2002 European Festival Tour

Simon & Perry at the Zillo festival (July 13th, 2002)
(Thanks to Lisa & Leo for the photo)

July 13th, 2002 - Hahn, Germany (Zillo Festival)

Plainsong, The Figurehead, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, The Drowning Man, Torture, Push, The Kiss,
If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, Pictures of You, Shake Dog Shake, Siamese Twins, One Hundred Years,
Bloodflowers, Pornography, Disintegration

1st encore: 3 Imaginary Boys, M, Play For Today, A Forest
2nd encore: Charlotte Sometimes, Faith

show was 2 hours and 20 minutes

(Thanks Boris)

Photos / Photos (at Schwarzeseiten) / Photos (at Cave of Black Ghosts)

Photos (at Forest) / Photos (at Hopelessly Adrift) / Photos (at Cure-Get-Together)

Listen to Charlotte Sometimes & Siamese Twins live at Zillo

(Festival lineup: The Cure - Madrugada - The Mission - Anne Clark - In Strict Confidence - Cruxshadows - Tapping the Vein - Autuminblaze)

Review of Zillo, Vieilles Charrues and Hyde Park by Catherine


Review by Tom Johnson

"After 24 hours with no sleep plus 18 hours of travelling by car from England  (including driving to the WRONG
Hahn!) we finally got to the Zillo festival 2 hours before The Cure were due to come onstage.
Within minutes of muscling our way down to the first few rows the rain came lashing down and immediately we
began to wonder what kind of setlist The Cure were gonna play. (I had avoided looking at them for the past couple
of weeks). Anticipation was high, and The Cure were not to dissapoint.
The support band did not compliment The Cure at all and it was hard to see how they fitted in with the hardcore
gothic atmosphere that was rife at the Zillo festival,  even though The Cure are not THAT goth…it is still
interesting for people watching anyway!
So we had to wait the usual 45 mins- 1 hour for the stage setup (which always drags on too long doesn’t it?) and
by this time 10,000 goths were soaked to the bone (excluding the few who actually bought umbrellas?!).
Eventually at just after 10pm  The Cure ambled onstage one by one, Roger emerging first followed by Perry and
Simon, when Robert came to the mic he was greeted by thousands of cheering fans aswell as a heavy handed
smoke  machine operator, which forced him to stand back by Roger for a few seconds until it had all cleared!
Plainsong kicked in with no windchimes, but it was as good a version as you could wish for…Robert came and
stood right infront of us and was just staring into the audience looking somewhat bemused for a couple of minutes
before having a banner launched into his midrift , which I dare say took him by surprise abit, it was nice to see him
smile however.
What followed was the best Cure mainset I have ever had the privelage to witness, Figurehead was an incredible
choice for second song, Drowning Man was a total dream come true as it fulfilled an ambition of mine to see it
live! Push just rocked  , Deep Green Sea was spot on even though there were not enough ‘hands in the air’. I
guess that was the only thing I could complain about through the whole concert really, was the crowd. Far too
many static people where we were and when a couple of us did start going absolutely crazy we got a few nasty
looks from some shoegazing goths…arrrggghhh  if you want to be near the front at least get into the gig!

Back to the concert…The Kiss was great as ever, Robert really getting into his guitar solo.  If Only Tonight We
Could Sleep ‘changed the mood’ as Robert so rightly said it would, the band launched into a surprisingly
refreshing Pictures of You…suddenly the crowd came alive! A SINGLE they thought!!
The final six songs of the set made me appreciate that when they want to be, the Cure can be a fabulous rock
band …the highlight, undoubtedly was a fantastically screeching, soaring version of Pornography which literally
shook  Zillo! Robert really putting some aggression into his voice ‘I MUST FIGHT THIS SICKNESS’

The first encore was a ‘trip down memory lane’ and it was nice to hear Play For Today where the crowd actually
DO sing along (unlike back home!). Charlotte Sometimes was possibly the biggest surprise of the night, one of
my favourite singles and hardly ever played live nowadays….even better as I was told after the gig that this was
the first time it had been played on the festival tour this year! Faith was a nice way to finish the evening with
the extra lyrics (possibly lyrics to a new song?)  although I was hoping for a Killing An Arab finale. Cannot be
greedy! This was a truly great Cure concert with the most intense setlist they will EVER play.  Roll on
Woodstage and Hyde park I thought…..Thank you The Cure…the one band really worth travelling for."

