The Dream Tour

May 28th, 2000 - Irvine, Ca. (Irvine Meadows)

Out Of This World, Watching Me Fall, Want, Fascination St., Open, The Loudest Sound, Maybe Someday,
Shake Dog Shake, Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Inbetween Days, Sinking, Prayers for Rain, 100
Years, End, 39, Bloodflowers

1st encore: There Is No If, Trust, Plainsong, Disintegration
2nd encore: Lovesong, Play For Today, Just Like Heaven, A Forest
3rd encore: Faith (with a bit of 2 Late).

Soundcheck (not in the correct order and probably not complete):Want, Dressing Up, Charlotte Sometimes,
Sinking, bits of Plainsong, In Your House.

Show was 2 hours and 45 minutes

(Thanks John, Carlo, Rey, Tiffanie, and Joel)

Review from the Orange County Register

     Parting is sweet sorrow for the Cure

     REVIEW: From the expected gloom comes  unexpected beauty as the band says goodbye.

     May 31, 2000

     The Orange County Register

     Even casual fans of the Cure might have guessed that the perpetually gloomy band's farewell tour would be
     a melodramatic affair.

     After two decades of solemn sounds and motionless shows from this bunch we know what to expect: Lots of
     shadowy lighting cutting through the dry-ice atmospherics, tons of teased hair and smeared makeup, heaps of
     black clothing and more woe-is-me shoe-gazing than can collectively be found in the nation's high schools.

     Oh, and lots and lots of music to slit your wrists by.

     Indeed, Sunday night's gig at a nearly sold-out Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre didn't start much differently
     than scores of other Cure shows, despite its opening ode to bleakness coming from the band's latest dark opus,

     But within minutes you sensed it would be a unique experience. After several minutes of slow churning, during
     which the group swirled together a gorgeously kaleidoscopic backdrop of sinister guitars and spacious synth
     textures, the British band's sullen, childlike leader, Robert Smith, stepped to the microphone and set the tone
     for the evening.

     "We always have to go, I realize" he sang in his hyper-romantic way. "We only get to stay so long/ Always
     have to go back to real lives where we belong."

     Several more minutes of despair passed before he reached his hopeless conclusion: Yeah, he knows it's over,
     but he wants "one last time before the end" - and he's not going anywhere until you see how much it pains him
     to say goodbye.

     Thus he launched into one dispirited drone after another: a 12-minute version of the grinding "Watching Me
     Fall," a revamp on the lesser-known "Want," an intensely moody reading of "Open."

     It was relentlessly downcast, a deeply melancholy beginning capped later by sheer grandiosity - lengthy song
     after lengthier song that only the committed would know, and all of them the most foreboding in the Cure's
     canon: "Sinking," "From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea," "End."

     Clearly Smith's version of one last go-'round before the final curtain isn't what most would expect, or perhaps
     want. Career-spanning celebrations of hits aren't his bag; fan kiss-offs like "Trust" are.

     If you came looking for the obvious Sunday night, you likely were disappointed. You got just four radio favorites
     out of 25 - the wicked "Fascination Street," a sumptuous "Inbetween Days" and lush takes on "Lovesong" and
     "Just Like Heaven."

     The rest was a 2½-hour tour through the most ominous recesses of the Cure's sonic death funk, the reach of its
     weeping tendrils stretching from the band's roots (best heard in entrancing but thunderous takes on "One
     Hundred Years" and "Shake Dog  Shake") on through marvelously dour tunes from Smith's masterpiece,

     And almost all of it, even the love songs, sounded like one long finale to a most impressive gothic drama. Which
     drove the point home: He's not kidding this time. The Cure is over.

     Not that it couldn't go on indefinitely with as much success. Maybe Smith's brilliantly depressing decrees aren't
     finding favor on radio these days, but they surely will again soon. His hurt is universal and it speaks to the
     ornery teen in all of us - and in an age when most teen heroes are too cartoonishly destructive to be taken
     seriously, Smith's aging anguish continues to find new fans.

