The Dream Tour

May 23rd, 2000 - New Orleans, La. (Saenger Theatre)

Out Of This World, Watching Me Fall, Want, Fascination St., A Strange Day, Last Day of Summer, Pictures of You, Where The Birds Always Sing, The Kiss, Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Inbetween Days, Sinking, 100 Years,
Shiver & Shake, End, 39 Bloodflowers

1st encore: There Is No If, Trust, Lovesong, A Forest
2nd encore: All Cats Are Grey, The Drowning Man, Faith
3rd encore: Boys Don't Cry, Just Like Heaven, 10:15 Saturday Night, Killing An Arab.

Soundcheck: Jupiter Crash, bits of The Drowning Man, Like Cockatoos, bits of The Kiss, Wrong Number, Out of
This World.


Show was 2 hours and 50 minutes

Review by Nadine

Review by Roxanne

I was just looking over the reviews posted for the New Orleans shows, and I became quite tickled when I saw
halfway through Jeffrey's review, his mention of something cracking Robert up during the middle of "Lovesong."

I went to both shows in New Orleans. The first night I had pretty crappy seats all the way in the back under the
balcony. The next night however, I had seats only about 14 rows back, but all the way to the right of the theatre but
which were considerably closer. I somehow finagled my way about 9 rows closer next to a lone kindly fellow Cure
fan whose good karma came back to him later in the night for being so generous towards me.

See, I was determined to get as close as possible to the front and to get Robert's attention, so I took a dozen blood
red roses with me. In reference to BLOODFLOWERS and because I wanted to give a token of my appreciation to
the band for all they have given to so many like myself.

When I first got to the Senger and got myself seated, I decided to try and get in good with the securities. So, I
approached two who were sitting on the right side of the stage and while batting my eyelashes, asked how I might
be able to get my roses to the "lead singer." One proceeded to tell me to come back up to the front at around 10pm
and he would see where he could get me closer duting the encore. This was a sufficive enough answer to me so
I went back to my not so far away seat.

Before the show started though, I had noticed a guy sitting all by himself with 2 empty seats next to him, and
thought to myself, "If he is still alone when the show starts I am going to ask if I can join him." Well, once the
show started, and I saw he was still alone I made my way to introduce myself as a fellow Cure fan deserving of his
empty seats. This is how I met, Joe from Texas.

I was so glad I had decided to approach him not only because of my awesome vantage point of the band, but also
because he was a true fan like myself, which made all the difference in the world in my experience compared to the
night before when I went with a not-so-big fan. I am pretty sure Joe was glad to meet me too because at around
9:30pm, a security guard came looking for me, and when he found me, told me to be ready to go up to where he was
at in about 20 mins. He asked if Joe was with me and I said "yes" of course, so he said he could come up with me.
About 10 mins later, we saw him waving us down. And when we met up with him he leads and tells us that he was a
couple of seats in the pit for us. The next thing we knew, Joe and I were in the make shift third row of the pit, mere
feet from the stage, and spitting distance from Simon and Perry.

With my flowers still in hand, I asked the security when I could actually get to the stage. He told me I would have
to wait 'til the encore. No sooner had he said that though, some people from the front row waved me to them. One
girl took my camera and asked who I planned to give the flowers to so she could be sure and get a good pic. When
I told her I wanted to give them to Robert, she told me I needed to make my way over to where he was and that
she would help me since most of the people on the fromt were friends of hers. And she did exactly that, we made it
directly in front of Robert, but there was still a row of people in front of me. But once they saw I had flowers, they
let me right up against the stage, not even 3 feet from Robert.

This was about in the middle of 39.  So when BLOODFLOWERS came on next, I was sure he would take my roses,
but he didnt even seem to notice me. He just walked off stage with the band without so much as a glance towards
me. I didnt give up hope yet though because I knew there would be at least another hour of encores if that night
proved anything to be like the night before.

