The Dream Tour

June 5th, 2000 - Denver, Co. (Fiddler's Green)

Out Of This World, Watching Me Fall, Want, Fascination St., Open, The Loudest Sound, Maybe Someday, Like
Cockatoos, Edge Of The Deep Green Sea, Inbetween Days, Sinking, Prayers For Rain, One Hundred Years, End,
 39, Bloodflowers

1st encore: There Is No If, Trust, Plainsong, Disintegration
2nd encore: All Cats Are Gray, The Drowning Man, Faith
3rd encore: Lovesong, Play For Today, Just Like Heaven, A Forest

Show was 2 hours and 54 minutes

(Thanks Creighton & Joy, John)

Review by Eric L. Reiner of the Denver Post

                  The fire's not out yet - Cure concert keeps crowd at Fiddler's on its feet

                   By Eric L. Reiner
                   Special to The Denver Post

                   June 7, 2000 - "The fire is almost out," Robert Smith of the Cure
                   sang late in Monday's show at Fiddler's Green.

                   The lyric, from a song on the Cure's new "Bloodflowers" CD, wasn't
                   so much a hint that the concert was nearly over as it was an
                   announcement to fans that Smith, now 40, is thinking of throwing
                   in the towel after more than 20 years as a musical icon. But
                   regardless of what Smith intimated about the creative flames
                   within him dying, he and the Cure staged a stellar concert that had
                   the crowd on its feet all night, starting with the standing ovation
                   that greeted the English band when it took the stage.

                   Known for dark music and darker lyrics, the band members were all
                   in black. Smith showed up wearing semi-ghoulish white makeup and
                   heavy black eyeliner, plus, of course, his trademark red lipstick and
                   black bird's nest hair. (The crowd was fashionable, too; many wore
                   leather/punkish clothes and hair dyed deep red, vampire purple,
                   burgundy and other colors.)

                   Smith didn't have to say much to get his followers to cheer -
                   "thank you" after a song was usually sufficient. And when he
                   introduced a number by saying it's "from the 'Kiss Me' album"
                   (referring to the 1987 album that made the Cure huge in the U.S.),
                   the crowd roared before Smith even had a chance to name the
                   tune. (It turned out to be the odd "Like Cockatoos," which
                   featured funky tropical-forest percussion sounds.)

                   Although Smith is decidedly the center of attention, other members
                   of the Cure deserve honorable mention. Bassist Simon Gallup moved
                   more than anyone else onstage, often bouncing as he played and
                   incessantly roaming around, while guitarist Perry Bamonte made
                   trippy, Pink Floyd-esque sounds on "39" and played a glitter guitar
                   on pop-oriented numbers like "Fascination Street." Drummer Jason
                   Cooper looked like he drove the band on one especially danceable,
                   shake-you-in-your-spot selection, but it was hard to be sure: The
                   Cure used plenty of effects to create their droning, hypnotic mix of
                   beat, rhythm and texture. In fact, keyboardist Roger O'Donnell
                   frequently stood several feet from his instrument (making it obvious
                   that he wasn't playing it), and Gallup and Bamonte occasionally
                   held their axes to the side, also clearly not playing, as if to fully
                   disclose that more music was being produced onstage than there
                   were musicians.

                   But so what if the band used backing tracks and other effects?
                   The Cure rocked and sounded lush, full and big while doing it.

                   An interesting sub-theme to the outdoor show was the change
                   from daylight to darkness. The sunshine at the start of the concert
                   didn't necessarily diminish the effectiveness of the band's
                   sometimes somber music, but it did wash out the strobe lights on
                   the show's second number. However, after night fell, a bevy of
                   flashing white lights aided the relentless beat of "100 Years."
                   Dance-club-style lighting revved up the highly rhythmic "A Forest,"
                   the show closer.

                   There was an overarching structure to the set list, by the way.

                   The main set began with the first two songs from the
                   "Bloodflowers" album and ended with the last two tracks from it,
                   while the encores were built around loose themes. The second
                   encore, for example, included numbers that Smith said "we don't
                   play very much," like "All Cats Are Grey" and "The Drowning Man."
                   And the third (and final) encore was loaded with such fast-paced,
                   fun tunes as "Lovesong" and "Just Like Heaven." The concert
                   clocked in just shy of the 3-hour mark, lasting right up to Fiddler's
                   10:30 p.m. curfew. Now that shows Smith still has plenty of fire.

Review by Mark Brown of the Denver Rocky Mountain News

                  Cure concert lurches along

                   By Mark Brown
                   Denver Rocky Mountain News Critic
                   June 6th, 2000

                   A Cure concert is always more than just the music. It's about creating a mood
                   and sharing a bond —— great swirling guitars wrestling with a great swirling
                   light show, with dark, brooding music that mesmerizes as singer Robert Smith
                   darts in and out of the darkness. The best Cure shows, like the one at Fiddler's
                   Green in 1989, are hypnotic, cathartic performance art.

