The Dream Tour

June 16th, 2000 - Holmdel, NJ (PNC Center)

Out of This World, Watching Me Fall, Want, Fascination St., A Night Like This, Last Day of Summer, Pictures of You, Maybe Someday, Like Cockatoos, Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Inbetween Days, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, Siamese Twins, 100 Years, 39, Bloodflowers

1st encore: Plainsong, Same Deep Water As You, Disintegration
2nd encore: Cold, A Strange Day, Pornography
3rd encore: M, Play for Today, Just Like Heaven, A Forest.

Soundcheck: Just Like Heaven (acoustic guitar parts), a night like this, friday i'm in love.. and about 2/3 of out of this world.

Show was 2 hours and 45 minutes

(Thanks Jonathan, Distance, Derek/Devon)

Review by Orman Carolan

sorry this review is so late, i just got back from holmdel, columbia, and camden.  i'd like to tell you about section
201 at holmdel.  not the greatest of seats, but definitely close enough to see the faces and expressions from
the band and catch all of the signalling and glancing that goes on near the front.  the seats were on perry's side of
the stage and near the speakers.  to my right, cheech and chong: at least a 1/2 lb. of pot split between the two of
them and everyone else in the vicinity, but definitely cure fans which was a plus.  to my left: two or three
maintenance workers whom i believe were given these tickets as some sort of reward or pay for landscaping work,
none of them spoke english nor bathed regularly and they were all still wearing their working outfits.  needless to
say, i was on my own little island in the middle.

in front of me, one of the most memorable and emotional experiences i have ever had with the cure.  the main set
was absolutely incredible.  i don't have a favorite moment or song, they were all great - really.  just look at what
was played.

the next 30 minutes i spent standing on top of the world.  the 1st and 2nd encores were the highlight of the night:
plainsong, same deep water as you, disintegration, cold, a strange day, pornography.

i need to say something about the band at this point:  all of them took these 2 encores very seriously.  it almost
seemed urgent for them to play this music at its highest level. it was like the start of another concert.  a new band
had entered the stage.  the tone, the demeanor in which these songs were played, the emotion, the intensity, the
way in which the band carried themselves on stage.  the weight of it all seemed to show.  there were no smiles, no
warm fuzzies.  it was somber, sober, waller in the muck melancholy.  i haven't seen it in a long time.  but there it
was.  and it was genuine too.  if you could have seen the heart and soul that robert poured out onto the crowd.  to
me, this is the cure.  this is what they are really about.  the songs were magnificent.  i cried.  i laughed. i
remembered. i found something.  the whole thing echoed the prayer tour.  1989.  the disintegration.  the end.
the final chapter of the cure.  here it was again.  a shorter, condensed version that only lasted a few minutes, but
will stay with me forever.

Review by Michelle Luongo

 I have been a Cure fan for a very long time, and since the swing tour alone, I have seen them 7 times.  Everytime
I see them, it's always a whole new experience for me.  This may sound funny, but the Cure saved me, when I was
goin to just give up on life.  I have always loved the Cure, but four years ago, when they came around, they put a
spark back into me, that I thought had died.  Call me obssessed, call me anthing you want, but The Cure, completes
        I attended a show at Irving Plaza, two years ago on Halloween, and I have to say, that was one of the most
amazing nigts of my life.  Not only did I get to see them in a small club, with only about 500 people, but I met the
band that night.  I thought I would die as I approached Robert, and he could definetely sense that I was shaking
inside and was hysterical.
        The show at Roseland ballroom, was incredible, although I hate general admission shows, because there are
always inconsiderate assholes.(there were many at this show, one girl pissed me off so bad, I stuck a wad of
chewed up gum in her hair.........what me a bitch?  However, I was so thrilled that Robert stuck to his dark, and
deep music mainly. I love his pop shit too, but I love Pornography, 17 sec, and Disintegration, to me this is THE
        The show at Holmdale was so incredible, It literally took my breath away.  The set list was great, one surpise
after another.  All night I prayed that they would play "Same deep water." and when they did, I started to cry.  I
have heard almost everything in concert, except this , and Same deep water, is one of my favorite songs.  I don't
care what anyone says, They played with such emotion, force, and strength.  I have never heard them better.  I
have never seen Robert so emotional on stage before, he looked as if  he could hardly believe everyone was
at PNC to see him, and hear his art, and music.  The show seemedlike it went on forever, the excitement never
ended, it just kept gettin better, and better all night.  Nothing can describe that overwhelming feeling of
anticipation, that night, unless you were there.  Just one little disappintment...... Roger seems really withdrawn, he
never smiled or waved, like he usually does.  I don't know if they as a band were trying to portray  a solemn
atmosphere, or what, but Roger never smiled once, and he is usually the one to really connect with the audience.

