2002 European Festival Tour

As the rain continues to pour down, The Cure play on.
"And the way the rain comes down hard..."
(Photo by Luigi Bagatella / Thanks R)

July 6th, 2002 - Conegliano, Italy (Campo Fiera)

Plainsong, The Figurehead, Prayers For Rain, A Night Like This, The Drowning Man, (break due to the heavy
rain), The Baby Screams, Push, Watching Me Fall, The Kiss, Siamese Twins, One Hundred Years, 39,

1st encore: In Between Days, Just Like Heaven, A Forest
2nd encore: Pornography, Disintegration
3rd encore: Play For Today, Faith.

show was 2 hours and 40 minutes (including the rain break)

Photos / Photos (Italian Cure Forum - click on Curepics)

(Thanks Mirco, Luca, Francesco, Roberto)

Review by Angela Birtwell

'THE NIGHT I TOOK A 3 HOUR SHOWER WITH ROBERT (and 13,000 italians!)'

Having got up before we went to sleep we found ourselves sprinting through stansted airport at some ungodly
hour ten minutes before our flight bound for Treviso, Italy took off!

We spent a gorgeous day meeting up with the familiar Euro-diehards and as we stripped out of our summer
clothes in the intense italian heat and adorned ourselves in our black gear, I heard in the distance a strange
rumble - no, surely it couldnt be...again we heard the noise and we all looked at each other in disbelief as there
was a huge crack of thunder! Our hearts sank as we set off with the re-occuring nitemare of 'Cologne'98'
becoming ever more real.....

By the time we arrived in Conegliano we were greeted to fork and sheet lightning as the heavens opened and
began their attack on the weird and wonderful outfits/hairstyles of the gathering fans. In the mad rush to purchase
plastic ponchos to protect ourselves from the downpour I found myself struggling to get into it as I was getting
soaked to the skin, much to everyones amusement!

So there we were - new outfits, neatly crafted hairdo's and make up stood in makeshift plastic bags becoming
sodden in the warm intense rain, awaiting what had to be an amazing performance to make up for the increasing
miserable conditions.

As the band took the stage they all looked dumbfounded when they came on as they faced pounding rain lashing
almost horizontally onto the stage, instruments and amps, although the crowd were suddenly lifted and went
crazy as robert did his familiar walkabout during the opening track 'plainsong'.

They boomed through 'The Figurehead', 'Prayers For Rain' (where robert said " this one isnt supposed to be
funny"), 'A Night Like This' and the spine tingling 'Drowning Man'....the weather was appauling, the thunder
and lightning backdrop to the gig turned to horror as we all looked at each other in dread when officals took to
the stage and robert motioned to the crowd they would be back in 5 minutes(?)........ the band had us on a high
and were delivering an intense setlist and suddenly they were gone!

After around 20 minutes of covering the gear with sheets/towels, reparing instruments, mopping the stage and
moving the keyboard to the back, the band returned to a huge reception and launched into 'The Baby Screams'
("heaven give me a sign" lyric was followed with a huge crack of thunder and the crowd cheered!!). Followed by
'Push', Watching Me Fall, The Kiss, Siamese Twins, One Hundred Years, 39, Bloodflowers ...each played with
raw intensity, the italians were amazing and I've never experienced a festival-cure-gig-crowd which danced and
sang the words to EVERY song with such conviction!

As the band left the stage soaked to the skin it I felt SO proud of them as they had battled to deliver this
awesome setlist while the rain blew directly in their faces ....roberts clothes were stuck to him, his makeup
had run and his familar trade mark hair was no more and had parted in the middle and was hanging either side
of his face, heehee!! (a photo of this would be priceless!)

1st encore:
As the band returned roberts guitar had shorted and wasnt working (it really looked dangerous on stage) robert
told us to imagine we were all on a beach soaking up the sun while the roadies continued to scuttle around
the stage fighting the incoming water .......The lightning continued throughout the pop encore (1st encore: In
Between Days, Just Like Heaven, A Forest)  we all partied and we didnt care, the steam and the continous
downpour in the mosh pit had created such a deliriously fun atmosphere!!!!

2nd encore:
Robert walked from one side of the stage to the other and the drums built up and crashed into 'Pornography',
and melted into an lyrically alternative (!!) version of 'Disintegration'.