                   And that's pretty hard to do when the sun is shining brightly on a mostly empty
                   lawn in a half-full house. Last night's return to Fiddler's Green — possibly
                   the band's last-ever Colorado show — started at 7:30 p.m. with no opening band,
                   leaving band and fans blinking in the sunlight and getting the show off to a
                   sputtering start from which it never fully recovered. With about 10,000 people
                   looking on, The Cure gave a disappointingly flat performance for half of the show;
                   the band was never ever to elevate the fans, or vice versa, despite a strong
                   willingness to do so on both sides.

                   Again, you can't underestimate the role that the logistics played. But it was a price
                   Smith was willing to pay to make his three-hour vision fit into amphitheaters this
                   summer, and it was a vision he didn't stray from. The songs weren't chosen to
                   entertain as much as make a statement and showcase the new Bloodflowers. The
                   show consisted mainly of the edgier side of The Cure, looking into the darkness
                   with the new Maybe Someday and the classic cuts Fascination Street and In
                   Between Days. The 40-year-old Smith's recent gloomy meditations on aging gave
                   a new twist to the latter song and its opening line "Yesterday I felt so old I felt like
                   I could die." He doggedly skipped the frothy hits of recent years, choosing instead
                   to string together a series of like-minded songs that at time threatened to become
                   monotonous. Songs that should have been trance-like — including the 11-minute
                   Watching Me Fall — became endurance tests.

                   But as mentioned, it would have been easier to look into that darkness had
                   it actually been dark. The show was more than half over before the
                   lighting, video backgrounds and big screens were able to have an impact.

                   The show never came close to the terrifying brilliance of 1989's Prayer
                   tour — or even the more recent tours — despite Smith having turned out
                   some nearly as-strong material in the new album Bloodflowers. The band
                   seemed tired; rather than flowing, the show just lurched. But finally the sun
                   went down and everything kicked into gear. By the time Prayers for Rain
                   was played 90 minutes into the show, it regained the fury and power that
                   the best Cure shows are known for.

                   But maybe The Cure's articulate angst has simply become commonplace.
                   The band's innovative use of makeup and philosophical musings were
                   unique in the '80s; since then, every singer with a chip on his shoulder has
                   railed against the mean, mean world, diluting the genuine voices that are
                   out there. Marilyn Manson has turned the performance aspect into
                   disposable kitsch. And despite Bloodflowers, maybe Smith has picked
                   the right time to pack it in after all.

                   Our rating: C

Comments by Terry Jones


I was at the show in Englewood, Colorado on june 5 th 2000 it was my birthday present.. I have seen them twice
and I want you to know I cried all the way through the concert..Robert Smith Is my Idol..his performance was
great..I wish I could have only met him..he touches my soul in his music..his performance was EXCELLENT, I will
never forget this show and all the wonderful songs he  did..I wish he could read this..when he performed plainsong
I was screaming before he did it..Robert..I love you..please sing Plainsong and he looked at me after doing Trust
and smiled and started doing Plainsong...I will never forget this show..much better than the wish tour!

thanks Robert for all the great years of will never be forgotten...I wish I had the chance to meet you
and tell you all the wonderful things your music has done for me..thanks so much!

Review by Brian Young

This is definitely the best Cure show I have seen in many years.  I was lucky enough to get right up against the
stage, between Simon and Perry.  Anita, (previous Denver reviewer), was directly behind me, (I saw Perry give her
the nod)  The band was only a few feet away and the songs were so intense.  I was so glad to finally hear Sinking
and Faith  as well as a few other rare gems.  Robert seemed to have some vocal troubles later in the show, but he
still was able to sing his heart out.  Simon was just perfection as usual as well as Perry.  During All Cats Are Grey,
Robert walked to all sides of the stage to shake hands with those in the front.  He made direct eye contact with me
and shook my hand with a smile.  It's so great that Robert and the band love their fans so much. Plainsong was a
highlight as Roger rumbled the crowd with the most earth-shattering bass; meanwhile, Simon and Perry stood there
with their instruments - just staring into the crowd while Robert walked to the end the stage and just stared - smiling
out at all of our sweaty faces.  My heart is still racing.  If the Cure do actually call it quits, I can at least
feel fortunate to have seen them like this.  This was truly a great performance that I will never forget...

 - Brian, huge fan since 1985.

Review by Laura Marie Boykin

What a way to end my "Dream Tour".  I have returned from Denver and I'm happy and sad at the same time . I'm
happy because I saw the best show of my life and sad because it was my last.  I feel like this is consuming my
life but what the hell-it's my life.

