The Curiosa Festival 2004

Aug. 24th, 2004 - Chula Vista, Ca. (Coors Amphitheatre)

Lost, Plainsong, Fascination Street, A Night Like This, The End of the World, Lovesong, InBetween Days, Just Like Heaven, Jupiter Crash, Pictures of You, Lullaby, Before Three, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, alt.end, Disintegration, 100 Years, The Promise
Encore: M, Play for Today, A Forest.
Show started around 9:25 and ended at 11:15.

Note: Head Automatica did not play as scheduled.

(Thanks to Carlos for the setlist)


- Broaddaylight - WireImage
- Christine - Miabella


The moment I got through the gate I bought a shirt and program and headed straight to the pit. Luckily I found an empty space front and center in the 2nd row. I got delayed because they wouldn’t let me take my backpack in. Anyway, the bands performing hitherto the Cure were great. I actually got to go to a concert where not a single band sucked, but I only saw the bands on the main stage because I was reserving my spot. There was about an hour and a half of nothingness before the Cure finally started(circa 9:30.) I noticed the the mic was set up to the left of the center so I managed to scoot to the left so I could be right below Robert.

Anyhow, the Cure finally started opening with Lost which was really intense. I won’t go through each song, but will talk about the interesting things I noticed and best songs of the night. Before the concert a stage guy was filling up red cups with alcohol and coke, which Robert frequently sipped throughout the show. The other band members drank water. Also, after Lost Robert left the stage for a good 2 or 3 minutes(I wonder what for). The next song was Plainsong where he went to the right side of the stage at the beginning and left side of the stage at the end. The rest of the concert he basically stayed in the middle area. I found Robert’s eyes to be so mesmerizing. Whenever he opened them to stare out at the audience, they were so entrancing. His pupils were dilated and his eyes a bit glossy, hmmm.. I loved it when Robert would occasionally free his mind from the intensity of the music and gaze at the audience and smile(that shy, unsure, and humble grin which is so adorable.) They played my favorite Cure song ever, Disintegration, which Robert got more emotional over than the rest of the songs. He turned his back to the audience for a long while( I think because he was crying.) When he finally faced the crowd there were tears in his eyes. His facial expressions conveyed that this song has a deep meaning for
him. This song continues to shake me up every time I here it.. At the end(of the song) he went off on the guitar with extra riffs and notes. You can always tell when he intends to play a large guitar part because he rolls up his sleeve. Simon was very interesting to watch as well. He feels the rhythm of the bass throughout his body( very Peter-Hook-ish) My fav songs of the night were Deep Green Sea, Fascination Street, Disintegration, A Night Like This, M, A Forest., and Lullaby. I enjoyed Lullaby mainly because Robert got so animated. He was shaking his head, moving his arms a lot, acting totally in synch with the song, and doing the little thing he does up the mic with his fingers. M was so unexpected and hearing it played with 5 band members was quite nice(the original version has three members since it is such an old song.) I can still clearly remember the exact way Robert crooned, "You’ll fall in love with somebody else…" Also, during the show he ruffled his hair up a few times , it was so cute. I wish they would have played more songs off of Pornography, Kiss me Kiss Me Kiss Me, and Faith(they didn’t play a single song off of Faith.) Oh well. I like the new album, but I’d rather see songs off their other albums more. I was pissed that they didn’t do a 2nd encore. The girl next to me got the setlist and there were three songs they didn’t end up playing: Lovecats, Why can’t I be you, and Boys don’t cry. Robert said a few things during the concert which I couldn’t
make out. At the end he said "You’ve been a fucking great audience" and walked across the stage slowly getting closer to the fans than he had
been during the whole show. I kept wondering if he could even see the fans. I heard he has terrible vision(anything more than 4 or 5 ft from
him is a blur)and chooses not to wear glasses or contacts.

Overall, I was entirely impressed with the quality of Robert’s voice and the instruments. Robert was so enigmatic and entrancing with his quirky
movements, shy smiles, wide eyes, passion, and everything about him!! Oh yeah, I forgot to talk bout how he looked. He was wearing more eye
makeup than usual. He was also wearing different pants(grey instead of black.) It seemed as though the upper lid area right above his eyelashes had grey shadow which then turned into black shadow for the rest of the lid area. I wasn’t totally sure about this though because the lighting is so funky during concerts. Well I’m sure I’ve bored everyone reading this to death by now so I’ll stop.


