The Dream Tour

June 17th, 2000 - Columbia, MD. (Merriweather Post Pavillion)

Out Of This World, Watching Me Fall, Want, Fascination St., Open, The Loudest Sound, Maybe Someday, Shake
Dog Shake, Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Inbetween Days, Sinking, Prayers for Rain, 100 Years, End, 39,

1st encore: All Cats Are Grey, Drowning Man, Faith
2nd encore: Lovesong, Play For Today, Just Like Heaven, A Forest
3rd encore: Boys Don't Cry, 10:15 Saturday Night, Killing An Arab.

Soundcheck (incomplete): In Your House, There Is No If..., Out of This World.

Show was 2 hours and 45 minutes

Photos / Review by Nadine

Review by Laura Marie Boykin

Hi my name is Laura and I'm addicted to attending Cure concerts! I thought my last concert would be Denver
but I wanted more! The week before the Maryland show my friend called and said she would buy me tickets to
the show for my birthday. How could I resist! Anna (who is working in MD this summer) said she would buy the
tickets and I would have a place to stay. So I got on and bought a plane ticket. I have a job that I
love so I couldn't take more than 1 day off ( I kinda want to keep it!).

Friday June 18, 2000 at 5am I woke up got to the Albuquerque airport and headed for Baltimore. Little did I
know I was taking the slow boat to Baltimore. First I stopped in El Paso Texas, then San Antonio Texas then
finally arrived in Baltimore at 4pm EST. Drove to pick up Anna at work and then we went to the Inner Harbor in
Downtown Baltimore. We decided to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe. To my suprise they played the HRL version of
Just like Heaven while we were eating. The Hard Rock Cafe had TV monitors everywhere so the Cure was
blaring for all to see! I also saw myself (Craig and Nadine too) on TV (we were lucky enough to make it to that
taping). Anyway, I thought that was a good sign. We then made our way over to the stage where there was this
amazing singer doing covers of motown. I thought to myself-I wonder if this is what is was like the The Cure
first started. Just setting up shop at some random place and playing for all to see. (random thought sorry)

Saturday arrived and I wanted to go to Washington DC to see the capitol and all the history of the US. It was a
nice trip minus the fact it poured on us for the majority of the day and we got lost in DC for over and hour (thank
you mr. policman for giving us the wrong directions). Anyway, it was getting close to concert time and I was getting
nervous. For some reason I get nervous before the shows. I don't know why, I can't explain it. I got ready quickly
(had no time for the hair) and headed for Merriweather. Once again we got lost (really lost). We asked a
policewoman for directions and what do you know? She sent us the wrong way! Ahhhhhhhh, can I please be lost
anymore in 1 day-I don't think so. We FINALLY made it to Merriweather. This place was so strange to me. I
have lived in the West my entire life and seeing all the green trees and shrubs is a bizarre concept to me. We
headed "Into the trees" and parked in this muddy, grassy, etc parking lot (for free?!?). The people in the parking
lot were not your "typical" cure fans (whatever that means). I was the weirdest looking one by far at that point. I
kinda wondered for a second if we were in the right place (in denver you could see all the black dress for miles).
Anyway we picked up our tickets and headed to our seats.

Anna had to use the bathroom so I said ok, but hurry up. I walked slowly that way and what do you know? Perry
was standing there by the womens restroom. People watching (?) or waiting for someone (?). I got my camera
out and asked if I could have a picture with him, he said sure. He is such a nice guy, he chatted for a few minutes
then he ran off backstage. (at this point it is 7:30 and the show started at 8). I have no idea what he was doing
there but nobody recognized him! All cure fans just walked right on by! I would also like to say that Perry is much
better looking in person than on film. He is very slinder but at the same time muscular. I told myself before this
show-no stalking the band. Well, what do you know I didn't even have to stalk I just ran right into him.
That was a major highlight for me.

We then entered the circus tent! I felt so horrible for the people sitting in the lawn. It was muddy and wet. It
looked like they had to push the lawn seating back because there was a little mud slide at the front of that section.
This venue was much different that the one in Denver. The seating was much closer to the stage and the seats
were covered. ( I kinda wish we could have been rained on because it was so hot). We had seats in row V but we
just walked by the security and went to row B center section. They weren't checking tickets at all at that point. I
always get nervous in someone else seats but it is worth the risk. If you act like you belong there nobody says a
thing. I saw Sarah B. and Lauren the two I met in Denver. It was so nice to see them. They have followed the
band the entire tour. Tonight they had a Dressing Up sign (no luck).

The intro music ended and on with the show. At this point I had realized that I was the hottest I have ever been
in my life. I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and survived 123 degrees but tonight I was hotter than that! Humidity
is something I can't handle. I was dripping. I'll take the dry 123 anyday!!!!