Anyway.  I went to the show in Vegas and was a little disappointed for several reasons (see my Vegas review).  At
that time I thought that the Denver show was going to be a joke because I thought there would only be a few fans
there and the energy of the crowd would be low.  Boy was I wrong.

My friend Katherine and I headed out of Albuquerque in my new Jeep Wrangler (THE CURE MOBILE #2)
equipped with my Boys Don't Cry Sticker on Sunday morning.  We drove the entire day and finally arrived in
Greenwood, Colorado and found our classy Motel 6.  To my surprise there were lots of Cure fans staying in the
Motel 6.  I finally felt like there really is a Cure "family".  It was awesome to see all the cars with Cure stickers!!
Everyone was so nice.  Particularly Sarah and Lauren, two fans all the way from Virginia!  They plan to follow the
tour to New York.  We met them in the parking lot of the Motel 6 and they told us all about the Salt Lake show and
how awesome it was.  (I was a little jealous) I really wanted to hear a Strange Day in Denver.  I made a sign and
everything (no luck).

The day of the show we started to get ready around 4pm and then we headed over to the Fiddler's Green.  We
arrived at the theater around 6pm and waited a few more minutes and then we were let into find our seats.  We
were sitting in section 103 way over to the left of that section.  I was beginning to worry because I couldn't see the
back drops so as soon as the intro music started we walked over to the 6th row center section.  The best advice I
can give people attending shows in the future-be nice to the people around you.  My friend Katherine and I were
able to stay in that section by talking with the people around us. When people would come and claim their seats we
would just shift over.  It was amazing how nice the people around us were.  Sorry to the people we annoyed with our

The show started and Katherine and I held up the Strange Day poster and Robert and Roger both looked out and
shook their head "no". Oh well, it was worth a try!  I knew this was my last show and I wanted it to be perfect.  I
was hoping for an awesome set list and in my opinion it was.  The people in the crowd were great as well.  (Thank
you people in Denver!)

The highlights of the show for me were "there is no if", "trust", "plainsong",of course the faith encore and seeing
Robert screw up "play for today".  Robert was so off with "play for today" it was amusing.  He wasn't singing the
lyrics to the beat!  I was amazed that they only played one pop song "just like heaven".  In Vegas they played a
whole encore of pop songs.  During "just like heaven" Robert stepped away from the Mic. a few times and just let
the crowd sing the song-awesome.  The audience didn't want them to leave the stage-but all good things come to an
end. After the last song Robert just slowly walked off the stage and that was that.  My last concert on this tour.  I
feel very content.

The fun always begins after the show.  I don't know if I really want to meet the band or just try and meet the band.
Trying to meet them is so much fun, such a good way to meet other cure fans.  It's like a scavenger hunt!  We went
around the back where the tour busses were parked and waited.  They had not left the building yet so we decided to
wait. We were sure they would leave in the 15 passenger van and not the huge tour bus.  Well the security guards
were being the biggest jerks and said we had to leave or else.  We thought or else what, it's public property as
far as I know we're in America!  Well, sure enough they called the police and forced everyone to leave.     Ha, you
can't stop us.  We went back to the motel 6 and just hung out awhile and then decided to take another trip back to
Fiddler's Green to see if they were gone.  They were not gone. They were loaded into the big tour bus and were on
their way to the hotel. Of course we just happened to be going that same way (yeah right).  We just found our way
to their hotel and waited for them to get off the bus.  Perry was first and came over and signed my set list (which
I got from a roadie after the show).  Robert then came out and stood and talked to us for about 20 minutes.  There
were only 6 fans hanging out with him.  He was so gracious and answered questions, signed things and posed for
pictures.  He was REALLY drunk but he managed.  I asked him what he thought of the Vegas show and he said it
was RUBBISH and the audience wasn't into it as much as he would have liked.  Mike and Mike (the two crazy
guys from Kansas City) asked him about Cure related stuff and he answered.  He said that eventually the B-sides
(or unreleased songs) from Bloodflowers would be available sometime somewhere (gosh so informative!).  He
seemed to really enjoy just talking about random things not so much related to the cure.  I respect him and what
he does.  I realize that the cure may be no more but I sure would like that to be false.

This is now the end of my review and I would like to thank a few people for making my dreams come true (when it
comes to my mini obsession with the cure): Craig and Nadine (thanks for the fun times in NY and NV), Katherine,
Warren,  Sarah B. and Lauren (for being super nice to me in Denver) and the entire band for caring about the fans.
A word of advice for the people going to the shows to come-Be nice to the people around you at the concert and
enjoy!  It is such a rare thing these days to have a band play for 3 hours and still have time to chat with fans.  We
are the luckiest community around to have such a wonderful group of guys playing their hearts out for US.

