The Trilogy Shows 2002

Nov. 11th, 2002 - Berlin, Germany (Tempodrom)

1st set: One Hundred Years, A Short Term Effect, The Hanging Garden, Siamese Twins, The Figurehead, A
Strange Day, Cold, Pornography

2nd set: Plainsong, Pictures of You, Closedown, Lovesong, Last Dance, Lullaby, Fascination Street, Prayers For
Rain, Same Deep Water As You, Disintegration, Homesick, Untitled

3rd set: Out Of This World,  Watching Me Fall, Where the Birds Always Sing, Maybe Someday, Last Day Of Summer, There Is No If, The Loudest Sound, 39, Bloodflowers

1st encore: If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, The Kiss.
2nd encore: M, Play For Today, A Forest.

Show was 4 hours & 10 minutes (with breaks)

(Thanks Simon & Anton)

Photos - Photos (on Crystal's page) - Photos (at Cave of Black Ghosts)

Photos (at A Reflection) - Photos (at Goth City)

All Access Pass for Berlin

(Thanks Gaetan)

(Thanks Patrick)

(Bloodflowers setlist with guitar notes...signed by Robert, Roger & Perry)

(Thanks Michael)

Review by Dennis

"It doesn't matter if we all die - what a sentence to open the trilogy show with - unfortunately, someone must
have mentioned that one to the stuff working for tempodrom, rarely have I seen a worse organisation, with
glass-double-doors only 45cm opened + people pushing against them, and inside tempodrom - well, another door
closed for some 30min more + only 35cm to be squeezed into later - hurrah, still a major surprise the ambulance
wasn't the most working organization at the venue... if you were inside the downstairs standing area, it was almost
impossible to breathe - lovely, even before the show...

So, '100 years' couldn't have been a better opener to let out all the anger about the crap entrance situation...
Highly anticipated was obviously after some 20 years 'A short term effect', though it seemed quite obvious why it
wasn't played in the last years, as it somehow doesn't sound right due to the characteristic drumsound on the
album. Much apprecitaed was the use of vintage instruments, to make the sounds sound better (especially
Simon's bass worked really well during the set). The whole album sounded quite updated in sound, even the
standard version of 'Cold' getting some additonal effect sounds. 'Hanging garden' was a bit lame, enjoyed it much
more with Roger on drums as well as in 1996. All in all, really well played and the break was much appreciated, as
after it, the famous bells set in and it was again the (at least to me) best opening part of a Cure show ever... And
finally being able to experience 'Closedown' live - and it worked so well, the only question that remained amongst
my friends was - why didn't they play that one again in the last years? The stage design changed a bit as well with
new romantic style small curtains inbetween the backscreens. I enjoyed that part the most of the 3 albums, and it
seemed to be over in virtually just minutes instead of a good hour...

On with the show after the next break and the usual 'Out of this world' led us into a a strong final part, even the
problem song 'There is no if' came over quite well, with more drums and less backingtape. After this, it was quite
obvious we'd get the same encore as Bruxelles, as the cameras (by the way, well placed, as for most people they
didn't worse the view, which is at times very common among recorded shows...) were still on, and as the acoustic
was prepard for Perry it was quite obvious. 'If only tonight' will never be a fave of mine + after more than 3 hours,
it needs a more upbeat thing which we got with 'The kiss' - and as people pointed it out already, they play it better
and better. Finishing of the show - the classic '17 Seconds' encore with ''Play for today' being the highlight out of
the 3.

All in all, excellent night + especially knowing the fact, that this dream would be able to be redreamed the next
night. Band seemed pretty tight and very concentrated, the audience was really into the set."

Review by Lisa (a.k.a. Pequegnat)

"I don’t normally write reviews of the Cure shows I go to because brevity is not my forte and there are usually a
thousand reviews submitted that basically all say the same thing…but this time is different.  I can’t keep inside
the overflow of feelings I have about this show… head is swimming.

To begin with it was just exciting to be there standing outside in the freezing Berlin air waiting until they decided
to let us in.  It was really wonderful to see all of our god Cure friends that we love so dearly and only really get to
see at Cure shows…and from there it just got better!