Just got back from an 8 hour drive back home.  Thought I'd send in another review of the show.
This was my first Curiosa of 3 (I'll be in SF and Sacramento this weekend).  I don't want to give a song-by-song review, but rather some
random thoughts.
First, I thought Robert's voice sounded a bit strained during Lost.  Maybe a bit rusty from the time off?  I was really glad they opened with
this though, as I love the album version, so I'm not going to complain about it too much.  It was still fantastic.
All the songs from Disintegration sounded great!  Since '89, I haven't cared much for the title track live, as Robert most of the time avoids
the high notes, but last night, wow!  Awesome!
Some of the new songs had issues.  Before Three, unfortunately, was horrible.  This being one of my favorites on the record was very disappointing.  Robert fumbling through the words, Perry's guitar not having the same punch as the studio version, played too slow, etc.  I hope to hear it again in better form and a better mix before the tour ends.
The Promise is my favorite Cure song in years, so I was very thankful I got to hear it.  The beginning seemed a bit off, but after the first verse, the song kicked in and I was in awe.  I can't think of any song they've ever played that sounds as powerful as this one does live.  This is worth the price of admission alone.
Other highlights were Jupiter Crash, FTEOTDGS, and 100 Years.  All great songs, and played wonderfully.  Unfortunately though, my callouts for
The Drowning Man went ignored ;)
The encore was great.  I was surprised to see most of the people in the pit enjoy the 17 seconds encore, for up to that point most of their excitement was reserved only for singles.
Well, I hope to hear more of the new stuff live in the coming shows.  Many of the songs played last night I've heard live numerous times in the past, and I love the new record.  Until Saturday...
- Domenic

I just came back from the Chula Vista Cure show.  Instead of giving you a song by song analysis in full detail, I will just describe the show telling
you the highlights instead.  Lost was the first song and then Plainsong. The band seems tremendously excited to be onstage.  Robert did his
customary walk from the right hand side of the stage to the left where I was standing.  It instantly brought me back to the Disintegration tour.
This girl carried a sign that said "Piggy in the Mirror" on one side.  On the other was the 8 dates she was going to see them.  As soon as Robert saw
it, he immediately cringed and shook his head.  As much as I wanted to hear 100 years live again, I wouldn't be carrying a sign begging to hear it to
each show I attended.  Maybe, I'm wrong.  It's happened a few times in my life.  Someone threw a stuffed cat to Robert.  Roger smiled at him.  When
Roger smiles, it literally lights up the stage.  He did that a few times with Robert and Jason.  When Fascination Street started, I saw Simon in his
hopping and curved back stance.  It was almost like he was trying to mesmorize the audience.  I loved it!!!  When Roger started playing the opening notes to A Night Like This, I was incredibly happy to hear it.  It was like I was listening to the song for the first time.  See what four years can do to a person who hasn't seen their favorite band play in awhile?  The End of the World was the next song.  Simon was hunched over as if he was paying homage to Peter Hook and his playing style on stage.  I loved Roger's keyboard parts to the song as well.  Lovesong made me think of my girlfriend who couldn't make it to the show with me tonight.  I was alittle sad for a brief time.  I'm used to experiencing and savoring every note from The Cure with her.  It was a bittersweet moment during a great song.  We are going to see the last three Cure shows here in the states. During Inbetween Days, Roger and Robert smiled at each other.  Times like this one are priceless and show the unity they all have I'm sure.  Just Like Heaven brought me back to the Kiss Me Kiss Me days.  Jupitar Crash transported me back to 1996.  What a great album Wild Mood Swings is!!! Let's not forget the kick ass shows as well.  As Pictures of You was playing, I noticed the bass player from Interpool watching from the right hand side of the stage.  While Interpool was onstage, Perry was catching the show, glanced down at us, and politely waved.  Lullaby is one of my favorite songs, next to 100 years, to hear live.  Robert is incredibly animated during the entire song.  It's like he's trying to describe the song with his gestures instead of the words.  It was a sight to see that's for sure!!!  Before three was tremendous.  It's one of my favorites next to The Promise and Never.  I love the yeah yeah yeah parts.  It only fired me up even more than usual.  During Disintegration, Robert gets so caught up in this song.  He didn't knock the mic off like he usually does toward the end.  I think Roger's keyboard parts only made me dance even harder.
During 100 years, Roger was having difficulties with his keyboard.  I could sence how annoyed he was getting.  Luckily, the roadies were there to fix
the problem.  When The Cure was playing The Promise, Roger looked down at his keyboard as if he was grinding every last second of sound.  It was
shortly afterwards that a stage crasher danced around in the middle of the stage.  Roger immediately stepped to the side of his keyboard not knowing
where this person was headed.  Security escorted him off stage.  At the end of the song, Perry was absolutely jamming.  Everyone was too.  Like I was
telling you before, the unity they share onstage is a sight to see that's for sure.  M and A Play for Today were next.  I love how Roger watches Robert play at the end of the song like jazz group would perform.  I will never forget that moment.  The last song was A Forest.  I loved how Perry was admiring Robert's guitar solo at the end of the song.  I think people forget sometimes that he is incredibly gifted guitarist as well.
What a great way to start the first of five shows this summer.  I'm glad I met Renee and Mario and was a part of their very first Cure show.  I told
them of this site and hopefully they will include their review of last night's concert.  It's past 2am and I have to get up at the crack of dawn to catch the early flight out to Phoenix for the next show.  I'll write my review when I get back early Thursday morning.  Thanks again to The for letting me review the show here in San Diego for you all.  See you at the Phoenix show tonight!!!  Time to get a couple hours of well needed sleep.  Goodnight everyone.