Review by John Barentine

The band went on at about 7:38 pm, just a few minutes behind the "scheduled" start.  Seeing as how the previous
night's show in Salt Lake started a bit later I thought we had time, so I'm standing in line at the t-shirt concession
when I heard the opening drumbeats of...

Out Of This World - We made it to our seats when this song was already near half over.  It was still bright daylight
outside so virtually none of the lights made any effect.  Sounds pretty much like the album.

Watching Me Fall - A nice loud rendition with plenty of vocal "oomph" on Robert's part.  The video screen lit up
for the first time.

Want - Third song, exactly as expected.  Rather like the performances on the Swing Tour, with a video of
hourglasses playing in the background.

Fascination Street - There's a different voice on one of the guitars or Simon's bass that really made this sound
unusual, at least to me.  Robert didn't seem to be putting as much energy into his vocal as usual.  Video is of neon
signs outside the seedier parts of town (maybe London? I saw one offering some service for 3 pounds sterling).
The signs were all for adult bookstores and strip clubs, rather appropriate for the air of the song.

Open - Begins with Perry playing the "Tape" intro to the song, then goes into a very "Show"-like visual
presentation with no video, just the swirling stage lights.  Robert looked up when singing the lines about looking
"down at the floor", looking  up every time he sang "down".

The Loudest Sound - The first instance where people started heading out from their seats in search of beer.
Again, a nice version very much lik the album.

Maybe Someday - The first song where people really started getting into it and dancing around.  Video is of
swirling spiral shapes of many colors similar to the graphics on the screen behind the Swing Tour, as I remember.

Like Cocaktoos - The first big surprise of the night!  Robert said before the song began that this was one they
"didn't play very often" and then they launched into it, with Jason playing what appeared to be MIDI pads/triggers
to get the unique percussion sounds as on the album version. The familiar "cockatoos" sound as on the album
wasn't included in the live version.

From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea - Played with some appropriate green/blue/purple swirly shapes on the
video screen from the stage lights. Solid performance, as on the last tour.

Inbetween Days - Another one to get the crowd moving, and move it did. Many people bouncing about.  Always fun
to hear played live.

Sinking - The "Robert Cam" attached to his mic was switched on even before he started singing, and during the
long intro he sort of paced along the back in front of the platform the drums sit on.  Finally, getting to hear
this live was great, and they give it a very nice treatment.

Prayers For Rain - With a video of lightning in stormclouds playing, the song starts with stills on either side of the
video screen depicting human bones in dry sand.  Later this switches to watery imagery on the video screen and a
still of water droplets on a pane of glass.  A reasonably long "Raaaaaaaain".

100 Years - One of the highlights of the show.  The video screen showed stills of magnified newsprint pictures
which sort of followed the lyrics in their subjects.  That and the bright white and red lights served to heighten the
sense of urgency about this song, making it very intense.  I even looked up for the "Yellow moon" we were under,
and though it was out, it was blocked by the stage.

End - A curiously appropriate follow-up to 100 years, complete with the rotating spiral (reminiscent of the one on
the cover the Blue Sunshine by The Glove but in black and white).

39 - Nice fire imagery all the way round during this, from the flames on the video screen to the red lights.  The fire
"goes out" near the end when Robert sings about that happening.

Bloodflowers - Robert announced the name of this one and said of course it was "the last song" as the giant red
bloodflower appeared on the video screen.  As with all the songs from the new album, it was very tight and on the
mark, but also very intense -- clearly one of Robert's favorites.

1st Encore

There Is No If... - Another instance where people streamed away to the bathrooms instead of listening to this song,
although it was done very nicely with some small alterations to the lyrics in places, I noticed. Robert was mixing
lines whether intentionally or otherwise.  Still images of seashells in the background that eventually go negative.

Trust - The band absolutely makes this song a part of the live experience in a way that just doesn't come across on
the record.  On the screen behind them played a video of a close up of cnalde flames, causing many in the audience
to whip out their lighters in response.

Plainsong - WOW!!! The audience cheered loudly, moreso than for any other song up to this point, when it began.
Plainsong is SO powerful, literally, when played live - the bass end of Roger's keyboard resonates throughout the
venue so you don't just hear it, you FEEL it.  The lights come up and out acorss the audience just like when this
song used to open the Prayer Tour shows.  As the song began, before he started to sing, Robert went to far stage
left and looked out over the crowd.  There was a boom microphone set up right next to him and I thought he would
start singing up into it but then he walked back over to the center of the stage and started singing.  Overall, this
song rivaled 100 Years in intensity.

