European Summer Festival Tour 2004

July 4th, 2004 - Aix Les Bains, France (Festival Musilac)

Lost, Labyrinth, Fascination Street, Before Three, A Night Like This, The End of the World, Push, InBetween
Days, Taking Off, Sinking, Closedown, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, The Figurehead, A Strange Day,
One Hundred Years, Never, The Promise

1st Encore: The Drowning Man, Charlotte Sometimes, Faith

2nd Encore: Going Nowhere.

Show was 1 hour & 56 minutes.

(Thanks to Olivier for the setlist)


COF - Lauren

(Thanks Olivier)


Despite an almost totally different set list, this was an equally impressive concert as the night before at Du Gaou.
Only four songs were repeated, excellent for the fans who were attending both nights. Overall it was a heavier set
list, with the inclusion of one or two rarely heard songs which made it a very special night, up their with my
favourite Cure concerts of all time.

We arrived at the venue rather late, just before 9pm but had no problem in making our way to the front where we
were greeted by some of our established Cure friends, it was great to see them again!  We must have been about
5 rows from the front adjacent to Simon. After the final support band it was announced that The Cure would be
coming on stage after the conclusion of the very important football match which was going on at the same time,
the crowd starting booing but the time seemed to pass by pretty quickly! Just think if England had been in the
final, we would have never seen the band, they'd be falling over themselves drunk and never would have made it
to the stage!!

The band finally emerged at around 10.40pm kicking off with a powerful Lost, a totally different opening to the
glorious Plainsong but equally brilliant. The Cure at their best, angry and confident...I have said before this song
is like a 'fuck off now if you don't like us' kind of song, ideal for the festival audience, lol :D Labyrinth followed,
the first time I had heard this one live, it was interesting and again very powerful "say its the same you" must
have echoed around for miles! A Night Like This was the next surprise and really shook the audience up,
everyone went crazy to this song as they always do. HOTD songs are always great to hear live and we got a
few of them in here, Push being an obvious highlight and Sinking was as good as it always is. In between the
HOTD songs we got to hear another new one, Taking Off. The song was very well received even though Robert
screwed up the words a few times, must be hard to remember songs like that, this song sounds better live than it
does on the album and is great to jump to! Closedown closely followed, for me it did not come across too well, its
probably one of my least favourite songs off the best album in the world...couldn't hear Roger's keyboard at all
for the first half of the song and those are essential here. FTEOTDGS- well I can't ever get tired of hearing this
one live, always a big crowd pleaser...when the songs picks up again after the 'drink it dry, take this drug' bit it
was unbelievable down the front, another excellent enthusiastic crowd! I'm coming to France again to see The
Cure! The Figurehead, wow, I never imagined this! It was perfect for the night, at this point I closed my eyes for
a few moments just to absorb the moment. Jason's drumming really makes the song, the way he slows down
ever-so gradually towards the end after Roberts vocals have ended, brilliant. A Strange day lifted everyone up
again, but for me it was played too slow, would like it abit faster like on Cure In Orange or Play Out. The next two
songs really did push a few people down the front pretty close to the edge. During an awesome One Hundred
Years the moshpit almost turned into a mass brawl as some people took the pushing and shoving abit too
personally and tried to start a fight. Up to this point it had been very friendly, luckily the moment passed without
anything to serious and we were left to enjoy the song. Never - well you either love it or hate it! I dislike the
ending on the album version and I'd say its probably the poorest song on the excellent new album but it took on
a whole new life live, maybe I enjoyed it more because its a song you can really jump around too, everyone loved
it and sang along. Even the fact that the stage crew didn't have his guitar ready in time didn't detract from the
song, it just made it more enjoyable to watch Roberts reactions! It was a really great moment when they
finally handed Robert the right guitar (almost when the song was over) and everyone cheered. To finish the main
set we got the epic Promise, Robert really got into his guitar solo and as the crowd cheered him along he just got
more and more aggressive with his guitar solo. I would be happy if they ended every main set with this from now
on. Just awesome is the only way I can describe it, The Cure were sounding so powerful here and Roberts voice
was like crystal...

After that powerful main set I could have gone home satisfied, it had been a great concert up to this point...and it
was about to get better when Robert announced 'now I bet you can't guess whats coming next' it was one of my
all time favourites, The Drowning Man! Lovely to hear this one as its so rarely played. I had an idea that they
would play Charlotte Sometimes and I was proved correct as it was the next song. The purple/pink stage lights
were pretty spectacular during this song, it sounded better than the last couple of times I had heard it, more
atmospheric...the sound had been brilliant all night. Faith followed, the biggest surprise of the night, contrary to
many Cure fans its not one of my all time faves, its not my prom song or anything...but it was nice to hear it here
and it closed the encore perfectly.