So of course they all came put again and started with "There is no if..." and then into "Trust," which is one of my
favorite songs and brought the whole night to an emotional head that really got me crying. Robert had yet to notice
me yet, or if he had, hadnt acknowledged me. Then "Lovesong" came on and everyone was singing, including those
who hadnt been singing before who were now in full chorus. During the guitar bridge before the last verse, I think I
see Robert looking at me. But I am skeptical and think that I am probably just wishfully thinking that he is looking
at me. But as he approaches the mic again and begins singing, I notice his eyes havent left mine -- or so I must find
out if I am being delusional. So I smile really wide at him, and to my surprise and elation, see him him smile just as
wide back out me, mid-song without missing a word. Of course this really starts the tears again and I am just there
singing along smiling with tears streaming down my face, completely embarrassed. As I wipe my tears,
Robert keeps singing and smiling and nearly laughing. I myself am in near hysterics though because he is also
making goofy faces, scrunching his nose at me while he is literally singing to me, which really get my emotions
going and I start laughing through my tears. It was the single most wonderfully emotional moment of my life. And
what brings me full circle to why Jeffrey's review had me tickled. I wasnt even aware of anyone around me when
all of this happened 'til Robert finally looked away and a girl behind me (who I later found out was Sarah from
Hawaii) hugged me and was laughing and *celebrating* with me and my "moment." I didnt even think of how
others might have percieved Robert's actions during the song.

Robert finally took my roses after "Faith" and thanked me. Since it really was their last song of the night, Robert
sort of lingered on stage for a few extra seconds, all the time holding *my* roses. (Which were not quite a dozen by
the time he got them since I saved one for my own momento.)

Sorry, I was so long winded and didnt even really mention the setlist or anything, but everything that happened in
that night really only comes down to that one moment I feel like I waited my whole life for -- well since I was about
9 or 10 yrs old (I am only 20 now.) Thanks for letting me ramble though and I hope I wasnt too annoying. I took 3
rolls of pictures that I hope will come out. Hopefully at least the one that Robert let me take while he was looking
at me if none of the others do. I will be sure to send some as soon as I get them.

Review by Joe

The second night in New Orleans was fantastic.  How could it top the first night.  Well, I got to meet the band
before they left the hotel for the soundcheck. They were all very nice and easy going.  I felt a little sad for Jason.
Not that many people seemed interested in talking to him.

When I got to the show, the usher told me that my seat was being taken up by the sound equipment and they
would have to move me closer.  He actually asked me if I minded!  I got to sit in row g near the front.  My luck
was only beginning though.  A girl named Roxanne came and sat next to me with a bouquet of roses.  She asked
the security guard if she could get close enough to give the roses to Robert.  They said later in the show.  When
they came to get her she said I was with her and we got to sit in the pit.  We sat there from End to the end of the
show.  It was unbelievable.  Now for the review.

We got another great version of Watching Me Fall.  I love the way this song sounds live.  Much better than on the
cd.  No miscue on Fascination Street tonight. A Strange Day, The Last Day of Summer, Pictures of You, Where the
Birds Always Sing, and The Kiss were all new from the night before.  I just about died when they played Pictures of
You.  This song has a very personal meaning to me.  I actually tore up all my pictures of old girlfriend a couple of
months before this song came out.  I still think of her.  The Kiss rocked with the different lyrics.  I was glad to see
that a lot of people are still doing the "hands in the sky" to FTEOTDGS.  There was a little problem with the
microphone camera on Sinking, but it didnt' take away from the song for me.  Another great version of 100
Years to blow me away.  Shiver and Shake was another surprise.

The encores were incredible since I was right up against the stage for them.  There Is No If definitely sounds
better live.  I wish they would release this song as a single.  Trust was beautiful.  My new friend Roxanne was
fortunate enough to have Robert sing a verse of Lovesong directly to her.  She will never be the same.  The crowd
went wild on A Forest.

Second encore was unbelievable.  It was my first time to hear these songs live.  All Cat's Are Grey was the
highlight for me.  Until, I heard Faith.  Robert looked like he was crying during this song.  Very emotional.

The radio people finally got their wish with the last encore.  By that time, I didn't mind.  The night was
great and everybody just went mad during Killing An Arab.  I will never forget this night.  There were so
many people recording this show I'm bound to pick up a copy somehow.