- Marc Subia

Well, I have only slept 4 hours, but I'm in my little office working right now... yeah right... Let's start: As I'm ashamed with my boss to ask for permission to get out early for a concert (again), we decided to meet after my work time (4pm)... We left Mexicali finally at 5:00pm... There wasn't a long line to cross the border to the EUA (luckyly), we stop for gas, to buy some fries, sodas, etc, and to buy batteries for my digital camera (damned little batteries CRV3 I only find them in the US)... We had thought about buying a mexican flag, but with the hurry we couldn't... In our way to Chula Vista we were talking about The Cure of course, other concerts and rumors, the México City concerts (yeah!) and the Curiosa comments, while all this happened we listened first to "The Cure" (15 song version compiled by me), then "Contraband" of Velvet Revolver, and when we were arriving at Coors, the Trilogy's Pornography...
We arrived at Coors at about 8:00pm, and as we arrived late enough and the "general public" parking lot was full, we had to park next to the Coors doors : ) ... Excited, the boys prepared the sweaters, cameras, etc while I was putting on some make up specially for the occasion (hehehe)... Nervous by a signboard in the entrance that prohibited professional and/or digital cameras, we were happily surprised when they allowed us to get in with our respective ones without problem (YES!!!)...
We entered finally and while the boys went to the bath, I went to buy some merchandise: a t-shirt for me, one for the good SPOONMANMX (I bought the gray one for you - yes, it was gray -, hehehe), a program and a mousepad... 75 dllrs!!!!! WTF...? Anyway, is The Cure, so shut up and pay : ( While I was waiting in the merchandise stand, I listened to some guys shouting: "Do you have any Tigres del Norte t-shirts"? Any Recodo's shirts?" Hahaha, I looked at them and we laughed, some of these boys were from "Mexicure"? I'm asking because although there were lots of latin people around speaking (most of them mexicans I think), that chilangito's tune stood out of them, hehehe... And even when I imagined that they could be from this group I was afraid of mistook them and I did not ask... They were some of you?
With my shirts in hand and after looking for my husband and co. without any results (they went to buy some beer) I went to my respective seat...
8:37 p.m... In the back row, a group of drunk puberts were speaking some stupid things and shouting like desperate trying to call the attention...
9:10 p.m.... My husband and the rest arrived happy beer in hand (well, not so happy, more than 6 dlls the damned little glass), they seated to my side and we tried to speculate about the opener... My prediction? Lost or Plainsong...
 9:25 p.m.... Lights off... (finally)... The Cure get ready and after a strange intro that I didn't recognize in the beginning, the concert starts:

