The Curiosa Festival 2004

Aug. 14th, 2004 - Dallas, Tx. (Smirnoff Centre)

Lost, Plainsong, Labyrinth, Facsination Street, Before Three, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, The End of the World, Anniversary, Lovesong, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven, Pictures of You, alt.end, A Strange Day, Disintegration, One Hundred Years, The Promise

Encore 1: M, Play For Today, A Forest

Encore 2: 10:15 Saturday Night, Boys Don't Cry.

Note: Charlotte Sometimes was on the setlist, but not played


COF - Mirai Sometimes -
Dallas Music Guide (Interpol & Mogwai ) - Lisa - Crystal


From the Dallas Morning News:

Review: The Cure delivers a perfect night

02:04 PM CDT on Sunday, August 15, 2004

By TERESA GUBBINS / The Dallas Morning News

Imagine being able to create your own world, where the weather is perfect and the karma is high, where you're surrounded by kindred spirits and pretty music plays all night long.

Robert Smith, singer for the Cure, did exactly that on Saturday at Smirnoff Music Centre with the Curiosa festival, which could also have been called "A Night With Robert and Some Very Special Friends."

The friends included not just the 14,000 or so in attendance, but also the half-dozen alternative-rock opening acts that, in one way or another, carried his stamp.

Some were blatant knock-offs, especially in their Robert Smithian vocals. Hello Luke Jenner, singer for The Rapture. How are you Daryl Palumbo, frontman for Head Automatica.

Others were simply in sync, musically. Scottish rock band Mogwai unleashed gorgeous, Cure-like guitar washes that rolled in like dark clouds and exploded like thunderstorms. New York band Interpol, in somber shirts and ties, sounded like Joy Division replicants, especially the robotic vocals; but why not, there are scads of people who've never even heard of Ian Curtis.

Auf Der Maur had sweet Melissa Auf Der Maur, who once played bass for Hole and Smashing Pumpkins, in the role of front-woman. She might be too smart (as in, not trashy enough) for the job. English trio Muse had to leave the tour due to an injury, bumping the worthy arty psychedelic band Cooper Temple Clause up to the main stage.

Everyone played about 30 minutes; the schedule felt tidy and compressed. As these kinds of things go, Curiosa felt less like a festival than, say, Ozzfest (although there were turkey legs). In the end, it was all just a prolonged buildup for the Cure, and the quintet delivered righteously. When you've done something for 25 years, it shows; if you are able to keep it fresh and joyful, as the Cure did, it is sublime.

Songs from the latest CD, The Cure, such as "The End of the World," had the vitality that goes with something new. But Mr. Smith and company
refreshed even beloved treasures such as "Fascination Street" by giving them new arrangements, with different instrumentation including electric
piano and acoustic guitar, and by shifting tempo significantly. "Just Like Heaven" became this buoyant, bouncy thing; some people in the audience were even blowing bubbles. "Pictures of You" was transcendent, with moody lighting and synthesizer notes that made the song sound almost Asian.

More than once, Mr. Smith just stood and gazed into the audience, cradling his arms, a placid, empathetic presence, absorbing and reflecting and embodying all that was in the arena, that perfect world.

(Thanks Kevin)

Dr Seuss once wrote "oh the places you'll go"