     They were everywhere Sunday night, and maybe they're the ones he was trying to reach with this assaulting
     evening. One last chance to win converts, so to speak.

     No doubt his haunting warble hit them where it counts. Sure, the band's legacy may not be seen for several
     years to come, though echoes can be heard in everything from Nine Inch Nails to the darkest new metal.

     Still, it's no joke to say the world will be a much sadder place without the Cure in it.

Comments by Rene

QUICK NOTE ABOUT IRVINE- seeing them in Irvine was a nice treat because the band was into it
(Simon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).  I know ya'll think this might sound crazy but I love the Cure mainly because of Simon and not
Robert.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a true fan and love Robert but anyone who sees Simon play that bass while
jumping up and down with his skin tight black stretchable paints has got to adore him just as much as Robert, if not
more.  Anyhow, half the crowd was asleep at this show. The set list was not anything special (compared to other
concerts) but they delivered a fantastic performance.  The first time I heard Bloodflowers (the whole album) I knew
it was going to be one of their best albums but hearing the songs live where how it was meant to be sung and
played.  The songs have much more passion and sound stronger.  The Cure is definitely a live band but they also
make badass albums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I left Irvine satisfied but wanting more because I knew what they were capable of.

Comments by Anju

I was at the irvine show...first row...and i was one of the lucky ones to shake robert's hand.  during plainsong..some
people thought that robert was signing things...this wasn't true. all he did was kiss someone's tour book....get
flowers from a fan...and shake a couple of people's hands. he did though give the gentlemen next to me his guitar

Review by Jenni Elisabeth

Hello Cure Fans!

Like many, I attended The Cure Dream Tour 2000 show at Irvine Meadows, Southern California! My boyfriend
and I got there around 5:00 p.m. The concert was to begin at 8:00 p.m. Parking costed between $8–$15 and there
were already 100 people in line ahead of us. By 6:30 p.m. there were about 500 people behind us and people were
beginning to get busted for various things by typical cops. This wasn't the typical Hollywood crowd, so we felt a
little out of place, but we knew why we were here, and who cared how everyone looked? We were here for the
music and for The Cure! For Robert!

At around 6:35 p.m. the doors opened the the gates and we ventured onto the trails, still waiting outside the main
entrance to Irvine Meadows' concert hall. At 7:00 p.m. we walked to our seats. Beer cost $7 and wine was $6.50.
We waited for what we heard would be an opening act, but felt it was unlikely since I'd never seen one at a
previous Cure concert. Around 8:15/8:30 p.m. the sun set and The Cure came out through steam and blue lights.
Everyone stood as Robert sang tunes from Bloodflowers and Disintigration… it was a more depressing but
touching concert! Towards the end, Robert sang a very depressing song, followed by a very upbeat and happy
song followed by glitter, bright lights and smiles, followed by a "good-bye-like" song. It was the sequence of songs
that made me cry—honestly, it was a great story-tale!

There were three encores, and the final song was "Faith" (a rather obscure song…, but very meaningful!) The
second last song of the second encore was "A Forest" and as usual, the green laser-lights shown. Behind them was
a video of trees much like in the video of "A Forest". Every song had some sort of video or light show and in one
song, Robert's face shows on the video! It was absolutely remarkable!

The first encore included old favorites such as "Love Song", "Just Like Heaven"… but every song seemed to
direct towards the following: Disintegration. And I believe this could seriously be the end for the band…
yeah, they've talked about ending it forever it seems, and I'd be really self-centered to not realize how much time,
effort and committment that Robert and the ever-changing-band has put into The Cure in the past. I hate to see
them go, but if they do, I'll have the most beautiful memories ever through their music and concerts… and maybe
I'm wrong in my guess that it's near over… but this concert was the most touching concert I've ever been to! I've
never cried in the MIDDLE of a concert before (unless it was a classical concert my sister was playing in or

Right now they're playing in downtown L.A. (as they did yesterday). Best to all you who are fortunate to be there!