Review by Arachnidtoast

Reviewing the second show at the Saenger Theater is a difficult task for me. On the one hand, they played a
diverse set list that perfectly complemented that of the previous evening, and the power tracks such as
FTEOTDGS, 100 Years, and The Kiss came off extremely well as usual. However, it seemed to me (and
ultimately this is a highly subjective interpretation) that the show was performed with a bit less energy and a bit
less tightly than was the prior one. I've been widely criticized for my observations about the Florida show, so I
note these details with intrepidation. But it did seem to me that Perry's guitar was too low during Want and a few
other songs early on, and Robert's crucial guitar parts were missing from Sinking and Shiver and Shake. I'm not
suggesting that such problems made it a poor show, or that a song has to be performed perfectly in order to be
powerful. However, the total absence of a critical musical element makes it more difficult for me to integrate em!
otionally with the moods of a song, and a comparatively muted audience response to those two songs suggests to
me that I was not alone in this. Let me add that even on a slightly off night, the Cure are still one of the best live
bands in the world, and it is always a pleasure to be at their shows.
Oh, and Robert's still in an entirely different world with Faith. I just wish there were some way to enforce a no
talking rule during those eight minutes because too many of the casual fans seem to be missing how intense this
really is.

Review by A Boy

tonight was going to be special- i didn't quite know why but i could tell from the moment the intro music started
and i was right.  'out of this world' and 'watching me fall' set the tone for this show perfectly.  'out of this world'
was incredibly moving (it was one of those times where it makes me cry- which is good) and 'watching me fall' was
intense, loud and very aggressive.  the band was in rare form on the second night and i consider it to be the best
cure show i have seen to date (even though i've only seen 4) without contest.  i was surprised to hear an entirely
new section inserted beginning with a wonderful version of 'a strange day' followed by 'the last day of summer,'
'pictures of you,' and 'where the birds always sing' (i thought that there might have been a section left out, but i'm
not quite sure- it's the only song on bloodflowers that i still don't know by heart quite yet) which were all incredibly
beautiful.  i thought that 'where the birds always sing' sounded much better live than on the album- it mixes beauty
and intensity quite well and i never realized how good of a song it is until i heard it live.  then they played 'the kiss.'
wow.  i think my mouth hung open the whole time- so much wonderful noise- it seemed gloriously endless.
i've never really cared too much for the album version of this song- it seems to take on much more life and power
when performed live.  if anything this version proved that.  i doubt that anyone who was there would argue with me.
'sinking' and 'shiver and shake' were very nice to hear too.  'one hundred years' was every bit as intense and
incredible as it was the night before.  i loved hearing 'end'- a song i've always wanted to hear in person.  the way
the intensity just builds and builds makes it a very powerful song.  '39' was wonderful- very breathtaking.  perry
made some incredible noise on this song.  the band definitely made '39' and 'bloodflowers' much more intense
tonight than the night before- which is saying a lot.
it made me incredibly happy to hear 'there is no if...' live.  it's probably my favorite track on bloodflowers- it
always makes me want to cry.  and then they played 'trust' and i did cry because i've always wanted to hear that
song live too.  that and some other stuff... it was one of those times i didn't want to be alone at the show.  this
version was incredible- much better than many of the swing tour era versions i've heard (too slow and plodding).
possibly even the show version- but that's probably because seeing it in person and watching it on a tv are entirely
different experiences.  then a perfect version of 'lovesong' lets me know that tonight is definitely special.  i haven't
been reading the american setlists so i'm not sure if they played it last week or not- but i was very happy to hear it.
'a forest' wasn't quite as good as it was last night- but that's ok because if it had been then the show would've had
to end-and if that had happened i wouldn't have gotten to hear 'all cats are grey.'  when i first bought faith i would
listen to that song over and over and over again- it was my favorite on that album for many years and to hear it
live was breathtaking.  i didn't recognize it for a second.  my hopes for the faith encore were fulfilled as well when
they played 'the drowning man' (best version by the 5 piece i think i've heard- much more well-rehearsed, intense,
no forgotten words, sang beautifully) and 'faith.'  i loved this version of 'faith'- true it wasn't 15 minutes like the
prayer tour versions but i loved the part that perry was playing- such a beautiful noise- it fit perfectly and really
added to the mood of the song.  it was sad to see them leave the stage- i was positive they wouldn't come back.
i didn't know what else they could end with but then they came back and ended a very intense and beautiful night
very appropriately with 'boys don't cry,' 'just like heaven,' '10:15 saturday night,' and 'killing an arab.'  it was
wonderful to watch everyone even in the balconies get up and dance around after such an intense night.  it was a
very good release as they hadn't really played anything upbeat the entire time except for 'inbetween days' and
since the band were smiling so much they knew not to leave the crowd in a sad mood.  and that's what i really love
about the cure- they know exactly what to do at exactly the right times.  it was a nice gesture of them to give us
such a wonderfully instense concert and still get us to smile at the end.
one thing i haven't talked about was the light show because on the first night i didn't really get the full effect of it.
on the second night i was up in the balcony and i really got an eyefull.  my favorite lights were on 'watching me
fall,' 'pictures of you,' 'the kiss,' '39,''end,' 'trust,' 'one hundred years,' 'all cats are grey,' and 'killing an arab.'  i
also really loved the image projections that they've been using- mostly on 'the last day of summer,' 'the loudest
sound,' 'one hundred years,' 'there is no if...,' and 'trust' (i now associate candles with a certain somebody special
who i wish could've been there with me).
i can't wait for the denver, st. louis and chicago shows.  it will be a great week (except for the flying- i'd forgotten
how much i hate flying).  'this dream never ends.'
email me with any questions, comments, spelling errors or 'shut up you long-winded dork's.

