2002 European Festival Tour

July 23rd, 2002 - Rome, Italy (Olympic Stadium)

Plainsong, Open, Torture, The Kiss, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, Shake Dog Shake, From the Edge of the
Deep Green Sea, Last Day of Summer, Watching Me Fall, Siamese Twins, 100 Years, Bloodflowers, Pornography,

1st Encore: Three Imaginary Boys, M, Play for Today, A Forest
2nd Encore: Cut Here, Lovesong, In Between Days, Just Like Heaven
3rd Encore: The Drowning Man, Charlotte Sometimes, Faith

Show was 2 hours and 35 minutes

(Thanks Lorenzo, Alessandro and Steve)

Audio - Photos - Photos and review (at Pogopop)

Comments by Patrich

"What can be said about The Cure? The gig in Rome was fantastic and the setlist overwhelming. I liked it very
much. I had also been to Conegliano to see the band in their first Italian venue and the songs were amazing too.
The only difference (except the pouring rain!!) was the bad organization which has characterized the night in
Rome. I completely agree with Cristina Dei. It was so disappointing to get the tickets changed from parterre
to seating ones, even if I had bought them 2 months before the gig. If I hadn't taken binoculars I wouldn't have
seen anything. It's not worth complaining now, the only thing that counts is that the Cure played a brilliant concert.
Robert was marvellous as always and I was deeply moved by his powerful voice and fascinating aura. A special
'thank you' goes to the COF-team for giving us the possibility to write about our experiences and emotions."

Comments by Cristina Dei

"I saw the Cure playing live for the first time in Rome and I must say that they are really impressive! The setlist
was gorgeous and I think Robert liked the warmth of the audience. While going back to the dressing room after
the gig he kept waving at the public, he was so sweet. However, I'm writing this review to APOLOGiSE with all
the fans coming from abroad. I heard people from the UK, the US, France, Germany etc. who made great efforts
to follow the Cure: and what happened? The easytickets' company sold on the internet all the parterre tickets
whereas they were not allowed to do that! That's why we all received that amusing e-mail notifying that parterre
tickets holders were moved to the distinti sud/est area. The view was not the same at all (as promised on the
e-mail)!!! I don't even want to talk about the total absence of organisation at the moment of opening gates, 'cause
everybody was there just as me, so everyone knows what I'm talking about. Who lives in Italy like me is used to
face these problems, given that nobody cares about queuing, rules, opening times and respect. But I'm sorry about
foreigners, and I can just say that I'm ashamed to be Italian. Well, I hope you all enjoyed the gig after all, it was
unforgettable!  Thanks."

Review by Giovanni Savini

"On July 23rd, 2002 I went to see The Cure in concert for the second time in my life. The first time was during
the Dream Tour: I must say that I was really impressed by that concert, and I also must say that I have been
‘ignoring’ The Cure for many many years until, at the beginning of 2000, a friend of mine insisted that I listened
to some Cure Cds, which I did – and fell instantly in love with their beautiful music.
This year’s concert surpassed the 2000 concert in terms of intensity, passion, musicianship and setlist. The main
set was very heavy and intense, they chose their less commercial songs, like The Kiss, From the edge…,
Watching me fall (much better interpretation compared to the 2000 tour), 100 Years, Pornography… it was very
emotional, very strong… even if the sound was not perfect and the instruments were not perfectly mixed (Perry’s
guitar was very low sometimes and Simon’s bass was not very clear).. but it improved as the show progressed.
Then it was time for the encores, which, as in every Cure show, ended up to be something like a second concert….
11 encores!!!! For the encores they chose shorter, more melodic songs, as well as eternal classic like A Forest
and Faith. Very welcome was the inclusion of very old songs like Three imaginary boys, M, The drowning man
and Charlotte sometimes… during the encores the sound got better and we could hear Simon’s bass in all its
glory. The band was in very good shape, Robert sang incredibly well and Simon, as well as playing in his unique
and amazing way, was dancing and running and jumping all around the stage. The Cure left the stage after 25
songs and 2 hours and 35 minutes, after doing the longest setlist (so far) of this tour in front of thousands of
enthusiast fans (i think we were more than 12,000). Now we all look forward to the new album (I have a felling
that it will be a great one) and the next tour…. Many bands should learn from The Cure about putting on a show
and satisfy their fans…. Long live The Cure!!!!!!"