Review by Kisty & Tom

We came back from the Irvine show this weekend, and have to say, it was an excellent setlist of true cure songs
which had been superbly played out by the band! (And orchestra was filled with standing, cheering fans, if
anyone tells you different, ask the other 9 out of 10 fans, because the one is full of shit)Before it started, People
were coming in late into orchestra, with the "fashionable to be late to concerts in california" crowd rolling in just
before show time.

    At about 8:20 PM, the band came out on stage, and let me just say this,  Orchestra 3 was the place to be! We
were 14th row orchestra 3, eye-level  inbetween Roger and Robert.. there were so many fans within the first 17
rows, that band kept smiling to all of the fans during Out of this World, Watching Me Fall, and Want! Robert waved
to Orchestra 3, the crowd shrieked, but Roger did not seem to excited during these first three songs, because
there was only quick moments for his keyboard work, and the crowd was just warming up.

    But when Fascination street came, Roger was all smiles as the screams  began to overshadow all the music,
while Simon and Perry started what was to become an awesomely energetic backdrop of bass.

    As the show carried through Shake Dog Shake, it was so surprising to see how many fans in the front section
where moving through the song.. maybe it was the grinding of Simon's guitar that started the perpetual mood?

    Within the next eight songs came the encores, and the audience was in a frenzy! Everyone was standing,
clapping, and cheering in Orchestra, it was  so great! and we were determined to show our appreciation, the band
exits the stage and the crowd screams and claps in sporadic places.. but being where my boyfriend was seated, he
was able to see where and when the band was before they came out on the first encore, it was funny because he
timed a perfect loud low pitch "YEEAAAAAAA!", a second during a lull and right when the band came out, then
there were high pitched screams! (Yes for anyone wondering it was the 6"5 guy in 14th row). As the first encore
steps in, the band is awed at the response, with Roger waving to Orchestra three and Robert's quick "thank you!"
The entire arena lit up during There is no if, and some lucky fan asked Robert for a guitar pic during Plainsong,
and Robert turned around, went back, and got one!

    During the second encore, after the second "YEEAAAAAAA!" and the screams, it was funny, Roger came up to
the keyboard and plugged his ears with Robert, Simon, and Perry smiling and waving!!! The second encore was
the coolest because the band fed of the energy of the audience, and played Lovesong, Play For Today, Just Like
Heaven, and A Forest like they were in there twenties, superb keyboard and guitar work!! What was also awesome
about the second encore was the great version of A Forest! Robert started out on different notes, with Simon
performing extra riffs and Robert leading into an extended guitar sound, and Simon bowing into a rather cool high
low ending. This version of forest was worth our ticket prices a l o n e. If there ever is a live recording, get it! At the
end of the second encore, Robert walks off stage with a twirl! :)!

    Then the third encore, final "YEEAAAAAAA!", Band is looking at themselves surprised and Robert says "We
have only time for one more... Faith!" Played so well, that it was pivotal into climax of the encores. Fantastic!!!
Robert, again, leaves with a twirl in his step! Then the band left, people where still waiting, hoping, and some guy
fan ran up front right to the side of the keyboard and mike on stage, waving two peace signs, and not even three
seconds before he was taken out sideways by two security guards. Judging from this crowd, and the bands reaction,
will The Cure return? Maybe Someday...

Review by Mike

My only fear about tonight was that Vegas was so good, I was afraid to be let down tonight.  What the f***
was I thinking?!?!?!?

One word- FAITH!!!!!!!!

Sinking was another highlight.

Except for my seats, everything was perfect tonight. Either the sound guy from last night got fired and they found a
new one, or he made a complete 180 degree turnaround.  The sound was perfect tonight.