The highlights for me were Robert tripping on the guitar strap-it was cute because Roger came over to try and
help him! Also, FTEOTDGS was excellent with everyone with Hands in the sky (more than in denver or vegas).
Shake Dog Shake is awesome in concert. Everyone bouncing to Shake shake shake, etc. The loudest sound is
very nice live-Roger kept looking at the backdrop as if to check and make sure the images were correct.
Inbetween Days stands out in my head as a highlight with everyone in the crowd really getting into it. I know alot
of fans don't like to hear the "pop" songs but I'm sorry, I get energized when everyone in the place is singing
along. My concert experience is enhanced when people appreciate the band I love!

Overall, I enjoyed the concert. No plainsong but that's ok. Robert still managed to make his way into the
audience to sign things. I thought the setlist in Denver was more interesting but the crowd in MD was more
energetic. There was this topless guy in the front row directing the crowd at points. During a forest he would turn
around and motion people to clap with simon's bass line. It was really cute. The venue was to be desired although I
really noticed the bass tonight. I guess the sound was good but the seating was strange. There were only 2 exits
from merriweather so we ended up sitting in the parking lot for over an hour!

We got back to UMBC at around 1:30am and I had to catch my flight back to ABQ at 5am. Less than 48hours
after my journey began I was back in ABQ as if nothing had happened. I fell I have such a better outlook on life
after taking the chances to travel and see the band. I love the concerts and I also love seeing different parts of the
country. I'm sad if this is the last tour but my life has changed so much because of them. Thank you THE CURE
for making my life better. I'm not going to say this is my last concert-who knows! Japan anyone!!!

Review by Charlotte M

This was our seventh, and final show, and we had to expend a lot of money and energy (not that we're complaining!)
to get to Maryland from Long Beach CA. It was my birthday, and we had high hopes---and we weren't disappointed!
Everyone we met was so nice. Our hotel, the Columbia Hilton, even gave us a ride to and from the concert at no
In the late afternoon, we were a bit nervous because a thunder storm hit! I didn't even have a jacket and we didn't
know if they ever cancelled concerts in the East because of the weather. We didn't know if the arena was covered
at all. I put on my lucky blue shirt for our 6pm arena departure, and the rain stopped just a couple minutes before
6pm. Much of our trip involved luck! The area is so beautiful, so lush, so green, with so many trees. My husband
and I loved having to go over a bridge to cross a stream on the way to the venue. Can you tell we lack rainfall in
our home area?
We had the closest seats that we've had for the whole tour (other than Las Vegas, where we got to stand close).
The crowd was fantastic. It was the loudest crowd we had experienced. Everyone was SO into it--as well they
The Cure was brilliant, as always, but seemed especially so tonight. They handled the hot and sticky heat well, as
they dripped w/sweat; Roger even had to towel off his keyboards. Words can never properly describe how
wonderful all these shows have been, but there seemed to be a special intensity tonight, especially evident by the
third song ("Want"). Robert was his usual captivating, dazzling self, and the band seemed extra "playful/smiley"
tonight. We were completely overwhelmed when Robert gave us "a special look" during his crowd interaction,
during "All Cats Are Grey." I truly believe that the band believes this is their last tour, due to their gentleness
towards the fans. It seems like they are trying to soak it all in. I've seen a lot of shows on a lot of tours (my first
was circa 1983 at a college in Urvine CA/U.C. Irvine) and this just seems different---even though I know rumours
ALWAYS run rampant about it being their "last tour."
I hope I'm wrong, or that if I'm right THEY change their minds! Life without the hope of another CURE tour is
rather dreary---to put it mildly! But I am eternally grateful for all that Robert Smith and his wonderful group have
given me, and all the other dedicated fans!

Review by Orman Carolan

once again sorry for this review being so late but i've just returned from holmdel, columbia, and camden.  columbia
was definitely different from holmdel.  first of all my seat was better, 7th row dead center.  the view was very nice.
the crowd around me was very into the show which made it enjoyable.  the only problems i encountered was the
extremely uptight security people in that place.  they seemed to be going overboard.

i've got to start by telling you about the near catastrophe that occurred on stage in between want and fascination
street.  as robert went to put his guitar away on the rack behind him, he somehow got his leg wrapped around the
shoulder strap and when he turned to walk back up to the mic to say hello, he yanked the guitar, the stand, and
some wires down and he lunged forward and barely saved himself from falling flat on his face!!!  he recovered and
the guitar tech. came out to help him.  robert went to the mic and said something about it but i couldn't understand
what he said and he laughed about it and continued on.  it could have gotten ugly.

the show was very good.  it was different from holmdel.  this show seemed to be more Popish.  more upbeat.  the
happy songs seemed to outweigh the others.

the highlights would have to be:

1.)  shake dog shake:   shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake dog
shake!!!!!!!!!!!!!  enough said.

