2002 European Festival Tour

Robert in Budapest
(Photo from German news agency DPA - Thanks Matthias)

July 31st, 2002 - Budapest, Hungary (Sziget Festival)

Out of this World, Watching Me Fall, Want, Plainsong, Open, Trust, The Kiss, Shake Dog Shake, From the Edge
of the Deep Green Sea, End, Siamese Twins, 100 Years, 39, Bloodflowers

1st encore: Three Imaginary boys, M , Play For Today, A Forest

2nd encore: Lovesong, In Between Days, Just Like Heaven, Boys Don't Cry

show was 2 hours and 10 minutes

(Thanks Peter and Markus)

Curedrink Photos

Setlist for Budapest

(No tickets for the festival, only one day wristbands (red) and full week wristbands (yellow) - Thanks Janos)

Review from Vas Nepe newspaper (Aug. 6th, 2002)

" Rain and melancholy with Cure "

The crowd of tenthousands got a really hard rain on the first day of Sziget. Yet at the entrance you could feel that
something big can happen: a relevant part of the sziget-population prepared for the nearly quarterhundred years
old The Cure' s gig. Boys and girls dressed in black, took the boot 'Martens', made make-up, and prepared their
hair with gel in style of Robert Smith. He's a little bit fat now  -and he looked a little bit funny with his painted
typical make-up- but his voice is the usual. Forest, lovesong, Inbetween days, Kiss me (WHAT's THIS???) :the
43 years old Robert Smith sang and danced. A little bit of time we have to wait until the first encore- for the big
hits, but  for the fanatic followers made this catartical experience from the first minute.

Review by Viperman (viperman@inmail.sk)

"The wednesday's night in Budapest was great for all people, who wanted to see The Cure after 13 years there. I
am slovakian young cure fan and it should be my first cure concert. We went there about 14:00, and the weather
was  very sunny and hard warm. At 18:00 british group Mission was appeared on the stage and their gig was quite
good. But some idiots drunk people (skinheads or something like that) jumped and  ramed to other people.
Fortunately the safety men were fast and regular and they pushed them out from the pepsi main stage. And the
crowd was applauding.

Waiting for The Cure was very long, because after The Mission, some unknown hungarian group for me, played.
I was pretty excited when my clocks showed the time near 21:00. We moved to Pepsi main stage and tried to find
the effective and attractive place for us. We were quite near the podium and i was very excited when the lights
turned off and the band came to stage. The people were clapping and screaming. Many people were dressed in
black and dark gothic styles. Just before the concerts i met 3 original copies of Robert :-).

I thought that the band will play the dream tour setlist, because there was no dream tour show in the Budapest.
As i except they started by Bloodflowers's Out of this world and it was great to hear this song live. The sound
was excellent and i hope they will play all of my favourite songs. Watching me Fall was great "fall" for me and i
really enjoyed this song, because it's one of my favourite on Bloddflowers. After that, the group played Want,
Plainsong (Robert was walking on the stage and smiling to fans) and the Wish's Open. In this part of gig, the rain
started to pour.

I enjoyed the songs like From the Edge, Trust or Shake dog Shake, but the best performed songs for me were
The Kiss (great guitar's sound by Robert and Perry) and One Hundred Years (very agressive and the lights
were blinking very fast). Siamese Twins was the big surprise for me and this song really snapped to dark setlist.

The base setlist was ended by 39 and Bloodflowers (great drums by Jason, really hard and impressive guitars

I excepted, that they'll play minimal two encores (one fast singles and one dark). I hoped, that they'll play
classics like Boys don't cry, Just like Heaven, A Forest. It became.

I really didn't except, that group will play M, Play for Today (the crowd was very wild, everyone was singing the
keyboards part). I really enjoyed Lovesong because it's one of my favourite singles. I hoped secret, that they'll
play CUt heRE or Baby screams. Unfortunately, they didn't.