Disintegration - I think this is the SLOWEST I have ever heard Disintegration played before, which made it hard
to identify in the very beginnging.  While they put up a still image of broken glass on the video screen, there were
none of the familiar "shattering glass" sounds during the song.  Robert's delivery of the vocal was half-hearted in
my opinion and it lacked the usual intensity, which was disappointing because of how good this song can be when
played live.  I think Roger may have been having trouble with his monitor because when his keyboard part came
in he was just about a half-step too high, although later in the song he dropped back down to the right tuning.

2nd Encore


Robert tunes his guitar up quickly, says "This is something we don't play much, from the Faith album.  It's called
All Cats Are Gray."

All Cats Are Gray - Major surprise.... the first 'wow' of the encore. Nobody save one person in the audience within
a few rows of us knew this song at all, or any of the songs in this encore.  Dark purple and turquoise lights lit up the
stage.  Jason's drumming was so precise on this one (and all the older songs, as a matter of fact).  Finally ended
with Roger playing the leading-out keyboard part nice and LOUD.

The Drowning Man - Robert next says "We never play this one," and then the drumbeat comes in, with Jason
playing a combination of live drums and a MIDI pad to get the percussion sound right.  Absolutely amazing!!!! A
moving watery image on the video screen with green lights around the stage and a very inspired vocal by Robert.
Then as the drumming stopped I thought to myself, are they going to do what It hink they're going to do? And with
a few clicks of JAson's sticks they led into

Faith - Finally, Faith.  I never thought I would ever get to hear this song played live, especially with the rumors of
a breakup after this tour. A spellbinding performance.  On the video screen is a still shot of what looks vaguely like
the interior of a church, and red light floods the stage.  Robert also sing swith intensity on this one.  The
interlocking guitar work is as amazing as ever.  Incredible.

3rd Encore

Lovesong - "Now for something more familiar," Robert says.  A spirited if somewhat mechanical performance with
everyone in the audience singing along as usual.  On the video screen appeared an image of the artwork from
the Lovesong single.

Play For Today - Yea, Seventeen Seconds stuff, my favorite!  The music was handled pretty well but Robert totally
botched the first verse of the song, later admitting to it.  Eventually he got back on track but again it seemed to me
he was putting less than his best into the vocal.  But it sure got the crowd jumping.  Roger did play the keyboard
part but it was way down in the mix, and very few people around me were echoing it with voice.

Just Like Heaven - Crowd goes nuts.  Everyone sings along, but it really looks like Robert's getting tired now.

A Forest - Great rendition, much like that on the Swing Tour last time around, complete with Simon's little bass
lead-in at the beginning and Who-like "wall of noise" at the very end.  The lighting was great, with the green
beams flying up and out over the crowd.  The trees from the original video to the song polayed on the video screen,
surrounded by what I think was a still taken from the covert art from the single, a closeup of the trees in
false-color.  Since this is my very favorite song, I was very happy to hear it again, even if perhaps for the last time.

We waited for about 2 minutes after the song ended.  Robert said "Thank you good night" one more time and
walked off.  Eventually the house lights came up.  I said "No Boys Don't Cry? No 10:15? No Killing An Arab?"
By that time, however, the show had been going on for just under three hours, so it seemed like a good place to
stop, in retrospect.

The best moment in the show was when some people in about the center of the audience about 10 rows out from
the stage held up three pieces of posterboard on which were written, in sequence, "SHAKE" "DOG" "SHAKE".
Robert finally caught sight of it and seemed very amused.  He looked at them, laughed a little, and then held his
arms out and shrugged like he was saying "Sorry.... but it's not on the setlist."

All in all it was a great show, better than the Swing Tour show I saw last time around.  The guys seemed to be
having fun and enjoying the experience.  We did too.  Thanks guys!!!

Comments by Kenneth Bacso

As others have said, the show was outstanding.  You can tell a band is good when the crowd WANTS to hear the
most obscure songs (A Drowning Man, etc.).  Still, I'd have to say the Denver crowd was better during the last
two tours.  This time they kept moving in and out to get beer or go chat with someone. There were plenty of
enthusiastic fans, but it just seemed like some didn't really appreciate where they were.
        I think we got a particularly good setlist in Denver.  I really wanted to hear Siamese Twins and The Kiss.
But all and all, I'll happily take what we got.  Highlights for me were 100 Years, Sinking, Disintegration,
Bloodflowers, and the Second Encore (good songs, and I liked that they all came from the same album).  I thought
Robert sounded better than in other concerts I have seen, and he gave of himself emotionally as he often does at
concerts. Rodger seemed to be having a lot of fun.  The others were pretty businesslike, but performed well.
        One last comment.  If The Cure ever do come back to Denver (we can hope), I would wish that they perform
at Red Rocks Amphitheater instead of Fiddler's Green.  Red Rocks is up in the base of the mountains and is
naturally situated between to giant red rocks that shoot up to the sky. The crowd can see the stage and Denver
and the plains behind the stage.  A Truly magical place (and it is only slightly smaller than Fiddler's).