I thought getting to the soundcheck was cool last night, but it got better.  I met Jason in the beer garden!!!  After
seeing him up close all night last night, I didn't think twice about it when I saw him. In blue jeans, white t-shirt, and
black sunglasses, he looked like every other Southern Californian guy, I saw him walking from the area that would
lead to gate that goes backstage.  It was about an hour before show time, and I didn't want to approach him have
him get mobbed, and I didn't know how he would react to fans considering if he just wanted to hang out, be normal,
and act like he didn't belong to the most awesome band of all time.  So I followed him and he went to check out that
crappy band that I can't remember the name of that was playing on the side stage next to the beer garden. Dave
took a double take and agreed that it was him.  Then two guys came up to him and had Jason sign their tickets.  At
that point I felt that it was okay to go up and say hi.  I didn't even shake his hand, not wanting to attract too much
attention, and I just told him the show in Vegas was great last night and he replied with a nod of the head and a
quick thank you.  Dave and I then went to use the payphones real quick to let out girlfriends know that we were still
alive 900 miles into our trip, then we went back to see if he was there so I could get a picture, but he was gone.  I
don't know if he got mobbed or what, but I didn't hear of anyone else seeing him.  Maybe he went and got a beer.
God, this trip just gets better and better.  Next update-Shoreline.....

Comments by Jules

we got back last night from a loong memorial day weekend in laguna beach, and saw the cure at irvine on
sunday night. i just wanted to say, it was a dream tour! we were fifth row, dead in the center, and there was a
tremendous energy vibe from the crowd. all sorts of fans were around us, yound and old, and simon kept blarring
his bass like hell! it was soo intense, just about all kinds of people waving and clapping like europe! the best part of
the irvine gig was the encores, the band played 4 songs in the first, 4 songs in the second, and faith for the third. a
forest and faith rocked, with robert and simon back to back playing notes which where so cool. this tour is the
best since the kiss me kiss me tour! were off to see them this week again at the mountain view, because we have
to work during the week, but chicago and new jersey here we come!

Review by Nicole

The Irvine show...where to begin. Enjoyed the crowd much more at the Vegas show

The Irvine show seemed to attract the types of people that know the Cure for Boys don't cry or Just like heaven
and everything else the Cure play is a mystery

Several people around me had a better time talking amongst themselves and getting beer and these were people in
the first 7 rows. I kept thinking that someone must have given these tickets to them? Then there was the couple
that was sitting down for the entire first half of the show...why did they even come? also the screaming 16 year old
girls next to us that have just discovered Robert Smith...this i could have done without entirely.

I know this is usually the case with larger venues...people come because they like a Cure song they have heard on
the radio...I guess this is okay, but they don't buy the records or really support the band...this is what kills me...oh

Even though i didn't enjoy my surroundings all that much i thought the show was once again brilliant. I got to see
the visuals on the screen this time, which really added to the show-especially liked the camera closeup on Robert
for Sinking....very dramatic.

Loved hearing Trust and There is no if...and of course save the best for last...FAITH! does it get any better? Killing an Arab tonight!

Review by Brett (One Imaginary Boy)

The concert was absolutely the most moving concert experience I've had yet.  The setlist was surprising and
endearing and exhilirating.  Robert and Simon and everyone seemed to be playing with an energy that either wasn't
there is the previous tours' shows I've seen, or I wasn't keen enough to pick up on.  And I don't think that I'm the
only one who noticed this, but it made me smile every time Robert seemed to linger at the microphone after one of
his prolific "'kyou!" on his way of stage.  I've never seen such a reluctance on Robert's part to leave the stage.
All of that, combined with the passion with which he sang every song made for an unforgettable Dream Tour
experience.  I cannot wait for tonight (and tomorrow night and the night after that!)

Incidentally, I've really enjoyed the fellow fans I've met at the shows so far, and as I am going alone, I'd love to
meet anyone who reads this.  Just look for a blonde guy with little, round black glasses.  See you at the Greek &

Comments by Dan

This has to be the best show i've seen. Not only the performance but the song selection. Unlike some of the other
show reviews i've read, the crowd was great & loud. 100 years was very powerful. Lovesong & Play For Today had
the crowd going nuts. But the best for me was the Plainsong & Faith performaces. very clean sound. I got to meet
Jason at the second stage checking out a band called Locomotive?(i think that was their name) He didn't have
much to say, as he was trying not to be noticed. But i got his autograph & pic! Only one other person recognized
him! I get to see one more show (Shoreline) & hope to hear the Pornography songs & the Kiss. but even if i don't it
has indeed been a Dream Tour.

