European Summer Festival Tour 2004

July 3rd, 2004 - Six-Fours, France (Festival Les Voix du Gaou)

Plainsong, Fascination Street, Before Three, High, The End of the World, Anniversary, Inbetween Days, Jupiter
Crash, Pictures Of You, Lullaby, Maybe Someday, alt.end, (I Don't Know What's Going) On, Lovesong, Just
Like Heaven, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Us Or Them, Disintegration

1st Encore: Three Imaginary Boys, M, Play For Today, A Forest
2nd Encore: 10:15 Saturday Night.

Show was 1 hour & 53 minutes

(Thanks to Manuel and u-a-b-f at Cure Concerts)


COF - Lauren - Bill

(Thanks Olivier)


The review of the concert at 'Voix du Gaou' was a bit too enthusiastic and lacked objectivity.Indeed the place was
beautiful and windy.there were many Robert clones with all their funny clichés ,talking loud:'I've seen them
there,and there and there....'and many home made t-shirts.
The support bands were 'Overhead' and 'Feist'.
It's always a great pleasure to see The Cure live,but even as fans wa can see the truth where it is.My friends and
I felt like the band was in a very bad mood,unfit.Robert had many guitar technical problems and did almost 20
chord mistakes.It's like if they wanted to let things go like that,waiting for the end of the gig to come quickly.
Really,there was a strange feeling of tension and lack of desire to play.
I'll give a few examples of what surprised us the most:
-the begining of the powerfull 'From the edge...' was not in tune for almost 10 sec.Same for 'Jupiter crash'
-the wonderfull 'M' was like sabotaged at its very end when Robert kept on playing with no chords.
-'Disintegration' and 'TIB' were played much too slowly
By chance we saw them the day after at 'Aix les Bains'.
It was another band! There were almost twice as much people ,but less Robert clones.
Everything was in its right place,the band was very enthusiastic and great!What a playlist compared to Six Fours'.
'Lost' at last!
'The drowning man','Charlotte sometimes','Faith'...
We don't deserve them...

- Jérôme S.

Its impossible to write a review of the concert at Voix Du Gaou without first mentioning that this was without doubt
the most beautiful, most picturesque venue I have ever seen! The scenery here was quite stunning, even eclipsing
that of the Woodstage festival of two years ago. A perfect setting for a concert, the cool breeze from the
mediterranean  (somewhat) cancelling out the oppressive heat and 90 degrees plus temperatures. After what
seemed an eternity, the security guards let us through the gates to walk the bridge into the venue, another unique
experience as im sure there are not many venues where you have to walk over a bridge to get into! Immediately
we made our way to the front, where already the crowds were building up. We must have been about 3/4 rows back
infront of what would be Roberts mic. I don't know the names of any of the support acts from this concert but they
were'nt too bad. The first band had a kind of generic wannabee early-Radiohead sound, it was pleasant enough.
The second band had a kind off Jazz Club/Elevator music sound which was quite amusing, with female vocals. The
last song they did was quite interesting however, they had a sampled voice going all the way through the song and
it must have been a hit in France as some people were singing along to it! That was pretty cool and it passed the

Rather unusually we did not have to wait too long for the Cure's equipment to be set up. At this point I will say that
I find it quite infuritating though that at both these French shows AND at Coachella that despite all the checks
they seem to do that they never quite get things right. Christ, they annoy us enough by mincing about on stage for
the best part of an hour and even then they still fuck things up! Come on guys, sort it out!

The band walked onstage just after 10:15pm, greeted by a rapturous reception. There were a few windchimes as
the band opened with a grand version of Plainsong. Roberts stage walk sent the crowd wild, their reactions seem
to get more and more enthusiastic with each passing year, quite incredible! Robert seemed to put alot of emotion
into this version, eyes always closed, it really is a beautiful song to open up a concert. And however much you think
you have heard Fascination Street too much at Cure concerts, you can't really get tired of it due to the crowd
reaction it evokes, an early injection of power that works well as the second song. Before Three was really nice,
its one of my faves off the new album and hearing it live enforced that, arms in the air for the 'yeah yeah yeah's'!
High was a pleasant surprise you don't hear that one too often these days i'd say its a welcome inclusion into the
setlist. TEOTW, what can I say about this song? Love it! A really uplifting song and a great single. There were a
few of us jumping around to the chorus, very very good live. Another new song 'Anniversary' came next, this is a
gem of a song - dark with beats reminiscent of Lament, again there was lots of emotion from Robert, this song is
quite moving live. Next came classic Cure pop in the shape of Inbetween Days and a real mosh pit started to form
infront of the stage, it was pretty mental! Jupiter Crash calmed us all down again, I think I had only heard this
song live once way back on the Swing Tour this song is perfect for the summer shows, an inspired inclusion and
again beautifully played. Next came two big Disintegration singles, Pictures of You (complete with famous "you
were always so lost in the dark" lights out moment) and Lullaby, again the crowd went crazy here! Robert kept
the arm gestures down to a minimum. My favourite part of the concert followed wiith Maybe Someday (excellent
as always and a great song to jump and dance to) Alt.End was possibly my favourite song of the night which had
us all down the front going crazy to the chorus, this song is so great live!! Likewise with I Don't Know Whats
Going On, a few of us daring to 'sing' along to the can you not?! Lovesong and JLH...well i've
heard these so many times, nothing new here. During JLH is was getting pretty deadly down the front and Robert
asked us all to move back after this song. Then it got even more frenzied during an awesome FTEOTDGS and
an angry Us or Them (which we had been shouting for!). There was some restbite during Disintegration, which I
can't remember too much about as I was still recovering from the last few songs.