Review by A Boy

i just walked in the door about 20 minutes ago from denver and i thought i'd go ahead and write down my thoughts
about the show in denver.  let me just start by saying that this was my third show of the tour (the first two were the
two nights in new orleans) and i must say that i am very impressed so far with the quality and consistency of the
shows.  it can't be easy to play that emotional of a set every night and make it good every night.  i enjoyed this
show much more than i thought i would.  seeing the two nights in new orleans has definitely spoiled me-both of the
concerts were so intimate compared to amphitheater shows.  that and the setlists for both nights were quite
what i was most impressed with in denver was the main set- i think it was a nearly flawless representation of the
more 'basic' set that they seem to have been playing over the course of the tour.  i thought that 'fascination street,'
'the loudest sound,' 'from the edge of the deep green sea,' 'prayers for rain,' and 'bloodflowers' were noticably
much stronger than i haveseen them so far.  plus i loved hearing 'like cockatoos' live and in person for the first
time-it was unspeakably wonderful.  the crowd in denver was a bit of a downer to be perfectly honest.  i was in the
second reserve section and i was one of the scant few who stood up for the entire show.  it is a phenomenon to me
that over the years fans have tended to resent the lack of older material that the band played during the swing tour
and at all three shows i have noticed that now that they are playing unspeakably wonderful versions of some of the
greatest of their older songs (M, all cats are grey, pornography!, sinking, siamese twins) the greatest crowd
reaction still belongs to the singles.  i guess that that's just the beauty of the cure- they can deliver any which way
and they can still leave you wanting more.  i've never heard anyone as happy as the goth girl who was dancing next
to me when they started to play 'just like heaven'- she raised her head to the sky and cried 'i've been waiting all
night for this song!'  very typical of this tour in my opinion- which isn't necessarily a bad thing- just something i've
observed at all of the shows i've been to so far.  what's more i am amazed at the consistency of my own reaction to
all of the shows that i've been to.  i was afraid that my opinions would be stitled by seeing multiple shows but i've
found that the three shows i've seen have had different strengths and weaknesses that makes each one quite a
unique experience.  i've never done this with any band before but it makes me happy to know that i can walk away
from each show and be affected very deeply no matter what the number of strengths and weaknesses may be.  i
still get the chills when the adagio comes on before the band comes out, i still close my eyes during 'out of this
world', i still cry everytime during 'trust' and that was the best thing about this show for me.  robert's voice began
to fade making a few of the songs difficult for him but it didn't really seem to matter- the faith encore was still so
wonderful to hear- even more so since i got to witness it a second time- which i never thought would be possible in
a million years.  he apologized about his failing voice after 'a forest' (the most dazzling version i've ever heard- by
far) and to me it seemed like an absolutely minor detail in a night filled to the brim with unspeakably wonderful
moments.  this show wasn't the best cure show i've ever seen but i'll definitely never forget it- tonight was
wonderful because my favorite band has moved me again in a way that only they can do.  sorry to go on so long.
can't wait to leave for st. louis tomorrow.

Comments by uhzoomzip

This is the 8th show I have been to on this tour including the 3 promo shows I went to and since the promo shows is
the first I felt inclined to review. Excellent. The best show I have been to thus far. The promo shows in my opinion
were mediocre or less and the other shows I went to were New Orleans (both shows; second was a lot of fun),
Houston, and Dallas. I'm not sure where or what happened but the band seemed like they were actually enjoying
what they were doing. Alternate words on Play for Today, different words on Disintegration, The best version of A
Forest I have heard on this tour with Simon getting completely ago at the end. The best show this tour yet as I said
before. Just had to give a review on this one. If they are playing like this for the rest of the tour I want to go to as
many more shows as possible.

Comments by Anita

Oh no....the time has come for me to place my last review.  My ride on the  Dream Tour is over.  BUT, I went out
with a bang!  This was a wonderful show for me to attend.  I was fortunate enough to get Pit seats (through an
agency) at a very reasonable price.  I was three feet from the band, standing second row, right in front of Perry and
Simon.  The non-musical highlights of the show for me was that Robert smiled for my pictures!  He was so cute,
shaking his head and sticking out his tongue.  I also got to shake Robert's hand during, I think All Cats are Grey.
All these people rushed the stage but I managed to squirm my way in and I swear he reached for my hand.  We
made eye contact and all.  I didn't want to let go, but I did.  A DREAM come true for me!  Also, I yelled for Perry
and waved to him when he looked up at me and he smiled and nodded his head hello!