Review by Brian

I flew from Boston and have absolutely no regrets about spending money I didn't really have. The Saenger
Theater was the perfect backdrop for The Cure. It reminded me of the venue in "In Orange". Very elegant and
beautiful. The show started off as all the others have with the same 4 openers. I thought they were playing a little
relaxed for the first few songs. "Watching Me Fall", and "Want" were great, but weren't as thunderous as they
could have been. I think the overall volume of the show was a bit low in the beginning, but that changed.

I thought I saw Robert motioning to turn up the volume, and after that it seemed like the show was a bit louder.
The crowd seemed to be into it for the most part, although there were a lot of people who were sitting down
and seemed disinterested because they weren't getting the singles. "A Strange Day" seemed oddly placed as I
wasn't expecting to hear it and certainly not that early in the set. The place came alive during "POY". You
could hear the whole crowd singing along. "The Kiss" was extremely powerful. I've never heard this live and I
wasn't disappointed. It seemed that Robert was really getting into the show at this point. Other highlites
for me were "Sinking", "Forest", "Trust" and the whole second encore.

I almost could believe it when I heard "All Cat's Are Grey". Robert took time to come to the edge of the stage
and shake some hands. Everyone ran up but I never got close enough. Then came an awesome rendition of
"Drowning Man". The one song I had waited 10 years to hear live came next. I knew when he put the Fender
bass VI on that I was about to hear "Faith". I threw my hands high in the air as I felt the energy of the opening
riff run from head to toe. I was totally blown away. I was the only one standing in my immediate area, but I didn't
care. I just let the music take over. I thought I saw Robert wipe tears away as he left the stage. Totally amazing.

I had the feeling they were going to close on a 'pop' note because it seemed that Robert was having the most fun
when the crowd was up and dancing. I don't think a soul was sitting for the final encore. Everyone was singing and
dancing to "BDC", "JLK", "10:15", "KAA". Not particuliarly what I wanted them to end on, but at this point it
didn't matter. I was more than satisfied with the set list we got.