Review from Musical News
(very rough translation from Babelfish)

The Cure - Curve South Olympic Stage Rome - 23 July 2002
by Antonio Ranalli

The band of Robert Smith it inflames the minds of beyond 15 mila watching, that they have assisted to one of
the entusiasmanti concerts never held in Italy from the Cures. Brani epici, that they continue to create emotions
and to make to dream entire generations.

A superlativo concert, of that not scordano easy. The Cures, to their second Italian stage of the new one tour, do
not disappoint the waits, and repay un.assenza that for the understood one them was of beyond 2 years (l.ultima
performance, in fact, it was l.8 May 2000 to the Palaeur). It supports to you from one massiccia promozionale
campaign, than it has seen on the theater box of the curve south to them of the Olympic Stage of Rome hosts of
the Cornetto Free Music Festival Rome Live (organized from the Barley Arts di Claudius Trotta, from the
B.B.C., with the sponsorship of the common one of Rome), Smith and associates are resolutions to assemble
beyond 15 mila most faithful. Between the public c.erano ragazzi. that they followed them sin from the debuts
until young, that they have probably uncovered the Cures with the recent Greatest Hits, whose partial happening
has provoked l.idea of this tour. The evening has been opened from Peter De Cristofaro, a rocker emergent,
with a all.attivo album (to which Cesar Basile has collaborated also), but from sound a po. too much repetitive
and discounted. Too much little and little suitable for a public who attends very from two years. Un.attesa that
comes repaid to 21 and 40 in point. The lights lower and the theater box tinge. of blue colors and viola: the public
begins itself to scaldare, urlare here and that at the most awkward time the Cures enter. Part with Plainsong.:
 notes are enough to little to send in ecstasy the immense platea of the Cornetto Free Music Festival. The voice
of Robert Smith is in large dusts, even if some technical problems do not render optimal initially l.ascolto. But it
is issue little. Smith and associates have grinta and energy to sell. And here that series of memorable brani
inanellano one: beginning from Open. passing for Torture., The Kiss. and If Only Tonight.. First part of the
concert is sure that more beloved to the faithful of the first hour. They come found again splendid extracted gems
from album like Seventeen Seconds., Pornography. until all.ultimo in study Bloodflowers.. And it is just from
quest.ultimo that some between the better brani of the evening come: Watching Me Fall., The Last Days Of
Summer. and Bloodflowers.. The sound, imposing and corposo, comes very designed from the bottom of Simon
Gallup and the battery of Jason Cooper, and for limpid contrast from the precise and cutting guitars, that
sfoggiano a felt sound never in the versions on disc. The Cures feel that they must something to theirs fans.
Finished first part they are thrown to capofitto in one sequence of their greater ones hit. In scattered order they
find space songs of happening like Love Song., In Between Days. and Just Like Heaven., until arriving to the
recent one, and criticized (perhaps l.unico brano that is not piaciuto to the public of Rome), Cut Here., that
is l.inedito included nell.ultimo Greatest Hits. The Cures exit, but the public does not want any to know. And then
to arrive the third action here, perhaps that most intimate one, in a relationship between group and public:
Charlotte Sometimes., A Forest (this time in one version from single, without the famous introduction of
keyboards), Play For Today., The Drowning Man. and Faith. in one version from brividi. After two hours and the
40 Cures they only greet the public of Rome, hoping features of good bye. One of the beautifulst ladders never
proposed in Italy from the Cures. The corposo sound has sure rendered justice to the brani of the period post
Pornography., and above all much surprise that has rendered still greater one of the groups hinge of the history
of rock.