Once we fought our way through the crazy people at the doors (the Tempodrom really need to create a much
better system for letting people into the venue) we were able to get to about the second standing row and it really
couldn’t get much better than that.

The show it’s self was simply mind-boggling.   Robert seemed nervously confident, but happy and was unusually
animated.  He didn’t talk much but he never really does, but he seemed very focused and somewhat calculated in
his movements…I would be too if I knew that I was being filmed!

Anyway… I’ve listened many times to Pornography for many years but never could have imagined that hearing
it live and complete would be so astonishing.  To have the show start off with 100 Years was brilliant as one would
expect.  Then came Short Term Effect which was much better live than I could have imagined, which made me
wonder why they really haven’t played it since the early eighties!  Then came my favorite part of the entire night,
the part I had been waiting for since the announcement of the Trilogy concerts…..The Hanging Garden.  It’s just
one of those songs that gets inside my head and inside my soul and just doesn’t let go.  And this was the first time
I was privileged to hear it live.  That alone pretty much made my night.

But no, of course there was more…after the seemingly short performance of Pornography (which by the way
during the song Pornography there was some pretty raunchy porn on the image screens at the back of the
stage-lol-pretty funny) it was time for Disintegration-yeah!! And everyone was ready for it!

During Plainsong Robert walked around the stage in the quite way he does and that brought a huge smile to my
face as our gaze met.   Pictures of You was brilliant as usual and made me cry (as usual).  Robert's
Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiinn was pretty long during Prayers and got a pretty good cheer afterwards.  Then just
before Same Deep Water As You a crew guy brought out this fisheye camera on a stand and set it next to the
microphone, which pretty much seemed to terrify Robert;.  He stayed away from the mic as long as he possibly
could and became very timid-very strange.  I felt sort of sorry for him actually.  It was really strange and the
effect of the camera and the image from it that was cast on the screens really didn’t seem to be worth the torture
of Robert…maybe it will seem different on the final cut.  Then the funniest thing of the night happened…at the
beginning of Homesick Jason started the song off wrong and got long look from Robert-very funny…….I’m sure
we won’t get to see it though on the final cut L.

The rest of the regular set went on without many more mentionable happenings…there were  few lyrical mistakes
made during There Is No If, and one other song.  Oh!  And there were new guitar parts in Bloodflowers!  The
chords seem to have become richer and a bit more complicated…a very slight difference but wonderful!

Then of course there were the encores which were outstanding.  If Only We could Sleep Tonight sounded clearer
and more crisp than I’ve ever hear it before, Robert’s guitar rang out and cut like a knife through everything. And
The Kiss was more powerful that I’ve heard it before.  It was beautiful.

Then as M began the crowd when wild…it’s was really great.  Everyone was dancing and jumping around and
singing along-fabulous.  And then it only got better with Play For Today.  The crowd’s energy just seemed to soar
and explode.  We were unstoppable-lol!  And then A Forest came and we knew the end was near.  And there it was.
The Trilogy was over and the lights came on and crowd slowly filtered out back into the cold Berlin night.

 ………lucky for us though we saw the band one last time that night at their hotel.  They were tired and we were
cold but it was still very nice, though all I said was a pretty simple thank you to Robert and they slipped away into
the night."

Comments by Obskur[e]

"   It's hard to let my heart speak out about what happened there. Besides the opportunity of listening to
Pornography live, listening again to Disintegration was what brought the stupid smile on my face. I just smiled the
whole gig through. I didn't even think about the tears behind the smile. 13 years ago in 1989 (i was 16 at the time),
when i saw The Prayer Tour in lisbon (the best day of my life by then) i would have never imagined that The Cure
would be part of my life for such a long time (at least not a long end, always a new begining). It's something so very
special, it just can't be put into words. Each time i see The Cure i feel the need to do it again. I already figured out
the next tour; something like: seventeen seconds, faith, kiss me kiss me kiss me! I don't know, i think they should
do it with every album.