Comments by Blobby

Apparently, lots of controversy surrounding this show. But honestly, I've never seen them play with such fire;
what an astonishing, emotional set. Sure, they were the loudest I've ever heard them, and the sound
system/acoustics were quite muddy, but you know what?  I think it actually added to the ferocity of 100 Years, 39,
and Robert's absolutely knock-down, drag-out performance of Disintegration.  I've never seen this song come
together so incredibly well to become the pulsing, emotionally urgent piece of work that it is. And if someone told
me they read my mind to come up with the setlist, I'd believe them.  I was praying I'd hear SDWAY, Strange Day,
Pornography, and If Only Tonight ...  Thank You!

As for the whole crowd being this or that, who cares.  Cure shows are virtual ceremonies for me and nothing can
come between me and my personal experience of "the event."  Spill beer on me?  Go ahead; if you don't do it,
I probably will! Wanna throw some ice at me?  Please do; it was hot and I danced myself into a sweaty mess! And
I'd personally like to thank the staff "nazi" who was kind enough to let me and my sweaty, smelly comrades
relocate from the 20th to the 8th row after the main set.

From where I was, people were completely tapping into what was coming off that stage and if there were those
who just didn't get it, so be it.  I'm just as happy to see people get off on Just Like Heaven (played perfectly, I
might add), as I am seeing people trance-out on Same Deep Water As You.  The band's eclectic spirit completely
lends itself to attracting an eclectic audience and I just love that.

Comments by Michelle

Its taken me longer than expected to write. Actually, I didnt think I'd write at all. I didnt know if I'd have the
courage. Everything has just been so overwhelming. I didnt think that I;d be able to put any words together to
describe how incredible I thought the show was. *SIGH* I've waited sooo long to see them, live. I missed the show
at Roseland on the 28th of Feburary and thought that was the end. I thought that I'd never be able to see them live.
I was imensely heartbroken.

    I started to read all the reviews for the show and thought, hey, what the heck, if Robert or any member of the
band would read my review, it might just be a chance of shining, for a moment.. just for them.

    The show was awesome. Pictures Of You literally brought tears to my eyes. Disintegration gave me a reason to
shout at the top of my longs. When Inbetween days came on, I thought I was in heaven. If heaven were to be that
way, then let my arms wave to the sky, let them take me, above. It was wonderful, pure bliss. I had my best friend
with me and THE CURE playing live. I didnt think life could offer any better. All the songs seemed to be played
very well and I'd never doubt Roberts ability. To name and list all the songs individually, to take them apart and to
analyze how they were done, or how they were played isnt necessary. Everything and anything they do, always
seems to be astounding.

    Everyone seemed happy or surprised at alot of the songs played. Many of  them seemed unexpected but thats
what I enjoyed most. I never knew what they were going to play next, I couldnt concentrate anyhow. I was just
truly happy to be there. It really was my only wish to see them live. And my wish came true.

    Thank You, The cure, for playing. That show gave me another reason to appreciate being alive.
(otherbutme- Hopefully, A familiar AOL name to Robert)

Review by Angel

I thought the Friday show at PNC (show #3 of my 5 for the year) was a wash. From inside the pavillion, they really
didn't sound very good, and at risk of being labelled a blashpeme, I didn't think they PLAYED very well either.
There were several points where my boyfriend, a musician and big tech head, questioned whether they were
actually playing AT ALL (with the exception of Jason, who rocked all the way through). And yes, he's a fan, not a
heckler, so he wasn't just saying that to be a jerk. They were "live" again in Camden, however, so there must
have been some weirdness with the venue or something.

Anyway, the setlist was pretty great. Hearing both "Like Cockatoos" AND "If Only Tonight..." in the main set
was a pleasant surprise, as was "A Night Like This" and "Cold." "Same Deep Water," though not exactly a
surprise cuz I read this site every day, was lovely, and I still can't get over hearing "Pornography" live (three
times now!). For someone who's relatively shy and nonconfrontational, there's just something so cathartic in the
act of screaming "One more day like today and I'll kill you!" at the top of my lungs while surrounded by
thousands of people. :)

Which leads me to my next point quite nicely. The general audience, as others have mentioned, was atrocious.
No one seemed to have any interest in being there; I was the only person standing in my section. I was never
asked to sit, thank GOD, and after reading some other reviews I guess I lucked out in that respect. Although I
felt like people were kinda making fun of me, I refused to let my mood be dampened. As far as I was concerned,
those halter-topped, straw-hat wearing, beer-guzzling "When are they gonna play Friday I'm in Love?" idiots were
in MY house that night, and any problem they had with the way I was dressed or the way I danced was exactly
that...THEIR problem. So the negative attitudes didn't ruin my night or anything, and I DID enjoy the concert
overall; it just would have been much more fun to be surrounded by people who wanted to be there as much as I
did. Sigh.