and so we get a dose of the cure. first off please let me make an appeal to the readers here, if you found my little striped vinyl bag containing my alabama drivers license, all my cash, and 2 rolls of exposed film would you please get my email address from the webmaster  and contact me about returning my license and exposed film. I'm over the money already, but you can save me the $20 duplicate license fee. the address on the license is old and the change of addy has expired so please dont send it there. I'm fairly certain it was lost in the pit during the encores. a very stressful development for me as I spent all day sunday worrying if I was going to be able to get on my flight from houston monday morning with no photo ID. since I'm now home writing this I made it through, but not without having to submit to a search slightly less humiliating than a full cavity exam. sometimes its a good thing not to have body piercings. I've travelled to see the cure several times and this was the first time I've had an awful experience. since I began my little adventure on friday the 13th I can only speculate that there must be some wisdom in that old superstition. a big hello to several of the folks here who have already reviewed that I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time and to those who I met again after 4 years. I'd also like to thank the state of texas for providing us all with some beautiful bearable weather which is totally unheard of in that state during the month of august.(of course that still doesnt earn dubya my vote, cause I dont need your bush and them, I dont want your bush and them.)  since so many of the reviews have already given such fantastic details about the cure's performance, I would like to slant my review more toward what the festival experience was like as a whole. I admit to being a bit skeptical about the whole concept of the cure playing with so many others. I was quite spoiled by those amazing long wonderful dream tour shows 4 years ago and 2 hours just seems so short in comparison. but having a long day event was in many regards much better. when my friends crystal, annette and myself arrived at the venue approximately 1 hour before the gate opened we were pleasantly suprised to find a nice chill out pavilion with a curedrink already in full swing! I knew right then this was going to be a fantastic experience. I gave away about 50 pounds of my accumulated bead necklaces to those who are mardi gras-less. whoo! that suitcase was soooo much more manageable coming home! we were highly entertained by a tv showing the events onstage as the equipment was being setup and saw quite a bit of that "new guy"(snicker) jason behind his drum kit. sorry jason, just joking! annette had a pit ticket so she lined up to get a good position. crystal
and I had excellent seats so we werent under any pressure to get inside, and when we did we wandered around and checked out all the booths and
had a few outrageously priced beverages. this festival was very well organized and I would like to thank PETA for my first crying jag of  the day. I know they are promoting vegetarianism, but that is highly unlikely to happen in the real world.  I do think that many changes need to be made with regards to the quality of the short lives that so many animals live before slaughter. thank you to the cure for having PETA along to offer enlightenment.  I have never been to a cure gig and seen such a mixed variety of people....white, black, hispanic, very old, very young....met 1 couple with their 4 kids...good grief that must be a costly affair! I never asked, but now I wonder if children under a certain age were allowed in free. if not they certainly should have been. as the afternoon wore on you could  feel the anticipation starting to build in the crowd. crystal and I sat and had conversation with the few people who had taken their seats during the CTC set. I cant really say if I liked them or not since they were basically background music for us at the time. maybe we didnt get the fire eating clowns, but I was highly entertained by conversing with one good ol' redneck fellow from shreveport who was a new fan at his first cure gig. He had accidentally discovered the cure by borrowing a kiss me cd that one of his co-workers had . he only had 4 cure albums as of saturday night...but I am sure he will be buying many others soon.  disintegration was not in his
collection, we assured  him that it was a must have. as each disintegration song was played that night I tapped him on the shoulder, nodded, and mouthed "disintegration". I would take a wager that he went and bought it the next day! I deliberately have not been looking at any photos from the previous shows as I wanted to be completely suprised by the lightshow! OMG, best light show I've ever seen at a cure show!!! being on row v in the sec behind the pit was perfect. close enough to see the band well, but far back enough to take in the full spectacle!!! it being a saturday night I wasnt suprised when the cure broke curfew. and since I lost about $140 in the pit when we made it up there for the encores I certainly feel like I paid a fine as well. maybe my eyes deceived me but it certainly looked like roger answered his cell phone during 10:15. if that is wrong and it was something else please correct me, but it was good for a laugh "can you hear me now?" a faithful few waited out back to see the band leave, which of course took hours. we had dwindled down to about 20 people when perry came out and graciously signed stuff and took photos before leaving with some friends headed for deep ellum. hope you had a great time perry and I meant everything  I said to you about how fantastic the cure are playing on this tour and
how fab the album is.....and finally the last buses and trucks left and so did to get a few hours sleep before the trip to houston...and will write my thoughts on that tomorrow....
PS: have to say Interpol totally rock! I will be buying their cd very soon!!