At the end i have to say that, i am dissapointed that they didn't play really dark encore of my favourite songs
(Disintegration, Faith or Figurehead).Pornography would be nice, to hear live too. Just i have to say, that the
show was great, the band was excellent, crowd was really wild. It was my first show, and i am really happy and
glad, i could be there on Wednesday day/night. The setlist was great and has been really excellent performed
by the Group. I hope, I'll experience one show of The Cure yet {maybe on new album tour? :) } "

Comments by Tais

"The gig was simply perfect. The rain actually started with the gig and finished with the last sound. Well, I can't
see a person for whom it made any difference. Robert's voice was very strong and clear and he put his heart in
every song. And we could hear it. Simon danced wildly. Jason is a perfect drummer. And the band enjoyed
themselves. Fans were delighted too. I read other reviews but in 'my area' (near the stage) there wasn't a single
person asking for 'hits'. We were just happy with every song they played. Of course the audience went wild
hearing songs like Shake dog shake or A hundred years.
The rain was heavy sometimes but when I looked around I could see tears in people eyes while smiling happily.
It's hard not to be moved hearing Deep Green Sea or Just Like Heaven or, well, Lovesong.
I'm so happy having met the band today when they were leaving their hotel heading to the airport. Robert asked
me if I liked the gig. It was so obvious that I did a lot that I only murmured something stupid like 'yes, despite of
the rain'. Aaargh.... Robert, the gig was just great, brilliant set (with my favourite ever Siamese Twins and
Bloodflowers). I'm just short of words how much I liked it, how much I enjoyed it.
I even forgot to tell you thank you for the brilliant gig. For making me so happy. For everything.
There's another day to remember, a very happy memory to keep in my heart. And thanks to the whole band for
being so wonderful.

Review by Cureme

"I arrived with some several other young men at 13.00, and there were hundreds, thousands of goth and dark
Cure followers. The sun came up very warm this day.
The first day was this of the 7 days long festival here in Central Europe. The Cure were in Budapest, Hungary
only once, during the Prayer tour, 1989.
So, this occasion came very actually to win other, young followers for The Cure.
Before The Cure were The mission on stage with a real hard and satisfied appearance.
Then came an idiot hungarian alternative band called Sziami.
The Cure would have began officially at 21.00, and fortunately they came on stage only few minutes after this. As
they came out, the rain began at this moment to raining, and until the first half of the Cure gig the rain came down
hard /no, they didn't perform prayers for rain.
The  audience were approx. 40.000 people, and the crowd was getting wild.
The band were in a very professional, very good mode and condition, mentally and physically too. They begin a
real depressed and hard series with songs like ' the kiss', or 'siamese twins' with blood red colors, and 100 years
which was very agressive as usual. Plainsong was very beautiful, also 'open' was for the audience very knowing..
Trust was a litlle surprise.
They played a 'Dream tour ' based setlist, which ended with 'end', 39, and 'bloodflowers'.
After the first part the rain came down a little bit slower, anyway the audience didn't care. And they came back.
Very unusal, and strange were for us to hear lovesong, or three imaginary boys, these 2 songs i didn't heard

What can i say summa?

The Cure are in a very good form, they played professional, and this gig was for me the most memorable. Robert
seemed very pleased with the crowd's attitude, and mode. Simon is the best bass guitarist ever! He seemed here
in Hungary like an obsessed and wild rocker.

Thanx for this evening, never forget. The best time for the next generation to have a little knowledge what means
playing excellent music live!"

Comments and photo by Crow

Robert backstage in Budapest

"I'm a hungarian Cure fan, and I've seen the Cure concert at yesterday in Hungary, and we've been waiting for
the band at the backstage, when Robert came out, and I've taken this shot. The concert was great.

Review by Janos Soos

"The Cure in Budapest at Sziget (Island) Festival 31st, July 2002-08-01

The famous Sziget Festival brought The Cure the second time to Hungary,  after their first 1989 Disintegration
tour appearance. The festival that  lasts for 7 days each summer, has a couple of hundreds invited performers in
different music styles, and this year, without doubt The Cure is the biggest  name.