Review by Tigger

Irvine - land of the Business Parks Amongst Desert Wastelands

Adagio for Strings fading out as Jason's drums flare up into...
Out of This World - and the crowd goes wild.  from our crappy seats on the far left edge of the 80th row we could
hear the loudest roar for older songs coming from the lawn section.  but for the most part everybody screamed and
clapped and whistled.  the show begins with the perfect rendition of a perfect song

Watching Me Fall - awesome, powerful-- makes Want look weak by comparision

Want - the very first song I heard live-- memories

Fascination Street - there be dancing in the aisles

Open - Robert's face turns skyward on "look at the floor"

The Loudest Sound - guitars out of synch/tune (?) but still a favorite of mine

Maybe Someday - a lot of cheers for this one, rivaling older classics.  it was the faster album pace, with a good
recovery by the band when Robert mistakenly began singing at the radio edit's cue

Shake Dog Shake - grinding, pounding, sweaty version, never did care for the album version but now I know why
people would vote for this as their favorite opener

Deep Green Sea - hands in the sky, chills down the spine, Simon crouching like a panther

Inbetween Days - the girl in front of us urging us to dance, it was cute but there are some who should never dance
in public, and there are some who don't look like they're "into it" but are actually focusing on the band/music and
straining their eyes, wishing they were closer (though the binoculars helped, thanks)

Sinking - he is slowing down, and the crowd loves it

Prayers for Rain - the now commonplace complaint with Cure crowds-- half actual fans/half college rich kids looking
to score pot/etc or just drink and act like a paaaaiiinnn.  distracted by "fans" coming and going

100 YRS - Robert's lost lyrics, made up for with overwhelming guitars

End - a personal low point of the evening.  performed well, just not my cup of tea

39 - pure emotion, not for the faint of heart

BF - solid closer

There is No If - the up-beat back-beat really does help this song out-- I liked it, and was surprised by the
enthusiastic crowd response

Trust - another favorite.  Roger's time to shine

Plainsong - my life is now complete, Robert signing (?-too far to see) items  and giving away items (?), smiling to
the crowd

Disintegration - emotional outpouring similar to the "On Tour" version

Lovesong - popular pop

Play for Today - oh, to have the crowd sing along as they do in Europe...

Just Like Heaven - my girlfriend (who had by now retired to the parking lot) said she could hear the crowd sing
along for the whole song, but from inside,  I couldn't tell.  Robert sang the first "you you you" and let the audience
sing the last two.

A Forest - it seemed Robert was playing the wrong notes at the beginning, or maybe I'm just crazy.  the green
lasers shooting high into the night sky were rather cool.  Simon played out the last bit similar to Show but ended on
a different note

Faith - I crept over to the middle portion of the amphitheatre during the 2nd break since many people were leaving
early and I was finally able to see the video screen (of course, for this song it was the blurry church).  the lighting
was very cool as the band's illumination would darken and a sole searing spotlight would fall on Robert as he began
to sing.  I didn't notice any of "2 Late" but I might be having trouble remembering everything since I was right in
front of the mast speakers.  this song is also one that needs to be heard live to be fully appreciated.  my girlfriend
later asked about it and said she really liked it (another convert!)