I hung around forever after the show and met some people. We all waited forever for the band to come out. We
met some girls from Miss. who were also waiting around. One of the promoters took the girls up into the
dressing room to show that they had indeed left. I still thought they were lying, but eventually after about an hour
and a half, my friend and I decided to give up. We went to drink on Bourbon Street and would you know it that it
was none other than Robert himself walking with a bodyguard and a legion of fans behind. I tried to get an
autograph but he said they were on their way to meet the others at a bar and that we were welcomed to come
along. Eventually, after the crowd that had swarmed him had left, I finally got a chance to shake Robert's hand,
thank him for all the years of music and get my stuff signed. I would have like to talk to him a bit more, but
the rest of the band was waiting for him at the tables. I felt bad for him because he looked tired and as if he just
wanted to sit down, so didn't want to push it and just left after that. It was a perfect ending to an extraordinary

Review by Jeffrey

Words cannot describe how wonderful last night's show was for me and everyone else I spoke with.  Let me
first say that New Orleans is a great place to party and I met many cool Cure- and non-Cure people there!

Me and my friends had bad balcony seats, but a really cool guy (thanks Ron!) sold us some extra tenth row
ones he had, so we were exceptionally pumped at that point.  The crowd, while less than spectacular at first,
seemed totally enraptured from FTEOTDGS on!  I have not seen an audience so pumped at a cure show
ever--of all eight I've been to.  Here are some personal highlights for me:

FTEOTDGS:  Played wonderfully.  During the "put your hands in the sky" part, the yellow lights shown on the
audience and everyones' hands in the air elicited a gorgeous smile and "yeah!" from Robert.

Where the Birds...: was played very tightly and beautifully.  Robert played the Fender VI and Perry on

The Kiss:  Done better on this tour than ever!!! You'll see!  Great keyboard work by Roger.

Shiver & Shake:  What a surprise! Very angry but very tight.  And with many, if not most, of us singing
(screaming?) along--just brilliant!

End:  Was great!  No intro mistakes by Simon (like Atlanta--which was pretty funny) and NO Roger on
guitar, he played keyboards--real quietly.  Again, Robert switched to past tense (I was none of these
things) but what was chilling in its brilliance was the last chorus, in which he sang "She stopped loving me, she
stopped loving me, I was none of those things!"  So cool!

The encores were beyond words!  Lovesong was beautiful, and something kept cracking Robert up.  The next
surprise was "Drowning Man" and I was so very impressed to see so many people seeming to know the
song so well, and singing along with it.

After encore #2 I knew it was the best show, audience-wise, that I'd attended.  Ten thousand people less than
Atlanta, and ten times more energy!  The 3rd encore was a haze of screaming, clapping, and nearly everyone
singing along.  During JLH, Robert would not sing lines b/c we were all singing so loudly, and then he began to
sing slowly to mess us up!

The final highlight was the grreeaat way everyone screamed "absolutely nothing!!!!" in KAA. And it was
so good for me personally that the last set was as it very upbeat!  You could tell that Robert was
very impressed and appreciative of all the huge applause and screaming such a small venue was producing.

On a sidenote, I had the privilege of meeting the band both prior to and after the show.  Let me just say how
polite, gracious and warm they all were, and oh so very particularly Simon and Perry--both quite the comedians!!!
I asked Simon how he played so well jumping all around, and he replied "It's called being really, really drunk!"
And he was. :-)

So ended one of the best days of my life and in all probability, my final Cure show.  Yes, I was in tears on the way
home.  Thank you, Kelly, for sharing this wonderful experience with me.  Thank you, Craig, for this excellent
website.  Thank you to the Cure for such a spectacular time and for twenty years of the best alternative music
EVER!  You are the greatest and will never be forgotten and words can never describe how much your music
continues to mean to me!  All the best to my fellow fans and to the Cure.  "this dream never ends, you said..."
Live life, love, and be happy!