THEN......The band left the stage for the last time EXCEPT ROBERT, daryl was trying to get him off the stage
to which robert 'declined' and we all cheered. He stood on the stage alone and said 'who wants 'play for today'?',
he began strumming it and we all screamed and the crowd began singing the 'oohh-ohh-oooh' keyboard bit until it
was deafening, it was so uplifting....and for about a minute this continued and the rest of the band were nowhere
to be seen, robert then said loudly " ok I'LL DO IT ON MY OWN!!!!" ....and one by one the band returned to
big cheers and launched into PFToday.....and straight into 'Faith'....
as Faith ended (the rain stopped!!) and robert said he would 'never forget this experience" I was inclined to agree
with him.

We then faced two hours of torture before we could leave: cold and wet and incredibly muddy trying to push our
car with 10,000 others out of the field/swamp we had parked it in!!!

I've followed the cure for about 12 years now and I've never been part of something so uplifting in the face of
such terrible conditions. Without sounding terribly patriotic (but I'm going to) I saw the 'britsh bull dog spirit'
come out in the band tonight. At times there has been doubt about how much they appreciate  just how many of
us give them our support when they are on tour, and it would have been SO easy to just give up and cancel
the concert and instead they carried on......so from the UK based fans who made the trip out to italy I just want
to say a big thankyou to the band for all they gave us, the weather (for creating the atmosphere!) and the
italian audience for a TRUELY UNFORGETABLE EXPERIENCE......"

Review by Fabio

"Plainsong, heavy rain over us and my glasses started to cry (sigh!)...Jason first then Simon Perry Roger and
then Robert slowly on the stage, The Figurehead was great exciting, the crowd around me started to move
like hypnotized...
Prayers for Rain at the right time, with a super Roger that continued playing keybords despite they weren't
completely full of water!!
A Night like This, Fantastic, one of my dreams dedicated to my very  best friend...she knows!!
The Drowning man was the best song of the night, Robert sang it in an  incredibile way but as his guitar started
to sound bad, i thought very unlikely things...the rain was too heavy and they went off of the stage for a while.

After the break, they came back again and Perry was wearing a grey sweater with a hood under the water!! As
the crowd heard the intro of The Baby Screams, it started to jump like mad all along the song and continues with
Push, singing along while Robert was playing...
Watching me fall sounds very well as the last Dream Tour concert in Florence.
The Kiss, Simon played the bass riff with his goodlooking new hair, he seemed younger than ever!!
When they played Siamese Twins the storm incredibley stopped for a little while...
One hundred years was as always with red lights and strobo lights all over us!!
They have finished the first part with 39 and Bloodflowers, this one with a great emotion!!

The First encore: three songs to dance, to sing and scream all over the night...Just like heaven on top!
The Second encore started with the fascinating drums of Pornography  while Robert was walking all around the
stage to say hello to us! Then he brought the guitar and continues with a strange Disintegration, new words but
the great keybords of Roger was very loud and all was OK!!
At the end the Promoter wanted them to stop the show because there was too late, but Robert on his own
wanted to play more, and than he started Play for Today while we was singing the keybords riff. The rest of the
band came out again and played with him...
The last song, nearly ten minutes of Faith, of Blue lights, of little sadness.
The rain stopped definitely to fall down as Jason plays the last sound, i was completely under water till over
shoes but i will never forget all this, forever...
Thank You all, you are great!!  "

Additional notes from Giacomo

"Right, so they did play some intro music but it wasn't either Tape nor the dream tour Adagio, I didn't recognize
the artist who recorded it, but what I can say is that it had a very atmospheric sound with a touch of psychadelia,
it was an instrumental that started off slow and then moved to a more paced part, all with sparse, echoing guitar
phrases and keyboards. It didn't sound too far from some Cure things, actually it could have been theirs but I
don't know for sure. It's more likely to be some stuff by artists like Air or similar bands.

Before the Cure only one band took the stage, it was actually an Italian artist called Pietro de Cristoforo backed
by a 3-piece band, the Electric Babies. Their music was sort of Muse-ish, although they played with no synth so
the sound was rougher. Parts of their songs were interesting, other didn't appeal much to me.