Review by Scott Zumsteg

"I will start out by saying I travelled all the way from California to attend the dual spider festivals in germany.
And this concert lived up to every pre-conception I had about it. First of all the mood was perfect. We arrived later
in the day to avoid the rain that had been falling all day in Frankfurt. Right before the show began the rain stopped,
but the Fog remained in the valley and the band took the stage to launch into plainsong. Jason was so buried in
smoke and fog it took a little while just to get the show started. Plainsong was brilliant, much like prayer tour as its
the signature "walk around" song for Robert. Figurehead was powerful, then followed up by a surprise of "Deep
Green Sea" so early in the set. I must stress how enjoyable it is to see a Cure show where you do not know exactly
what each song is going to be before it is played! Drowning Man was perfect for the next song, as it seemed it was
note perfect and Robert was succesful with all the words. Then they launched into Toture which this tour is being
played properly again like in 1987. While it was around in 1997 for a few shows, they never turned Perry up back
then so he played Porls old part in vain and you could never hear him. This time he was very evident in the mix
which made the sound field for the song perfect. This was like being in a Kiss Me tour Time machine. A great
version of Push continued the guitar mayhem until the guitar mayhem centerpeice, The Kiss..I have seen quite a
few Cure shows but The Kiss was the most rocking thing I can remember seing them do in many years this night.
It seems to serves as Roberts guitar masterpiece now much like Forest was in the previous decade. The song just
exploded out of the PA system. They switched moods on us going into a nice "If only tonight" and a note perfect
"Picturesof You" . Then they revved up the guitars again for one of the most intense 30 minutes I have ever seen
them do. "Shake Dog Shake", a searing "Hundred Years", an emotional "Blooflowers". Then everyone noticed
they didnt leave the stage to which in the distance the Pornograhpy background DAT came up in the mix, and it
was quite clear we were going to get Pornography and Disintegration to finish off the main set. It was the first time
Disintegration has finished the main set since back in 1998. Its no secret that I am a huge fan of Pornography as
its such an unusual number, with its pounding rhythm section, bizarre lyrics and feedback laden background.
Tonight Robert really emphasized the lyrics and looked as if he was quite enjoying the song (which is strange in
itself to enjoy singing those lyrics). The first encores were the old guitar tunes and came off excellent. Then a
extremely slow version of Charlotte sometimes set us up for the Prayer Tour style "Faith" we were given to finish
the show. It was apparent Robert had been thinking it up all week, had his extra lyrics down and knew how he
wanted to solo it on bass after the main part of the lyrics were done. He even went back to some of the Prayer tour
versions of Faith to become louder and more desperate sending as he sang "there is nothing left but Faith" at the
end, it took them a long time to finish the song as Simon and Jason brough it to a close with Robert and Simon
slowly fading out with his bass which was something I had not seen before. What a perfect day, an amazing show,
and one that almost unfairly set us up for the next day, as how were they to compete with that Zillo show. That will
be answered tommorrow."

Review by Corinna

"Am I mad? I really wondered about that when I was driving for hours from Berlin to godforsaken Hahn, the
location of the Zillo Festival. I wondered about that even more when we erected our tent in the drizzel. And when I
saw the dixie toilets, I really wanted to go home…

Maybe I am slowly getting too old to do this kind of thing…

But some of my prejudices against festivals were proven wrong pretty soon.

First, the stage at Zillo wasn’t as big as I had expected, and we had no trouble finding a good place to stand not too
far away from the stage. Second, Madrugada wasn’t as bad as expected, in fact, they were quite nice to listen to.
Third, accoring to Madrugada, the sound was going to be kind of okay.

Madrugada finished and the stage was being prepared for the cure. And I got the first tickle in the stomach when
the sound of the bells for “plainsong” were tested.

And indeed: the show opened with “plainsong”. The cure start to play and the only word I can think of is:

“The figurehead” is played really beautifully and the sound proves to be very good.

