says: Mostly Jazz.

Mertle says:So do you ever shop for dustbin liners at Wal-Mart? Or for anything at Wal-Mart?
Roger says: When we're on tour, we always stop the tour bus at Wal-Marts, and Robert buys a complete new wardrobe for $25. It's true! We'll fill up at least one trolly bus with shit.

sleepybeauty says:How did you learn to play keyboard?
Roger says: I haven't learned yet... I'm still trying *lol*

A_Girl says:How was it to be the opening act for a David Bowie concert?
Roger says: I was in the Thompsin Twins. We opened for David in 1983. It was cool because we only had to play for 1/2 hour, and we got to see David Bowie.

Margot says:Where do youplan to be on New Years' Eve? Please be on stage in Gisborne, NZ with David and co.
Roger says: In Reykjavik.

Helen2 says:what is your favourite resturant in NY I am looking for suggestions
Roger says: Robert DeNiro's restaurant, the Tribeca Grill.

Margot says:with Bjork?
Roger says: Yea, she'll probably be there.

Helen2 says:how about the best place to eat in London as I will be back there soon
Roger says: Coast. That's my favorite.

Which bookwriters do you like and which books exactly?andrze
Roger says: I don't really read much fiction. I'm usually reading tech manuals. I've read two books in the last couple of months by Louis DeBernieres.
Roger says: I didn't know they were best sellers because my sister gave them to me. The first one is called Captain Carellies Mandolin.

sleepybeauty says:Do you like cooking?
Roger says: I hate cooking. My girlfriend loves it and we argue about it all the time.

PrincessRamsey says:Roger, do you cruise the net much, or is this your first encounter with us hardcore nutballs?
Roger says: Yea, all the time. I do a lot of, at least 3 hours a day.

Ty-Bone says:Do you think it be a great idea if UltraStar sets up a music label for bnet members ?
Roger says: A very good idea.
Roger says: In fact, my website is going in the direction of a pre-publishing situation.

i'd like to know more about your 'prizmatic' site. i'm wondering if more artists will be featured there soon...and a bit more about what your goals are in having the site. is it intended only to be a gallery, or to you expect to go beyond that?
Roger says: I'd really like to use the site as a gallery. It's really only a show of what I'd like it to become. We've been so busy, I haven't had a lot of time to find people.
Roger says: When I originally thought of the idea, it was before the internet became really wide spread, and I had no idea how I was going to do it. I though a bit at first it was good to bring peoples art to the attention of people and record companies, but now I see it as an end result..... But I really need input.

sleepybeauty says:what are your favourite sites?
Roger says: The place where I buy the parts for my jeep from.

sleepybeauty says:can you give us the adress of your web site?
Roger says:

Ty-Bone says:I remember Robert said " If I was French I will hang myself by a rope" Do you still today support a such idea ?
Roger says: I say, actually the other day how lucky we all are to be English, and how little we would like to be any other nationality.
Roger says: *joke*

Margot says:Roger, have you any thoughts on the future of music retailing? MP3 files, etc? How do you think that is going to go and affect artists?
Roger says: I think it's good, yea. Anything that removes the record companies from the chain of creativity and the listener is a good thing.

sleepybeauty says:It's a gallery only for your work or is open also to other artist?
Roger says: I really need people to submit work, but it better be good. No timewasters, and no metal-heads! *joke*

Ty-Bone says:Hey Roger is a good guy !
Roger says: I hate record companies. All of them.

is being in the cure really as much fun as i imagine it must be? you always seem to have a smile on your face...
Roger says: It's the stuff that Robert puts in our drinks that makes us smile.
Roger says: Seriously though, ask me when I'm six weeks into a winter tour in Germany if I'm having fun... I have fun doing whatever I do; I try to be a happy person *puke*

TheGuru says:what is wrong with Suede
Roger says: It's probably be simpler if I told you what's right with them.

arafel says:You about killed me a few times with the smoke machines....does that get hard to take night after night?
Roger says: I hate smoke machines. I usually turn them off. It really pisses of the LD. In fact, I remember having the LD radio'd. I said if he didn't stop using the smoke machine, I'd shove it up his ass. He stopped. They're so 80's.

