Transcript of Yahoo! Chat with The Cure
December 08, 1997

Yahoo_chat: The Cure has arrived. We're here with Simon, Perry and Jason from The Cure.

Spikeyhair123_97 asks: Is it really hard to think up the words for a song you write? What about the music that goes with it?
Simon: Robert's not here. He writes all the words .. he writes that once the msic's been written.

Britt56 asks: I love The Cure. What was your fave album to make?
Cure: I've only made one. that was my favorite. Wish was very enjoyable.

VioIator asks: does it ever amaze you how much the group has changed?
Cure: I think it's such a gradual thing over such a gradual period of time, you can't get a good over view of how the changes are.

Palare asks: i loved your unplugged version of boy's don't cry...can we expect more acoustic in the future??
Cure: It will occasionally happen. The acoustic things are a spontaneous reaction.

Oak_Dryad asks: Have you considered what might come to pass after the supposed break up in 2000?
Cure: No.

Missie_69 asks: I once owned a Comic Book that was all about the Cure, in the comic book it stated that you once toured with Susie and the Banshee's was that true and do you really have a bad realationship with the Banshees?
Cure: Robert played guitar with the Banshees. And yes we do.

P_man1999 asks: Who are your favorite artists? Contemporary and of all time.
Cure: Jason likes Captain Beefheart. Simon likes Manic Street Preachers. Perry likes Boyz II Men.

Eretica asks: How do you feel about the stereotypes that not surround "goth" and how would you go about dispelling them?
Cure: No reason to. People can do what they want. It's very nice for people to have an identity that they can feel like themselves in. They're not harming anyone. And happy holidays to all goths.

Waveforms asks: what do you think will happen to guitar-based rock whilst the whole electronic music explosion; i.e. drum and bass...? what do you suppose will become of the Cure?
Cure: The electronic explosion has happened and guitar-based music has survived and will continue to.

Glow_indark_girl asks: Why do rarely play b-sides in concert when you have so many good ones? it would be great to hear Twilight Garden or Big Hand in Chicago!
Cure: Because if you played everything everyone wanted to hear, because we have such a big catalog, it would take two weeks to play it. Plus we don't know how to play the b-sides.

Larimerj asks: Can you enlighten us to some of the rare tracks on the upcoming multi-disc set?
Cure: Don't know. I think it was a fib.

Aletter2elise asks: what determines which songs go with which b sides?
Cure: Chance. It 's just whatever......when we record a record, we do about 30 tracks, it's not what we choose to be the b-sides, it's what we choose to be on the LP. The Cure asks that you send in your suggestions for the title of their upcoming b-side collection.

Waveforms asks: why do you suppose your following has been mainly the "goth" types? i don't find the dark, eerie and eccentric nature in your music at all.
Cure: I think it's probably that 50-50 line. If there's a person in the street that dresses normally, he could be a cure fan and you don't know it.

SideShow86 asks: If you could have written any song by another artist, which would you pick?
Cure: Strangers in the Night. Careless Whispers. Some things by David Bowie.

Glow_indark_girl asks: What was your inspiration for "same deep water as you",and can you please sing this in Chicago?
Cure: Yes, we are. We can't say what the influence was. It's deep and personal ant the writer's not here.

Waveforms asks: the cure; where do you find most of your inspirations for tracks? do you guys purposesly have failing relationships to come up with the emotive aspect of a song?
Cure: Yes. We only write music, so it comes up all the time, because that's what we do. We leave the lyrics up to Robert.

_Teak_ asks: "Close to me" is my favorite Cure song. Is there a song that hits particularly close to home with any of you guys?
Cure: Doing the Unstuck. Forest. Faith.

RadioHead16 asks: who came up with the idea for the Wrong Number video?
Cure: Tim Pope, who's done all of our videos except for the ones off Wild Moods.

Destin_B asks: How do you feel about having to "edit down" songs like Pictures of You for singles?
Cure: Sometimes its really tricky. Sometimes it works.

JewlzLkHvn asks: what song do you think you all came together on the most, this tour...the one you really feel satisfied a whole?
Cure: None. Wrong Number.

No_name1 asks: What was your favorite/ least favorite experience while on the road?
Cure: Travelling between concerts. Hot wax.

Rimbaudx asks: is it true that roger sings backing vocals on barry manilow's "copa cabana"?
Roger: yes.

Dingodancer asks: It's probably a common question, but I'm in a band and we're all aspiring to be able to put out an album and one day become famous... How did it happen for you? Was it a very long process? Did you know people in the "biz"?
Cure: No, we don't know anybody in the "biz'. Don't do it to become famous, do it because you love music.

Brodie13 asks: roger, what prompted you to rejoin the band?
Roger: I miss my friends.

Brodie13 asks: jason, hows it feel to be the youngin? did they haze you at all?
Jason: I'm not that much younger than them. And yes, but they're kind at the same time.

Jmf8b asks: your new single, "wrong number," has more of an electronic feel than some of your older stuff... what's your take on the whole "electronica" trend, and will the cure be taking any steps down that road?
Cure: We already have, which answers the question.

Yahoo_chat: Robert Smith is now joining us at the table

TheWhippingBoy asks: What is the basic message in "just like heaven"?
Robert: there isn't a basic message. It's a narrative, a story.

Lucid____f asks: why was "Friday, I'm in Love" written. it's different then most of the other songs.
Robert: It's not different.

RadioHead16 asks: does the Cure feel that music nowadays lacks emotional content?
Cure: No.

DJLillith asks: did you ever imagine people to react to the band the way they have? how do you feel about this?
Cure: We wouldn't do it if we didn't think people would like it. Nice talking to you all.

 Yahoo_Chat3: Thanks again for coming, everyone! The Cure has taken off - check back tomorrow at for the transcript of the chat