- Cheryl aka beachy

My wife Nicole and I and our friends Diana and Rich all arrived in Dallas to see the Curiosa Festival on Saturday.  This was Nicole’s and Rich’s first Cure concert.  This was my ninth Cure show.  I’m not sure about Diana.  We all rushed down to the front of the stage in the pit once the gates were opened.  We met some other fans that had been to most of the shows.  I was envious.  Everyone we met was nice.  We didn’t get to see any of the second stage bands because we didn’t want to leave our spot.  Nicole had her little black horns on her head and I was wearing my “Olds Cool” t-shirt.

Cooper Temple Clause came on first and I wasn’t impressed.  I only liked one of their songs.  The guitar player made me sweat just looking at him.  He was wearing a black leather jacket and looked like he was melting in it.  The singer looked bored or stoned.  The Rapture was a pleasant surprise. I have a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell.  LOL!!  The bass player and the cowbell guy were great.  They were having a lot of fun.  The singer jumped down and shook everyone’s hand in the front of the pit.  Nicole got their set list.  Next was Interpol.  I like this band a lot.  As soon as they came out on the stage, a guy to the right of us started screaming, “Carlos! Carlos D.!”  Another guy to our left kept screaming, “Specialist! Specialist!”  The singer just smiled and shook his head no.  Carlos was looking very suave in his white shirt, black tie and gun holster ensemble.  They started with Obstacle 1 and played great.  The new songs were fantastic.

Now for the Cure part.  Nicole and I held up our sign as soon as the band hit the stage.  It was a white poster board with a big black “M” on it.  Simon saw it first, then Perry and then Robert.  They didn’t seem to pay too much attention to it, but we kept it up for the entire main set.  As each song started, I would tell Nicole the name of the song playing.  She knows some of the songs, but none of the new ones.  All of the new songs sounded so much better live.  We were right in front of Simon and Perry and I kept screaming for Simon.  I had planned to buy a Reading F.C. jersey with Gallup #1 on the back, but didn’t have the extra cash.  Nicole commented on how well-built Perry looked.  The hard-rocking trio of “Disintegration”, “100 Years” and “The Promise” were an excellent way to end the main set.  Now for the best part of the show.  When the band came back out for the first encore, we held our M sign up high.  With a look in our direction, Robert said, “With such a lovely made sign, how can we refuse to play it.”  They started playing my favorite Cure song of all time, “M”.  It was amazing!  Nicole and I started screaming we were so happy.  The other people around us congratulated us for bringing the sign.  Nicole was happy they ended the second encore with “Boys Don’t Cry”.  Diana had made a sign with “Like
Cockatoos” on it, but they didn’t play it.  It was truly a magical night.  We then drove back home to Waco to try and get some sleep before driving to Houston on Sunday.

- Joe / joefrog91

I am a long time Cure fan, first time show goer. I have listened to The Cure since 1994, have at least 30 Cd's, all their show dvds, and even a poster of the band in my room, but nothing and I mean nothing could have prepared me for last night's show!!! I could almost compare it to a spiritual experience. The light show was amazing! Every color and rhythm of light change fit perfectly with exactly how the song was making me feel at that exact moment. I openly cried through Pictures of You! I don't think I have danced that hard in a long time!!! It was absolutely amazing!!
The crowd was great too. There was such a mixed variety of people. Everywhere you went there were goth and punk kids, but standing right next to them was Suzie homemaker and someone who looked like they should have been playing golf instead of being at a Cure show! I think one of the most amazing things that I saw all day was the person sitting in front of me. There was this little girl, probably nine or ten years old, with her parents. She had on her Cure t-shirt and sat quietly and patiently while all the other bands played. When The Cure came on, it was almost like the blooming of a flower. She stood up on her chair, screamed, danced, and sang almost every song with the rest of the crowd. She was so excited to see them and was so into the music! This above everything else should show Robert and the guys that they must keep going! There is a whole new generation that they are reaching that needs more shows and more Cds!!!
All in all, despite the heat, it was a great day. The opening bands rocked and I had a great time!!! This show has done nothing but renew my love and respect for The Cure and left me hungry for more, more, more!!!!!!