Review by Carol Kilyanek

A few thoughts on the PNC show:

The setlist was brilliant.

I had a really nice seat, 4th row center, and as I watched Robert walk out, he just had this look on his face, it was
almost like he was taken aback by the whole experience before it even started and I thought, "the man walks out
overwhelmed, he walks out overwhelmed" and you could see this meant as much to him as it does to us.

Also, during the intro to Out of This World, he came forward and just looked out at the crowd with this dreamy
smile on his face.  That was sweet.

Siamese Twins was overpowering.  I don't really think anything can prepare one for the amazingly intense
experience it is to see this played live.  I thought I had imagined how it would be.  I was wrong.

Cold took my breath away.  That song is heartrending anyway, but to hear Robert sing those words, to see the
emotion he put into it.  Very hard to hear and see him sing "You will never say a word" "your name like ice into
my heart", especially if you've lost a loved one.  I don't think I'll forget soon the look on his face as he sang this

During 39, I was struck by the verse that starts "half my life I've been here".  Robert sang it with his arm
outstretched and it just struck me that he seemed to be pleading his case to us, why he needed to stop this, like
he wanted us to understand he just couldn't do this anymore...

It was a wonderful show because Robert was very intense and emotional yet seemed so much to be enjoying

Oh and, for whatever reason, he kept wiping his nose with the sleeve of his shirt like a little boy. Cute!

Can't even begin to imagine what Tuesday will bring.

Review by Katherine (aka Spider)

Perfection.  In a word, that's what the show was!  I've seen the Cure many times over the years and thought I'd
seen it all, but Iwas wrong!  My husband and I were busy talking to Scotty-Dog (having finally met him!)
when all of a sudden the first chords of "Out Of This World" sent us scurrying to our seats!  Before we reached
them, the tears were already making a wet path down my cheeks!!  God, how I love that song!!!  I didn't expect to
get into "Watching Me Fall", since it was wasn't high on my list of favorites, but when you hear it live, it pulls you
in and takes you over... incredible!  "Want" was great as usual and then they belted out a most seductive
"Fascination Street"...I know I was up on my feet and was out of place among the catatonic around me, but I didn't
care...and neither did some fella named "Jim" in front of me...we were the only ones in our section (304) who paid
our respects!  "A Night Like This" was most unexpected and everyone was playing at the peak of
'perfection'...more tears!  (by this time, my make up is in shambles and I don't mind a bit!)  "Pictures of You",
"Last Day of Summer"... both very sweet and emotional and an ever spine tingling "Like Cockatoos" ... that one
always gives me goose bumps!  "Maybe Someday" was another one that had be bawling like a baby ... Robert
really drove the point home about the future of 'the Cure'... my eyes are bloodshot and puffy now!  ah..."From The
Edge of The Deep Green Sea" ... there are no words to accurately describe that song, as everyone already knows
-  I certainly can't do it justice, my heart explodes, and I can only think of DSC!  "Inbeween Days", "If Only
Tonight We Could Sleep",  "SIAMESE TWINS" ( I think I've died and gone to heaven!)  "100 Years", "39" and
"Bloodflowers".  Life doesn't get any sweeter than this! But... it does!!!!!  I must be dreaming, because we are
being treated to "Plainsong" and just when I think I have no tears left to cry ... they play "Same Deep Water As
You" and "Disintegration" - and I am in love with The Cure all over again!!  For the second and third encores we
are blissfully thrown into the past with "Cold", "Strange Day", "Pornography", "M", "Play for Today", "Just
Like Heaven" ( my husband danced with me to this ... like Robert and Mary did in the video...a perfect moment)
and finally, "A Forest".
I'd like to thank Robert, Simon, Roger, Perry and Jason for giving us a perfect show, for making our hearts swell
with pride and joy and for giving us all sweet memories to cherish forever!  You guys are the best ... you've made
our dreams come true!

Review by David Wasnak

I can only say that I sincerely wish that any and every cure fan could've been at this show.

The sound, the atmosphere, the setlist... I'm still in complete awe...

After reading and studying the previous setlists from the dream tour, I thought I had it all figured out... "out of this
world, watching me fall, want... fascination street..." then the nicest surprise... "A NIGHT LIKE THIS"!!!!!!!  To
be able to sing along with that beautiful song with a few thousand other people is the best feeling!  Especially when
you hadn't planned on hearing it!

The  bands current live sound makes "Pictures of You" sound like it is sent directly from heaven.  Again, the
crowd singing every word with smiles on their faces, even though they sadly know this might be the last time they
ever hear it live.

Every one of the new songs takes on a new sound of their own when played live... Especially in Robert's vocals...
you can tell that he is terribly emotional enjoying himself to  the fullest... the chance to drive each word out of his
body straight through the hearts of the audience must be incredible.