Then – for me - the surprises start: with “torture”. When they play “push”, the whole crowd is dancing and

And then: the kiss. I’d already heard that a couple of times during the dreamtour and, for the last time, at
Werchter. And every time I had heard it, it had blown me off my feet. This time I was again surprised at how good
this song really is- as if my memory and my imagination weren’t strong enough to remember this songs greatness.
I personally think that Robert is a man of many qualities, but also some shortcomings. But when he plays the guitar
at the kiss, there seems to be some kind of divine spark in him. In this moment, he just puts everything into his
guitar play. You see, I was enraptured.

He introduced "if only tonight we could sleep"  with the words: "another songs from the same album as
"the kiss", but this one has a completely different mood".

At one point, Robert apologized for still not speaking any german, at another, for not talking enough in
between the songs. But this is just some kind of understatement, because this man made a joke that kept
us laughing for days. He said: "this song was top ten around the world”. I am confused. What are they
going to play now? “Friday I’m in Love?”. Then they play the first notes of “Siamese twins”, and Robert
says: “top ten around the world, just not this world…”

I almost think that it is over after “bloodflowers”, the old habits from the dreamtour really stick. But they keep
the tension with “pornography” and “disintegration”.

Everyone is in a great mood, the audience sings “Play for today” while waiting for the encores (I wonder:
is this a typical german habit? Singing “play for today”?). And when the cure play “play for today”, everyone is
totally happy, Robert looks with contentment into the crowd, the audience singing and dancing.

When they come out again for the second encore, Robert says: “ we had a long discussion about this one. We
haven’t played that song for quite a long time.” An excellent version of “Charlotte Sometimes” follows. During
the concert, the sound was okay, really. Unfortunately, Rogers keyboards weren`t loud enough during “Charlotte
sometimes”. He played beautifully and I would have enjoyed it even more if the keyboards had been louder.

And now: can this get any better? It can. “Faith”, with additional lyrics (if you have to hate, hate yourself,
not the other).

After the show I thought to myself: no, I am not mad.

And I remembered again why I am doing this, and that it is more than worth it."

Review by Christian Hansmeyer

"Normally, one could not expect a festival show to be something so very very special. In contrary to the 1 ½ hour
standard and hits setlist shows this one turned out to be my best Cure concert ever concerning the setlist and the
second best show ever concerning emotionally after Strassbourg 2000 (there was a slightly better audience
atmosphere and sound, no rain, not so  many pogo dancers).

This one really was a ‘Greatest Hits’ setlist, so they should have put those songs onto their ‘Greatest Hits
compilation’. Nearly every song was one of my favourites and the show was even full of my very special favourites
like The Figurehead, The Kiss, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, Siamese Twins, Pornography, A Forest and Faith.
After waiting more than ten years and numberless shows (and filling out a lot of opinion polls), they finally played
The Drowning Man. I was so happy after having been at nearly every show where they didn’t play it. More new
live songs for me were Push and Three Imaginary Boys.

The second encore turned out to be really stunning by them playing Charlotte Sometimes since a long time and
Faith with additional lyrics.
There was a great sound and Robert was really talking a lot (Siamese Twins: ‘This one was top ten around the
world - but not this world!" Three Imaginary Boys: ‘This is very, very old stuff.’ Charlotte Sometimes: ‘We’ve
had a discussion. We’re going to play a song that we haven’t done for a long time. Hopefully everything goes
At the end of  The Kiss, Robert screamed as if having reached the climax of  his rush of guitar playing.
The additional lyrics in Faith were: 'If you have to hate, you have to hate yourself'.
Robert ended the show saying: "Thank you very much and see you tomorrow, some of you. And if not, well then
see you very soon."

Comments by Lisa (aka Peq.) & Leo

Robert holding the Thank You banner

"Your Messages Were Delivered!

I just wanted to let all the great friends and Cure fans who were at the Roskilde Festival last year and signed and
wrote your heart felt messages to The Cure on our "THANK YOU" banner know that the band finally has it!
Yes, it's a year late (technically), but better late than never!