1. Lost: Ha! I knew it, they used same intro as in Toronto, so after about 10 seconds, I recognized it and I shouted: "I can't find myself!", "I cant' find myself!"... The song begins, and when in Coachella it really surprised me and the version of Toronto seemed to me quite acceptable, in this occasion I didn't feel satisfied, Robert and the others weren't so into it and the people were with that WHAT? faces... Just a few of us were singing... (1 litle star)

2. Plainsong: Haha! My second prediction came true too! When I listened to the beginning of this song, I felt as if this was the real beginning of the concert... Robert sang with the heart, and I couldn't do anything else... than cry... this was the fourth time I see The Cure live and it was the first time I cried in a concert of them (second time I cried in a concert in my life, the first time was when I saw Cerati singing Puente)... It was absolutely magical, the most incredible moment I had felt seeing The Cure... I have spent the last three or four weeks in a terrible depression (by thousand different things) and listening to this song, listening Robert saying "I think I'm old and I'm feeling pain you said" and then feeling how my husband's hand took mine in the darkness made me feel alive again... It was the most beautifully hopeful feeling I have felt in my life... I'm crying again while I'm writing this... A beautiful song, from a to z, and excellently played as well... (3 little stars)

3. Fascination Street: Everytime I hear this song live something very strange happens to me, whenever I hear it begin I feel like "Hey, not that one again, please play another", but after a few seconds, I lose control and I sing it with my soul! They played it very well, Robert was super sexy! Whenever I saw his little face in the screens I couldn't stop shouting "Damn, you're beautiful!" (sorry but I couldn't help it)... (2 little stars)

4. A Night Like This: To this song I realized that this was going to be a concert for the average fan, the one that listened to them in the 80's and that after Wish they no longer worried about them... No surprises... I felt a little disappointed... I wanted to listen Siamese Twins or M or The Figurehead... Roger was excellent in this song... Very good!... People got so into it... (2 little stars)

5. The End Of The World: Puberts felt happy for knowing at least one song... People sang and the atmosphere turned good enough, but fans on their 30's were now the ones with WHAT? faces and scared 'cos youngers with the half of their age knew a Cure song they don't! Hahaha... Robert didn't see nor hear at his 100% in this one... (1 little star)

6. Lovesong: In order to continue pleasing the masses... This one was sang by the security guy, the candie girl, the snobest and the darkest... People looked to be really happy (I adore this song, but again, I'd prefered one less well-known song)... It was really good anyway... (2 estrellitas)

7. In Between Days: We continued, Robert? This song pleases me more than others, 'cos although it's quite popular, it comes from an album that's
not played frequently and Robert's guitar is lovely. Period. (2 little stars)

8. Just Like Heaven: GOSH, Robert, you're playing the most commercial songs of The Cure... but in this occasion I forgive you. "The perfect pop song", as it was described by Robert himself, turned the public absolutely crazy; I jump and danced and sang... and cried again hand to hand with my husband... You should saw Robert smiling romantically while Simon and Perry danced like crazy with the song... Beautiful. (3 little stars) When they
finished this song Robert continued playing his 12 string guitar alone... Like 2 seconds of silence and they started to play:

9. Jupiter Crash: WOW! I was so so happy with this! People were acting like dumb, didn't know what was going on with this song, I listened some
of them asking if it was a song from the new album, hehehe... I felt pleased listening to Jupiter Crash... One of Mr. Smith's best lyrics... A truly gem. (3 little stars)

10. Pictures Of You: Mmm... playing again for the masses... it was too beautiful to be truth... people sang it and were thankful to listen to a well-known one... Like the others, skillfully played, very well! (2 little stars)

11. Lullaby: This song is worth to go to see it in concert even if you're deaf... Just and only by the pleasure to see Robert act it... That man is sexy... His make-up fitted perfectly this song (if you've seen recent photos, you'd realize that Robert uses the eyeliner around ALL the eye, something like Addams family's uncle Fester, hehehe)... I love him, I wanted to have him close and kiss him... I love that man... (2 little stars)

12. Before 3: Before they started playing it I shouted: "Before 3, Robert!", and people who were near me were looking at me with "and wich one is that?" faces, and when it started I shouted: "YES, that one, that, that oneeee... " Ha! More than one must thought I was drugged (I wasn't, OK?) Although they played it beautifully, lots of people seated (I can't understand San Diego's public, I really can't)... For me, it was good, I saw them better... (3 little stars)