The remainder of the set brings screams and tears from everyone when "Like Cockatoos,  EOTDGS, If Only
Tonight We Could Sleep, and Inbetween Days" are brought to life...  and "Siamese T wins"!!!!   Do you think that
Robert ever thought that the bleak  songs on Pornography would've ever brought such happiness to so many
"100  Years" sounds phenomenal with the original drum loop in place, undoubtedly sounding better than ever
before  in live performance.

The first encore kicks in with the minimal intro from Robert "Here's some Disintegration stuff..."  bright lights
and gorgeous keyboards of "Plainsong" immediately  drowning out everything... with Robert walking the length of
the stage, shaking hands and  gently greeting many overwhelmed fans.  "Same Deep Water As You" followed by
a passionate "Disintegration" bring the house down, as many think it will be the last song...

Back out AGAIN!  "Cold", "A Strange Day" (thank you Robert!!!) and "Pornography"!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Never did I
dream I'd hear it live  and in person...

3rd encore now... a red "M" appears on the backdrop and fades away as the song begins... THIS  TOUR EARNS
ITS TITLE...THE DREAM TOUR INDEED!!!!  Songs that  most of us had only dreamed of hearing live!!!
"Play for  Today" and "Just  Like Heaven" have everyone dancing and singing with the excitement you'd have
expected from the   1st few songs... the energy in the crown and on stage is still there into the 3rd hour!!!   "A
Forest" closes with Simon pounding the bass into oblivion...

Simply amazing... I couldn't have asked for a  better show as my last time seeing the cure ... I had emailed what I
thought would be Robert's email address begging him to find space  in the setlist for "Disintegration"...  I
got my wish and then some... Thanks for everything Robert.  I couldn't be happier  :)

Review by Laurie

I just saw my third Cure concert.  It was a long wait but definitely well worth it!  I was surprised that in the 300's
section, where I was, no one was standing up!  Most people were sitting and talking and one girl was covering
her ears most of the time.  The guys in front of me started yelling at people in front of them to sit down.  If yelling
didn't get their attention, then they would start throwing things at them.  How mature!  Of course the people
ignored them.  The right thing to do!  It was hard at first to ignore them but I finally did because I wanted to enjoy
the show.  All of the new songs were performed really well.  I started getting teary-eyed during The Last Day
of Summer.  I was getting very choked-up.  And finally, I was able to hear more off of Disintegration, something I
didn't hear enough of on the WMS tour.  I had been waiting to hear Same Deep Water... and Disintegration.
Robert puts a lot of emotion in all of the songs and he looked like he was enjoying himself.  More highlights were
Like Cockatoos, Cold, and three of my absolute favorites, M, 100 Years, and Strange Day--the first time hearing
any of those live and they were awesome!  Finally more people around me were standing up for the final songs,
Just Like Heaven, which sounded absolutely wonderful and A Forest (nice to hear the clapping during that).  Oh
and I forgot to mention Pornography and Siamese Twins--how perfect was that?!  That was a big thrill.  I agree
with the other reviewer who said that Pornography sounds better live.  The only songs I would have liked to hear
is Why Can't I Be You, Lovesong, and Charlotte.  I still remember back in '96 at Radio City Music Hall, Robert
walking to the side during WCIBY and looking up at all of us in the balcony.  It is something that will always stick
in my mind--I can still see his smiling face looking up at us.  I'm sure other people who went to that concert knows
what I'm talking about.  If this is indeed my last Cure show, it is something I will always remember and cherish.
It was really a special night and the outdoor venue was a perfect place for them to perform.

Review by Erich

Before i say how the show was, i would like to say that getting to the PNC Bank Arts Center was almost
impossible, due to the complete idiocy of NJ Transit and the Port Authority in NY. They gave me and my friend so
much missinformation we almost didnt make it there, and getting back we needed to call the local police
department to give us a ride and have us wait for me friends father to show up. So definate shout outs to Lisa and
Michelle for making the trip easier on us! Now for the show....

The show kicked off with Out of this World, wich is a great staple to hear live. Watching me fall was extra heavy,
and Robert was hitting those notes real well, great songs to start off the set. Want was done well, but i still dont
like the recorded intro. When Facination st. kicked in, thats when the crowd got up to dance, and the energy stayed
that way for the entire night. It was great to Hear A Night Like This, they do it wonderful live. Last day of summer
was good. mellowed out the crowed a bit... Until the first note of Pictures of you kicked and the crowed went wild,
singing along very nicley. Maybe someday was done well, alot like the studio but with that nice live flavour. Like
Cockatoos came as a great surprise to me, and it was pulled of very nicely. From the edge of the Deep Green Sea
was done really well, very strong version... But it was ruined by a really drunk guy that was yelling dancing and
touching us. Thats the second time in a row that thats happend durring that song for me (it was like that at roseland
earlier in the year). In between days got evreyone dancing again, and If Olny tonight... got the crowd mellow for
the last time of the night. when they kicked into Siamese Twins and 100 years thats when the intensity rose
tremeandously. 100 years was done with such venom that it gave a new light to the song. 39 and Bloodflowers were
powerful, nice way to end the first set.