Review by Rickie

I just wanted to point out how privilaged everyone was who got to see both shows, unfortunately I was not one of
them. Do you realize that they have played 45 different songs on their tour so far. In New Orleans they played 44
of those 45 during the course of the 2 nights. The only song not played was "Like Cockatoos". Three of us did
manage to make it to the 2nd night, or at least part of it.  Don't ever try to fly out of Atlanta around rush hour,
there is like a fucking hour delay due to airplane traffic jams on the runways.  We finally sprinted into the
Saenger a little after 9:00 just at the deginning of "..Edge.." and it was quite a feeling of "thank you Cure, I am
glad I just went through hell and am now back in heaven". We knew before we left we had picked the wrong show,
having seen the pornography encore from the previous night. I know we missed some good songs, but fortunately
no song I have never seen before.  To make it worth the trip, they played "Drowning Man" which I believe I heard
was one of Robert's favorite live songs.  I still thought it was worth the trip, even though after 30 minutes of
waiting at the gate in Atlanta we almost got off the plane in disgust. Needless to say we had a great time even
after the show. I was very much worth the trip even though we spent 3 hrs sleeping at the airport in New
Orleans waiting for our flight back to Atlanta and then got to drive to Alabama and go to work. I am trying to be as
dedicated as I can, along with a few hardcore friends (Jerry, thanks for waiting for us at the airport for an hr and
missing part of the show). We have 3 more shows left on our itenerary, basically it is a group that ranges from
3-18.  I just hope and pray that I will get to see "Cold" and "Pornography". Okay Roger, you are the one who
probably reads these, maybe others in the band, just make sure that Robert, Simon, Perry, Jason, and you know to
play the Pornography set either at Shoreline, Pine Knob, or Merriweather Post. All I have left is faith in a band
that has inspired me for 14 years.

Review by Betty

i have just come back from seeing the cure in new orleans tueday nite. all i have to say is--ABSOLUTELY
FABULOUS. i so wish i had been able to go to both shows, 2 of my friends did and said that monday nite was
better, but i must say i was not disappointed in the least. how could i be after hearing end, shiver and shake,
SINKING, faith, all cats are grey, the drowning man and of course ending with 10:15 and killing an arab, it was
classic. i saw them 2 times on the swing tour and i must say i think this was even better, if that is at all possible.
i have only one complaint. the crowd in the balcony sucked. no one would stand up and scream or anything. one
jerk even started throwing things and yelling at us. now what else are u supposed to do at a concert but scream
and holler and have a good time. thankfully we were able to sneak down to the floor with all of the true cure fans
and enjoy the rest of the show. everyone down there was dancing and jumping and singing and having the best
time. one other bit of news to share. while we were standing outside waiting for the doors to open, guess who we
saw walking down the street with his video camera--ROGER ODONELL. he was so fab. a few of us went up to
him and he signed some things and was extremely nice, even though he said he shouldnt be doing this at all, he
still did for a few of us. it was truly fab. well sorry this is so long but i just couldnt stop. it was such a truly
amazingly fabulous nite--really words cant even describe it.  robert said he could sing like that til 5 in the morning.
well that is one thing that i could have definately handled. i must say it was a truly amazing experience
and i hope that everyone there had as fabulous of a time as i did.