Before the band took the stage, the roadies had put on stage also Perry's keyboard, so I assume they planned to
play Trust but the keyboard was removed from the stage during the break, probably to avoid other problems, so
maybe the only complaint of the show might be the lack of the usual lighter show during this song... I don't know
how many noticed that, anyway...

However, I don't really care about that, having been given the pleasure to hear such a setlist!

A couple other things: before "The Drowning Man" Robert said "this isn't funny either", referring to what he'd
previously said to introduce Prayers For Rain. At one point of the show, after the break (i don't remember exactly
before which song, though), as the sky didn't seem to be willing to stop the rainstorm, Robert, always in a good
mood, told us something to the effect of "Right, so we have to concentrate in order to stop this: now try to
concentrate on the summer, think about the sun, imagine you are by the sea, the sand is hot... " and kept joking
like that for a while as some cable was being fixed."

Review by Roberto Galati

"The concert in Conegliano moved me deeply. It was in the open air, and when I arrived the sky was pretty
cloudy. And as expected it rained cats and dogs during the whole show. The storm was heralded by a lot of
lightning; this was the ideal ambiance for a Cure concert, and infact the setlist was unbelievable; they did half
Pornography and even The Drowning Man and Faith. I think the heavy rain no doubt brush off on the mood of the
band (Prayers For Rain was particularly suitable for the situation!).
I even must say that the bad weather caused a lot of technical problems, but from an emotional point of view it
spurred them to do this fantastic concert (...is it really true? I like to think so).
I saw the setlist they did in Athens so I knew they played Pornography and Disintegration as 2nd encore. This
happened even here in Conegliano and I thought it was the end. Instead they began to play a 3rd encore with Play
For Today and an unexpected and beautiful Faith.
The highlight of the evening was when they played The Kiss, I never heard it live; and then I stood open-mouthed
when they played The Drowning Man and Siamese Twins.
This is the 6th time I saw The Cure live, but no doubt it was the best cure concert ever. Thanks!"

Review by Marina & Carlo

"Two years after " The Dream Tour" The Cure comes back to Italy to play far away from the glamorous Milan in
the far east of the country. A very English weather welcomed the audience who believed the "shower" would soon
end for a nice warm Summer night. Instead it began to rain cats and dogs without any moments of rest till the last
note of the last song. People who gathered for the show had driven a long way from every part of Northern Italy and,
since they were not the occasional listeners eager to hear a new pop song hammering in their heads, they hadn't the
tinest idea of going back with no music at all.
But after a couple of songs it seemed evidently impossible to go on as the rain was heavily falling on instruments.
Twenty minutes to push them to the back portion of the stage and there they were again playing as good as ever for
the following two hours. The main set was based on the trilogy Pornography, Disintegration and Bloodflowers,
leaving only three of the most famous greatest hits for the first encore. They left the stage again among fans' ovation
and they came back to give us Pornography, a slow version of Disintegration and Play for today which predictably
unified people's voices in a chorus. At some minutes past midnight someone, who was probably ordered to stop the
gig at twelve o'clock, tried to dissuade Robert from singing another song. A very tough task as frontmant almost
ignored him and decided to play the very last one anyway. A long, long, long one. As Robert remarked, it was funny
to hear Prayers for the rain and The drowning man utterly wet last night, but it was totally worth and we would like
to thank The Cure for sticking to us, unlike some other music stars would do, no matter what the sky sent us."

Review by Giacomo

"I took a train from Milan at 9 am with my friend Alberto, whom I had been with at the Cure show in Milan 2 years
ago, finally arriving in Conegliano at about 12 o'clock. As we found out that the concert site wasn't very close to the
station, we looked for a lift and two other cure fans (thanx again Veronica, I can't remember your friend's name, so
thank him for me!) took us there by car.

We were amongst the first few people to have gotten there, so we were first in line. The sun shined hot and
cloudless for the whole afternoon making all of us sweat and unconsciously "pray for rain"... but someone up there
must have taken us a bit too seriously and as soon as the gates opened rainclouds started gathering... by the start
of the supporting band's set the rain was alredy falling over the whole audience, reaching also a part of the stage.
After the Electric Babies' set the rain was already so hard that the roadies were desperately trying to cover the
Cure's equipment with plastic film to prevent amplifiers, keyboards and pedal boards from getting too wet.
As far as we (the audience) were concerned, we were prepared to stand in the pouring rain for as long as our heros
would be willing to play!