When they came out the first time Robert said "here are a few from disintegration" and they kicked right into
Plainsong... when the first note hit i was stuck in place, the sheer energy and the lights and the sound were
mesmerising... and then they played *my* song. to set the scne, the moon was full, it was glowing perfectly to the
east of the stage, and Same Deep Water As You was played, wich made the set complete in my mind... it was no
less than perfect. "And we shall be together" rang in my head the entire night after, making me think of my long
distance love... Disintegration ended the first encore, great powerful version with Robert really putting his all into
the vocals.

They come out the second time and Robert was laughing as he told us that these will be a few from Pornography.
Cold and Strange Day were exelent, very well done, but the highlight of this part was Pornography itself... insainly
powerful and done with more energy than the songs before it... the lights set the mood very well, menacing red.

The last encore was a sweet mix, M getting the crowd on their feet, Play for today getting them singing... When
Just Like Heaven came on the crowd went ape and started dancing and singing like there was no tomorrow. The
entire night was capped off with A Forest, which was a perfect way to get the crowd going one last time before they
closed the set.

What a great night to spend out with my friend, the people were great and the music was absolutly unforgetable...
Next stop on the tour for me, Camden on the 18th!

Comments by Brian

I just got back from the show, and i am a bit tired so I'll be brief.  This was a great show (the first of four for us).
The band sounded incredible (perhaps the most intense version of disintagration ever), the set list was amazing
(siamese twins!!! same deep water as you...) the sound was perfect, especially for an apitheater, and, even though
we were way in the back, our view of the stage was perfect.  The only problem, and the one thing that kept this
from being the perfect show was that the crowd wasn't all that into it.  People were wondering about, leaving early,
or just sitting down and not caring!!!! And an especially big fuck yoiu to the security gaurd who made me sit down
because "noone else around you is standing so you don't need to either"  Despite this, I had a really good time
and am looking forward to the next three shows.

Review by DMWoland

First off, I can't believe how quick you guys got the setlist and reviews up for the show!  Right on!  I'm really glad
too, since I tried to keep track of the setlist but lost it after hearing SIAMESE TWINS!!!  God, I've ached for
that song for years, and tonight, or rather last night, I finally heard it. And oh what bliss it was (and still is)...I felt
totally numb all through the song...I just COULDN'T move any part of my body but my lips, to mouth the words.
When I first heard the chimes, I flipped out, and then it was like this wave overtook my body and I was floating.
But anyway, I think you get the point.  I just can't stop raving about it.  Siamese Twins, Siamese Twins,
Siamese Fucking Twins!!!  Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, beats that song for me.  Nor does any album beat
Pornography, so I was definitely a happy guy when they did the Cold-Strange Day-Pornography encore, though I
really must say that Pornography sounded a bit muddled, Robert's vocals getting lost in the mix.  Maybe it was
just where I was sitting.  Anyway anyway, here, if anyone cares, is my song breakdown, since this is my first
review and I've seen others do it and I feel inclined to do one of my own.  Thank again, by the way, for the setlist.

Out of This World - I've read some reviews where people have questioned whether or not this one should be the
opener, but I think it's perfect.  It was only my second time hearing it live, the first time being at the Roseland
show back in February, and it was just as beautiful.

Watching Me Fall - Much better than at the Roseland show...this song is truly a masterpiece, an epic, and it is
tremendous live.  I just wish Robert would scream a little longer, like on the album.  "Watching me
fallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll" instead of "watching me fallllllllll".  But hell, it was still great.

Want - I get the feeling every time I hear this song live that Robert really loves it, a lot more than most of his
other songs.  He REALLY gets into it.  And it comes across great.

Fascination St. - Always great.

A Night Like This - I've never been a huge fan of this song, but I like the way the play the sax part on guitar.
I'm a huge fan of sax, but I like it much better this way.

Pictures of You - I was never a huge fan of this one either, but after this show I am.  I reflected on the past so
much while they were playing this, and any song that can do that to me is a definite gem.

Last Day of Summer - Beautiful.  Perfect coming right after Pictures of You.  This song definitely should have
been on Disintegration.  But then, Fear of Ghosts should have been, too, but oh well.

Like Cockatoos - The first big shock of the night.  I adore this song, but I hadn't figured that I'd hear it since they
hadn't been playing it that often on this tour.  All of the songs up to this point were great or nice, but this was the
best so far, really getting things going for me.  Robert sang it perfectly, and kudos to Jason for getting the drums
to sound almost exactly like they were on album.