13. From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea: Simply, the GREATEST song of the concert. There is no discussion. Period. (and I was really moved by
it 'cos in my little paper sheet where I wrote the setlist and everything it has like 10 little stars, hahaha)... I had never listened to Robert sing this song like last night, never. Those are balls, gentlemen! (sorry, but it's the only way to describe it suitably)... Skillful, skillful... Beautiful, magical... If somebody doubt about Perry's guitarist skills, must had saw him last night. This song was worth the whole show. WONDERFUL. Perfect. Flood of rage, desperation, anxiety, EVERYTHING! The guitars sounded with more fury than ever. Aghhhhhhh! There were moments at where I literally GROAR... It couldn't believe it, I was scared... Don't have so say more... (10 little stars, hehehe)

14. Alt.end: The strangest song of the concert. The people were absolutely lost. Lost. I felt a little rare also... They played it very well anyway. (2 little stars)

15. Disintegration: DISINTEGRATION? This it is a gift from heaven! THANKS ROBERT! Simon and Perry danced all the song and Robert sang it
with such a fucking feeling. FKN good. Really FKN good. I could go home calm by then. And very happy. Thanks again Robert. (3 little stars)

16. 100 Years: HAAAAAAAAAA! I knew it! One of my friends said: "I only came here hoping to hear this song, I just wanted to come and listen to
this... " the poor man almost cried, we were all possessed singing along "IF DOESN'T MATTER IF WE ALL DIE" Uhuhuhuhuh! Excellent! While they played it, behind them, pictures in black and white - sepia of war prisoners, squads of soldiers with gas masks, women and children crying, dying people, cities in ruins, cemeteries... They created an atmosphere that made 100 Years the perfect song for the occasion... Red and white lights. Perfect. (3 little stars)

17. The Promise: People began to go away...??? I couldn't believe it, the concert hadn't even finished, it was still the encore coming and people began to go! I'm telling you, I don't understand this people... Perry became the sexiest guitarist of history in this song. I adore it. Robert, as usual in this one, "made love" to his guitar at the end of the song... Exciting, sexy and a terribly exasperating. I had not been able to request more... (3 little stars)

11:00 p.m.... End of the concert? Of course not, we have to wait for the encore... It's all dark, suddenly, The Cure begins to play while on their backs a 3-meter-high letter appears... It's an "M"...

18: M: It couldn't believe it! God exists! "M"!!!! I LOVE YOU SMITH! "Hello image, sing me a line of your favorite song... " My husband was
traumatized with this song (he likes it soo much)... While the song was played that red and big "M" was there all the time... I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky Mary is, that man loves her... so much... (2 little stars)

19: Play For Today: Go Simon! I adore seeing Simon dancing in this song... He is anxiously handsome and with that "I don't fk'ing care" attitude... Sexy, very sexy... hehehe... People were with that WHAT? face (again, ha!)... (2 little stars)

20: A Forest: Wow! The perfect end, sublime... Robert sang with RAGE. With RAGE. His voice in the end was heartrendering... Again and again
and again and again... The perfect end for the Cure concert I have enjoyed the most. (3 little stars)

Surprisingly I went home satisfied enough with a setlist I had never chosen. The Cure played with their souls... As I never had seen them play alive. Jason was very concentrated, Roger smiled all the concert, Simon danced and Perry dazzled and surprised more than one... Robert... I don't need to speak about him...I can't wait for Friday!
- Leobasita

The best concert I have been to: This was my second time seeing The Cure. This was the first time I was able to watch the band from the pit, close up,
within about 10 rows of people. Just before the show, I was able to meet Roger while my brother was using the bathroom! I was standing in front of
the AOL Broadband booth and noticed Roger walking by. I said "Excuse me sir", and he turned, looked at me, and I said "It is an absolute pleasure to meet you". He nodded his head in acknowledgement that I recognized him, and said "Have a great show, and have a good time.", and was on his way to another section to watch Interpol! I was in a amazed haze and could not believe that nobody else could make the connection. I did not want to talk to him to much, he seemed to be in a hurry, and I did not want to bring attention either. Nice guy, and thanks for saying "Hi" Roger. Total pleasure on my behalf.