At about 9.35 pm the band took the stage to a cheering and warm welcome from the audience, starting immediately
with Plainsong, with the usual catwalk antics by Rob, who seemed to be in a very good mood, constantly smiling and
joking with Simon. The Figurehead was great, none of them seemed to be suffering from the rain at this point,
although we couldn't pretend it wasn't there, and so Robert introduced Prayers for Rain saying "this isn't meant to
be funny". A Night Like This took us all by surprise, and the band played it perfectly and powerfully, with a great,
flawless guitar solo by Rob. The Drowning Man meant a lot to me, as it's one of my all time faves and it's one of
the songs I wanted them to play the most, but halfway through it a weird noise came out of Rob's amplifier and
although they kept playing to finish it (and anyway it sounded great apart from that brief interruption), after the
song htey had to stop as the stage seemed to be flooded and as the organizers said, it was becoming too dangerous.
We all feared that the show was going to be cancelled but after some 15 minutes of roadies fixing things here and
there, the band came back on stage, this time even more warmly welcome than the first time! The Baby Screams
got me going completely nuts, as I was hoping a lot for this song after reading about the Athens show; Push was
great too, another of my personal faves; the Kiss was astounding and Siamese Twins was another surprise,
brilliantly played.

The first encore seemed a bit too short: excellent InBetween Days and JLH, but a weird A Forest with an half-long
intro and short solo left me hoping for more, although it was well performed.
The second encore gave us a great version of Pornography and a weak, heavily flawed Disintegration, but after all
the problems we couldn't blame them much, and let's not forget that the rain hadn't stopped yet!

Robert didn't want to leave the stage though, and as the whole crowd was singing the keyboard notes of Play For
Today he went to the microphone and said "You Want Play for Today", picked up his red Chet Atkins guitar and
strummed the chords to Play For Today, half speed, until the rest of the band got back on stage and they played it
in its entirety, normal speed. Of course we went all crazy, and after PFT Robert announced the very last song was
going to be Faith.... an amazing rendition, seriously, better than the Milan 2000 one and with additional lyrics that I
couldn't figure out...

As Robert himself said, I don't think we'll ever forget this show..."

Review by Rossanna Migotto

"Yesterday I was in Conegliano to see my first Cure concert. It was simply wonderful even if, unfortunately, it
rained cats and dogs for the most part of the concert so that, at the end, we were all completely numb with cold
and wet to the skin. When the Cure started playing at 9,30 it was raining very hard, a real thunderstorm with
thunderbolts falling down very close and also gusts so the rain fell down over the instruments and over them.
They played three or four songs, I don't remember very well, and then they had to stop because it was impossible
and dangerous to go on playing in such bad conditions.
But when we already thought that the concert was suspended the Cure came back out and they begin playing
again. The rain also stopped till almost the end of the concert and we could finally enjoy the pure magic of the
I luckily was on the first row so I was able to see them very well, they seemed happy to be there despite
of the bad weather and Robert, with great sense of humour started singing "Prayers for rain" just while it
was raining very hard. He also came various times on the edge of the stage, smiling and waving to us and
he often smiled at his bandmates too. The sound was incredibly clear and Robert's voice very strong, they
made a perfect version of One hundred years, A forest, Prayers for rain, Figurehead.
At the end Robert stayed there while the others had already gone away and started playing alone till the
others came back on stage to play again.
It was an unforgettable night, THANK YOU VERY MUCH,  CURE!

Review by Mirco

"Tonight I went to see the Cure playing live for the fifth time: I was really excited. From the very first time I
arrived in Conegliano heavy rain started to fall and it stopped only after the show was finished. The real problem
was that rain fell down also on the stage!: the band played the whole concert under the rain!! After a few songs
they stopped for a while because it was really impossible for them to continue playing. At that point I really feared
that the show was going to be canceled, but after a while Robert returned on stage and continued the concert. They
played very well but, obviously, they were annoyed by the bad weather. After more than two hours of music and two
encores, all the band left the stage apart from Robert (it seemed for the very last time), but at that point the
audience started to sing Play for Today. Robert did not want to stop playing so he said over the microphone that
he was going to play Play for Today on his own: what a strange moment for a concert I thought, but after a few
seconds the rest of the band returned on stage and played the song with Robert."