When the band re-appeared for the encore Robert finally talked to the crowd, he said something like 'Its hard to
know what to play're a difficult crowd to read' with a kind of confused expression on his face which
turned into a smile! It was an encore which I had been hoping for - in particular M and Play for Today. At this
point it resembled the Cure in Orange with the crowd going crazy down the front. There was a big empty space
where people were pushing each other into and jumping around in, a cloud of dust appeared over the first few rows
as some of us were really going for it big style, but at the same time making sure nobody got hurt. There were
even a few was the opposite to what I experienced at Coachella where the crowd were very still
all the way through.

As the band came out for what was to be the final song Robert said 'ok we have time for one more...and its rather
appropriate for the night' before a powerful version of 10:15. By this time I was sat down at the back of the venue,
chilling out with a beer in my hand admiring the view of the bay to the right of the stage and just listening to my
favourite band in the distance. After a great concert in beautiful surroundings AND surviving the mental French
crowds this was a very nice moment indeed...

- Tom (Cureboy)


Splendid place where the air is very good.

Planted on almost an island between the pines and the marvellous sea.. blue sky beautiful..(i understands better
the inspiration of Robert for kiss me kiss me!!!). To go on the site it is necessary to cross a bridge like the bridge
of roskilde (in smaller). First parts have not a great effect on people. Overhead seems to be a mix of jeff buckley
for the voice and Rides for the guitars. Feist is not really good.

Plainsong starts, very good, Robert being walk on the stage to see the public which is composed in majority of
Fascination Street, Before Three, High, The End of the World, exellente and exciting. VERY GOOD.
Anniversary, this song which is the better of the album for me  and it's always the tear win the eyesl that i listen
this song.
Inbetween Days as with its practice starts it is delirious in audience.
Jupiter crash landing is perfect for this place "follows me down to the sound of the sea" marvellous.
"Pictures Of You", "Lullaby", traditional. one will note a perfect version of "pictures of you",  well played.
"Maybe Someday" where Robert is always glad to play it.
alt.end, (I Don't Know What's Going) One, two nice songs of "the cure" which point out "wild mood swings" to
me; very   good pop.
Lovesong, Just Like Heaven, always a delight to listen to them.
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, transcendent version.
Us or Them, very powerful, point out a piece of the sex pistols to me. Robert and Simon are speed in the title
Disintegration, always so beautiful.

1st encore: Three Imaginary Boys, very pleasant surprised to find this title of 1979.
M, Play For Today, A Forest. 3 titles which make jump people in all the directions.  organisator of the festival
asks Robert to make move back the public (move back please!!!). The fury of the pogos in front of the stage (3/4
rangs) starts an enormous hole. Robert and Simon laugh of this fact. Roger is a little anxious. and finally...

2nd encore: 10:15 Saturday Night. explosive version where Robert plays very well of the guitar, powerful,

This concert is a real concert of cure as one likes them with a enthousiast people. A true concert of round,
nothing to have compare with werchter where the people was "nian nian". The only good note of werchter will
have to be the insane version of "the promise"... to return to this concert, the power of musicians were ideal, the
brilliant set list... Robert which made a demonstration of all its talent of singer, song writter. In 2004 "Cure" are
increasingly single of the music generation.
This group is in my eyes is the best in the world. A group without compromise, with the brilliant melodies.


- Insatiable smile

The venue for this gig was very picturesque.  It was on a small peninsula right next to the water, with lots of pine
trees around.  The weather was very good, although it was a bit windy.  There was not a single cloud in the sky.

My friends and I arrived a little bit late.  We could hear the sounds of Plainsong as we ran towards the entrance.
As we arrived, the first thing we noticed was that the venue was relatively small and not entirely full, which
meant that we could find a good position quite easily.  The stage was very simple, very open, and you could see
the hills behind the band.

The main set was full of new songs and very similar to other gigs on this mini-tour.  I felt that some of the new
songs sounded quite differrent to the album versions, slighthly darker and stripped down (probably less Ross
Robinson, more The Cure).  For me, the highlights of this part of the set were "alt.end" and "(I Don't Know
What's Going) On".

The best part of the gig was the encores with a superb "Three Imaginary Boys", an excellent "M", an even
better better "Play for Today", which loads of people sang "Laaa, La-Laa, La-Laaa, La-Laa..." to, and a brilliant
"A Forest" during which most people clapped as Robert and Simon's played the last few notes.

At one stage during the encore, Robert said "You're a difficult audience to read".  I couldn't quite work out
whether this was good or bad, because the atmosphere had been good throughout.  For the second encore, Robert
said something like "We've got time for one more and considering the night".  This was followed by "10:15
Saturday Night".  At the end of the gig, Robert said something like "see you later in the year".

In my opinion, the show lacked the surprises that I was hoping for.  Nevertheless, the venue was great and the
setlist was still pretty strong. Simon was hiding his mohican under a hat, which was a bit of a shame, but the guys
all looked like they had recovered from their recent illness. Roger in particular looked very happy and was
smiling quite a lot throughout the gig.  I look forward to seeing them all again at the end of the year...

- Fab G