- Nicole

The show in Dallas was my third Cure show.  My wife flew from North Carolina in front of Hurricane Charlie to get there in time.  We were fortunate enough to get to go to the meet and greet backstage before the show.  We had never done this before and it was very exciting.  A very special thanks to the Universal people who made it possible and were so friendly to us!  A first class group of people.  I had never met the members of the band but had read so much about each one of them through the years.  Roger and Jason were the first ones out.  They were cordial enough but Roger made a comment about the tour getting "long" and seemed kinda tired.  They seemed to be in a bit of a hurry to get out of there!!   Next was Simon and Perry.  My preconceived notions of Simon were he was kinda a bad ass and not very freindly and I knew farily little about Perry.  We were very surprised by these two.  Both of these guys were so friendly and seemed so very genuine.  Perry and Simon both made a point to really establish eye contact and seemed very approachable.  We asked Simon if we could get a picture with him and he seemed very happy to ablige and was such a good sport.  They didn't have a great deal of time before going on stage but truly seemed like if there were more time, they wouldn't have minded sitting down and having a conversation (as opposed to Roger).  Like I said, I didn't anticipate Roger and I would be standing there cracking jokes with each other but he really is a funny and outgoing friendly guy!  Robert came in last and the 20 people in the room grew very was almost uncomfortably quiet....Robert made sure to look at each person as he was signing autographs but it seemed like everyone was afraid to talk to him or just didn't want to bother him.  I raised some small talk with him and he told me that there was a virus going around and that he had a sore throat...He seemed a bit uncomfortable and was clearing his throat a lot.  When my wife and I had our picture taken with him he was quietly warming up his voice but was still a good sport with pictures.
Not to repeat what everyone else said about the show...but the crowd was really rocking and everyone on stage put everything into it.  Being one of the few people who knew Robert really wasn't feeling all that great and had a sore throat,  I think I apprecated the effort all the more.  There wasn't any laying back to save his voice at all.  I think if the crowd hadn't been so great, he wouldn't have been able to put on the performance he did.  I think this is what he meant when he thanked the crowd for a great day. The only small disappointment is that Charlotte Sometimes was on the set list but time ran out and I would have liked Shake Dog Shake somewhere.
The few brief minutes with Perry, Simon and Robert was an incredible experience followed by a tremendous show.
- Bob

so where do i begin. the concert was just so amazing. we got there in time to here rapture and interpol, who i must say were fabulous too.  i payed double the price for my pit ticket that i got off of ebay, but i wouldnt have traded it for anything in the world. this is my 4th cure concert and i could not believe i was that close to the stage.  of course when the cure came on people were pushing and shoving to get to the front, but i was not about to move from my spot. i had only 2 other rows of people in front of me and i was center stage seeing robert in all of his glory.
i really  miss the fact that they didnt get to play a long show, but either way i dont care. the show was perfect. i made new friends, true cure people, and we danced and sang along and cried and it was just perfect in every way.
i was floored when they came back and played M, it was truly fabulous and edge of the deep green sea and disentegration-my all time fav cure
song-if there really is such a thing and just every thing they played was perfect.
robert did seem to be in a very good mood. he was walking all around getting close to the crowd and making faces and making his hair messier.  the people that i was around were awesome. i dont know what else to say. i guess i have said enough for now. and anyone that complains about the setlist or any other aspect of the concert, well i dont what to say about u. i guess u should have just stayed home, because u cant go wrong in any way if the cure are playing. so thats my story and im sticking to it. those of u who are still waiting for your concert, well u better get ready because it was a truly
amazing experience.

