The Dream Tour

May 8th, 2000 - Rome, Italy (Palaeur)

Out Of This World, Watching Me Fall, Want, Fascination St., Open, The Loudest Sound, Maybe Someday, Shake Dog Shake, Sinking, Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Inbetween Days, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep,The Kiss,  Prayers for Rain, 100 Years, 39, Bloodflowers

1st encore: Plainsong, Same Deep Water As You, Disintegration
2nd encore: M, Play for Today, Just Like Heaven, A Forest
3rd Encore: Faith (8 minutes with extra lyrics), 10:15 Saturday Night, Killing An Arab.

Show was 3 hours and 5 minutes

(Thanks Christian, Luigi, Diego, Frederico)

Photos (on Pogopop)

Comments by Christophe

Two words about the concert in Rome:
I wonder if Marco attended the same concert as I did after reading his review above. I've been to several concert
of the cure in Paris during previous tours,  and I don't think that the crowd was half dead during the Rome concert
at all. Especially during the 2nd encores, everybody was jumping and singing along M, play for today etc.  It
seems then clear to me that the band decided to end the show with jumpy songs like 10:15 or killing an arab
instead of the planned Pornography songs, which I strongly regret by the way. Anyway the concert was great and
the band in the best shape ever!

Review by Marco

Rome has been such a disappointement... the crowd was half dead. i had the impression that people wanted the
poppier side of the Cure, and was bored with the intense songs. i think the band really wanted this show to be
special but was so disappointed by the crowd, at the third encore, after Faith (really intense version, maybe the
longest on this tour) the band made their way to the backstage, but Robert stayed on the stage not stopping to
play the guitar, and called the others back; everyone was laughing for surprise, Simon screamed to Robert
"why?", and Robert just shook his shoulders, smiling... but during the whole concert the band didn't seem as
happy as the other italian shows, i also had the impression that they were recording the show, 'cos there were
some mics at both sides of the stage that i didn't noticed before, and Robert put himself so much into the singing,
like he was trying to make these special versions of the songs, especially on Sinking, Disintegration and IOTWCS.
the tour should have finished in Milan or even better in Florence, where the crowd was so mad the band played 4
encores, it was the first time i heard EVERYONE singing All the words to ALL the songs, i mean, usually i'm the
only one singing along to Disintegration, but not this time. amazing show...

after all the italian tour was very good, with mad crowds both in Milan and Florence, shame that Rome was such a
letdown... of course the Paris shows were way better, the atmosphere and the set lists were way much better, and
the french crowd was the best i have ever seen, calmer than the italians but composed of more die-hard fans, i hope
that the band will release Paris 2, but i suppose it's unlikely...

Review by Davide

I have been to the three concerts that The Cure played in Italy: I would say that Florence was the best one, both
because the crowd answered well and because the setlist was powerful; Milan just couldn't seem to get started,
apart from some songs (OOTW, 100 years, disintegration) the rest has been ordinary; Rome, well it's been strange
for some reason: could have been my favourite ever if they would have played pornography songs at the end of the
set, as they  were going to do, considering that the setlist that I have read  were to be closed with 3 pornography
Curiosity: in Rome, at the end of faith, the cure got out, except robert, who took the guitar and started (alone)
10.15 ... the rest  of the band noticed it and went back on stage to play the song. Seemed like robert decided to cut
off the concert, because as i have said on the setlist at the mixer there were still 3 songs and not the saturday
night/arab ending. I have enjoyed the concert a lot as well.

Review by Paolo

Ho aspettato questo concerto per anni,e devo dire che alla fine sono rimasto un pò deluso.E stato un buon concerto
ma niente di epico o indimenticabile,cioè esattamente quello che mi attendevo.L'unica cosa veramente
indimenticabile è stata la gentilezza di robert smith.Alla fine del concerto è stato l'ultimo a lasciare il palco
ondeggiando e voltandosi in continuazione verso il pubblico.Sorrideva,sembrava davvero divertito dall'affetto del
pubblico,è fantastico vedere una persona cosi riconoscente verso una dimostrazione d'amore quasi scontata
ormai.Nonostante l'ammirazione per mr Smith,che ha cantato anche benissimo (senza scordare la parole!)devo
dire che c'è stato qualcosa che non andava.La scaletta era troppo prevedibile e a parte the same deep water as
you(suonata male)e the kiss(fantastica) il resto l'avevo già sentito troppe volte.Troppi classici.Mi aspettavo
altre canzoni di faith o di pornograhpy(pornography o siamese twins o the figurehead) e invece niente.Le canzoni
di Bloodflowers suonano bene dal vivo,a parte the loudest sound che detesto,e in particolare Bloodflowers e 39
sono state eseguite perfettamente.
Il pubblico era davvero molto molesto.Ci sono un sacco di coatti discotecari che vengono sempre ad ogni concerto
dei cure(anche nel 96 accadde la stessa cosa) e mi rovinano tutto.Ho visto una ragazza ballare come sul cubo
durante faith,un'altra deficiente pogare durante open.I cure non sono gli effeil 65 nè oi Nirvana.Questi idioti
poi spingevano in continuazione  per andare più sotto il palco anche se non c'era più spazio e alla fine il concerto
si stava riducendo ad una sorta di lotta libera,non riuscivo a sentire la musica e volevo uccidere tutti.A farmi
innervosire ci si è messo anche Perry Bamonte che con le sue schitarrate rock ha rovinato 100 years e
disintegration,e sembrava proprio non riuscire a starsi fermo,era troppo aggressivo e rumoroso e rendeva il suono
tutto troppo uguale e sciocco.Qualcuno dovrebbe spiegargli che i cure non fanno rock.
Il resto della band è stata perfetta anche se non molto entusiasta a parte robert che è stato,come ho già detto,un

Comments by Diego

A little curiosity: before In Between Days Robert said: "this is from the Kiss Me album..." and after (before If
Only...) he said something like: "Sorry, this is really from the Kiss Me album..." :-)