Maybe Someday - After Like Cockatoos, I started praying for Siamese Twins, so when this came on I was kind of
bummed, but it was still nice.  It's always cute how Robert screws up the lyrics.

Edge of the Deep Green Sea - "Damn it, where's Siamese Twins.  They're not playing it tonight, I guess.  Ugh,
come on, this is a seven minute song and I gotta hear Siamese Twins next.  Hurry up and finish."  My train of
thought at this point, ladies and gentlemen.  But honestly, I love this song.  I know.

Inbetween Days - Ugh.  Okay, I admit it, I'm a Cure-snob.  I love the more obscure stuff, and I really don't go for
the singles.  I know I'm not alone there, but I hate it when they play Like Cockatoos and maybe a quarter of the
crowd is all cheery, and then they play fucking Inbetween Days and the other seventy-five percent (and some of
my fellow snobs) go nuts (though I really think my fellow snobs just play along).

If Only Tonight We Could Sleep - Ahhhh.  After a cheese-ball like Inbetween Days, with everyone dancing around
all goofy, it was refreshing to hear a real emotional one, especially this one.  When Robert's guitar comes in (you
know the point I'm talking about, don't you?  You must.  That part about two minutes into the song, after the
build-up?  You know) it cuts me in half.  One of my top ten Curesongs.  So is Like Cockatoos, I forgot to mention.
And so is...

Siamese Twins - YES!  As Jonathan said, the combination of If Only Tonight We Could Sleep followed by Siamese
Twins is really nice.  Different subject matters, of course, or at least different takes, but still great musically.
But I've said so much about Siamese Twins that I'll just move on., I really musn't.  It's overkill.  This is
the best fucking Curesong, the best song ever recorded PERIOD.  Okay, that'll do.  Oh, and it's AMAZING live.
I needed a cigarette afterwards.

100 Years - Excellent follow-up to Siamese Twins.  The Figurehead, of course, would have been better, but 100
Years is still great.  While I was numb from the sheer beauty of Siamese Twins, 100 Years kicked in and knocked
the shit out of my senses.  I REALLY needed a cigarette after this, so I went and had one.  I didn't dare sit in my
seat and have one, since one of the PNC Nazis would have swooped down on me and told me to put it out, so I
sojourned up the stairs and watched the show from there, puffing away.  That's the main thing that sucked about
the show, those asshole guards taking their jobs WAYYYYYY too seriously, walking around with their god-damned
headsets on, passing by every few seconds to make sure no one was having a good time.  I had a much better time
on the side-lines, I'll tell you that.  But anyway, 100 Years was killer.

39 - Sometimes I like this song, sometimes I don't.  Last night I didn't.

Bloodflowers - I love this song, but it's not nearly as powerful live as it is on the album.  At least not for me it isn't.
Half of the song's power for me is the sound of Jason's drums.  That effect that they use which I believe is flange.
It's just not present live.  And on other songs I can get past it, and it's kind of cute sometimes, but Robert
ALWAYS screws up the lyrics to this one, and that takes away from it for me too.  Oh can't always get
what you want.

Plainsong - I was eating a cheeseburger when they came out and started playing this, and I thought that was
pretty funny.  I scarfed it down fast and ran over to the lawn off to the side (I'll tell you more about that in a
moment) and sat down to watch from there.  Beautiful.

Same Deep Water As You - My second favorite Cure song.  I really thought I had gotten my wish when they
played Siamese Twins, but I was still hoping they'd play this, though I kind of accepted the fact that they wouldn't,
especially since, like Like Cockatoos, they haven't played it much during this tour.  But, the thunder rolled, and
there it was.  My only gripe is Robert mumbled the last main verse, which is the most emotional one, where it
sounds like he's crying while singing it on the album.  But hey, it was still incredible.  The worst part of it was when
one of the god-damn policeman wannabes came over and stuck his face in mine and said I couldn't sit on the
lawn.  I challenged him, though, and he seemed kind of shocked.  I said "Why?"  He looked at me dumbfoundedly
and said "They told me to tell you you can't sit here."  Like THAT was an explanation?  "Is there a REASON
behind that?" I continued, still sitting.  "They just told me to..." he said, but I cut him off.  "But is there a
REASON why I can't sit here?" I said, underlining REASON about a hundred times.  But it was a losing battle,
and I wanted to hear the rest of the song, so, begrudgingly, I moved.

Disintegration - Very powerful.  Robert really sank his teeth into this one.  I loved the way he grabbed the mike
and howled into it with such passion.

Cold - Ahhhhh, the Pornography encore.  I didn't think they'd do it last night since they had done it the previous
show, and basing things on the setlists of all the previous shows, I thought that last night would be a Faith encore
(by the way, thank you to all at Chain of Flowers for posting the setlists to all the've had me psyched
for months, especially seeing all of the great songs they've been playing).  Cold is such an incredible song, and last
night was the best version I've ever heard live.  I loved the way Roger shared the keyboards with Perry, and how
it was just Simon and Jason playing the rest, and no guitar from Robert.  The sound was awesome.