    I would travel again from Oporto to Berlin by car to see them if necessary. I had the chance to be at such a
place as Berlin's Tempodrom and to meet a very special person (we love you Gérard) who made it possible for us
to fulfil our dream, and provided the drinks to keep us warm :) !!

    Technical details are difficult to discuss because i was so passionately listening to them that i didn't pay out
much attention. Anyway, as someone said before maybe the bass was too loud sometimes. And maybe they were
too serious, but as Robert said: "sorry i'm not talking much, but all i wanted to say to you is in my songs". The
stage was incredibly beautiful, and helped  a lot to create the right mood. People we're great besides some
bastards who just went there to try to ruin everyone else's night.

    I would love to be stuck in that moment."

Comments by Costas

"I cannot really find the words to describe what I felt on the 11th of November in Berlin.My decision to make the
trip from Athens to the freezing Berlin was maybe one of the rightest decisions that I have taken in my life!The
Cure were amazing,fabulous,tremendous,outstanding,HUGE...!After the problematic Athens show(definitely not
problematic as far as the band itself is concerned) in summer I was expecting something more from the Berlin
concert.However I could never expect such a PERFECT performance and such a fullfiling show!I won't make any
comments on the way the band played the songs as I totally agree with most of the reviews that I have read so far.
I have nothing left to say except from a big THANK YOU to Robert,Simon,Perry,Roger and Jason!


Comments by Pagilio Cucuzza

"About the shows I just could add that I think Disintegration was played in a heavier way than the album, the way
they played seemed very close to Pornography. Then I suppose that The kiss and If only tonight we could sleep
could be included as extra tracks in the DVD, because they were filmed as well. (during m,play for today and a
forest, instead, the cameras were not working.) "

Comments by Sandro Nunes Reis


After traveling since Oporto (Portugal) with a friend to Metz(France) and then go to  Berlin we finally had the
chance to see THE CURE in the tempodrome after a very long trip by bus and car.
It was Amazing , after seeing them at Hyde Park and Sudoeste this year , this was by far the best...though i was
already expecting to be or i wouldn't make such a long trip.
It was filled with huge cure fans, i was near two norwegen guys who sang along with me all the pornography
songs.When the show started with One Hundred Years , everyone in the front went crazy :) It was so nice to hear
A Short Term Effect , i really liked the new version ...Hanging Garden ...All the Pornography set..Superb
Then the Disintegration set...Last Dance and The same Deep Water As You were my fav but i loved them all
At this time there were some stupid drunk guys just hiting ppl and walking around...
Then the Bloodflowers set ; i thought i would be bored but i wasn't i was just there enjoying that unique moment ...i
was in front of Perry and Simon ... I think that Perry did a  great performance i loved to see him play...
Then the encores ,I was really in the front and I was already expecting to hear The kiss and If Only tonight we
could Sleep , but then they've come back to play 17 Seconds the end A FOREST ...I left the front and
went "dancing" again with the others ...


Comments by Erik Pischel

"This was a fans-only concert, and the whole thing is really a gift to all cure-fans. I'm grateful the band devoted
so much time, power and probably money to make this possible.

They played over 4 hours. I'm still wondering how they are physically able to do this... Was Simons thumb really

Most of the reviews pointed out the positive points, so I'll point out some negative:

first of all, the mixing IMO was not good. The keyboards were barely audiable, at least from were I was
sitting/standing. For instance, "Cold" just has to have a loud synth front to work really well and the piano part of
"Homesick" may show Rogers abilities but I could hear only half of it... Also the guitars were sometimes too quiet
for me, some guitar lines were barely audiable and I wondered whether it was the mixing or them forgetting to play
So I got the impression that the "Pornography" album is heavenly based on drums and bass; I have to recheck
that with the studio version.

I hope they remix it on the DVD.

Moreover, "Closedown" was far from perfect - the keyboard were either out of key or the sound was badly

As far as "no technical problems" are concernd, Perry had to retune his guitar during one of the first songs of the
"Pornography set".