On Saturday at the Zillo festival Leo and I were nervously standing near the front of the stage (on the side of
Simon and Perry) waiting for the show to begin.  As usual they slowly started to appear on the stage one by one.
Then as everyone else was getting settled and situated Robert quietly and  slowly looked out into the crowd and
then started to walk closer to the side of the stage we were standing on, just gazing with his calm happy Robert
gaze out into the hundreds of people there, taking it all in...  Suddenly I realized that this was our perfect chance
to get our "thanks" to them!  He was standing right in front of us and security was almost non-existent (much
unlike Roskilde).  Unfortunately, I wasn't expecting this and was completely unprepared...though I did bring the
banner with me to the festival just in case of such an situation.  Somehow I managed to rip the folded up banner
out of the bottom my bag, shove it into Leo's hands and yell "throw it!" as loud as I could to him.  Suddenly it
flopped right into Robert's belly....and he grabbed it!!!!  YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!

For obvious reasons Robert looked a bit confused at first because...well he had just been nailed in the belly with
this strange piece of cloth out of nowhere-sorry sorry sorry Robert!  Anyway, he took a firm hold of it, gazed
a moment longer into the crowd, then started to walk over to the other side of the stage to take a good look at
the fans there.  However! On his way over he sort of opened up the folded ragged banner Leo had thrown right to
him and tried to make sense of exactly what it was.  But then he set it down on an amplifier as he neared the
center of the stage and went on to gaze at the fans on the other side.  From there I don't know exactly what
happened to it...but we did our best to deliver your messages to our beloved Cure....even if it was a year after it
was written.

So now we can only hope that they have or will see the short but heartfelt messages of thanks we wish
them....because it's about time we said thank you back.

Also attached you can find a rather blury and poor picture of Robert holding the "Thank You" banner....it's blury
but it still makes me smile :) "

Comments by Stephan

"I just want to say thank you to the Band. After 16 years (and 15 shows) of curefan such an fantastic Show.
Unbelievable. i have no words for this. THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Review by Short-Term-Effect

"Well, what can I say?? It was amazing!!! I've seen The Cure three times (Brussels promo 2000, Werchter 2000
and now, Zillo). This concert was by far the best show I've ever seen. Great set list (all those old songs), very good
sound, brilliant performance. Only the crowd-atmosphere could’ve been better (a bit too quiet and not “swinging”)
and a fuck you to those drunk assholes starting to bump halfway trough the set. You were “watching” The Cure,
not Slipknot!

Zillo is a (so called) Gothic-festival. I must say I've never seen so many weird people at the same place at the
same time :o).

The kick-off was at 10.30, a bit earlier than expected (11.05). I didn't complain, no-one did. First Plainsong,
followed by a very powerful The Figurehead. 3rd song was FTEOTDGS, a song you don’t expect to be played so
early in the set, but it worked really well. Then The Drowning Man, one of my favourite songs and the first of
many highlights of the evening. The Cure were pushing me further into a dream with songs such as Torture
(surprise to me), Siamese Twins (another personal favourite), 100 years (good as always), Push (excellent!),
The Kiss (Robert is a brilliant guitar player!), Pornography (very loud!), Disintegration, etc.

They only played one song from their last album; Bloodflowers. During that song, I saw a man (about 35 years old)
singing (screaming) along “these flowers will always die…” hands in the air, eyes closed and the tears pouring
down his face….Wonderful!

The encores. Robert introduced Three Imaginary Boys with something like “this is a very, very old song”. Three
songs from 17 Seconds (M, Play For Today and A Forest-short version) followed.

Robert introduced (I can’t remember it very well) the second encore with the words: ”We’ve had a discussion.
We’re going to play a song that we haven’t done for a long time. Hopefully everything goes right." I was thinking
about The Holy Hour, but they started Charlotte Sometimes. They played a slower version. Very nice! Faith (with
additional lyrics) was the last song of the evening. Another excellent song and the best way to finish such a brilliant
show. Thank you guys, thank you so much!!!"

Review by Matti

"This year's Zillo was a rather small festival, which made it seem a little like a family meeting rather than a
festival . After AnneClark, The Mission and Madrugada (who all played really good gigs), everyone was waiting
for saturday's headliner. Lots of rain, lots of goths and lots of anticipation... and finally, off they went. Starting
the show with a superb version of Plainsong, the band took everyone on a trip through the darker areas of
Cure-Land. Apparently, Robert was in a good mood, despite of not talking much, but it seemed that he put all his
energy into the performance. And the setlist added to that: The Figurehead, If Only Tonight..., The Drwoning Man,
Siamese Twins (which was intruduced by Robert saying "This one was top ten around the world - but not this
world!"), The Kiss, Pornography, Pictures Of You... I can't exactly remember the running order, but I think that
after this show everyone was a little... well, overwhelmed, I suppose. Great sound, great light show, great
performance by a band who were obviously enjoying themselves - all in all the best show I've ever seen! And I
hope the others were/will be as great as that. The Cure still kick ass."