- Betty Boop

I drove up to Dallas from Austin with my buddy Joe and his wife.  I carried my freshly painted "Like Cockatoos" poster hoping that I just might get lucky to hear that song again while Joe had his "M" poster.  We waited for the gates to open so we could grab a good spot at the pit.  Talk about survival of the fittest.  We managed to grab a spot smack in front of Perry.
Thoughts on Cooper Temper Clause - The guitarist with the leather jacket was so entertaining to watch.  Must have been on a good trip.  ^_~
Thoughts on Rapture and Interpol - Great bands.  I was really impressed by them and actually will check out some of their music.
Just before The Cure came onstage, I gave one of the roadies a rock I wrapped in tissue paper to give to simon.  (Yes...I said Simon and not Robert.  ^_~)  What's so special about a rock?  Well, it has a heart in the core.  On the card I wrote:  "Because You Rock!"  Hope he gets it.
The Cure did great!  It was awesome seeing them again after four years.  Annette handed over her roses to Robert.  It truly made her night!  The
guys played great!  I focused so much on taking good pictures and trying to keep my spot that I didn't get to enjoy the show as much as I would have liked to.   This was my husband's first Cure show and unfortunately he didn't get to enjoy it cause he was making sure that I didn't get shoved around.  I had to snap at a few people because they were ruining the experience for me enough to make me want to get out of the pit.  My perceptive husband noticed this teeny bopper didn't have a pit bracelet and she was doing the majority of the pushing.  We called the security guy over and literally had her yanked out of the pit.  So cool!  It was much better for everyone else around after she left.  Had no idea one person could stir so much sh*t.  I don't understand when people try to get to the very front of the pit when I've been there all day suffering from the back aches and foot pains.  I've worked for it.
My highlights were 100 Years which was just so awesome as always.  Just the raw energy.  Play for Today...the crowd sang along with this song. 
And I can't forget how Simon just jammed out at the end of Forest.  They didn't play Like Cockatoos but that was alright cause I got to see if
the following night in Houston!