Of course, expectations were high: we have listened to entreat and paris for years and these live albums are very
well done. Some songs failed to archive that quality but most did. (Personally, I miss those litte sound bits and
feedbacks that are on Paris, they have probably been partly courtesy of Porl. E.g, check Figurehead and 100 years)

I realised that all three trilogy albums heavily use rather unusually drumming patterns (in comparison to "the
normal rock pattern", I mean).

The encores were perfect: all the songs are gems for the fans.

To sum it up: it was really great although nobody is perfect. Moreover it was nice to see all the fans not only from
germany but so many countries (I noticed a lot of french speaking people). I wonder if this was possible only
because Cure is not signed to a major label anymore?"

Comments by Peter

"I was at the 1st Berlin triology concert. That was an amazing concert. What I noticed in the concert was the
somone screwed up the sampling in the Disintegration-song and it all was a mess. Roger tried to correct this but
didn't succeed. It looked like the band was very confused when performing the song and both Gallup threw the
"thumb up" sign to Roger. Am I the only one that noticed that? Also, "the Kiss" from that evening was one of
the best live-version performed by Smith&Co."

Comments by Andrew Moore

"Most of my opinions have ready been intimated so I'll keep this short and apppreciative.
I'm finally comming down from the first night in Berlin and also my sadness at not being able to make the second
night (not the first time )! Suffice to say it was an amazing night which I probably enjoyed too much (I'm sure I'm
not alone).
What a great concept for a show, and it worked so well in every way (my views are a tad partizan though)!!!
I can't wait for the DVD (esp to see the missed second night as well).  It's been a wonderful year for Cure shows
& I'd like to thank all of the band . Especially for the shows but also for signing my wife and my wedding book at
the re-covered recording.  You don't know how much it means to me and how great it was to meet you (briefly) at
last.  You've given me and my friends (old and new) some great shows/experiences/memories through the years,
many of us have a history with The Cure and this made 2002 especially relevant and I'll NEVER forget!
I'll finish my wine now. "

Review by Cureme


"I arrived from Hungary with 3 other huge Cure followers to see the Cure live on the first night of the trilogy
shows in berlin.

inside of the Tempodrom took a very interesting and outlook, and perfect for the mammut long Cure gigs.

I tried to find a german male and austrian female collector, in vain......

At 7 pm there were hundreds of young people, dark and goth male and female persons on the stairs, waiting for
the death blow, until the first sentences of the 100 years song, begin of the 4 hours mysterious and holy
celebration. Obviously, the Cure will play all of the 3, most important lps, including some very rare played songs
like  short term effect,closedown, last dance.

Before the beginning there were huge smoke, a real exciting  deep noise, slowly, similar to eyemou, but very
dark, deep noise. i dont know if it clould be a cure performed theme ....

At c. 8.16 pm the Cure came in the they begun the Pornography album, very hard, very agressive, and very
powerful mode, inculding Robert sharp and good condition voice, and the mad bass god Simon, who was wearing
-as usual since years- an athlet dress.

The structure of the stage is similar to the Dream tour. Also the light effects were during the whole night perfect
and passed to the ideas of the songs texts.

The short term effect was so unusual, so irresistable, and strange to listen it , which was for me the first chance to
hear it live.

The hanging garden and the siamese twins had a perfect drum thanks to Jason, who was -as all member of the
band- in a very good condition.

The figurehead was so sensefull and sad as it could be. My first memories came back these moments when 10
years ago i begun listening to The Cure....

A strange day: had a little bit low keyboards, and more based on bass and guitar.

Cold: was extremly a huge great moment  because this is one of my most favorit track from pornography. On the
screen the picture of the ices, and the bass, with Robert's heavy voice made my mind full with devotion......

Pornography: real intense, hard to create words to write these minutes, listening all the porno songs in a row,
pornography was the deepest emotion, also Robert took the maximum out of his mouth.

After the climax of the last song, Robert said that there is a short break.

15 minutes, and they came back to begin the 2nd part, with the wonderful melody of plainsong. They played it so
nice as it can be... Robert came closer to the crowd, who were more noiser...