2.)  sinking:  the coolest camera work ever done by the cure and the song ain't half bad either if you know what i

3.)  raaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnn

4.)  the 1st encore:  all cats are grey (killer)  the drowning man (well played)  faith (not the george michael version
that's for sure!!!)

Review by Bob and Jennifer Englehardt

I won't bore you with the entire set list and my meager review of each song, however, the show was awsome for a
real cure fan.  We just got back to North Carolina after a great time!  This was our third Cure concert and the third
row pit really made the difference!!  We were the annoying 2 people that stood in the 35 dollar tee shirt line too
long and missed the first 30 seconds of Out of This World.  After climbing ourselves into our seats,  we found
ourselves in the third row direct center stage- way cool!!  I thought the crowd was great.  I think you get a better
feel for the crowd when you are up front and can see what Robert sees.  It seems that no one sat down and
everyone around us was dancing and having a blast.   Robert seemed to enjoy our enthusiasm and smiled at us
several times.  He laughed at the wild chicks in front of us that kept holding up a sign with their room number on it.
In the middle of All cats are grey-  he walked around the stage and spent some time with the audience.  After a
guy threw a piece of paper up on stage- he signed it and threw it back.  I had the Bloodflowers CD cover in my
pocket for just such an opportunity and passed it up and we couldn't believe he signed it.  He only signed 4 things
and we felt very lucky!  Jennifer was yelling HES GOT IT HES GOT IT!!!!  We were tripping the rest of the night.
Except for not playing Same Deep Water and Disintegration- it was more than what we could have hoped for and
appreciated the tremendous effort of the entire band.  I tried to snag a couple of pics although we couldn't use a
flash because people were getting their cameras taken.  Robert as usual missed a couple of lyrics and the crowd
was singing loud enough to help him rocover.  This, of course,  did not detract from the awsome performance.
Roger was doing his usual Tin Man impersonation but seemed to enjoy himself nevertheless.  Jennifer was
concerned he was not happy but I assured her that he practiced with the guards at Buckingham palace and had
inner joy.  On the way back to the hotel, we walked past a lakefront festival which was still going on at 11:30 pm!
We were immediately drawn for our first chocholate funnel cakes since age 14 which seemed to go quite well with
the beer!  A wonderful evening we will never forget.  I hope the band allows us another chance!

Review by Charlie Todd

My 3rd and final time seeing the Cure in the year 2000 ended last evening in Columbia, MD.  I had a fantastic
time, and it was well worth my 10 hour round-trip drive, but I couldn't help but be a bit disapointed in the setlist we
got.  I really wish that the Chicago show (the other Dream Tour date I saw) would have come after this one...
there was really no way to top Chicago...  Since I've already reviewed most of the songs from that show, I'll be

The only changes I got in the main set were "Shake Dog Shake" and "Prayers for Rain".  My friend and I were
trying to think of what "rain" songs the Cure would play since it poured for most of the day.  "Open",
"FTEOTDGS", and "Prayers" all have rain references... and "The Same Deep Water as You" would have been
appropriate... I guess "The Drowning Man" works as well.  Anyway, it was nice to hear "Prayers" in the context
of the rainy day and I think the desert/rain imagery works really well with this one.  The raaaaiiiiin part was great,
as always (seemed like about 20 seconds).  "Shake Dog Shake" was nicely played, but has never been a favorite
for me.  I just had bad luck getting such a similar main set in both of my shows.

The "Faith" encore was nice, but it was another repeat for me.  The crowd really didn't get react much to these.
"Play for Today" was a Dream Tour first for me, and I really enjoyed it.  Those around me in the pavillion were
screaming the keyboard part together and it really sounded cool.  The boys/10:15/Arab encore completely rocked.
Great lights, and Robert really put everything into "Killing an Arab".   The crowd went wild.  What happend after
"Killing an Arab" was really awful, in my opinion.  Robert simply said "thank you" and no "goodnight" (which
gave us hope that the show wasn't over).  The lights stayed off for a looooong time (seemed like 2 or 3 mintues)
and the crowd was going absolutely beserk screaming for a 4th encore.  When the lights turned on, several people
actually booed.  It really was painful to be teased like that.  We all thought we were going to get that last encore
with one more song, and we were really working hard for it.  If The Cure wasn't coming back, they should have
turned on the lights right after Robert left the stage.  It was not an ideal way to say goodbye to the band.

Other thoughts:  For those of you seeing one of the final 3 shows: if you don't like your seats, go find better ones.
I did this very easily at both shows.  Due to radio station promos and other ridiculous crap--there are lots of good
seats in the very middle just waiting for you to occupy them.  It takes some effort and nice timing (wait for a
security gaurd to busy himself with someone else).  I've made both of my moves during "Watching Me Fall".
It's 12 minutes, and you really don't miss much if you spend the first 5 changing seats.  Furthermore, it is much
easier to change seats AFTER the show has started.  Just act like you know what you're doing and the security
guards will assume that you do.  I had average seats for both shows and easily upgraded to 15 rows back in the
very center.