- Mirai Sometimes / Diana

I've been a huge Cure fan since 1985, having seen them live 10 times.  While every album and tour have been different, I've enjoyed them all. 
However, I was initially rather disappointed with the new CD, and also a bit unsure about the festival format and the shorter sets they've been
playing during the Curiosa shows.  So I nearly decided not to go to this show, thinking that it could never live up to my past memories of the band.
But in the 48 hours leading up to the show, my attitude changed.  I gave the new CD another listen, and enjoyed it more than any other time I had
listened it.  And as I thought back on previous Cure shows, I remembered how every one had been a great show and a memorable experience.  And
then as luck would have it, I was offered a pit ticket at the last minute.  Sometimes all the pieces fall into place, as if something was just meant to be.  And in this case it definitely was meant to be, because the band put on an incredible 2 hour show in Dallas last night which I will never forget.
We were only about 20 feet from the stage, directly in front of Perry.  Rather than bore everyone with a blow-by-blow account of each song, I'll
describe the atmosphere and certain moments of the show, as I experienced them.
The crowd (at least in the pit) was the best crowd of ANY concert I have ever been to.  There was no pushing and shoving in the pit, just hundreds of dedicated Cure fans dancing, singing, swaying to the music, and having a great time.  It's great how you can go to a Cure show and instantly feel a connection with people who you've never met.  But I've never had that feeling as intensely as last night.
As many people have said, the new songs do sound much better live than on the CD, and I think a lot of it has to do with the vocals.  On songs like Lost and The Promise Robert did less melodramatic screeching and screaming than on the CD versions.  That made the vocals more dynamic and the songs easier to connect with on emotional level.  Sometimes less is more, as the saying goes.
Simon had a fairly serious look on his face most of the show.... or maybe it was just an intense look to match the usual intensity with which he plays the bass.  It was only on the next to last song (10:15 Saturday Night) that I noticed him smiling for the first time.
Meanwhile, Robert and Roger shared a laugh during one of the earlier songs.  Robert was playing his guitar, standing in front of the keyboards facing Roger during a section of a song which had no keyboard part.  Roger bent forward over the keyboards so that his face was within a foot or so of Robert's guitar, and stared intently at Robert's fingerwork on the guitar for about 20 seconds or so.  Then Roger straightened up and looked Robert in the eye and they both broke out in wide smiles and laughter.
Simon had a flag or banner of some Football Club draped over the front of his amplifier.  I was able to make out across the top of the flag "M-something Stadium", and across the bottom was the name of the football club, but I couldn't quite make it out... I'm pretty sure it wasn't Arsenal... does anybody know exactly what it said?
The crowd in the pit was really into this show.  The energy level went up a notch when the band played "In Between Days", and when that was
followed immediately by "Just Like Heaven" everyone went wild.  Someone tossed their drink up in the air, showering a large portion of the pit
with beer... but everyone was having such a good time, that we all just smiled and laughed and kept dancing.  One couple right next to us occasionally blew bubbles up into the air, a few of which floated up and over the stage at times.  Early in the show (I think it was during Plainsong), someone in the crowd handed Robert about a dozen roses which he seemed very happy to receive.  Later in the show I saw a woman moving through the pit towards the stage with more roses, but I never noticed if she succeeded in getting the band's attention.
The only disappointments of the evening were very minor: Robert's guitar solo during Disintegration was buried in the mix and was hard to hear.  Simon's fantastic bass line during alt.end sounded great, but unfortunately he had his back turned to us the entire time, so we could not fully appreciate his playing on this song.  And of course, it would have been nice to hear a few more songs.
The combination of the shorter set, the song selection, the crowd energy, and the band's energy made this show a bit more intense than the Dream Tour shows.  The whole experience literally made me feel 10 years younger.  Robert summed up the mood perfectly at the end of the show when he said "Thank you for a fucking incredible day".
Thank you to, the best Cure website... the reviews of other Curiosa shows on Chain of Flowers were one of the things which
convinced me to go to this show.  Thank you to the Cure fans of Dallas who created a wonderfully intense atmosphere around the show.  And of
course, thank you to the Cure for putting on an incredible show.

- Tom

So I am going to start saying something about Cooper Temple Clause, I like the band but I couldn't hear anything from the lyrics, maybe I was too close I don't know, the band for me seemed to do pretty good. The rapture I think they did a wonderful job I liked their songs considering it was the first time I had heard them and seen them , so I think it was pretty cool, The sax player was very funny guy, very talented group  I 'm sure I will hear more from them in the years to come.
Interpol came later and by that time the stadium was very crowd , once and again it was the first time I've seen and heard interpol and I thought they did a good job too.

Now to the main set I have no words to describe what I experienced at the dallas show, like robert said "thank you for a fucking incredible day", I had been waiting fot this moment for a long long time, I was at the pit maybe third row. When they came to the stage the crowd went nuts and damn i think it was pretty packed , this girl gave robert some roses and that was cool. I figured they were going to start with lost and then plainsong . It was awesome  to hear these songs live . I don't remember in which songs some girl threw a bra to simon and it landed into some photographer head, this girl gives it to one guy and the guy throws it next to simon and when simon sees that, he makes a funny face. Actually it was one of the few items that
could be thrown at the stage, the security was very uptight and was making sure nobody throw thing at the stage.
I was very impressed when I heard before three and alt.end live ,it sounds better live than in the cd I loved those songs. Anniversary another great song from the album didn't sound as great as i was thinking, parry's guitar started making a weird sound at the end.When From the edge of the deep green sea and disintegration came up I went nuts , I had been waiting all this time to hear those splendid songs and it was worth it all the while.
We got the chance to have two encores, when they played M everybody was screaming specially the people in the front that were asking for M. When they played a play for today the crowd was very much into it singing " ooh ooh ooh" during the song. With 10:15 at the satruday night everybody was very excited and jumping in the pit , i wasn't paying attention to the people in the seats, even robert at the end started smiling with the rest of the band, when robert was playing the final part of 10:15 , who knows what they were smiling about....
A forest a great classic that should be played in every show. The final song of the second encore was boys don't cry, excellent song and at the end rob
broke a string . He left saying thank you as usual. We thank you robert for a wondeful day and time, the best show i've been in my life , the crowd was very enthusiastic and very much into it at least in the pit people were jumping and nodding heads like crazy for some songs. It was a memorable night  and I will always remember.