Pictures of you was leaded like basis, by Simon's bass. At the sentence 'you were always so lost in the dark' the
ligthing went out, and with the crowds ovation came back.

Closedown: so rare and it is a fortune that had the chance to listen it live... wonderful, full with sense.

Lovesong: thousands of mouth moved with Robert's bloodred lips...

Last dance: the another song from Disintegration which was not played since long long years.../ since 1996 or so!!!)

Lullaby: on the screen the vision of the spider's web the song was huge success. Very accurate, attractive

Fascination street and prayers for rain: i cannot be objective because i am a die hard obsessed mad of these songs,
and Cure performed it so highly quality and with interesting technical innovation in  the sound...

The same deep water as you: nearly 10 minutes back and down to the basic of the  sadness....and hoplessness.

Disintegration: i think it is a very hard thing to play this song because the sound is real fragile to transplant into
live... but this happened with success. great song with great live version.

Homesick and untitled: my memories came back to the best Cure tour The prayer..

The bloodflowers-songs:

Out of this world: more louder, full with life and emotion. Very porfesional sound.

Watching me fall: as the bomb explodes, that feeling came into my mind as Jason and Simon joined into this track.
Real impressive, extremly loud, full with energy, and i didn't noticed anything about the consequence and the fact
that The Cure is on the stage more than 2 whole hours.

Where the birds always sing and maybe someday were very popular, on the balcony too, the people begun to dance.

The gig went into a little bit slowler condition, before the 2 ending songs of BF lp gave back the maniac Simon and
hopeless Robert. During 39 the screen became red and "bursted into flames"...

Bloodflowers was crystal-clear sounded, and this is the essence of this wonderful night.

After 3 minutes they played the first encore: if only tonight, and the kiss.

If only tonight we could sleep: as the slowly coming death, they played it of my top favorit.

The kiss: the other highlight was on this show the kiss. Never seen the band before so energetic, so fighting,
maniac playing as this. The sound, the colours, and the atmosphere were in a perfect mix. It was like an out of
body experience, as they played this song, i felt something that whispered this is the most excellent music live
experience of my life. Incredible dark, heavy, i must to say: fucking excellent.

And this time Robert said only one 'thank you'-which means that they will come back to play a second encore.

We were more than 4 hours long that time since the beginning, and they are not getting exhausted.

M: Mary's monogram on the sreen, and the band assist with pleasure to Robert's performance which is
dedicated of course only a girl called..........

Play for today:  this is the plus ultra of the crowd, everybody singing with Robert, and thousand are dancing....this
day, this evening is about only the Cure, and their eternal music....

A forest: great occasion, and choose to end the show, to come back into 1980, to the first 'real Cure sound' , and
Simon was the lucky person who finished the gig with a wild bass resonance.

Thank you for the wonderful night, hoping in a new tour and probably a new album next year........"

Review by Yan

"Just arrived of Berlin now by car. A great travel with my wife and friends.
I will make these impressions shortly : that's the best Cure's show and the best concert of any band I saw live.
More than 4 hours of Cure in live ! All fans, old or young are expected this. And they do it !
The show was incredible : Robert and friends are very professional, no technical problems, no mistakes etc...
Perfect show for a future perfect DVD !
I thought that the highligts of the show was the "Disintegration" set : at this moment the audience started to be
very "hot". Just think about it : Fascination Street - Prayers For Rain - Same Deep Water As You - Disintegration
etc...And the great song of the night (if there was only one !) was : THE KISS.
Well, all was great : the place was good, small and good acoustic.I could continue to describe you the 4 hours show
tracks by tracks but let wait for the DVD now.
To finish, i was feeling something bizarre with this sort of show : that was a sort of "listen to your favorite album"
by The Cure like you do at home but with the band playing live. And so the crowd was calm, not agitated,
respectuous, listening and seeing seriously this unique moment. Hearing "Pornography" in this totality was for me
like I discovered again this record, like in 1982 ! The same feeling for "Disintegration".
I wiil try to send some photos that I made for this show."