"Nothing left... but faith"

Review by John

 My experience at the Irvine show was quite a bit different than my experience the night before at The Joint in Las
Vegas.  First of all, I didn’t have to wait in the blazing Las Vegas sun for eleven hours before finally getting to enter
the venue, but most importantly, rather than being eight feet away from the stage I was eight miles away in Terrace
11.  I was not very excited about my seats for this show, but I was content with the fact that I was still guaranteed a
magnificent performance and a good view of the light show.
        It is hard to compare the shows musically when my judgment is clouded by the fact that my seating arrangements were so inferior to the previous show. However, I still thoroughly enjoyed myself.  The main set was
similar to the Las Vegas show with the addition of “Sinking”, the omission of “The Snake Pit” and “Siamese
Twins” and they switched “The Last Day of Summer” for “The Loudest Sound” in Irvine.
        I had read about the microphone camera used during performances of  “Sinking” at a few of the earlier shows
and I was really excited to see it in action.  It really was a cool effect.  Robert moved back out of range of the
camera between lines and then would move forward into sight as he sang. It worked so well with the emotion of this
song.  It seems like they could use it during a couple of the other songs also, rather than only reserving it for this
        Another difference between the main set at this show and the Vegas show was “Prayers for Rain”.  In Las
Vegas Robert pretty much omitted the entire verse when he does the long “raaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiin” part.  It was hard
to tell what he was singing but it sounded like he was saying “strange day” over and over.  Tonight we got the long
“rain” part and it was impressive.  Not the longest I have heard but still solid.
        The encores started off with “There Is No If”.  This was my first time to hear it live and I loved it.  It was
minimalist and stark and I really loved Robert’s vocals.   He sounded better than on the actual album and the sound
was so clear.  It was really a beautiful moment.
        The highlight of the evening for me was getting “Faith” as the final song. When Robert came out and said they
had time for one more I knew it would be Faith.  Some of the fans in my area didn’t seem very excited about this,
but by the end everyone was totally into it.
        Overall, it was an excellent show, but then again they could have stood up there and done N’Sync covers using
banjos, spoons, and a wash board and I still would have left with a feeling of total satisfaction.  I can’t believe two of
my seven shows are already gone.  I am anticipating that the second Los Angeles show is going to be something
special.  Only time will tell.

Review by Anita

So, it's been about two and a half years (a long two and a half) years since I've had the pleasure of seeing the Cure
live on stage, which, by the way, there is nothing else in the world that I would rather do.  Their set was just
beautiful...the different colored lights and the twinkling little stars.  The atmosphere and crowd, were,all in all,
pretty good.  We didn't have the best of seats, center, loge, Row QQ.  We were toe to toe with Robert, however
200 or so feet away.  There was this guy a few rows in from of me who was dancing and singing throughout the
whole show, God bless him.  Then there were these idiots behind us, who complained that my friend and I were
standing up for the whole show.  The sound quality was amazing.

I think Out of this World is a great opening song, it's so dreamy.  I was pleasently surprised when they played the
Loudest Sound.  It sounded absolutely wonderful and is now one of my favorites off of Bloodflowers. Edge of the
Deep Green Sea sounded beautiful and the backdrop with the green and gold lights was perfect.  I did happen to
notice that Robert and Simon shared a little kiss before he started singing Maybe Someday.  Awww.  I would
say the best 15 minutes or so of the show was when they played Sinking, Prayers for Rain, and 100 years.  We,
too got a pretty long Raaaaaaaaaain which the crowd seemed to enjoy.  100 years was sooo powerful and pleasing.
However, the song that I enjoyed most was Plainsong.  I've never heard this song live before and I was shocked at
what an experience it was.  The lighting during the song was so beautiful, it looked like a spectrum.

On a parting note, this was definitely an experience I will never forget.  The memories will stay forever.  I can't
wait to see the next shows.  I'm waiting for Same Deep Water, Cold and Strange Day, and crossing my fingers.
Thanks for reading this!

Comments by Robert L.