A Strange Day - I didn't hear much of this because some girl fell down in front of me and after I helped her up she
talked my ear off.

Pornography - Great, but as I said before it was a bit muddled.  Once again, maybe it was where I was sitting.  Or
rather, standing.

M - I loved it when they showed the huge red M on the screen behind them.  When I first saw it, I thought, "that's
so all the singles-fans can know the title".  Very well done.

Play for Today - I really love this song.  The lyrics are so damn good, and really really mean, but when Robert
sings them they sound nice.  Very subtle stuff.

Just Like Heaven - I do like this song, but I had to sigh and pull an UGH when all of the singles-fans jumped for

A Forest - Unfortunately, I didn't get to hear all of this since I was depending on mass transportation taking me
back to New York City and I worried about missing my train, so I left in the middle of it.  I know, I know.  FOR
SHAME!!!  But hey, I wanted to get home.  All right?  So get off my back, will you?

Anyway, all in all it was an amazing show.  I know this has been a tad long, so I'll end it here.  I hope you liked my
first review.  And if you didn't, well screw you.  I'll post another one Monday after I come back from the Camden
show (IF I come back, that is...someone told me it's a BAD neighborhood) and Wednesday after the Jones Beach
show (if, of course, I survive Camden).

Comments by Mike

Unlike other positive reviews of the show, I'm sad to say that I thought the show last night in Holmdel was a
disgrace of sorts. This is not a knock on the band at all, I think they played absolutely great. I'm very disappointed
in the fans, as well as the staff of the PNC arts center.  We had first row seats in the second section back. It was
good to see the crowd up front dancing and all standing, but behind them, I'd have to say at least 60-70% of
the crowd was sitting.  I believe this is due to a large majority of seats were taken by radio stations and given out,
because many many people did not look like they belonged their, nor did they seem to know any of the songs
(aside from JLH), nor did they seem to have a good.  I knew things were bad when I was pelted with ice at least 3
seperate times, just for standing and dancing, while mobs of 40 something year olds sat still behind me. I attended
the Boston show, and everyone there was dancing, having a blast of a time, while the majority of people here in
Holmdel got upset about people in front of them dancing. To make things worse, when Want was being played, a
staff person came over and requested I sit down.  Hi, I payed for these tickets, and I'd like to dance to my favorite
band.  Needless to say I continued dancing, while getting pelted by ice.  On top of this, a few songs later, a woman
seated to my left, was screamed at by at least four to five staffers, to which she told them she refuses to sit. Then
she was led out of the arena, and her boyfriend, continued to sit there, apparently thinking she would come back,
despite her being led out of the building by a small army of security (completely unneccessary, she was not
abusive).  A half hour later, upon realizing his girlfriend wasn't returning, her boyfriend went into a small panic
wondering if anyone had seen her.  I just thought it was a horrible job by the staff at the arts center, what seemed
to be a large number of tickets, from radio stations, given to people who didn't really have any interest in the band
at all, and general lack of enthusiasm.  I'd say 30-40% of the crowd had left by the second encore.   I had a great
time, the band played great, but I felt horrible the band wasn't rewarded for their great performance.

Comments by Matt

Wow, Simon was really really on tonight!  A very special person in the crowd gave me 3rd row seats for the last
two numbers and allowed me to view the "Simon plays rock star and really pounds his bass guitar" moment up
close.  Many many many thanks to Matt, if he's reading - and YES, that is my mom!
    Anyway, I thought the set was just amazing!  This was my first Cure concert and it was a night I'll never forget!
When I heard the beginning of Pictures Of You I jumped up and screamd OH MY GOD as loud as possible!  Best
song of the night definitely goes to Disintegration, however, as Robert really got into it, taking the mic off the
stand and just really wailing.
    The night couldn't have been more perfect if Robert tried.. well, unless they never stopped playing!
    One complaint, though - all of you lawn fans, very very lazy!  I'm dissapointed!  I was up in the lawn for most of
the show and no one was standing up or very enthusiastic, everyone was just laying back on their sheets - which
amazed me considering all of the emotions being thrown at us (Robert looked like he was ready to cry about 4
times during the show.)
    Well, anyway, it was a great show - while no Faith dissapointed me greatly, hearing my two favourite songs
(plainsong and Pictures Of You) and getting the surprise of a close up view of Just Like Heaven made it all
    Oh, and anyone who was in the right lawn - I was the guy who was standing the whole time near the front,
singing his lungs off and dancing very badly!
    Beautiful night, just beautiful!