Review by M.K.

"This show last night was just unusually ... strange...
The venue was quite good for all the audience to have a great look and listen to The Cure. It was the best sounding
The Cure concert i've been to (since the Wish-Tour...hehe).
Even the drums were spectacular...maybe a bit to loud...but much better  played than in '96,'98,'00...
All of them seemed to be very focused on their work especially during the 1st and 2nd part of the show.
So they took the (video) 'taping' very seriously (in my opinion).

The 'Pornography' part was very strange ... I mean to hear these songs played live ... in a row ... strange. Although
I think 'Pornography' didn't work as an opener... Maybe they should have switched part 1 and 3.
(good ones: Siamese twins, Figurehead, Cold and even Hanging garden rocked)

Then they left the stage ... lights on ... uuh ... beer!

And now for the big points ... Plainsong and Pictures of You ... breathtaking! And they proved: This album
('Disintegration') is a very fine album. (good ones: Plainsong, Pictures, Prayers, Closedown, Disintegration)
During this part the crowd began to jump and dance (more than earlier this show).

Then they left the stage ... lights on ... uuuuuuh ... beer!

At this point I knew that is an incredible evening and a 'must be'. Now for the Dream-Tour openers... Watching
me fall really rocked the house... And they came more and more to a 'normal concert mood'. Maybe they feel
more comfortable with the recent songs... This part couldn't compete with the 2nd one. But in the end
Bloodflowers  (the song) was just great. (good ones: Watching, Maybe someday, Bloodflowers)

Then they left the stage ... and the crowd was going mad... very noisy.

So they had to come back. So they did.

If only tonight calmed everybody a bit down...but then The Kiss! Now I understand the fellows from the brussels
concerts ... this one was great live music!
Then for M and Play for Today so eventually we all could sing along... A Forest (short) to complete an
unforgettable evening with The Cure."

Review by Enrico Fermi

"Last night´s show was without a doubt the most incredible concert I´ve ever seen. Several months ago, I
submited a review here that complained about their lackadaisical performance at Paleo, Switzerland. If the band
is reading this, I´d like for them to know that they went beyond my highest expectations last night and it appears
that I´ll have to eat my own words. They have not lost their touch and their devotion to the fans is remarkable.
They played for over 4 hours. By the end, even I was tired and I´m some 15 years younger and not hard at work
like they were.

The crowd was very diverse nationality-wise but the average age was noticeably lower than at previous shows. It
took too long for the crowd to get involved, and that´s not the band´s fault. German people just aren´t as exuberant
as the French or even Americans. Thank goodness for the Italians and French in the audience. I also saw Mexican,
Polish and Russian flags last night.

The setlist is well known and they played every song flawlessly. Time really flew. Before I knew it, Pornography
was over with the powerful title track leaving an indelible smile that still remains today. Having seen the Brussels
setlist on this site, I was kind of expecting an encore (but certainly not demanding one). The encores were simply
the cherry and whipped cream on an exquisite cake.

Highlights for me were the entire Pornography album, Last Dance and Homesick, Watching Me Fall, If Only
Tonight We Could Sleep and The Kiss (WOW, Robert Smith is God, or at least Hendrix), and of course M and

I´ll be back there tonight, and I can´t wait to experience that rush again. I´m praying that the encore(s) will be
slightly different from last night. A Drowning Man/All Cats are Grey/Faith would be my ideal. But I would not
mind hearing The Kiss again. I feel special for being one of only 3500 at the show and I can´t wait for the DVD. It
was like a Cure fan´s Woodstock. Thanks again to The Cure, and eat yourt heart out to everyone else."