The Rapture was great, Interpol was really good, and The Cure was the best thing that has happened to me in a long time concerning music. The band was one, they moved in graceful steps bound with the music they were each playing to make beautiful Cure music. I got to see Robert Smith pour himself into his music like never before. The dedication, the amount of intenseness was evident in his face, and got to see Robert sing like never before so close. Highlights for me were "A Night Like This", "From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea", "100 Years", "The Promise", and the entire encore, were all played with much emotion. I requested that "Play For Today" get played from their blog of events at, and they played the song!!

I noticed that Roger was very intent on watching and reading how the audience was taking in the songs, he seemed to laugh at what made San Diego
jump up and sing. Jason was in top drumming form, Simon played bass while he danced about, And at some points, during "One Hundred" years, and the end of "The Edge of the Deep Green Sea", "The Promise", "A Night Like This", "Play For Today", the whole group was dancing in a musical motion that when looked at closely, with Robert Smith bowing over his guitar for another excellent psychedelic lead was just incredible. My new cure friends that I met in the pit sang our hearts out on "Play For Today", in unison with the keyboards, and got everyone in on the singing, just like in France!! Hahahaaha, but you could tell that "The End of the World, Lovesong, InBetween Days, Just Like Heaven, Jupiter Crash, Pictures of You, Lullaby," was were the San Diego crowd responded most. Robert Smith went to each side of the stage durring "Plainsong", and I could swear, we looked directly in each others eyes. Robert put his hand to his heart, and you could tell he was thankfull, and taking in the experience. The crowd went nuts.

The crowd was nice, there was only one foolish drunk, who really did try to ruin it for everyone, I confronted the guy with a group of by standers in
the pit who understood the situation, and he darted for the front of the stage through the entire crowd!! He was wearing a old red and white baseball
cap, and come to think of it, what the heck was he doing there? He was waiving his hands like a heavy metal dude, jeez. And let me give one clue,
DON'T DYE YOUR HAIR THE NIGHT BEFORE A CONCERT, DO IT A OR 2 WEEK BEFORE, that way, you do not look like a bright orange/burgundy sherbet ice cream, but will look a "little" more natural. I had noticed this at the San Diego show and also a little at the Inland Invasion. Pretty funny. It is like San Diego turned on its alternative switch.

- Robert Eckert- kickingpoe

I have seen The Cure several times in the last twenty years while the friend I went with (paul) had never been to a concert before. I enjoy them every time I see them but it's easy to start just becoming used to it over time. As "Disintegration" was being played Paul asked if we could leave after it was over but I thought "One Hundred Years" would be next so I said we should wait a little bit longer. And I was right: "One Hundred Years" was next and it was great, but then we left during "The Promise." I would've stayed for the encore but having read all the Curiosa set lists so far and realizing that they started late I didn't think there'd be much of an encore or much of a chance for me to finally get to hear "The Drowning Man" live. As we drove away I wondered if Paul had wanted to leave because he didn't like them but it turns out that he really did, and we talked about how great the were all the way back, but just had to get up very, very early for work. When I got back to my place the set list was already posted here at Chain of Flowers so I saw that I missed the "Seventeen Seconds" encore, which is unfortunate, but at least I hadn't missed hearing any song by them that I hadn't heard live before.

We had lawn tickets and the lawn was nearly empty and almost comatose but livened up slightly as The Cure continued to play; maybe because it
was a weeknight. The audience cheered all the typical pop songs and were generally thrown off by the five songs from the latest album (although they were a little better received than I had imagined they might be). The audience seemed to be most clueless about "Jupiter Crash" but I was glad to finally hear it myself live and to hear "Plainsong" live for my first time (I've now heard everything from "Disintegration" live except for "Closedown," "Last Dance," "Homesick," and "Untitled."). Like a prior reviewer, I'm not going to complain about songs I didn't get to hear because The Cure has so many great songs that I'd never get to hear them all in one concert. I'm wondering if they'll come back this way sometime in the next year for a little tour of full-length concerts. If so, count me in.

