The Dream Tour

Oct. 12th, 2000 - Adelaide, South Australia (Entertainment Centre)

Out Of This World, Watching Me Fall, Want, Fascination St., Open, The Loudest Sound, Pictures of You, Shake Dog Shake, Maybe Someday, Edge Of The Deep Green Sea, Inbetween Days, Like Cockatoos, The Kiss, Prayers for Rain, One Hundred Years, 39, Bloodflowers

1st encore: There Is No If, Trust, Plainsong, Disintegration
2nd encore: Cold, A Strange Day, Pornography
3rd encore: M, Play For Today, Just Like Heaven, A Forest.

Show was 3 hours

(Thanks Glenn and Marc)

Review by Glenn Robinson

This concert just got better and better the longer it went on. the concert clocked in a just on 3 hours.

not only did my enjoyment increase the longer the set went on but so that of the crowd and more importantly i
think that of the band. by the end of the night roger could hardly stop smiling. robert sent a bit of a barbed
comment towards him just before 'm'.  i think he said 'listen to roger on this one' referring to an earlier mistake i
think but all of the band (well i couldn't see jason) really were loving it and finishing off with m/play for today/just
like heaven/a forest really sent everybody home extremely happy. conservative adelaide had finally let it's
collective hair down (plenty of it was gelled up still) after a slow although genuinely appreciative start.

i must admit i'm not overly enamoured with the first five songs (i like them individually but all together in a row i
have trouble with) but from pictures of you (pleasant surprise!) on things became one wondrous experience.

the power of this band is incredible. the kiss is the prime example of this and last night it did not disappoint.

on the other hand beauty shone through ... pictures, loudest sound, there is no if, trust etc.

my favourite part was the pornography encore with robert stating before they started 'cold' that a lot of
'bickering' had taken place back stage in determining what was to be played as second encore and 'a certain
someone' had got their way

cold/a strange day (very modern version)/pornography later and i was in la-la land. i couldn't believe i had just
witnessed the three songs i had always dreamt about seeing live. bliss.

adelaide had been blow away.

Review by Marc

This was an excellent excellent concert. Robert got gradually chattier as the set went on, starting off but telling us
he got told he doesnt say enough but couldnt do much about it (or something to that effect), then said after the first
encore that there should be a mike backstage to hear them fight over the encore picks, at which point he said that
one of them always got his way....
We also got a "THANK YOU" stadium rock style from him, followed by a big grin... And I think he mumbled
something about roger stuffing up the solo to M when he stares at him, which roger nearly did (stuff up that is).

Music wise, they were much much more powerful than when I last saw them in 92. There really is a renewed energy
about the band which is really great to see. The crowd was very enthusiastic, and within the first minute of out of
this world, everyone just flooded the front of the stage and jumped over the chairs which meant I landed right in
front of robert and that was fine by me!!

There were a few technical problems during the set, with most notably roger's guitar not working for a good part
of open and his keyboard levels going up and down during the start of certain songs. But then again, this applies to
the mixing as well as some songs suffered from average mixing. The kiss for instance had the drums way down.
However, when the mix was perfect (it came and went between songs!!), it was mind blowing. Highlights for me
were shake dog shake (brilliant white lights and performance), one hundred years, bloodflowers (where robert's
vocals are just sung beautifully) and pornography which was really intense.The loudest sound was also a nice
version, with robert introducing it with a barely audible whisper...Trust as it is played these days (with the
'loose 'piano line) shows how different wish could have been if roger had played on it! It sounded more like out of
the disintegration album (to me anyway) Also, it was interesting to see that simon plays the lead guitar solo (not
bass) on there is no if...I dont recall reading about that...and robert using the bottleneck on pornography...

I also heard parts of the sound check (through five layers of concrete walls mind you) and I heard watching me fall,
strange day and some girl swears they were soundchecking plainsong although I could only sense a dim
rumble...well, anyway, we've waited a long time for this and the warm afterglow is still with me. until
Melbourne...thanks a million to the cure for coming back this way...

Review by Michael

The show was brilliant, most perfect show i've ever seen.  Well, except for Robert complaining about an out of tune
guitar just before they played 'M', and he advised the crowd to listen to Roger instead of himself! It really was a
concert to end all concerts, and yes, nothing short of a dream.  It was amazing  to hear that the old songs are
sounding better than they ever have (pictures of  you was excellent, Robert played the six-string bass flawlessly!).
The encores are what i was waiting for more than anything else though.  Whilst i had my heart set on hearing All
Cats Are Grey and Faith, the pornography encore really set a dark, brooding atmosphere throughout the
entertainment centre, which i think is what alot of the fan's were expecting and hoping for.  A Strange Day was
definitely the highlight, with Robert's guitar being very high in the mix,  sounding better than it ever has. The 3rd
encore really was the icing on the cake, by the time the band got into 'play for today' everyone was dancing in
the isles, and singing along to the keyboard melody. It was obvious there were still a great deal of fans expecting
to hear the more poppy singles, and Robert explained on a couple of occasions that they won't be playing many
(such as before 'in between days' - "one of the infrequent singles we'll be playing tonight"), although i think the
majority of the crowd got into the mood of things by the time the encores started. (incidentally, disappointing to
not see many hands reaching for the sky during 'deep green sea').  Overall, a brilliant show, anything and
everything i was expecting.  Here's to Smithy and the boys!