- Gregory

This is just a note on my thoughts after just seeing my 12th Cure Show since 1989, not bragging but maybe showing my age somewhat. I have been
a Cure Fan since 1965 after purchasing Head On The Door, I cant think of a band that I enjoy more than the Cure, tonight was a very energized
collection of new and old. From past history I am actually used to the Cure shows being at least 2:45 minutes in duration to even longer, but tonoight left me totally satisfied  and fullfilled after only 2 hours. I was able to hear most of their new recordings, isnt that what a band does when they go on tour? Play there latsest material first, then reminisss the past accomplishments. This comes from a guy who's favorite Cure song is the one they havent written yet, I have several songs that I enjoy more than others,no real favorite. I think that they moved through the set like oceans waves covering the sand? Does that make sense.....natural and beautiful nd hope that tomorrow's show will be as good, Ohh yeah, thanks for everybody pitching in and assisting us to have our Ultra intensity glow stick( passed from Row R) to the foot of the stage. Everybody was awesome tonight without a doubt, Take care everybody and if you have the opportunity to see them more than once this tour, I highy reccomend that you take advanage of the moment and go for it! PURE GOTHIC ROMANCE!!!!!
- Mike

  I just got home and wanted to try to put into words how I am feeling right now.  I do not do drugs, not do I drink, but I am seriously wired right now, on adrenaline.  When Robert Smith very slowly left the stage tonight he said "Thank you for a fucking incredible day!".  I have to return that statement back to him and the rest of The Cure.
  I am a long time Cure fanatic.  This was the eighth time I have seen them and one of the very best .  (nothing will top the Deep Ellum Live show for me)  The last couple of times I have seen them I have been on the first couple of rows.  Tonight I was on the 4th row center behind the pit.  I was still very close, but I wasn't so close that I lost the effects of the light show.  I have to say that the lights were great, I may have been missing out on this in the past.  The Dallas crowd was awesome too.  There were some great fans around me, it seemed like most of them actually knew the songs.  There was a lot of dancing and singing going on.
  Robert was very animated tonight, the most of any show I have ever been too.  Right from the start he walked to the front of the stage to stare into the crowd, he even took some flowers from a girl that I noticed had waited 7 hours to give them to him.  He danced around and was playful quiet a bit.  It seemed to me that he had a little extra emotion in his performance.  Like I mentioned before, he was very slow to leave the stage when he said his good-bye.
  I am tired of reading these review where people are complaining about the setlist.  I am sure you will have some of those from Dallas too.  As for myself, I love both aspects of my favorite band.  The deep emotional stuff and the pop are equally great in my book.  The highlights in tonight's show for me include :  From the edge of the deep green sea , 100 Years, The Promise, M ,  Strange Day , A Forest , and 10:15.  Although I am a little disappointed that they didn't play a couple of songs , I have to admit it was a great set.
  Oh, also, when I first heard that The Cure was coming to Dallas in the middle of August for a show in the outdoor theater, I must admit that I wasnt looking forward to a day in the heat.  It is usually 100 plus degrees in Dallas this time of year.  However it was a really nice day today, I think the high temperature was in the mid-80s.
  It was a wonderful event, like Robert said , fucking incredible. 

- Rich