It was absolutely wonderful to hear the Drowning Man live for the first time in my life.  100 years was breathtaking
as usual.  Like Cockatoos was soooooo, umm, what's the word, exciting!  I almost lost it during The Loudest Sound
(which is now my favorite off of Bloodflowers) and tears started flowing after Plainsong.  I really enjoyed Sinking.
Bloodflowers was the best that I've ever heard it.

I am so lucky to have experienced all this...

Comments by Marcus Montgomery

well, what can i say? they looked a little bit tired. guess they must have used up a lot of energy in slc (i talked to
one of my friends there, and he said the show was incredible). there was that, and the show was outdoors and
started before 8:00pm, so it was really still broad daylight out-not the best background for a cure show. yet another
weird thing is the way they started the show. they just sort of walked out unceremoniously and finished sound
checking and tuning their instruments, then matter-of-a-factly started playing out of this world (is that what it's
called?). i mean, not a bad song, but it doesn't seem like the best opener. oh well, i'm sure robert has his reasons.

it was really loud, too. the sound didn't break up like it did when i saw them at the salt palace in utah for wild mood
swings, but it was so loud that i think the human ear had trouble processing it (at least mine did). all the songs
seemed to stay at about the same volume level throughout (probably an illusion due to the effect of the volume on
my ears) rather than rising and falling like they normally do. also, you couldn't understand most of the words, again
because of the volume, I think. could have had something to do with the acoustics at fiddler's green too, which
aren't the best.

it got better as it got darker and you could see the lights and everything-i love those colors they use for the lights. i
was there with my wife, who wasn't a major cure fan, and i was really worried that she would be seriously
underwhelmed by the show. but fortunately, she was all excited afterwards, and even talked about how great it
would be to meet robert, get on the road and follow them for a few shows, and so on. anyway, goes to show that a
below-average cure show is still pretty good.

they played a ton of songs i didn't expect to hear-sinking, drowning man, all cats are grey, faith. no the kiss like i'd
hoped, but that was probably for the best, given how exhausted robert seemed. they played just like heaven, too.
maybe they were trying to make up for the general lack of energy. i was glad they played it because it got everyone
dancing, and it's one of those songs my wife knows and likes.

so, it was still worth going, even if it wasn't as intense as i'd hoped. i think robert felt bad about being so exhausted,
and he tried to make up for it when he could. he was pretty talkative, and gave us an almost 20-second long cry on
prayers for rain. even lost his voice towards the end there during a forest, so you have to appreciate the effort. wish
we could drive out to st. louis and see them again, but american capitalism's got us down for the moment.

Comments by Bobby

Still trying to land from that incredible show in Colorado last night.  I've been lucky enough to see the guys from
as far back as Pornography and found last nights performance to be matched only by the Prayer tour.  The set list
was truly perfect.. Minimal pop.. (this tour is truly about depth).  The second encore could have lasted forever!
All Cat's Are Grey followed by The Drowning Man then Faith.. (Absolute Perfection!).

Robert seemed to be having some vocal trouble at the end of the concert.. he mentioned he was losing his voice..
I almost wonder if they changed the last couple songs on the setlist to make it easier on Robert's voice.  Since A
Forest has limited vocals it was a perfect ending as always!  This was my first Colorado show and it was a bit
different from the LA scene.. much more of a casual atmosphere.  I was a little disappointed in the lack of
knowledge & excitement in the early stuff.. but hey Colorado is know for it's beauty not music scene.  All in all it
was the perfect concert to say goodbye and will be treasured....

Review by Tim

Of the five Dream Tour Concerts I've seen these past couple weeks, last night's in Denver is very very close to
being my favorite.  New Orleans Day One still holds that honor just because of "The Same Deep Water As You".

But still, this was a FANTASTIC show!  You couldn't have picked a better night to be at the Fiddler's Green
Amphitheater.  Off to a brilliant start, as always, with "Out of this World".  I still think "Watching Me Fall" at
almost 12 minutes, is a bit too long to be played as the second song.  But still, it rocked!

We were sitting about eight rows away from Roger.  He's definitely the coolest to be sitting by.  Always making
faces and such to the crowd.  There were some girls holding up their "Shake Dog Shake" signs and Roger had to
give them the "thumbs down" to let them know that wouldn't be played tonight.  A little later, Robert gave those
girls a little shaking of his head to confirm it.  Ah well.

Once again, the first set flew by.  My personal favorites being "The Loudest Sound" "100 Years" "Prayers for
Rain" "Bloodflowers" and, a cool surprise, "Like Cockatoos".  First time I'd heard that song this tour!  Except,
barely anybody did the "put your hands in the sky" business during "Edge of the Deep Green Sea"....Bunch of

The first encore was pretty mellow at first with "There is No If", "Trust" and "Plainsong".  The very best part of
this show was the fact that each encore ended with a kick-ass song that belongs at the end of an encore.  First there
was "Disintegration", Robert added a bunch of new lyrics in the middle of it.  Couldn't quite make it out, however.

