The Dream Tour

June 4th, 2000 - Salt Lake City, Ut. (E Center)

Out of This World, Watching Me Fall, Want, Fascination St., Last Day of Summer, Where Birds Always Sing, Maybe Someday, A Night Like This, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep,  Edge Of the Deep Green Sea, Inbetween
Days, Siamese Twins, Prayers For Rain, 100 Years, 39, Bloodflowers

1st encore: Plainsong, Same Deep Water as You, Disintegration
2nd encore: Cold, A Strange Day, Pornography
3rd encore: Jupiter Crash, Lovesong, Play for Tody, Just Like Heaven, A Forest.

Soundcheck: A Night Like This, Jupiter Crash, Wrong Number, Same Deep Water As You.


Show was 2 hours and 51 minutes

(Thanks Patrick and James)

Review from the Salt Lake Tribune (6/6/00)

The Cure Still Sizzling After 20 Years

The Cure took its fans on a nearly three-hour journey through a slinky groove of modern disillusionment Sunday
night at the E Center in West Valley City.

The band started off with a couple of songs from The Cure's latest release, "Bloodflowers": "Out of This World"
and the decadent, world-weary "Watching Me Fall." Singer Robert Smith's voice was in fine fettle, coming in loud
and clear over the band's lush, multilayered mix of instruments. Screens in the background filled with swirling,
multicolored abstract images, setting the tone for the largely melancholy rhythm of the show.

The band, including Perry Bamonte on guitar, Roger O'Donnell on keyboards and Jason Cooper on drums, was in
good shape as well. Bassist Simon Gallup was a special standout, making his presence felt throughout the evening.

The Cure concentrated on its new album. Highlights included "Last Day of Summer" and "39," complete with
background images of flames and red and yellow spotlights to go with the refrain, "The fire is almost out."

The fire apparently is not out yet for this band after more than 20 years. Smith delivered his trademark tortured
lyrics with enough passion to move the audience from hypnotic swaying during the slower portions of the show to
joyous bouncing during more upbeat tunes. At the end of each set, the crowd screamed for more, and The Cure
delivered with three encores. Smith, with his standard black mop of hair and awry lipstick, walked to edge of the
stage during the first encore and accepted flowers from the audience while the crowd -- ranging from clean-cut
yuppies to black-clad goths -- loudly approved every little gesture he made.

Smith and Co. also drew heavily from the "Pornography" album. A set of "Cold," a swirling, psychedelic "Strange
Days" and "Pornography" made for an introspective treat for longtime fans.

Other standouts included a shimmering "Disintegration," "Where Birds Always Sing," "If Only Tonight We Could
Sleep" from the "Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me" album, and "A Night Like This" from "Head on the Door."

The climax came during the last encore when the band broke the atmospheric groove with a frenzied finale that
included "Lovesong," "Play for Today" and "Just Like Heaven," which had fans standing on their chairs and
dancing with abandon. The final bass lines of "A Forest" closed the show for an ecstatic audience.

Review from the Deseret News (6/5/00)

Cure backs mascara with music

By Dainon Moody
Deseret News Staff Writer

The E Center was probably the only place in Utah on Sunday night where the guys wearing mascara outnumbered
the girls.

Granted, the women attending The Cure's show were painted, with their hair sprayed up as nicely. But when grown
men are lurking around in black clothing, all trussed up like Brandon Lee in "The Crow"--and there's no
convention in town honoring that film--one can't help but notice.

Unless, that is, you're one of the men dressed in black taking after The Cure's lead singer Robert Smith.

Audience eye-candy aside, The Cure was in fine form Sunday, and the audience knew from the moment the band
took the stage--after a lush opening string arrangement and a video backdrop filming the crowd--until the finish.
An onslaught of newer tunes and a mere dabble of the old hits was the name of the game, as the band made good
on its promise to play over two hours of music, even without an opening band.

With amazing sound and clarity, the quintet played newer tunes like "Watching Me Fall" and "The Last Day Of
Summer" from "Bloodflowers", along with older fare as "Fascination Street" and "If Only Tonight We Could
Sleep." The band took only seconds after ending one song before beginning another, keeping the fans at bay
with a stunning display of lights, long guitar intros, and good old-fashioned wailing.