Oh yeah, there was someone there with a "2 Late" sign last night and someone else with one I couldn't read.  I
had a "Pictures of You" sign, but it didn't pay off.  After seeing the Cure so many times and never hearing this
song, I'm beginning toI feel like Susan Lucchi at the Emmys.  Not to be negative!  It was a wonderful evening,
and I'm very happy that I got to see the Cure one last time (or perhaps I'll get that "Pictures" on their reunion

Review by Andrew Griffith

Well I just got back from my 6th Cure show. Two of which were in the last two days. And let me just say that
these rank up there with the best. And tomorrow night onto Philly and then NY on Tuesday. I wish I could have
attended more shows, but if I can only attend 4, I'm glad it is the last 4. Anyhow, here are my thoughts on tonight's
show (Maryland), and possibly some on last night's.
Well, thanks to Ticketmaster's website having problems, I didn't get the center orchestra tickets that I thought I
ordered, by the time I got through to customer service a whole 3 hours after they went on sale, all that was left
was lawn. (Fortunately, my tickets to the other shows are somewhat  better.)
Even though we were on the lawn, we had a decent view of the band. And once it got dark they put up a screen or
two for the steerage(lol) to be able to see. It had just stopped raining and luckily it held off for the rest of the
show, with the exception of the occasional drop.
But once the music started it didn't matter whether it was raining or sunny, front row or the back of the lawn, I
was hypnotized regardless. The first few songs were the same as the night before (Out Of This World, Watching
Me Fall, Want), and then they mixed it up a bit from the night before. It was my first time hearing The Loudest
Sound, which apart from being my least favorite song on the new album, is still a great song in the classic cure
style. The previous night they did a wonderful live version of the Last Day Of Summer.... just beautiful it was.
And then they played Open! A song I never expected to hear live again! I was instantly transported back to my
youth and the Wish Tour...And seeing Roger on guitar was for some reason amusing.
Anyhow, the band as a whole played great... and in good spirits. I'm still convinced that in terms of attitude,
presence, etc... Simon is still possibly the "coolest" guy to ever play a bass guitar. What a thrill it was to hear all
of these great new songs mixed up(no pun intended) with the best of their vast catalog. The only song that I missed
at both the NJ show and tonight's show that I simply must hear is "There Is No If," possibly THE most romantic
song ever written. But otherwise I couldn't have asked for more. Hearing All Cats Are Grey, The Drowning Man,
and Faith was amazing.... almost transcendent. And what a finish to the show, with great versions of crowd pleasing
classic such as 10:15 and Just Like heaven.... although I could have stood to hear M again. I suppose hearing
Killing An Arab, which they didn't do at the Jersey show, made up for it. Lastly, I just have to say that the last two
nights I have really been impressed with the audience. I mean most of the people that were there seemed like the
types that would come to hear the singles, yet as a whole everyone seemed to be into what we were treated with,
and the applause was even generous. It was kind of heartwarming to see that many people enjoying that good of
music. Especialy when being a Cure fan can seem a pretty lonely thing at times when it comes to taste.
Wow.... what a night! Here's hoping for There is No If tomorrow, and I'd also be happy for Where The Birds
Always Sing, M, Three Imaginary Boys, 2 Late, Give Me It, The Same Deep Water as You, and maybe A
Strange Day. Well, we'll see tomorrow, I suppose. See you then. I'm spent. Off to bed....

Comments by James Louie

After being a fan for 7 years, I finally got the chance to see the Cure. It  was well worth the wait and hopefully, I'll
be able to see them again in the future...let's hope. Hearing Fascination Street and From the edge of the Deep
Green Sea live made me fully appreciate them more. I never cared for the songs that much before but seeing them
live was incredible. Inbetween days got everybody up and dancing but I wonder about the decision to follow it up
with Sinking - a sharp contrast. Sinking was beautifully done and around that time people started to sit down.  As
for End, I thought it was a horrendous version that sounded terrible. I don't know if it was what sounded to be a
drum kit or what but I've heard it played a lot better in other live versions.  As for the encores, All Cats are Grey
was dreamy and sureal. The keyboards were lush and soothing. I could have done without The Drowning Man
but was rewarded with Faith. <sigh> My only live Cure concert and I got to see them perform Faith live!
Unfortunately, the three songs I really wanted to hear weren't played. First and foremost and one I thought they
would have played was Plainsong and then I was hoping for Trust. and lastly and probably the most unlikely, I
would have liked to hear Pictures of You performed live....but it was a great concert and I hope they do something
with  orchestras.