The second encore Robert began by saying something like, "We're gonna play three songs from "Faith" that we
hardly ever play in concert".  They proceeded to play "All Cats Are Grey", "The Drowning Man" and "Faith".
Of course, he's been playing these songs in half of this tour's concerts.  But still, no matter how many times you
hear them they are brilliant!!!

Then finally, they really got the crowd going in that third encore with "Just Like Heaven" and "Lovesong".  I was
happy because my poor friend who I dragged with me to the concert, those were the only two songs she knew!
And then, ending with "A Forest"...Memorable as ever!  I can't quite remember what Robert said at the end of the
concert, but it was something to the effect of "I'd love to keep going, but its time to go..."  Something like that.
This was my last concert of the tour...Nadine is quite right when she writes about paying close attention to "Out of
This World" during your last Cure Concert, I almost started bawling like a baby!   There was very very little I'd
change about last night...Just like a dream...

Review by DK

I just wanted to give my thoughts on the show last night.  I was too exhausted to write in after my drive back to The
Springs from Denver. The setlist was outstanding as you can see.  It was great to finally hear some live
performances of songs that I never thought I would experience.  Highlights for me were Fascination Street and 100
Years (the lighting and atmosphere blew me away -- most powerful performance I have ever seen); I never tire of
hearing these songs live.  Some firsts for me were Like Cockatoos (absolutely brilliant), All Cats Are Grey and The
Drowning Man (never in my wildest dreams).  The new material sounded great live.  As I missed the Prayer Tour,
it was great to finally experience Plainsong.  I have always loved this song, but seeing it live was wonderful.

The icing on the cake was being able to share last night with my wife. She is not the biggest of Cure fans and would
have enjoyed a more poppier show.  She held out and prayed and prayed for them to play A Letter to Elise (our
daughter Morgan's middle name was named after that song).  Unfortunately she did not get to hear it.  The Cure
made up for it with Inbetween Days and Just Like Heaven.  I enjoy all of The Cure's songs so I hate to compare
this show to previous shows.  They all have their highlights.  The Wish Tour was a brilliant light and stage show.
The Swinging Tour was a show filled with a mixture of hits and classics.  The Dream Tour was (is) an emotional
journey through the lives of The Cure.  Unfortunately, I missed all previous tours -- if only I could turn back the

A final note:  the crowd was fantastic.  I have read from previous reviews that in many shows the crowd was
"dead".  This was not the case at Fiddler's Green last night.  We were surrounded by a frenzied crowd that was on
it's feet dancing with us for the entire show.  I think Robert appreciated our appreciation of a band that will live in
our lives forever.  I hope this is not the end.

Comments by Billy

'adagio for strings' made me cry and then, there they were, The Cure. I really don't know what to say of the show;
I am quite happy I was there and the experience was unbelievable. The Cure performed well and played some rare
stuff ie The Drowning Man in the second encore. I'm not for sure if they've played that song elsewhere on the
Dream Tour as I stopped looking at the setlists on websites so there would be an element of surprise. What's worth
mentioning is the positive vibe Colorado fans gave The Cure. While I was convinced most everyone in Colorado
had terrible taste in music, there were tons of people singing along to 'just like heaven' (which robert ultimately let
the crowd sing for him) which proved to me that there were many cure fans indeed in my town (what a relief, people
with taste!). The crowd also sang along to the keyboard melody in 'play for today,' and sang some of what they
knew of 'a forest.'

 'a forest' (their last song of the nite)was performed very quickly and less improvised as in the past; Robert had
announced at the end of the song that his voice was giving out and so it was quite understandable why they finished
up quickly. that's really all i have to say...i'll let someone else write all the details and emotions of the show. i am
happy and content, and the cure was the reason for my well-being. to the greatest band ever.

Comments by Andrew Figel

A fantastic show!  This was my 7th show since 1989 and, in all honesty, this was the best I've experienced.  The
band played a great set, as you see above.  Highlights included Plainsong, 100 Years, A Forest, All Cats Are Grey,
Faith, and a brilliant verison of Like Cockatoos.  The band sounded great on both the new and older material.
Robert's voice is in top form and Jason is much improved on drums since I last saw the band in 1997.  Robert,
by the way, got a bit emotional during a couple songs and he seemed to look longingly out at the crowd each time
he exited the stage.  The crowd of about 13,000 (just a guess) was enthusiastic, although they didn't seem quite as
familiar with some of the early material.  The show would have benefited from a more creative and interesting
light/visual show, but that is a minor flaw and can be easily overlooked considering the terrific music that the band
played for nearly 3 hours.