Smith can let loose a lengthy caterwaul--and he did so repeatedly. It was at once surprising, in a setlist so chock-full
of midtempo rock, and yet always worthy of the emotional punch at each tune held. No stranger to writing or singing
songs dealing with painful introspection, his frustrated were aptly mirrored in his voice.

Other songs garning their share of response were "A Night Like This," "Without You," "Siamese Twins," and
"Bloodflowers," the final number of this 18 song set before the encore.

The fans seemed pleased with The Cure's Strong performance and theft the E Center with a sense of
satisfactin--and a new focus to wash off all that makeup before work on Monday.

Comments by Dave Bennion

I know this is late but I thought I'd share my thoughts on the show anyway.I watched the show alone towards the
back (all my 'cure' friends have gone...amber rose are you out there?) and just soaked it all in. Everyone else who
has posted reviews covered everything I was thinking about the show. The band just seemed so full of energy! It
was amazing. I really wanted to hear the "faith" encore but oh well. Can't always get EVERYTHING I want.
Highlights for me were "Simese Twin" (roger and the tamborine..hehehe), Prayers for Rain (personal fav.), 100
years (#@%$*%& amazing!), A Night Like This (perfect), FTEOTDGS (everybody did the hands in the air and
robert said "yeah" right after! perry rocks!), Bloodflowers (this is Robert's swan song...he is a guitar GOD!),
Same deep water as you (we were all blessed to hear this), etc etc. It was such an amazing show. I have been a
cure fan for about 17 years now and this was such a good way to end it all. Thank you Mr. Smith and all the others
through out the years. This was such a special night for me. It was a perfect day for letting go.

Review by Sean Noyce

The time of my life was had during last night's EXCELLENT concert!  I had my reservations about the Salt Lake
City crowd from past experiences (usually unenthusiastic, with the exception of the big pop songs), but I was blown
away at every opportunity!  The crowd was FANTASTIC!!  People were dancing on their seats and throwing items
every which way during the encores.  It was almost like a european football match in full-swing.  I think the group
was extremely appreciative by the enthusiasm of the audience, which reflected the performance of the songs (the
BEST I've ever heard of each song).
  How can one forget the well-orchestrated set list?  I feel the Salt Lake City show was the best I've ever seen or
heard (bootleg and live), including those during the Prayer Tour.  After the Vegas show I thought nothing could
compare, but I was definitely wrong.  I expected an entourage of pop songs to cater to the cliquey crowd in Salt
Lake. . . but a Pornography trilogy?  Siamese Twins?  Same Deep Water as You?  What's going on here (not that
I'm complaining)?  I think the band was a bit hesitant at first to play the more atmospheric songs, but later found
themselves to be in favour by the audience.  The only backdraw to the Salt Lake show was the band seemed a bit
tired from their previous excursions (according to Simon, the group was worn out from the California shows) which
didn't seem to affect their performance, but was apparent by their gestures.  Robert hid his face in his hands many
times throughout the show, eluding to how worn-out he really was.

Where the Birds Always Sing:  "Definitely not getting the key to the city for that song."  Quite funny to know
Robert has such a good sense of humour
A Night Like This:  First time to hear it on the Dream Tour.  Although I've heard this song live many times, this
version was exceptionally well orchestrated
Siamese Twins:  My favourite song on Pornography at this time.  Always love to hear it live!
Prayers for Rain:  Well executed song.  Extremely long "raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain"  The audience
1ST encore:  Beautifully played!  This was the height of the audience's fervor.  People became extremely
rambunctious. . .good fun, really.
Amazing to hear Same Deep Water as You; Excellent version--the band was it tip-top performance.
2ND encore:  Well played Pornography trilogy!  NEVER expected to see or hear Pornography in my life.  Loved
the background visuals with sexual overtones.
Play for Today:  up-to-par with versions recorded live in Paris and in the Orange video.

I still can't believe how excellent this show was!  Words can't describe how intense the set list and the audience
was.  I think this was the best show of the North American leg of the Dream Tour.  Completely set off and surprised
at the outcome! WOW!

Review by Jay Brame

I didn't think the Dream Tour shows could continue to get better and better, but after seeing a variety of shows in
Europe and the U.S., I am proven wrong! Salt Lake City easily compares to the first night in Madrid, Zaragosa,
and Barcelona and in my opinion, Salt Lake was the best show of all of these. Once again, Last Day of Summer
and Where the Birds Always Sing came off brilliantly as did If Only Tonight We Could Sleep and Siamese Twins.