Comments by SmplyDremy

So that was last time seeing the Cure live and oh what a night it was.  Me and my sister live in Atanta,
which was the first stop of the tour,  and I just couldn't bear not being able to see my favorite band 1 last time.
We decided to fly to Maryland where we have a few friends and go to the concert.  The show was everything I
could have ever wished for.  This was my 4th time seeing them this tour,  but the first time I got to hear this setlist.
I've liked all the setlist so far...but the bad thing about it was that all 3 shows I saw prior to this one had basically
the same setlist(Atlanta, London, Atlanta). I was hoping to end my memories with radio hits, since we really didn't
get to hear those songs at any of the other shows. And that's what happened.  I felt like a little kid in a candy store
when I heard the last 2 encores of the night.  I had never heard Lovesong live and I have always wanted to.  A
Forest was unbelievable again,  for the 4th time..can't ever ! get tired of hearing that song live.  And the same
goes for Play For Today.  Then for the very last encore we got those 3 much loved songs...Boys Don't Cry, 10:15
on a Saturday Night(and it was so cool that it was actually Saturday) and Killing an Arab(which had a very Evil
sort of feeling too it...which was sort of cool).  This was my second time hearing All Cats are Grey and my first
time hearing Drowning Man,  both excellent. The show was just simply amazing and I just have to mention the
lightening bugs flying around made it even more perfect.  Can you believe it's over?  I still can't believe it,  but
atleast there good ending.

Comments by Daniel Torres

Columbia Meryland, entre Baltimore y Washington D.C. Un suburbio muy lindo a solo 16 millas del BWI. I95
south, 175 west. Merriweather post al cruzar del Mall at Columbia. Facil? El concierto estuvo muy prendido mas
que en Mansfield, con la diferencia del set "the kiss" por "shake dog shake" "Prayers for rain" y el set de
"todos los gatos son grises""el hombre ahogandose" y "fe" por el set "pornografico". Como Nadine dijo en su
diario el anfiiteatro parecia una feria estatal enlodada pero el nivel de energia de la gente estuvo muy chido .
Los chavos de Lokomotiv la hicieron en grande y finalmente se pararon en frente a escucharlos. Solo nos queda
el Jones Beach en Nueva York a solo 4 horas y 50 minutos de mi casa espero que sea memorable. pero estoy
seguro que se presentaran en latino-America  ya sea que The Cure toque en Argentina, Brazil  O Mexico ya
habra que romper el alcancia y seguir con el Dreamtour 2000 in Latin America ( get your passports ready crowds
in Latin American  soil are incredibly loud and emotional and wont let down any Cure fan wherever you are from
neither Mr Robert mith and Co.) Fans en Sud America o Mexico ayudenos a conseguir los tickets please.

Comments by Erick

It was the best show I have seen with them yet!!!!! Particular stand outs were FTOTS, 100 YEARS, 39, and the
stuff from FAITH (ALL CATS ARE GREY, THE DROWNING MAN and FAITH). We couldnt see the screens
but that was no problem as they were only about 50 feet from us and we could concentrate solely upon them. I
must say that I could have done without END as I was hoping for LIKE COCKATOOS but still it was amazing.
The audience (especially those in front  of me) got a tad bit annoying (some woman giving them the thumb and
pinky devil sign as if it were a def lepard show or something)! Merriwether post sucks but still I wasnt there for
the venue ya know!!!The final encore brought the house down and for a minute there was a fleeting hope that we
might actually get a fourth encore! Robert looked quite emotional as he said his final goodbyes. I personally dont
believe that this is the end, He looked as if the admiration was too much to loose!

Review by Roger Mercier

The day began very dog chewbacca woke me up at 5 in the morning. Oh well, I've got to wake up in 3
and a half hours anyway! So tifney picked me up at 10 am, thank god we went shopping last night! On our way to
pick Sean up we procured the ice to keep the food cold. Once we had Sean in the car there would only be one more
stop until the day officially began. We arrived at sweetwater tavern, picked up 4 growlers of beer and were

This is the first time the four of us have been together in about 10 years. Cure heads reunite!! We arrived at the
hotel early which gave us enough time to get ready. I was really looking forward to the shindig I had organized so
I was a little antsy to get going. An hour or so later and people started calling. A few fans had found us at the hotel
and we started the preparty a little early. 4 o'clock rolled around so we proceeded to the venue. We had a close
spot and started to meet up with some fans. Then an intern at WHFS asked if we could help push her van out of the
mud. Damn cops just stood there and told us we needed to shit pigs!! Anyway...we got the van out, she
drove about a mile back to our spot and then rain came. And come it did! We got soaked so we went back to the
hotel to change and dry off. We went back to the parking lot around6:30 or 7 I other words the shindig
was lost, my apologies to everyone.