Ty-Bone says:How do you understand or analyse that so much artist on top supports young creativity ; I met Malcolm Mac Laren and understood he just wanted to steal my ideas !
Roger says: Can you explain that?
Roger says: Ty-Bone, we're artists, we're not entrepreneurs.

Gilly says:what do you think about the recent bombs in London?
Roger says: I think it's frightening that a one-person minority can hold an entire city to ransom just based on hatred and racism.

Margot says:Do you like South Park and did you see the episode with Robert in it? What did you think?
Roger says: It's Sweeeeeeet.

Margot says:lol

Ty-Bone says:I think rather that Money spoils everything even Art ; I met Bob geldof he spoke about U2 and spoke only about * they will make next year.
Roger says: I think that you've obviously got some sort of problem with creativity being rewarded financially. It costs a lot of money to do what we do.
Roger says: Don't listen to anything that Bob Geldorf says. He's a complete idiot.
Roger says: How can you be in Rock and Roll and be Knighted? Luckily, David's still only a duke.

sleepybeauty says:Have you ever act?
Roger says: All the time.

RaMOANa says:the Duke of Knobs
Roger says: That's not a very nice thing to say about David, is it?

sleepybeauty says:I mean in a movie
Roger says: Only home movies.

TheGuru says:what is the song Killing of an arab about?
Roger says: It's based upon a book called L'Etranger by Albert Cimus

Sunshine says:Um... so what is happening now with The Cure?
Roger says: We're mixing a new album right now. As we speak.

do you have plans to release your solo album on a broader basis? i can't seem to find it anywhere. how might i get a copy?
Roger says: I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Roger says: I've got 400 copies on the top of my wardrobe. It's easy for me to find. But seriously though, if you send 10.99 in....
Roger says: Well of course I'd like to release my work on a broader basis to more than three people, but it's difficult to get record company interest. If I can do it though the internet, it'll be cheaper and more accessible.

TheGuru says:in what direction is the cure going now?
Roger says: Probably sideways. It's 10 to 12 on a Friday night.

Margot says:what do you think of honorary doctorates? dave got one the other day.
Roger says: I want one; where do you get one?

TheGuru says:what about mp3's and the music business
Roger says: I think MP3's are good because they're going to shake up the music business. Maybe leverage some of the power away from the record companies.

TheGuru says:what about bootlegging
Roger says: Bootlegging is theft.

arafel says:well what do you want to be a doctor OF? Maybe I can help out here....
Roger says: Philosophy. Definitely.

arafel says:how do you propose to commercially control music released on the Internet then??
Roger says: Digital Watermarks.
Roger says: My lawyers inform me, that is.

PrincessRamsey says:I think it's interesting that The Cure have done such incredibly romantic songs, because you guys don't look very romantic :-)
Roger says: We are romantic. We're very romantic. Give us a kiss.

TheGuru says:I think bootlegs are okay as long the band is not releasing all kind of live shows, the fans what to have a recording of many live shows. Only die hars buy bootlegs. Ever thought of that
Roger says: Our official stance on bootlegs is that it's alright to exchange tapes of live shows and material that's not commercially available, but we don't really like people making money of it.
Roger says: I've got a friend who has a DAT of every show the Cure's ever played.
Roger says: He's got a baseball cap with two microphones in it.

arafel says:I would think the trick is to have it available online but ONLY if someone pays can a watermark do that?
Roger says: It's similar to the cloning chip from the old DAT machines.

TheGuru says:why not make all the shows available for fans on the net when on tour in mp3 form
Roger says: That's a good idea. In fact, we streamed every saturday night from our last tour.
Roger says: (in stunning 1 frame per minute)

Sunshine says:where did you stream it?
Roger says: On our web site, of course.

Margot says:What's your opinion of a) the pixies b) placebo?
Roger says: I hate them both.
Roger says: with a passion.

Ty-Bone says:Do you like Band "The Tea Party" ; they refused the mastering I wanted to offer for them at my Studios !
Roger says: Studio, I thought it was a hacking compound.

Margot says:they only ever have nice things to say about you, roger
Roger says: yea, right.

Ty-Bone says:funny Roger

TheGuru says:You dan even make a lot of money with a pay fan site and putting concert files on it, dont u think so?
Roger says: Unlike certain people, everything on our site is free.

RaMOANa says:Hate the bands or the people themselves?
Roger says: I'm being facitious.