Plainsong was nothing short of perfect! The crowd cheered wildly throughout. Disintegration was played very well
and sounds of breaking glass were prevelant and easily audible. Of course the big surprise was Same Deep Water
As You. I didn't think I would hear this on this tour so I was quite elated when the song was introduced as " one we
don't play very often."

The Pornography encore was quitely received by the crowd. The versions of A Strange Day and Pornography were
the best I've heard on this tour.

Robert introduced the third encore as " some songs you may be more familiar with " and began with Jupiter
Crash.The backdrop included Jupiter's surface and stars in the sky. This song was a pleasant surprise although
not everybody seemed to be overly familiar. The one glaring difference in the reception of various songs in the
U.S. and Europe is evident during Play For Today. The audience was rather staid during Play For Today, whereas
in Europe, the audience sings and cheers crazily.

A Forest was perfect. Robert's crackling guitar wavering from one side of the speakers to the other was great and
Simon's bass roll was reminiscent of Mountain View in 1989.

Overall, this was the best show I've seen on this tour. One would never think that U.S shows would compare or
exceed those in Europe, but I believe this is true for this tour. The crowd in Salt Lake was very loud and vocal
and I believe the band fed on the crowd's energy. Kudos to The Cure and the crowd for a wonderful performance!

Review by Brendan Cook

 This show was great. It started out perfect meeting Robert Coming from backstage into the PIT.

    Out of this world was great Robert seemed very happy.  Smiling and doing his little pouty look at the same time.
He seemed to be very interactive with the audience.  Just before Jupiter Crash he said "this is one that most
of you know a little bit better."

    I missed three songs after WANT because I had to go back to the car and drop off my camera although while
exiting the pit and heading backstage I heard the first bass lines of Fascination Street.  This upset me as it is a
song I enjoy very much live.

    The crowd was great actually surprised me quite a bit.  Of course you had your usual I'm more Goth than you
crowd.  With over dramatized eye makeup that ran down their faces.  And the classic looking depressed as they
swung their arms in the air representing a tree blowing in the wind I guess.  But at least they did something rather
then just sitting down acting like the world should just end because it HURTS so much.

    One huge surprise was ANLT and Pornography I did not expect to hear either of those.  Pornography was great.
The entire band seemed so much more excited and enthusiastic as well as the crowd I think this fueled the band
even more.

     I thought they would come out and do a fourth encore until Roger folded the setlist into a paper airplane and
through it at our section.  After catching it and seeing that A FOREST was the last song on the list I knew it
was over.   It was overall a great show.  I enjoyed it much more then the 96 swing tour.

    I have enjoyed The Cure and it is very sad to see them go but this is a hell of a good-bye show.  I wish them all
the best and look forward to hearing Roberts solo work.

Review by Greg Stott

I just wanted to send a review for this amazing show.  I was really expecting an indifferent crowd and a standard
setlist, but got so much more.  After Fascination Street I was expecting Open, and then when he announced The
Last Day of Summer, I knew we were in for something different.  I really like that song, and then hearing Where
the Birds Always Sing on a Sunday in Utah was marvelous.  After that song Robert said "I won't get the key to
this city with that song" or something like that.  If Only was beautiful.  All of the Pornography songs were amazing,
especially 100 Years and Pornography.  The Same Deep Water was really a treat to hear.  A Night Like This
didn't really surprise me as we heard it at sound check before security kicked us out where we had to listen to the
local "alternative" music blast a load of godawful crap until we were finally allowed to go inside and take our
seats.  Really an amazing night, and I was really happy to hear so many people singing along to the new songs as
well as many of the more obscure tracks.  Yeah the crowd went the craziest for the singles, but I expected them to
be all but dead for the rest.  I really think we would have gotten a fourth Faith encore, which would have been the
icing on the cake, but later security told us that the band had an 11:30 flight to catch and tore out of there as soon
as the last song ended.  Maybe he was lying so we'd go away, but he didn't seem to care if we stayed, so I think he
was being honest.  That show  surpassed all of my expectations.   I guess they knew what they were doing when
they booked Salt Lake after all.  I'm certainly not complaining as it's the only show I could make.  Everyone else
who has yet to see them on this tour, these will be nights to remember.