Review by Stefan Radtke

"The Day after the first trilogy night! For me, it was even better than the fabulous show this year at the Zillo
Festival in Hahn.Besides that the Tempodrom wasn't completely crowded (i think around 3200 people were there),
it was an fantastic atmosphere! I arrived there one hour before the concert was supposed to start. I managed to
get in the front half, i think it was 5th or 6th row. Everybody was nervous and many people cheered on the Cure to
get finally on stage! The concert started 10 minutes after 8 i think, and the crowd went mad as Robert and the guys
came on stage! A Hundred Years was a perfect starting for the show..very clear and powerful sound...vocals were
very good mixed.The first highlight was A Short Term Effect, good to have this back in the set again! The Hanging
Garden was played very well and the crowd welcomed this song. I even saw several people drumming with their
hand on the banisters.Nice to see ;).I think in cold the keyboard had a crazy sound, not fitting right in, but it was
nevertheless well played! The Pornography set ended with Robert mumbling again something like "this was seven
years" and everybody was nervous to hear the Disintegration set.First of all i have to say that the twelve
disintegration songs were the highlight in the mainset.Plainsong with Robert walking from left to right on stage
and the crowd went mad when he was looking at them.Funny to see people waving at the banisters like there was
a hurricane when robert looked at the stand above! Pictures of You was played very well, guitar solos and bass
was brilliant played.After Pic's there was Closedown.Jason's drumming was great but once again Roger's
keyboard sound didn't fit in.I think Robert also messed up some words.Lovesong got the crowd dancing, but there
were several waves in the front row when all people seem to fall off  (Thanks to some stupid drunken guys) but we
managed it.Lullaby and Fascination Street were definatley great and all people sang along the lines! Nice
background images on these two song!Prayers for rain had Robert screaming extremley long at least for 20
seconds and it was very atmospheric! When they played Same Deep Water as you a stage technican put a
mini-camera like an microphone in front of Robert's mic, so we could see Robert's face in the background.Nice
Idea. The Rest of Disintegration set was pure energy and depressivness.So we had another 20 minutes and I
decided drinking something and I bought a nice trilogy shirt (30€  was a cheek but i can't resist!). I attended the
Bloodflowers set from the back as i was too exhausted from the previous song.Out of this world was good for
relaxing and i liked the way it was played yesterday evening.Watching me fall got the headbangers back again
and it was a real "burner".The rest of the set was good as usual. "39" was the highlight in there for me! Very
powerful.After the last note finished I thought they only will come back for the "Brussel encores" ..If only tonight
we could sleep and the Kiss. This started to push over the crowd again and they even came back for a second and
third encore. It was absolutely fantastic when all people started to sing along the keyboard line in Play for Today
like on the Paris album! A forest was the perfect ending for the best show i've ever attended! Sadly the cameras
were turned off during the second and third encores I think! Thanks to The Cure and the perfect location! Hope
to see them again soon!"

Comments by Olivier Benyahya

"Just gone back in my hotel room... Last Simon's bass note played around 0:35 !
The guys have been on stage for almost four hours and the impression i got was that they could have done more
were it not for the second night. Robert seemed cheerful and very excited by the event. Anyway... They played
the whole trilogy and came back for If only tonight and a fucking amazing Kiss; they left and came back again
with M, Play for today and A Forest. Thirty four songs my little friends.That's it for the setlist.

On a more personal level, i must confess that on various occasions, the expectations may have outgrowned the
show. This is just an opinion so don't take your guns... To tell the truth, the wonderfull Hyde Park last summer
concert will remain a cooler memory and not only because Berlin is a bloody depressing town. Let's make it clear:
tonight had memorable moments - Short term effects, Strange day, Last dance, Same deep, a devastating
Disintegration, the touching There is no if, Bloddflowers, The Kiss - but those songs gains to be included in a
more judicious program. Pornography is a hell of a record but its not necessarily easy to start a concert with the
eight songs and then leave the stage for twenty minutes... Beside, Hanging garden and cold were fucked up.

All i'm saying is that the idea was great great great, and for that reason - as i secretly suspected - the result
disapointed me a little. Nobody can keep the same intensity for four hours but it was worth trying... And
Disintegration, as tonight proved it again, is definitely an incredible album.

Just before i leave, lets all admit, once for all, that watching me fall and the last day of summer are pathetic
pieces of crap. And so is If only tonight. I feel a lot better now ! Good night you all and excuse my english."