- Christian

I was blown away by the concert in san diego last night--it went way beyond my expectations--here's my review:
Never thought I would hear a better 100yrs after the dream tour--last night proved me wrong. The same goes for fascination street , jupiter crash and pictures of you.  Disintegration was incredibly powerful and moving. It was lovely to hear before 3 and all too soon it was 11  and I thought well they can't play much of an encore--again I was wrong they came on to play a sumptious M. Then play for today and a really good and once again powerful  forest. All the band seemed really into it--even perry was jumping around a little!Robert's singing was strong and emotional at the same time--in the afternoon he djayed for 91X radio station and the whole time praised and played songs from the other bands in the curiousa festival--well it was obvious to me that the cure just leaves these bands in the dust--they are good --the cure are great!

- Kathy

I just got home about an hour ago from the show at Coors in Chula Vista, CA.  I am still on cloud nine from the night.  It was spectacular.  What
an amazing and brilliant show.  Let me start out first with the three other bands I was excited to see besides The Cure. 

Mogwai: I had been wanting to see them for a while ever since the first time I heard Robert talk about them.  I was interested in the fact that
they're an instrumental band.  Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw tonight when they played live.  There weren't that many people there
yet, it was still early when they went on.  Wow it was really awesome.  Reminded me of the way Robert's lyrics flow like stream of consciouness
instrumental.  It was mind blowing. And the very last song was by far the best.  I loved how they let it ring true.

The Rapture:  The only thing I knew about this band was that they have a guy playing the cow bell and the sax.  And did they make those two
instruments work.  I really enjoyed their set.  The singer has a very high and yet interesting voice.  They seem like they have a lot of potential to be even better.

Interpol: I liked them probably the best out of the three.  The singer sounds sort of like Jim Morrison.  The set was really good they played well.  Good melodies and guitar work.

Now for the best part of the night.  Right after Interpol's set I planted myself sort of in the middle of the pit section (squished in between two couples which wasn't the best place to be) and proceeded to wait there for an hour before the band came on.  The crowd after 9:00pm came around was getting restless.  I started to wonder what set list we would get and also what I was going to do if my feet fell off because they hurt so bad.  Anyways, finally at 9:30pm the lights went out and the crowd went wild.  The band slowly made their way to the stage and launched into Lost.  At that moment I was sure we were getting the poppy set.  Which was ok with me because it's the Cure and well beggars can't be choosers.  I knew it would be awesome.  After that the energy was there and it didn't stop through the whole set.  This was probably the best I've seen them play in a long time.  Everyone seemed really refreshed from the time off and they were right on.  Robert seemed very happy and upbeat, he smiled a lot at the crowd.  The others were looking pleased as well.  They're playing certainly showed it.  They did an amazing version of Pictures of You and Lullaby.  There were so many
highlights for me, but the ones that really come to mind are towards the end.  The Edge of the Deep Green Sea was passionate and gritty, Disintegration was melancholy and moving, 100 years was heartrenching and The Promise was the icing on the cake.  I never thought it could sound so good live.  Robert put his heart into it tonight.  The new songs didn't get as much attention from the crowd as I would have thought.  The poppy hits were better received.  I guess that is to be expected.  But I didn't care about that as an 11 year diehard Cure fan it was all the raw emotion and beautiful romance that a Cure show could possibly be.  Well done guys!!!  Thanks for a great night.

- Jenny

Was anyone else at the Chula Vista show looking at their watch, as 9:15 became 9:20, and then 9:25, wondering what encore songs would be
sacrificed, since the Cure still hadn't taken the stage at that point?

My anxiety melted away as the house lights suddenly dropped, the fog machines began to bleed out, and the packed Coors Amphitheater became
alive suddenly with Lost opening the set.  Robert's voice was powerful tonight, and his intensity was apparent from the start of the show.  The crowd erupted as we were then transported a few years back by the familiar, sparkly white lights wandering up and down the arcs of the lighting rig and the gentle sound of the chimes of Plainsong.  Robert's dark silhouette to the right of the stage was set against the pink hues of fog inbetween hulking spires of lighting support and speaker cabinet as he gazed out to the audience.  The bass from the keyboard ./ was a fucking wall of rain pelting your soul wave after wave, and the icy chills it created reminded me instantly why that album strikes me so deeply every time I listen to it.

