European Summer Festival Tour 2004

June 30th, 2004 - Paris, France (L'Olympia)

Jupiter Crash, Shake Dog Shake, Before Three, M, alt.end, The End of the World, Inbetween Days, Just Like
Heaven, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Going Nowhere

Encore: Boys Don't Cry.

Shows was 48 minutes.


(Thanks Arnaud D)


The Cure was really expected in the Olympia and was warmly welcome on stage. Outside the tickets at the black
market had reached 100 euros (they were given for free originally).
That was not really acoustic, even more electric than the "Greatest Hits" electro-accoustic version. The big
difference really was that Roger had a seat in front of a piano to play! I'll post a more detailed review later. All
i can say is that was a good show, highlighted by Shake Dog Shake, a real cool M, a great Just Like Heaven,
and a wonderful From the edge of the Deep Green Sea.

- Julien

"Raphael" formatted radio Fm, sick

"Callogero" A speaks about Simon

"Daho" hahaha

"mickey 3 d" politically correct

"Placebo" set list intended for the blue public  flower of brian. and........


Surprising, the set list starting with "jupiter crash landing;, destabilizing.
Shake dog shake, electro version acoustic, powerful and the public starts to enjoy immediatly.
Before three, enthralling. The voice of Robert is splendid.
"M" played a little slowly which loses blow of its flame.
"Alt end" powerful.
"eotw" perfect.
 "In between days", "just like heaven" put  in delirious people and all clap in their hands and sang.
"deep green sea" can be a little slow but always also fabulous.
"Going Nowhere", the new "Faith"?, masterly.

Jason was a little tired, Simon laughs by looking at the audience which howls his name!! The bass player was v
ery in form.
Roger sitting behind his keyboard was less smiling as his practice, (feel a lassitude?)
Perry, discrete and effective as with its practice.
Robert often smiling by understanding the titles requested by the people such "pornography", "fire in cairo",
"Shiver and shake".

Robert apologize not to be able to continue the show longer, put us an explosive "boys don't cry" as a recall.
Enthusiastic public , formidable environment. The regret, too short concert. Honest concert,  not forgetting that
was a "game  concert radio fm " ; Netherless many places bought on the black market.(hot price)!!!
Thanks the Cure

- Insatiable Smile

Well, just come from this famous mini-show…one hour I think i didn’t remember !

5 bands played before The Cure with a very bad Placebo and a french singer named Callogero who said he play
bass because of Simon...

A good Shake Dog Shake ! New tracks are very good live...especially “Going Nowhere”. Smith smiles a lot,
laughs with Roger, well again a good show, without heavy sound ! See them on Saturday..."

- Yan