I just returned home to San Francisco from the Irvine show this weekend. It was the second time I had seen the
Cure at Irvine Meadows and my 8th Cure show in total. Rather than review the show, I'd like to comment on the
The people in my immediate area were friendly, but the as a whole, the crowd was cold and unresponsive.
It was amazing to me the amount of people who walked into the show late. In  my estimation only 60% of the seats
were occupied when OOTW started and by three to four songs into the show, people were still walking in as if they
were showing up in the 3rd inning of a baseball game. Ridiculous ! In addition,  there was an obvious lack of
awareness or interest in any of the new material as many people sat down through songs such as Falling Down,
Loudest Sound, and  There is No IF. Furthermore, an occasional BOO or smart  comment could be heard when
Robert would announce one of the new songs. I'm sure plenty of the people in attendance last night were wonderful,
friendly, legitimate fans. Unfortunatley, those that were NONE OF THESE THINGS  ruined the show for them. It
might do everyone some good to remember that there is a reason these pop icons are known as recording
ARTISTS. Just as any other type of artist does, they create.  Not all of their works are pleasing to everyone's
tastes, but the least one can do is not to BAG on them. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together would understand
that when a band tours, they ARE going to play a good amount of material off of the current CD. That is the whole
reason for the tour... to promote the new material. If you don't like the material, then don't go to the show ! Enough

Review by (aka Steve)

First let me say I am suffering some slight post-concert depression.  It was such a great show yet I always have
such high expectations that I somehow leave unfulfilled and that's not the Cure's fault, is it?  I'll have another
chance to see them in San Diego this Thursday and I'm hoping for a different set as you'll read I thought the Irvine
Meadows set was too basic, yet still great.  I suppose I shouldn't have read all the set lists from this site but
temptation gets the better of me at times!

The opening was great and I love the classical music leading up to the drop of the lights and the band coming out.
This was my 7th Cure show and probably the tightest I've heard them play since the KMKMKM tour many many
years ago.  The highlights out of the regular set for me would be FTEOTDGS which I've never liked tremendously
on the CD but this was a great live version and everyone did the hands in the sky part which was cool.  In Between
Days was awesome as was OPEN as that's one of my favorite Cure songs and I'm glad to see it back in the
playlist.  Also, 100 Years had great lighting with strobes and everything and the camera on RS during Sinking is
about the coolest thing I've ever seen during a Cure show - its really indescribable.  I really hated the version of
End they played. Tough to describe but they change the core sound of the song a lot and it sounds weird and
completely changes to mood of the song.

I was a little disappointed with the encores.  There Is No If and Trust are just too mellow for "me" and I was sad
that they didn't play the opening chimes and bells to Plainsong and went right into the "wall of sound" as I call it,
but Plainsong itself is just so great so no biggie.  Disintegration was nice. I could also have done without
"Lovesong" and would have preferred something not so obvious like a Pornography encore or Shiver and Shake
and The Kiss.  And when they came out for the 3rd encore and RS said "we have time for one more" I knew it
would be Faith.  I very full sounding version - really excellent but expected.  I'm a huge cure fan and I know some
may frown on this as non-hardcore but I love Killing an Arab and wish they had ended with that proceeded by Boys
Don't Cry.

Finally, some general comments. I really like Perry as a guitarist as he gets into each song and looks like a rock
star as does Simon (with his back to the crowd like Jim Morrison!) and RS of course. Roger is just so mellow
and I wonder if he even cares at times. I know some discount Jason as drummer but I thought he was excellent
tonight even though he was hidden in the darkness most of the time.  I Miss Porl and Boris but I think this line-up is
really excellent and focused now. And I like the intros to some of the songs like before Disintegration Roger plays
this goofy poppy sounding keyboard intro and I sat wondering for about 3 or 4 seconds what they were going to
play.  They did that on several songs but they escape my memory.

Oh, almost forgot, we had an excellent view of the band exiting out the back of the staging area to where the buses
are waiting to wisk them away.  It was lit up perfectly so when they pulled back the back stage curtain to let
them leave we could see each band members silhouette as they exited the staging area.  I always imagine a band
as waiting on the side stage for everyone to catch up so they could walk out together but they all just left one by
one about 3-4 seconds apart form each other and finally to see RS exiting last with his hair and all was really cool.
His shadowy outline looked just like that black and white Boys Don't Cry poster with the huge hair.