The setlist as a whole, which was very Disintegration-heavy, was well-received by the audience.  I thought that there were just enough sprinkles of new material too, without overtaking the short hour-and-fifty minute set.  Before Three was the highlight of the new songs for me... The Promise was good, but I thought Robert's guitar was mixed too low and got kind of lost at times.  I liked hearing the "pop" songs in the main setlist, leaving room for a darker, more intense close and encore.  Disintegration and 100 Years were phenomenal, and seemed to have a lot more feeling than when I saw them performed on the Dream Tour... very, very tight.

The only distracting moment was during the end of the main set, when some drunk goofball managed to skip across the stage, weaving past Perry and Simon, and started "dancing" right behind Robert, who did a great job of just ignoring him, or was oblivious, completely into the song.  Roger got jumpy as the drunk guy approached his area, and darted in front of his keyboards to create some distance.  He laughed off the whole thing and returned to his spot after the guy was escorted away, however.

11pm had arrived by now, the main set was over, and my anxiety set in once again, knowing that curfew would have to be broken if we were going to get an encore.  They delivered, of course, and I was pleasantly surprised that we didn't get a short, "easier" pop-song encore, but instead got M, Play for Today (the audience was totally into it), and an amazing A Forest which featured some brilliant ad-libbed guitar by Robert.  It was a satisfying end to what felt like a short-set night.  The festival format was cool since it included all these other bands, but being a hardcore Cure fan, I selfishly wanted a full-length cure concert.  I knew what I was getting into, however, and had a great time, so I'm not even going to comment about what songs I
didn't get to hear!   Thank you, and see you next time!

- Bryan

I had the pleasure of being right below Robert's mic. The Cure were terrific. Despite it being a hits show (5 songs from the new album), they were bright and powerful. Robert was in top form and the sound was a hell of a lot better than at Coachella. One thing, during "Disintegration" Robert kept his back to the audience quite a bit. I thought he was upset that the song started rocky once again until he turned around at one point. Tears were streaming down his eyes. I've never seen him so passionate before. I guess that song really means something to him right now. I hope things are ok. They ripped into 100 Years next and it was perfect. Coming back for the encore Robert explained they had been back and forth from England and even acknowledged his own mumble by adding "blah blah blah" at the end of his sentence. The only thing ruff was hearing little teases of "forever" and "killing an arab" incorporated into songs throughout the night. We wanted to hear them. The pit was peaceful . Cure audiences are so behaved. The Cure were near perfect and we didn't have to have a "dark set" to make it better.

- Ryan

Wow!!!!!!!!! What an incredible concert, The Cure, pure and simple is among the finest of musical groups of any stripe.

First, the festival aspect of this concert was a great idea from the point of view that I got to hear live, groups that I really am not familiar with. To hear them in this sort of venue was a huge plus. I listened to all of the groups at the "A" stage: Mogwai, the Rapture and Interpol. All were very good, even given I'm not a fan of any of them.

Second, the festival aspect sucked from the point of view that The Cure were obviously going to be hampered by the constraints of a curfew. As a
result, only a single encore, even going quite a bit overtime.

Now, the Cure's set.

It truly amazed me the energy and the power of their songs heard live. Such an incredible depth of emotion in the music and the lyrics, all that set The Cure apart from all the other groups.

The opening with Lost just blew out the place, I think it blistered the paint right off the lighting poles that lined the perimeter of the amphitheater. The string of singles or hits played in the middle of the concert were fabulous. Whole sections of fans stayed standing at least all the way through Lullaby (the exceptions being Jupiter Crash which temporarily put everyone into their seat). Throughout this portion of the concert not only were people standing, they sang along with every song. It was incredibly moving, the words and the music just capturing and gathering up the entire audience.

For me though, the three key highlights were From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Disintegration and The Promise. Robert sang and played his
heart out on all three. I'm getting goosebumps right now as I play the video and audio back through my head as I'm writing. I think of all the crap that passes for music on the radio and I think of the mainstream artists that garner so much attention, take it all, total, it just cannot engender the emotion of even a single one of those songs I heard last night.

Unfortunately, the encore was brief and was made up of three songs I'm not very familiar with. But as I said at the beginning of this review, "Wow!!!!" what a night to remember!!!!!!!!!!

- Ted