The band came out once more for a second encore, it just comprised of one song, Going Nowhere. This was quite
a beautiful ending to a stunning concert. I was very impressed again with Roberts voice during this song, so
smooth and dreamy, very moving. How Robert can open with a song like Lost and finish with Going Nowhere just
shows the vocal talents of the man, he maintained a perfect pitch throughout the night. For me its the best voice I
have ever heard...I imagine even the people way back in the seating area were moved by this song. Without even
taking a step back from the mic after the closing chords, Robert said 'thank you and goodnight, see you later in
the year' before a solo walk along the lip of the stage where thousands of fans paid their acknowledgements.

So for totally different reasons it was another great night. The Cure did two almost completely different sets
provoking so many different emotions. This night was a darker, heavier, more miserable affair...and if anything
probably more enjoyable for it (!) this can only happen in Cure world :D

- Tom (Cureboy)

Charming place planted between the lake of the "Bourget" and of the mountains. 2 stages installed. A rather
large stage for Cure. As Dragon played in a contempt of people in spite of a good set.  People should have been
waited until Mr. Smith and his friends finish looking at the match of football.

22 hours 30 the show starts. Lost starts rather slowly, classic.
Labyrinth masterly, very beautiful song. Fascination street makes move people.
Before three is marvelly played live.
A night like this causes the go of local people in front of the stage(too much pogos) to leave the place of exciting
fans of cure.
The End of the World, perfect.
Push, InBetween days starts  hystery in the   front of the stage.
Taking Off, powerfull.
Sinking, very pretty surprise.
Closedown, not badly.
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, superb version. With the end of the title Simon has claquer on the cords
of his bass very extremely. He seems very anger.
I believe he hurt itself.Perry calmed the electric feeling released by Simon. People shouted "Simon Cult Heros".
Roger often left the keyboard to go backstage.
Figurehead, A Strange Day very facinating like has their practice.
One Hundred Years, forces with wish. Quite excited Simon. In the audience a beginning of brawl started.
the Promise, this title is definitively the piece of this tour. Gigantic, where Robert excels in the singing exercises. He is powerful. Robert plays of the guitar with an incredible energy as in 1992 on the title "cut".

The first encore entraine us near the darkside of the cure with a beautiful "drowning man", and a good version of
Going Nowhere, this song is a pleasure to listen : What melancholy!!!

This concert made it possible to the local people to discover a music rock'n'roll and powerful delivered by the cure.
After the show people has obviously acquired .
For the others, the fans... I believe that  will be the best concert of this summer tour with "Six four".
Thank you  the cure for this deployed energy. Cheer with Jason for its performance with the battery!! and a large
thank you for Robert who at 45 years old is better than ever, with his splendid voice, certainly most beautiful of
the world.

-  Insatiable smile

this was a pretty dark night!
the venue was pretty coll. just close to the lake. the stage was quite big
And what a concert.....
The setlist was perfect for me. dark, intense and powerfull.
Much better that the other french date who seems to be much more pop.
The crowd was really good for a festival and composed by a huge majority of cure fans.

My highlight
- FAITH. I was so surprised to hear that song. Amazingly good, short extra lyrics. really emotionnal
- Drowning man. Robert strated the encore telling that nobody will gess what the next song was. and actually it
was a great surprise.
- The 3 pornography songs the one after the other. 100 years was particulary intense, robert sang Figurehead in
a little different way he's used to.
- Push. the intro is still perfect live
- Sinking
- the promise. this song is even better live
- Closedow. Robert's guitar was a little bit too low but still one of m favorite
- Labyrinth. this song is getting bigger and bigger
- Going nowhere . perfect song to close this concert. great voice

The band was in a good mood, simon was most of the time facing the drums. During never robert had the wrong
guitar. He held it in his back laughing. Someone from the crew run to take it and gave him the right one.
The band was laughing and when rob finally started to play his part the crowd got mad.

Well this was a brillant show, I think the best festival I've ever seen  (1998 was crap and 2002 was just good)
The lights were really good too, as good as a really Cure concert. And this was my 13th cure concert since 1989
for the 13th album...... A sign??

Hope the Curiosa is going to be at that level!!

Ps : a great thanks for the little powerfull lady who sang almost all  the lyrics with me during this concert.

- Martin Gauthier