Comments by Holger

"There is not much to say about this brilliant setlist. A short rain shower in the break between Madrugada and
Cure stopped five minutes before the Cure gig started. The start with The Figurehead, The Drowning Man and
Torture coming after Plainsong was really great. In the middle of part 1 Robert shocked the audience with his
announcement "Now one of the top ten all over the world". Fortunately Siamese Twins (one of my favourites)

Comments by Deborah

"The concert, as usual, was really great, and lasted from 10.25 to 00.45.
There was a lot fog all over the place which added a very strange mood to the show. Fortunately, it stopped raining
when The Cure came up on stage....
There was a good mood on stage and Robert ended the show saying: "Thank you very much and see you
tomorrow........ and if not see you very soon" with a smile."

Review by Nika Bertram

"Hello world ... again. Wow, what a weekend! Friday night Bowie in town, Saturday The "'cause we are rockers"
Cure in something coming very close to being the best gig i've ever seen (since 85)!

But first, let me just mention that Anne Clark and The Mission rocked heavily aswell, and made me wonder, like
Soft Cell last year, why on earth they had left us all those years ago ...

As soon as Plainsong started, i knew this gig would be something special. Next were The Figurehead ("Chinese art
and German girls"), From the Edge... and The Drowning Man, and i felt like loosing myself, wanting to slip, crawl
in and disappear into the sound completely - if it hadn't been for those bumping bastards you meet at every show
who go all like "i'm-so-fucking-drunk/emotional-now-i-have-to-bump-into-all-of-you-and-don't-care-go-away".
Of course, they revelled at Torture and Push, but the true art of eccentric dancing presented itself during The
Kiss, when my neighbor tothe left took over, more beautiful, "stylish" and expressive than the others, but still ...
alright, i should probably keep my urge to dance to the Cure to my living-room, or Curiosity gigs. Anyhow,
Robert's guitar playing was a killer. And we remained on fascination street ...

After Shake Dog Shake, Robert announced that the next song had been "a top ten hit all around the world" - and:
silence in the audience, the faces under some ghastly goth make-ups turning even whiter - before he grinned and
added " ... in a different world" and headed off into Siamese Twins.

Then 100 Years, Bloodflowers, and you thought, ok, perfect, but that's it, they'll close with this one, then
Pornography, and you're getting even more excited, Disintegration ... and you're dying again ... Of course, the final
highlights were Charlotte Sometimes, which Robert introduced as "something we have not played for a long time,
so i hope we'll get it right" and Faith with extra lyrics (couldn't understand much though, apart from "if you want
to hate, you have to hate yourself").

Oh, and perhaps i should add that i really think Charlotte Sometimes is THE perfect pop song to be included in
such a magically and beautifully dark set like this one - and, yes, that Robert was looking very gorgeous and
everyone seemed to be in a good mood and shape - and, that, this time, he did manage to stop the rain, funnily
enough, after Drowning Man (i think..) And, before they left, Robert said: "see you again, tomorrow... some of
you, at least".

I really wish i was able to see more shows this summer, and would advise anybody who can to go, go, go ... for me,
Zillo alone was just fantastic, with a real dream set list, like a gift, for which you feel most grateful, so THANK
YOU guys, THE CURE kicks ass!"