Sunshine says:I knew the Cure ruled....
Roger says: excelleng! We rule.
Roger says: oops, excellent.

TheGuru says:do you think it is fair Bowie charges a lot of money from his die hard fans (we have allready spend a fortune on the man)?
Roger says: I think it's excellent value for the money. And these guys here have large families and dogs to feed.

Gilly says:do you type yourself, roger?
Roger says: Normally, but I've had a very severe gardening accident. I've lost the use of my one finger that I normally use.

TheGuru says:do you think it is fair Bowie charges a lot of money from his die hard fans (we have allready spend a fortune on the man)?
Roger says: On a serious note, I think that it's an interesting question; the commercializing of the internet. Do you think he gives you value for the money at this site?

sleepybeauty says:do you play your keyboard yourself Roger?
Roger says: no, I have a stand-in/body double.


it is valuable but it is not as interactive as it could be, roger
Roger says: So what is this??? Chopped Liver?
Roger says: On a further serious note, I think obviously if you're going to charge for internet content, it's going to have to be good. That's one reason we've resisted going that route yet. It takes a lot of time and energy. I think David's very committed.

TheGuru says:To me Bowienet is perfect!
Roger says: Compared to what?

PrincessRamsey says:The key to its worth is if it has unique content that is constantly updated and provides a good community. I personally think BN is doing pretty well, and continuing to improve

Roger says: You've just won yourself a month's free access!!

TheGuru says:Roger do you ger money for this chat??? Otherwise Bowie is getting richer and richer
Roger says: Today, I've received one diet coke and one regular.

Margot says:Roger, you're a funny man. will you please do a show at my niece's birthday party? tie a couple of balloons, tell a few jokes...
Roger says: Will I get paid more than BowieNet's paying me?

RaMOANa says:no free bowinet membership for you then, Roger?
Roger says: They said I can get a 20% discount. That came from the Duke himself.

Sunshine says:Hey... your payment lies in the chance to interact directly with fans on a "personal" level
Roger says: I spend a lot of time chatting with our fans. We try to make ourselves as accessible as the situation allows.

Gilly says:whose idea was this chat anyway?
Roger says: Obviously, the Duke's. It came from the top. On a scroll. With his Royal Seal.

Sunshine says:=] The Cure does rule!
Roger says: We do rule. You're completely right.

arafel says:what does the royal seal LOOK like?
Roger says: I ripped the scroll up so quickly that I destroyed the scroll.
Roger says: oops, destroyed the seal.

TheGuru says:Bowie must provide Bowie die hards a free access, I have calculated latley that I have spend some 10000 dollar on Bowie!
Roger says: We played a concert in London recently, that we weren't allowed to invite any of our fans. We got shit from people who had spend thousands of dollars over the years on our product. Just because you spend money on stuff doesn't mean you own the band.

arafel says:yes, how can a man with almost a billion bucks charge us nearly $20 a month...wait, that is likely how he GOT a billion bucks
Roger says: If he's got that much, I'm going to ask for another Coke.

PrincessRamsey says:I'm translating a question for Ulysse (who only speaks francais): What do you think of the phenomenon of covers and remixes?
Roger says: Tell Ulysee she can ask me in French.

TheGuru says:I only spend 20 dollar on the Cure, sorry about that
Roger says: I get all my albums free.
Roger says: A couple more questions folks.

PrincessRamsey says:C'est bien, Roger, mais repondez a la question, s'il te plait!
Roger says: I think that the cover albums and tribute albums are getting extremely tiring. Remixing too, unless it's done extremely well. It's used as a cop-out by many bands.

Gilly says:are you really interested in money, roger?
Roger says: Yes, give me some.

Sunshine says:Who are your heroes?
Roger says: I only have one hero, and sadly he's dead. Ayrton Senna.

arafel says:Could you explain who is was?
Roger says: He was a Brazillian Formula-One racer. 3 time world champion. The greatest racing driver ever.

TheGuru says:Roger why havent you Bowie invited you with you here
Roger says: The Duke's busy. Being the Duke.
Roger says: Thanks, it's been a laugh. You're almost as nice as Cure fans.

Mod says: that's it kids, Roger has left the building...

Mod says: thanks

Roger says: goodnight

Roger has left #ChatGuest.