Tifney wanted some shirts and stuff, so Sean and I  went to our seats just as OOTW began. By now you all know
the setlist so I'll remark on the ones that hit home for me. First set, everything was very tight and perfect:

Open - I was really hoping to hear this one and was well satisfied. very intense and emotional
Loudest sound - beautiful
Shake dog shake - intense, great singing
sinking - the highlight of the first set. the on camera mike somehow added to the atmosphere, very chilling
Prayers for rain - a long rain, intense vocals
100 years - second highlight of the main set, driving and hypnotic

Overall impression of the first set: very tight and could not be played more perfectly. The lack of the kiss or
snakepit or like cockatoos disappointed me deeply (but this would soon pass). On to the second set:

All cats are grey - wish I had brought a change of underpants, OMG!!! perfectly chilling and haunting. Robert
signed autographs, and played with a glow stick
Drowning man - amazing, I could feel the kick drum in my chest. FUSHIA.........
Faith - orgasm!!! extra lyrics and tabs changed at the end. Robert must have been trying to make up for the
shorter main set by tweaking the guitar at the end and thusly producing a new song I have never heard before.

Play for today - charged, powerful, intense
JLH - fresh sounding
A forest - long and driven, great solo improvisation. Simon at the end had jumped down to his knee and looked
like he was beating the strings of his bass like a red headed step child. he was really into this one.
10:15 - the surprise underdog. the band really got into this one and rocked the house
Killing an arab - fast, reminds me of 1996 Fairfax, VA. almost a punk song

The crowd was so into this show. Almost everyone was standing and screaming. At the end of the third encore I
could barely hear and not because of the music. I couldn't even hear tifney talking to me. The crowd was stomping
on the ground, screaming, banging on the seats, clapping. Incredible!!! I was certain they would come back out for
a fourth encore after a response like that. The lights stayed down for a long time, but when they came up
everyone gave a quick booo, even me. I feel ashamed of this, but I think we were boooing merriweather. I really
feel guilty for the booo but I think it's just that the band gave their all and we wanted, no needed, more.

There was so much love in the house, I could just feel it. We all loved the band, the music, the night, the moment.
I can't help but to think that Robert and the boys could hear the audience screaming their heads off and it almost
makes me cry when I think that Robert may have been moved by this, to know that people love his words and
music. Tif, Sean and I all commented on how we would have stood for another three hours or more if they would
have played for us, just to get more because it's never enough. And now I feel empty inside knowing that I will
never see another dream show. This tour is unprecedented and will never be repeated, I suppose I should feel
lucky for what I have but I'm not. If only they would have played another two songs in the main set like the kiss
and snakepit. But dream did come true.

Review by Jared

This was an incredible show!   For our last show we decided we wanted to be as close as possible, so we bought 2nd
row DEAD CENTER seats a while back. Amazing view!  2nd row pit at Merriweather is probably closer than a lot
of other venues because the rows in the pit were VERY close to each other.  You barely even had enough room to
stand.  It would've been ok if the seats could've been lifted up, but they were welded in the open position.  The
only way to walk by someone in the pit, was to have them stand up and you walk along the chairs.  It was that tight
in there!

I knew to expect a somewhat "static" setlist after talking to the girl next to me (hello loupee) and she was talking
about all the songs that were played at Holmdel.  I was disappointed for a few minutes...but couldn't for long with
how close we were to the stage.  The show started pretty much on time even though there was at least a 30 minute
delay opening up the main gates.  And I really feel sorry for all the people who were walking up to the restrooms
by the will call office to find out that they were closed.

All of the songs in the main set sounded great.  Although I've never been a raving fan of "shake dog shake", it
was a powerful performance.  You couldn't help but scream along with him.  Then a few songs later with sinking.
I knew to expect this song with seeing the camera attached to the mic stand.  But another amazing performance
of it.  Up to this point, the songs in the main set were identical to those played in Atlanta.  So I began to expect to
hear "the kiss" soon.  But when "prayers for rain" started after "sinking", I knew we'd get a main set with one
less song than Atlanta.

But the best moment of the main set for me definitely had to be "bloodflowers".  I've NEVER seen someone put
as much emotion into a song. From all the songs this night, I think this took the most out of him emotionally.  I
cant remember the exact time, but it was in the next to last verse.  I think it was right after "the time always
comes to say goodbye"...but he slightly bowed his head and was crying.  You could tell by the way his torso was
moving.  I don't know how to explain it...but the shaking/shuddering that happens when people cry.  But he
managed to pull his head to continue the verse.  The rest of the song, you could literally see all the emotions
expressed on his face as he was singing.  He was letting it all pour out.  And as he sang the last line "I let fall
flowers of blood", you could see him start to shake again and gave ever ounce of himself. Almost makes you want
to cry yourself seeing just how much emotion Robert was putting into that song.