Review by Chris from PerryBamonte.de

"Back from a fantastic Cure-Gig at Zillo. The Festival took place at an old US-army airport in the near of
Mainz/Germany. The Weather was ok, a little too cold maybe but the rain stopped after the first three songs.
The place wasn´t full, but i think they were at least 7000 people. The band entered the stage around 10:30 and it
was very obvious that they were all in a good mood, especially Robert. Only Perry seemed to be a bit disappointed
or whatever. They started with a great an warm welcomed 'Plainsong' and went on with 'Figurehead' directly. The
sound was pretty horrible, but that wasn´t the bands fault. The Speakers were very loud, one could only bear it
with earplugs. Also, there was too much bass in it. After 'From the edge' (with some faults of Perry) they went on
with a dirty and rocking 'Torture', a surprising 'Drowning Man', my favourite 'Push' and a stunning 'Kiss' with a
fab 10 minutes guitar solo of robert. The crowd was rocking all over the place. 'If only..' was announced with the
words 'a completely different mood' and at the beginning of the song the seemed to play the worng chords.
'Pictures of you' was great and the crowd sang all along, also was 'Shake dog shake', robert sang very expressively.
'Siamese Twins' and '100 years' were also highly appreciated. 'Bloodflowers' sounded strange to me, i think
Roberts guitar had the wrong tuning. 'Pornography' was just perfect, Robert again very intense and expressive.
The regular set ended with a slow but great version of 'Disintegration'.

The first encore was great because i never heard 3IB live from the Cure. The crowd sang along with 'M', 'Play for
today' and 'A forest'.

The second encore was THE surprise of the evening. Robert came back and said 'We haven´t played that for a
long time, so i hope that works' and then the first chords of 'Charlotte' sounded over the place. I think they
haven´t played that since 1996. It was a fucking wonderfully great version, more slow like the original and roberts
voice was simply wonderful at that. Unbelievable!
Then they went on with Faith which was fab as ever. Robert included some extra lyrics at the end, i only remember
'If you have to hate, you have to hate yourself'.

All in all, this was the best Cure-gig i´ve ever been. The setlist changed finally to it´s best and i personnally never
hoped for 'Charlotte' and 'Pornography' in one set. I hope they continue like that tonight in Glauchau.."

Review by Boris

"The Cure headlined the Zillo Festival in Hahn yesterday and played a really amazing show. I arrived at the
festival site in the early afternoon and watched a nice acoustic performance of Justin Sullivan. The Cure were
sceduled for 11 pm but somehow the bands seemed to play shorter to save time (and actually someone from the
Zillo staff informed me that The Cure needed some extra soundcheck time, so they would try to hurry things up a
bit). The whole day was a bit rainy and just before the concert started many people opened their umbrellas - I
hoped it wouldn´t be annoying for the band to play in the rain.

At 10.30 pm the lights went out and the stage was covered with smoke. I really hoped for Plainsong to be the
opener and just as Robert entered the stage and started to look at the audience from the left wing of the stage
(Dream Tour like) it was sure that my dreams would come true. An early Deep Green Sea was a great surprise
and the crowd seemed to like it (though they weren´t too loud and cheerful for the whole night). There was not one
song missing which I wanted to hear (The Drowning Man, Pictures of You, The Kiss etc.) but the biggest moment
was Robert´s introduction for Siamese Twins (something like "you all know this song from the Top Ten", and then
he murmured "...but not from this world."). Fortunately the raining ceased in the middle of the set and also due to
the great sound and lights this concert was a really unparalleled experience. I assumed the show would end with
Bloodflowers but they went right into Pornography (mmm...does that mean there won´t be any encores, because
they had to hurry things up and play them tight after the set?). Fortunately that didn´t happen and we were blown
away with some great tunes from the 17 Seconds/Faith era of which Charlotte Sometimes was the greatest
surprise. Robert said: "And now after a long discussion, we´re gonna play a song that we didn´t play for a long
time." They played a rather slow version (more like the original than the Paris live version) and after that
they closed their set with a soothing version of Faith (including extra words - one line I remember is: "If you have
to hate, hate yourself, not anyone else...").

So, this was really great and for every Cure fan I can only say: You should have been there!"

Comments by Meumeu

"This festival is brilliant, the organisation is perfect and the festival site very good. The setlist for THE CURE
was very amazing and the sound was powerful. A setlist wich was very different of those of the Dreamtour
The light show was also very good. This was THE show of the summer !"

Comments by Tof

"The show was really brilliant, the band have fun to play at the Zillo. For the encore, i was realy surprise,
charlotte and tib come back!!! the version of Faith, with additional lirycs is great and beautifull! A DREAMING
SHOW,  Now, i'm going to sleep... dreaming for Hyde Park..."