I started my day at 12 and to bring the memories back from late 80s Hungary,  it was good fun to see so many
people dressed in black wearing the famous pullovers, sneakers and some wearing white t-shirts, too.  Well, there
were  not that many Robert copies out there walking but it was a "dark beginning”:  starting at 17.00 The Mission
came out who were poor, mainly because the sound was pretty bad. After a Hungarian intellectual band it was
clear to see that people started to get excited about the event of the week. During The Mission’s concert we
escaped the rain, but when the boys started we did  not. I can imagine the Italian gig was something similar
though here in Budapest there were no serious  thunder strikes so it was an uninterrupted show of about 2 hours
and 10 minutes for a crowd of about 15-20.000 (my own guess, but close to full capacity) Most of the time it was a
pouring rain except for the encore parts when the rain almost stopped.

The boys kicked off with Out of this world, followed by a dynamic Watching me fall. The songs were close to
those of the Hyde Park show but with some differences. I guess the audience took it pretty easily that the band
played the older and the heavy songs like Open, End, From the edge…, Want, etc. Around me there were no
unsatisfied people wanting Friday and the poppy  things all the time. The first part included the softer Trust, but
was  dominated by the more meaningful ones, finishing the section with 39 and Bloodflowers. In this the highlights
for me were a very interesting The Kiss with Robert working pretty hard on the strings (the guitar melody was
not exactly the album version), a powerful Shake dog shake and a small Pornography block of Siamese twins and
One hundred years, probably the best  performed song of the night with brilliant light effects, and in a pouring
rain. This first part also included Plainsong, with Robert greeting people standing at both corners of the stage
smiling. By the way, there were many times, especially in the encores, that Robert was smiling and pretty clearly
enjoying the night. Yeah, I guess, this is what he meant by saying they had the right to perform songs they want
and enjoy. Nevertheless, the crowd, who would not move in the rain, got the funnier side of the band with 2
encores.  First with older songs such as 3 Imaginary boys, A forest and Play for today with the Paris feeling and
singing, and later surprise Lovesong and Inbetween days and a show ending with Just like heaven and Boys don't

At the end Robert thanked us pretty happily and saying something like it was good to be back after 12 years, but
I am not sure about it. I guess someone  else will report on that with greater probability.

All in all, an excellent night, hard working and smiling Robert, and brilliant Simon on the bass. As the rain started
to disappear and the encores came, the crowd started to burst out dancing and smiling by hearing the greatest hits
songs. It was a pure party period then. There was a very nice atmosphere, no pushing in the crowd. The only bad
thing was the rain but as we all know: we must suffer a bit for great things in life."

Review by Szilard

"The concert started at 9 p.m. sharp on this cloudy beautiful summer night on the Sziget (Island). Here in
Hungary we'd been waiting for this moment for 13 years. To see The Cure live again. They kicked off with Out of
this World followed by Watching Me Fall and Want. Then it was clear that the first half of the concert was going
to be dominated by songs from the nineties.

People were just trying to get as close to the stage as possible and it got pretty crowded in the middle. The rain
started to pour and the Wish-part of the show (Open, Trust, Sea, End) put us in the right mood for the Siamese
Twins and 100 Years.

They finished the first part with 39 and Bloodflowers as it was in a frame of their last CD.

As they left the stage we were discussing whether they'd do 2 or 3 encores. We knew it must have been at least
2. The audience was patient, calm but happy and very-very caring. The young were waiting for the hits and The
Cure came back and played them. 3 I Boys, Play for Today, Forest, Lovesong, Inbetween Days, Just Like
Heaven and Boys Don't Cry made everybody happy, also those who don't really know them and came to hear
Friday, Catch.

I think we've heard the best live versions of a few songs: Open, The Kiss, Siamese twins.

I want to thank to the guys for this beautiful evening. I hope we don't have to wait another 13 years to see The
Cure here in Budapest again. "