Comments by Glamboy420

We drove for 4 hours from Vegas to Irvine!!! It was hot (111). We got to Irvine about 30 mins before the boys took
the stage. By the looks of Irvine and the stage setup; they didn't fit everything in the Joint the previous night. My
response is going to be brief because i am so tired from lack of sleep. The crowd seemed well, a few in my section
could have been a little more excited to be sitting so close. They ended up leaving early which got me a row closer:)
The song of the evening for me was There Is No If. IT sent chills up my spine, wow!!  Sinking was another one of
those moments, along with the way they put Robert on the big screen behind the band. A moment of serenity! The
show was brilliant. The LA crowd is always great with a few exceptions. well there it is. See u at the Greek shows.

Comments by Jenny

I just wanted to make a few comments on the Irvine show last night. First of all WOW!! now I really know what
Nadine was talking about when she said that certain songs give you that emotional moment that you will never
forget.  I think the highlights of the show were Shake Dog Shake, 39, Bloodflowers, Faith, Plainsong,
Lovesong(when he forgot the words), A Forest, 100 years, The Loudest Sound, Just Like Heaven and Sinking.
That camera on Robert's mic is really awesome.  I was so amazed at how wonderful the new stuff sounds live and
how special it was to hear the old stuff.  I was moved to tears practically at the emotion put out by the whole band
and by Robert while he was singing.  It was quite nice to see Simon dancing.  He was adorable!  I cant wait for the
two La shows and San Diego.  The crowd seemed to be pretty well into it.  I was happy about that. There were lots
of people standing up.  It was a great show.  This is definetly the Dream Tour.  This makes me not want it to end.
Heehee. =)

Review by Blame66

After years of waiting and anticipation the Dream tour finally arrived in California. The weather was quite hot, but
when the lights went on it did not matter. I was impressed because the place looked sold out, and everyone was
waiting. I am not going to site the setlist but here is some highlights
OUT OF THIS WORLD-simply magical,the crowd went nuts
Watching me fall- great guitar work by Perry, Simon got a new base a gold  gibson les paul looking base.
Want- was perfected and sounded better and sounded better than 96
Fascination Street-was good but a little bit too slow.
Open-I was so impressed, Roger looked liked a little boy playing guitar,but great work from Jason, sounded as
  good as on Wish.  Real impressive work from the band.
Maybe Someday-Perry messed up, he did the little intro one to many while Robert was singing. Simon noticed and
 told Robert to do the long version rather than the single version. Then Roger messed up a little because the
 band threw him off, yet Jason was playing his drums but looking a little perplexed.
Sinking- Simon's base sounded expectacular, great shots of Robert on the water
Prayers-Great and Robert did not choke on the yell
100 years- This song was the one that rocked the most.  Great lights , while the whole band was jumping around.
 Everyone was feeding off of each other.   Great version.
Shake Dog-Best version i ever heard with Jason on it.
39-it was good, but kind of weak the music seemed to be in the air.
Bloodflowers-magical, emotional, a little tweaking of the words.
There is no if- everyone went nuts with this one, it was great to see Simon play the six string base. Jason looked
 quite bored, he did not seem to care much for this one. Great version, sounded expectacular even with the fake
 drum machine.
Trust-perfect, very touching, made me want to reach and hug someone, great slides of candles.  The whole stadium
 brought out their lighters.
Plainsong- The best song of the night.  Sounded better than the Prayer tour.  Robert signing autographs.
Disintegration-best version from this current band
Lovesong-Jason got all the little riffs that are on the cd, it was a little  faster. Quite excellent
Play For Today-everyone singing the keyboard part.Forest-shots of the video,Roger , Simon and Robert smiling.
 At the end Robert was doing a little dance.  Quite great.
Faith-great base effect, tight sound, a little bit of too - late in the  words, I felt like I was in the Orange Video, The
 screens made it looked like you were there.


Comments by Naphti

This is definitely a dream tour...I could go on and describe every song and every emotion and every feeling ever
felt throughout the show...but it is too much, too wonderful and it was over too soon...but one thing that I thought
was incredible was at the end of Faith, Robert started to sing the lyrics to I'll wait for you where I always
wait, behind the signs that sells the was incredible....3 more nights to dream before it is too late...