Comments by Steve

This was my second Cure show ever and after reading setlist/review by setlist/review since February, I felt it was
now my duty to post my own review of the show I had been waiting to see for so long. Made the trek up
from Philadelphia in 2 hours to find this little place and boy was I in for a night of surprises. I wasn't sure which
show I was gonna get, but I was more than ever happy. "Night like This" and "Pictures of You" came out of
nowhere got huge audience applause. The Pornography stuff sounded very good live and I was surprised. "100
Years" (which I know would be played) was excellent, really rocked my world, shame only a few other people
seemed as intensely drawn to it as I. "Plainsong" was also a personal fave and was very happy to hear it played
live. Robert looked very happy throughout the performance. Would've loved to have heard the Faith encores, but
I cannot complain about the Cure at all. Only thing to complain about is that there supposedly is an 11pm law that
prohibited the extension of the concert, because of loud noise. Kept hoping for a 4th encore, but what can you do?
All in all a most excellent show that I shall remember for a long time.  Thanks Robert for the memories.

Review by Jonathan

WOW!  This is my 6th time seeing the cure, starting in '89, and I do not know that I have seen them perform
better.  All of the reviews about how great this tour is are on target.  I was planning on waiting to write a review
Sunday as I will be going to DC and Philly too, but this show was too incredible! The highlight for me was if only
tonight followed by siamese twins (I can't believe I saw siamese twins live!  thank you guys in the band).  This
combination really works together with the angel imagery, etc. I loved hearing like cockatoos since it is not often
played.  Another personal favorite moment was pictures of you. This caught me completely off guard.  I have seen
this song played live 4 times before and listened to it countless times and not had this reaction.  I did not expect to
hear pics of you this tour since it has not been played too often, so in some ways it was like meeting a close friend
with whom you've lost touch.  Clips of high school friends and lost loved ones with whom I listened to the cure ran
through my head, visions of my college years and where I've listened to the cure, mental momentos of all the places
I've been to and things I've done with my wife over our 13 years together, many thoughts about jobs and people
I've known who I can only know now through pictures, and flashes of august 22, 1989 at the philadelphia spectrum -
my first cure show - ran in my mind with, of course, other cure pictures.  I don't know that I've cried to that song
before, but it got me tonight.  All of the pornography material and disintegration stuff was wonderful.  Robert really
put himself into disintegration on the vocals.  Pornography is much better live than recorded.  100 years with the
lights and the effort from the band is absolutely perfect.  M and play for today were played much better tonight
than when I saw them played on the WMS tour.  I Dream of getting the Faith encore (with Drowning Man!!) and
seeing Sinking with the mic cam in the next shows.  Also, Charlotte or Fight would send me over the edge, but I
suspect those are too Dreamy.

Review by Mike B

Hey friends,

Just got back from the show in central jersey (in case you're wondering where the hell Holmdel is) and it totally
ruled!  The other shows that I went  to so far were the promo show in dallas and the show in Houston.  After the
Houston show, I was a little upset that they played a very usual set, and didn't play anything off pornography.  I
felt this was because they were playing in dallas the next day, which is a pretty big cure city.  I was worried about
this again, as the last show was in my old cure fan heavy college town , boston.  Not tonight, though, proving that
my carefully planned trip to visit my parents in jersey around a cure show would pay off...  The set was full of
really great surprises...  Night Like This, Pictures, Cockatoos, IOTWCS, and Same deep water all were sweet
surprises for me and were all excellent.  And on top of these gems were FIVE Songs from Pornography, Including
the song that I was really hoping to see in Houston and was whining that we didn't get, SIAMESE TWINS!!!
(There was a guy next to me with a big ST sign with whom I had crossed my fingers before the show, and when I
heard the chimes begin, I reached over and pushed him and was a little worried that I'd knocked him over).  For a
second I though they'd play my fave, the figurehead, but I heard it at the dallas promo show, so it's absence from
the setlist wasn't too tragic.  In retrospect, I am happy that the Houston show was kind of laid back, which was nice
with our lawn seats, because it contrasted nicely with tonight's night of surprises!  My only disappointment from the
three shows was that I didn't see the kiss...  But I'm not about to whine after I've been so fortunate.  Other
comments are that there were quite a lot of empty spaces in the front section which was very disappointing.  This
means that you reading this could have/should have been up there.  However, one of the things I will remember
greatly from this show was Simon's energy.  He was crazier than I have seen him at any of the other 5 cure shows
I've been to, jumping all over the place.  I will always remember the last minutes of the show with Simon beating
the living sh*t out of his bass at the end of A Forest.  (if this is the last live cure song I'll ever hear live, it is
probably fitting as it was my first favorite cure song!)  Overall, it was a magical night for me due to the songs which
were played and the quality and energy with which they were played), making me think that if this were the last
cure show I ever saw, god forbid, it was quite a way to go out.  Finally, thanx to y'all for running this great web
site, we really appreciate it, and thanx to the band for several magical evenings culminating in this masterpiece.