Comments by Patrizia

"Just to let you know that the concert in rome was just MAGICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL! perry bamonte made
my night by wearing my team's shirt !!! GRAAAAANDE !!! la Roma & Cure forever. i am waiting for the
pictures to be sure that i haven't dreamt it all ."

Review by Alessandro

"After Conegliano, it was really hard to think for another great concert in Italy, but now that this incredible night
is gone, i can't stop wondering to myself if this is real or just a dream. I don't know if Rome was the better of the
two, because the atmosphere in Conegliano made me feel like i was "living at the edge of the world". i prefer to
take those two concerts together, as i did for the 2 nights in Paris 2000 or the shows at the Shepherds Bush
At the begining it was Plainsong. Even if i heard it so many times,  this song always fills my heart with love,
everytime. Then Open. The band seemed to be in a very good shape, expecially for Simon in a very good
performance. The Kiss and Siamese Twins (Robert introducing this song said "Pop music") were fantastic and
everything was good but i realized it was an epic night only after Bloodflowers, when i heard the babbles from
Pornography. I knew they had played Disintegration after, as it was in Zillo. I couldn't believe it. Pornography and
Disintegration in the main part of the set. Disintegration is my favourite Cure song. They played it slowly,
with a slight different lyrics at the end.
The encores were even better. Three Imaginary Boys, M, Play For Today and A Forest: can you ask for more?
Then it was the time for the singles and everyone was dancing and singing. I had only a wish: Charlotte, and my
wish came true. Faith was the only way to finish this concert.
Thanks Robert, because after all those years you can still give such an emotions.
I don't know what Hyde Park will be like. I'll be there. Anyway, thanks you all, Robert, Simon, Roger, Perry and
Jason, because this is my city, this is my Stadium, this was my concert......"

Review by Fed.

"Straordinario ! Not any other manner to define the concert of The CURE to the Curva Sud of the Olympic
Stadium. A location that can remember an amphitheater to make from cornice, with 14000 persons to what to the
moment is the best show of the band in this Summer Tour. The feeling between the Italian public and The CURE
the note above all during the concerts. They testify it the sold out recorded almost always in the concerts held in
Italy. Robert Smith showed to be always a great one "animal" from stage, of saper to capture the souls of the fans
with the notes and the lyrics of its songs and of saper to hypnotize with its simple gestuality. A concert, that of
Rome, where the band proposed 25 intense pieces than certainly convinced also the onlookers, also what of The
Cure know alone the songs of the Greatest Hits. The concert begins like in the Prayer Tour of 1989, with three
minutes of little bells that announce the splendid Plainsong. Robert, like of usual, goes for a walk from a head to
the other of the punctilious stage the public in delirium. Therefore Open, Torture and all of the remainder of the
songs of the set that coil of powerful sounds and guitars scratching a public that perhaps it is not awaited a lot.
Robert experiences to thank in Italian but has difficulty (is not then very difficult to say GRAZIE) ! Cut Here is perhaps the sole song that convinces little, performed with a vocal intonational very different from the original one
than does not give back justice to the piece. But then it is a growing of emotions with all of the public that it
sings and bale to the ritmo of In Between Days, Just Like Heaven, A Forest. The Band show to appreciate this I
excite. After a slow version of Charlotte Sometimes is Faith that concludes the concert, with Robert that after to
have added the usual extra lyrics finished the song singing for 2 minutes "...with nothing left...". The ovation that
at the conclusion salutes the band is from shudders, both Robert and Roger, from the field of soccer that you are
traveled to return in the backstage, do spacious signs of greeting with hands to the crowd gone crazy. WOW !

Comments by Valentina


Comments by Steve Jones

"excellent show very enthusiastic crowd most knew words. tons of goths, people in black. crowd in front of stage
were calm, unlike that zoo in Carhaix. parterre tickets were floor in front of stage changed tix distint sud tix were
seats behind 10' high plexiglass only 1 guy made the climb, cops scolded him but let him stay. took 20 mins to pick
up internet ordered tix, only 1 window out of 12 were doing them at box office

only place to get official shirts was on parterre floor near stage tons of horrible ripoff shirts for sale outside,
selling well."