Review by Nathan

It is 10:20 am on Monday June 5th.  I called in sick this morning because I screamed myself hoarse last night and
my vocal cords feel like they were seared with a red hot branding iron.  My wife wondered what hit when I
stumbled in last night at 11:45 p.m. totally exhausted.

I have the misfortune of only being able to attend one show on The Dream Tour and consequently, I cannot make
comparisons as is often done on this web-site.  I went to the show with my brother with whom I have attended
numerous Salt Lake City concerts over the years, ranging from Peter Murphy at the Fair Park (small), to R.E.M.
at the Delta Center (huge), to Sky Cries Mary at Spanky's (tiny).  I can tell you, based on nearly 15 years of
concert going experience, that this was---by far---the best concert I have ever seen.  A variety of factors play into
this designation.  First--I am biased because The Cure is my favorite band.  But, I can honestly say that I have
never seen a band sound this good live.  Others on this site have complained of Robert forgetting lyrics, Perry and
Robert having guitar troubles and renditions sounding horrible.  I saw none of that.  They were tight.  Most
importantly, the band was energetic, happy, and hitting on all cylinders.  Robert's presence was electric.  His vocals
were superior–sounding easily as good as studio-quality.  His guitar work was precise and artistic.  Simon was
slinking and played my favorite instrument–the bass guitar–consistently and with emotion.  The volume was
perfect.  Not so damn loud that you heard only droning like at some live arena shows.  The crowd was not
apathetic as has been reported at other Dream Tour stops.  On the contrary, the crowd was informed and
appreciated the older, "non-pop" selections from Pornography and 17 Seconds.  (Although I must, in honesty,
report that sitting next to us were two women (forty-ish) well-numbed from the beer who asked us why everyone
was dressed in black, admitted that they had free tickets, and that they had only heard selections from "Mixed
Up."  They left during "Fascination Street" saying they had endured "enough torture.")

We arrived at 7:15 p.m. and the doors were already open.  We entered and found our seats.  (A big thanks goes out
to Royce for nailing the 4th row seats for us--they were perfect Cuzzie--Perfect!)  The pre-show was surreal.  Black
curtains shrouding everything.  Smoke gave the impression of a foggy landscape.  The instrumental music playing
over the speakers was reverent and I had the impression that I was attending a pre-funeral viewing.  Jason's
drum-set, Roger's keyboard and the row of guitars foreshadowed the incredible feast that would follow.  Jason,
Roger, Perry, Simon, and Robert appeared from the shadows at 8:15 p.m. and played a 2 hour and 51 minute set
complete with three encores, four songs from Pornography, my favorite Cure song--"Disintegration"-- and a killer
version of "A Forest."

Here are the highlights as I see them: "Want" was played in frenetic fashion and tight.  We were the first on this
tour to hear "A Night Like This" and it was done perfectly.  "From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea" was the only
selection from "Wish," but was very intense and well-played. "Prayers for Rain" showcased Robert's incredible
singing ability when he gave us an extra long "Raaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnn."   The song "Bloodflowers" is already a
classic in my mind and it sounded soooo good.  The first encore absolutely blew my mind.  "Plainsong"....what can
I say....I lost my mind.  I know it sounds crazy to some who will read this, but I had tears in my eyes.  Robert, in a
rare moment without a guitar, came to the front left of the stage directly in front of us and greeted the crowd as the
other guys played.  He moved to center stage and sang the lyrics in heart-rending fashion and then went to stage
right to greet the other half of the crowd.  As far as I can remember from looking at Dream Tour set lists, they have
never played anything in between Plainsong" and "Disintegration."  We experienced a special treat.  After
"Plainsong," Robert announced "Same Deep Water As You."  Beautifully played and emotional for Robert.  Then
the climax.  The most incredible, ripping, driving, maniacal "Disintegration."  The trauma to my vocal cords came
mostly during this song.  I can't even put into words the feeling I had, but I screamed like a school girl (which felt
like the natural thing to do).  There is something about this song...something animalistic...that cuts right to my core
and to hear it live and to see Robert and Simon up there putting everything into it just put me over the top.  The
crowd was a roiling sea of turbulence and noise.  The screaming that followed this encore was relentless--roses
flying onto the stage--and only calmed once the band was back on stage playing "Cold."  The second encore was
pure Pornography: "Cold," "A Strange Day" (mind-boggling), and "Pornography."
The third encore started on a lighter note consisting of "Love Song," "Jupiter Crash," "Play for Today" and a
bouncing, soaring "Just Like Heaven" and ended with a plodding, train-like  "A Forest." The
crowd–exhausted–screamed and begged, but no fourth "Faith" encore.  The house lights came up and it was over.
I could not stop smiling and still can't.  I almost don't want to go to another concert because this is definitely the
zenith of my concert-going life.  Sweet Dreams.