Then for the encores, I wasn't quite sure what to expect.  I was almost expecting the same as Atlanta as well.
But when they started with "all cats are grey" I knew we were in for a treat.  It always amazing to hear this song
anyway.  But I knew that "the drowning man" would be up next.  And that's one of those they don't play very
often.  But Robert did his walk to the sides of the stage like he does during "plainsong".  but when he made
his way back towards center, my new acquaintance thrust her 12" into the air for Robert sign, and of course he
accepted.  this started a wave of things getting passed on to the stage...but I refrained from pulling out the
inserts for Bloodflowers and Disintegration that I had in my pocket.  Only because I had backstage passes for
after the show.  I didn't want to be greedy because I knew I'd get the chance then.  So I passed up an insert
from this guy behind me instead.  Then they performed "the drowning man" superbly.  Robert did a much better
job on the lyrics than he had done from some of the Europe shows.

Then the next 2 encores were performed and ended at around 10:45.  But with being so close to the stage, you
can quite make out what Robert says, and I wasn't sure if he said "thank you" twice or "thank you" and then
'goodnight".  They walk off stage and the crowd is going crazy.  Still having 15 minutes left, that would be plenty
of time to come out and play one last song.  At the other shows I was at, they always left the lights off for a little
after the end...but the lights stayed down for much longer here.  You almost were expecting to see the guy with
the flashlight guiding their way back onto the stage for a 4th encore.  And then the lights came on and that was it.

The one thing I loved about being so close to the stage is the eye contact you can have with the guys as they're
playing.  Smile at them and see a smile back, etc.  But Simon seemed to be the "shyest" of them all with eye
contact.  He wouldn't sustain it as long as the others.  A few times I was watching him play and he looked up and
saw I was looking at him, he would look away real quick.  But unfortunately with being that was practically
impossible for me to take pictures.  The event staff were definitely some camera nazi's.  I managed to get 2
pictures early on (one of Roger and the other of Simon).  Because there was a tall guy in the front row a few seats
over that blocked the view of the staff from seeing me.  But after my 2nd picture he could see light come from my
direction, and he changed locations so he could see me.  I almost tried for a picture later on to see what he'd do.
And right before that, two of the staff took cameras away from some people in the first few rows.  So now I need to
take about 23 more pictures before I develop the film and see how good or bad the pictures will turn out.

So...the concert was over and we were waiting to get backstage.  We were waiting about 15 minutes when someone
walked out and told all of us (about 25 or so) that the band had already left, and almost immediately after the
show.  So I never was able to meet the band, tell them how much i've enjoyed the concerts and so forth.  That
DEFINITELY had to be the biggest disappoint of the night.  I was anticipating this so much for the last couple of
weeks...and never got to meet them.  So, maybe the reason they kept the lights off longer at the end is so they
could make an easier get-away.  Just a guess.

All in all, I drove around 2800 miles to see my 3 concerts and it was WELL WORTH IT.  I was a little
disappointed with the setlist in Columbia.  But when you see how great they perform, you can't be disappointed at
all.  And I also realize that I've got to see more shows, and was closer to the stage than many I would
consider myself lucky.  I so hope that this isn't the end for The Cure, but if it is they are definitely going out while
they're on the top of their game.  I hope they decide to do more, but I realize that I must wake up because "this
dream always ends".

Thank you very much for your performances guys!!!!  It is 3 shows I will never forget.

Comments by Palp

I was at last Saturday's show in Columbia, 8th row center, and I just wanted to add something to your report . . .
Nadine wrote that after getting tangled up in his guitar (I'm almost 100% sure that Robert was tangled in the strap
of the guitar he had just put down), Robert got help from some people and said "Thank you."  Well, he also said
"I haven't even had that much to drink yet . . ."


From where we were sitting we had a good view of Roger's antics.  At one point he poured out whatever he was
drinking (it was a red liquid in a plastic bottle) onto the stage, and then walked off stage, fetched a towel, and
wiped it up.  Later he disappeared off-stage and came back holding a longneck, which he promptly downed before
taking his place at the keyboards.

Before the second encore Robert said "Since it's Saturday night we thought we'd play some pop songs."

I agree that this fabulous, intense, concert needed one more song, and from the way that the audience was howling,
and from the look Robert gave as he walked off stage, I really thought there's be a fourth encore.  Oh well . . .