Review by Emilie

Where to begin!!  When we purchased tickets for both of the New Orleans shows back on April 1, I made no
attempt to contain my jubilation.  But in the weeks to follow I found my self unable to interact with others on
a normal basis (because of being in my own dream world....I found myself 'screaming at the moon in the middle of
the day').  So I had to MAKE myself not think about the shows in any detail from then on.  Although I must say
going to Chain of Flowers everyday, didn't make my task at hand very easy. (Thank you for that....I love it!!)
Well, then Sunday May 21st arrives and so does my best friend from West Texas, who drove 13 hours to see both
of the concerts with me.  And of course with that came the daydreaming and sudden outburst that only my "Cure
family" can understand. I really don't remember much about the drive to New Orleans from Lafayette on Monday
or eating at Landry's or walking around. But standing in front of the Saenger with the bands name in lights, made
my anticipation turn into nausea.  We started waiting for the doors to open at about 6:00, and my mom (an extreme
fan as myself) and I were wondering if ya'll (Craig and Nadine) got to go in for the sound check. (OH! to be
so lucky)  And we stood and sweated and waited and bubbled over with anxiety. And then the doors opened and
got to our seats on the floor and I just had to have a small release with tears. And then the show started and it was
more than I ever dreamed of!  The set list was AMAZING!! (Listening to Same Deep Water as You, with tears
streaming down my face, and the feeling of exposure, a revealing of all of my innermost feelings to anyone that
might have seen me)  Since I have already been longwinded enough I won't talk anymore about the first show
(although I will say that my mind and soul were swimming in an abyss of a heaven I can not express.......truly
indescribable!!!)  I couldn't have asked for a better Nadine said, Pornography and Disintegration
We got back home after the first show at 3 am and other friends arrived from 4 hours north to attend the second
night with us. Let me get to my curespotting.  I never in my entire existence ever dreamed of something like this
happening to me!!  We got there to the Canal St entrance of the Saenger around 6:00.  And we stood in front of
Popeye's. We were standing there all talking and feeling the same stress as the night before, knowing this would
be our last concert this tour and ever.
(AGGGHHH)  And then it happened!!!  My mom (quite possibly the coolest one on earth!) was facing the street
and looks over, and there in the median with his camera in hand, was Roger. (The opposite corner down from us)
 I got whiplash turning to look and couldn't breathe for at least 15 seconds and out of nowhere this voice comes
screaming out of my body "ROGER!!!" and he looked over and smiled.  I was in utter disbelief and then he
walked down the center of the median directly across the street from us, filming the sign that put us in check that
we were actually here the night before.
And then he directed his camera on us and we waved and blew kisses and yelled "We love you!!!"  And so I took
the chance of a lifetime that was handed to me and walked to the corner to meet him.  And he graciously  signed
the dollar bill I handed him and told him How much I loved them and 'thank you so much for signing the dollar bill
and for everything", and he said, "I really shouldn't be standing here on the corner like this" And I said well thank
you so much and he signed one more autograph (My friend Betty!!) And he walked off.  I was so beyond
expression at this point. ME! A girl from a town (born and raised in Shreveport) where no one even knows who the
best band in the world are!!!
So there went my brush with greatness,  that got even better as the show started and went on. I have to say
something else before I end this book (sorry it is so lengthy).  We had tickets upstairs on this night and the crowd
was HORRIBLE upstairs.  Excluding a few really cool people we conversed with before the show.
We stood as soon as the show started and they started throwing hard objects at the back of our heads. And yelling
at us to sit down.  Being the stubborn woman I am, I haughtily stood and tried to ignore the pain of whatever it was
that they were throwing at us.  For sitting at a Cure concert is NOT an option!!!  OOH!!!  I was SO mad!!  And I
was not going to let my concert be ruined so my friends and I made our way down stairs, where people seemed to
appreciate our wailing yells and echoing screams divine!!!  Hearing Shiver and Shake, Sinking and All cats are
I do feel like the first show was my favorite but I have to say the two were totally different shows, different
settings almost.  But wonderful!! Okay, I will shut-up now. Hope ya'll didn't mind me blethering on about my
experience!! Thank you for everything!!

Comments by Ron

I was with my wife, Gabriela ,  ( my mexican doll !! ) and she was the one robert was holding and looking at.
The second night we hooked up with the band at their hotel and partied until the wee ours with the  whole
band. I was able to catch Robert coming outside and he was so cool he spent at least a 1/2 hour with us in a very
casual conversation,,,,,,gave us both a very sincere hug and kiss.......can you say DREAMSVILLE !!!   What an
incredibly cool experience for us and I can tell you this.....each one of the band were very approachable...full of
humor,,,,and willing to talk to anyone about anything. What a GREAT bunch of guys!!   Hope your having a good
time,,,,,,,,,,and we will be in Vegas also

Comments by Kurt

I'm not going to write a review of what I thought of the show because I would have to use too many adjectives.
However, I brought my 15 year old sister to the concert.  The only other concert she had ever seen was the
Backstreet Boys.  The only Cure song she really liked was "Friday I'm in Love" which I told her they were not
going to play.  Needless to say I was curious in how she would react to the show.
All it took was "Watching Me Fall" for her to understand that Simon is a God.  (Of course, like most 15 year olds
she automatically developed a crush on him.)  She was amazed at how effortlessly Roger plays the keyboards.
She marveled at how the Cure could rock on "The Kiss."  She enjoyed watching the crowd especially on the last
On the way back to the car, she said I enjoyed that a lot more than the Backstreet Boys.  She then asked to
borrow my CD's.  Mission Accomplished!