Comments by Willow

I have seen some incredible shows in my time but this Cure concert was the best I've ever seen.  The whole
set was incredible and deeply intense. All the 'Pornography' songs were very powerful and aggressive and I
couldn't believe how well the 'Bloodflowers' translated to the stage. This really was a show devoted to the true
Cure fans. There were a few people there just to see 'Friday I'm in Love' and I'm glad to say they were
disappointed, this is not a greatest hits tour. The emotion coming from the band and back from the audience was
incredible. Robert seemed to bask in the adoration of the audience and the whole band seemed to have a great
time. Any dislike I still habored for Roger immediately vanished when he picked up a toy that somone had thrown
onstage and set it on top of his keyboard. The last encore 'Jupiter Crash' was a very pleasant surprise for me,
'Lovsong' & 'Just Like Heaven'  brought everyone to their feet and I doubt there was one person in the crowd who
was not dancing and singing. Although I was hoping it would end with 'Faith' we had a very moving performance of
'A Forest'. On the way out someone commented that she could now die happy, and I couldn't agree more.

Comments by Patrick

The SLC show was recorded for a House of Blues broadcast in the future, so there were camera's all over. But it
made the band play exceptionally well. Do you know if one can save a webcast to the hard drive or disk?
They came on at 8:15.....the preshow music was different. Not the typical Tribal beats or Orchestral. It was a
variety of Japanese, Indian, Scottish, and Celtic...

The show ended at 10 after 11. I thought they going to do a 4th encore cos we cheered for about 3 minutes, then
like a bat in the head, the lights came on. I think the curfew did them in.
Overall this show rivaled the 2nd LA. I think this was a bit more emotional, and tight. If they did a Faith encore as
a 4th encore it would have been the best show of the tour for me.....right now it is hard to so since I saw so
many great ones. If Only was good, Siamese was great of course. Plainsong so excellent. To be honest with you I
think this was the best one since the Prayer Tour. It was that good. Deep Water was very good. Robert still hasn't
found the groove on his bass like the Prayer Tour, but it was still very good and emotional. Even Disintegration
was more intense than some of the shows I've seen so far. Porn was more intense than LA, and A Forest was the
best I had heard on the tour so far because it was so tight and it was a tiny bit longer at the end with just Robert
and Simon playing.
I think alot had to do with the taping, but it worked because they were on tonight and Robert talked quite a bit to
the crowd.

Comments by Kelly Badger

My dream came true.. I remember many years ago telling myself after hearing the song Pornography, "I have got
to hear this song live".  Now I'm totally speechless.  Not only did we get Pornography, but Siamese Twins, One
Hundred Years, A Strange Day, and Cold.. Also included in the set were spectacular versions of If Only Tonight
We Could Sleep, Same Deep Water as You, Jupiter Crash, and a powerful Disintegration. Truely an unbelieveable

This was my fifth Cure show since 1989's The Prayer Tour, and hands down the best.  There were many video
cameras out during the show and from what I heard, they taped the entire thing for release on the Internet by the
30th?  Let's all hope so!  Having this show live would be incredible!

Comments by Roman

I just got back from the show at the E Center in West Valley, UT! I have to say that the sound was incredible, the
best I've heard since the Prayer Tour. I'm sure people will send in the set list, so I'll just comment on some things:
I thought the crowd was very into the new stuff, and they weren't exactly "overzealous" but they weren't as DEAD
as usual Utah concert crowds. And ofcourse the roof fell off when they played "Disintegration, A Forest and Just
Like Heaven"....and "100 Years" was the best!

"A Night Like This" made it's tour debut tonight.

Roger seemed like he was in very good mood, smiling to the crowd and even attempting to make chit chat during
songs, Perry was also very "bouncy".

Hope everyone gets a chance to catch this tour..........