Review by Chris Gerard

What an incredible show!  I'm still a little dazed and it's about 2 a.m. and I should be in bed.... but I wouldn't be
able to sleep anyway. Simply amazing!!  A quick run-through...
1- Out of This World...  Great opener, seeing this live really makes me appreciate it more
2- Watching Me Fall...  Amazing... Robert was really into this, he was giving his all on the vocals, and Simon was
jumping around like mad. Tremendous performance
3- Want...  Manic vocals by Robert, awesome and intense.  I'm glad they included this song in the set list.
4-  Fascination Street.... Crowd finally started to get more into it, since this seemed to be the first song many
recognized.  Great version with the cool street lights, etc.. in the background.  Robert very into the vocals
5-  Open...  I was hoping for something different, but after hearing Open I was glad they went with it tonight.
Started with an abbreviated Tape guitar intro, and then it ROCKED.  Robert messed up lyrics a bit toward the
end, but still it was solid
6-  Loudest Sound...  People starting to sit down during this one...nice version, very much like the album, but I had
been hoping for Last Day of Summer or Where the Birds always Sing
7-  Maybe Someday... This one got the crowd moving again, it was a great, intense performance
8-  Shake Dog Shake... The first big surprise, I was soooo happy they played this!! Crowd really got into it, an
amazing rocking version. They nailed this one.  No laugh at the beginning, though.
9-  From The Edge of The Deep Green Sea...  put your HANDS in the sky... and a surprising number did, too....
 Robert messed up the lyrics toward the end (what's with these Wish songs... Robert needs to get out the ol'
lyric sheet), but again a very energetic performance.  The band was really into it tonight.
10- InBetween Days... crowd pleaser, nice to hear, alot of people sang along... it was in general a very good crowd,
although of course they went crazy with the pop songs, and there were too many people going for beer all night
11- Sinking.... Probably the high point of the main set.... amazing tight performance, and Robert gave an amazing
and powerful vocal performance... i loved the camera-on-mike effect, it really worked with this song....  this was the
song i listened to over and over on my way home, it really shed some new light on this song seeing it live...
12- Prayers for Rain.....  I hope the rumors are true about the band doing some shows with an orchestra, because
this song would be perfect for that.... I was excited to hear it, a great performance, and appropriate since it had
rained all day, and sprinkled from time to time throughout the show.... I was in the lawn, which was a muddy mess
by the end of the show...
13- 100 Years....  ROCKED!  Absolutely seethed....  a definite highlight.  Simon was amazing on this song
14-  End...   was disappointed this song was played, I thought it kindof slowed the show down a little... would've
loved to have heard Like Cockatoos or Strange Day here instead... but it was an emotional performance, and it
segued perfectly into...
15-  39....   intense and loud, with Robert really wailing the vocals...
16- Bloodflowers....   again, intense and emotional...  better than the album version

17- All Cats Are Grey....   yes!!!  I was dying for the Faith encore!! And it was beautiful and brilliant.  The best
part of the show...Robert introduced it by saying "this is a song we don't play very much, i wish we played it
more."  Wonderful and atmospheric... I loved the piano at the end.
18- The Drowning Man....  moving and perfect... I never thought I would here this song live.  GOD, I HOPE
THEY RELEASE A LIVE DISC FROM THIS TOUR!!!!!!  And it better include this song, it sounds so fresh
played nearly 20 years after its recording...
19-  Faith....  long version with extra lyrics at the end, I can't remember what he was singing, i was so thrilled to be
hearing this song......

20- Lovesong.... Robert says something like "it wouldn't be Saturday night without some pop songs" and launches
into a driving version of LoveSong, the crowd going nuts, of course.....
21-  Play for Today... Awesome!! Really, really rocked!  Nobody sang along with the keyboards, though.....
22-  Just Like Heaven....  everyone in the crowd sang along and danced... the crowd was extremely buzzed
throughout the last two encores, and the band really seemed to be enjoying themselves... i think it was during this
song that Roger stuck his tongue out and then smiled at someone in the audience....
23-  A Forest... a great long version, with everyone clapping to the bass part at the end.... Robert played a long
time on this one with just him and Simon, very cool guitar effects.... and a GREAT go on the again and again and
again and again..... very intense....  does he ever breathe??

24-  Boys Don't Cry... i kindof figured we'd get these as the 3rd encore, and i didn't mind... very trippy and
nostalgic, everyone dancing and singing along, with Roger aimlessly bashing a tamborine with a foolish grin on his
25-  10:15 Saturday Night.....   really rocked, nice to hear though I've heard it a zillion times.....
26-  Killing an Arab....  the crowd in a frenzy at this point, a really edgy version of this song, Robert almost
snarling and shouting the lyrics at full throttle......   3 hours later, still giving his best....

as he was leaving the stage, he walked off slowly, and kept looking back towards the audience.....  if this is
goodbye, well it is one i'll never forget....   Tonight was an amazing experience, the best by far that I've seen....
Of course, it would've been great to hear more of Pornography (only 1 song!!)  and Kiss Me (Like Cockatoos?
The Kiss?), and more from Disintegration.... but I feel silly complaining... this was an amazing show.
Well... I can finally go to bed now.... with the bass line of Sinking rattling around in my head all night.....

