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Closing ========================================================================= 1) UPDATES ========================================================================= Version 0.98 (June 26, 2005) - Cards 200-203 have been found! Version 0.97 (May 23, 2005) - FAQ is essentially complete. While I'm missing some minor details, I'm satisifed with the guide. - Created FAQ section Version 0.4 (May 9, 2005) - CQC section added in Appendix. - Rare card list completed. Version 0.3 (April 26, 2005) - Deck builds included. - Minor changes. Version 0.2 (April 24, 2005) - Revisions made. - Card list: 198/204. Version 0.1 (April 20, 2005) - Normal walkthrough 100% done. - Card list: 165/204 Version 0.0 (April 11, 2005) ========================================================================= 2) GAMEPLAY ========================================================================= I. Game Flow ------------ After the tutorials and the first few missions, you're finally allowed to play the game 100%. Each mission begins at Intermission. Intermission allows you to edit your deck, buy new packs, save and go through options, and finally select a map to play on. At the beginning of each round, you'll receive two cards from the deck, excluding the first round. In the first round, you begin with a full hand (six cards). There are a variety of cards in the game, including weapons, armor, actions, and movement. Proceed to the DECK CONSTRUCTION part of this section for further information on the deck, and how to create an effective one. Each mission has a set goal. If the goal or objective makes no mention of killing guards, then a better grade will be awarded when succesfully meeting the specific objective the game brings up (usually reaching some bullseyes at the end of the level). Other issues that determine a grade is times found by the enemy, and the total cost incurred during the match. You are rewarded up to three cards for a good grade (1 for a B, 2 for an A, and 3 for a S). II. Using Cards --------------- There are three total ways to use a card. Most cards allow only two of these, while some rare ones only allow one way. These options are: 1. Use, 2. Equip, and 3. Move. Most Use Cards have two options. You can use the card (AN: for example, using the SOCOM card can destroy a camera), or instead use it for movement. If used for movement, the COST used is the card's COST minus one. Secondly, there are cards that you can equip. Most of these are similar to the Use Cards, where you have the option to equip or move. An example of an Equip card is Body Armor or Front Evade LV.1. Lastly, there are some cards that only allow Snake to use them. Examples of this are Big Boss or Action +. III. REST --------- The REST meter shows how many turns you have left in the current round. The default and standard amount is 2/2, meaning you have two actions to make before you're forced to END. Once Snake is at 0/2, the command menu automatically pops up. This menu can be brought up earlier simply by pressing X a few times during your turn. REST lowers COST as well. For example, let's say you've used an Action + to increase total rest to 3. After two turns, you'll be at 1/3 REST. All cards will have a reduction in COST by 2. If you were at 2/3 REST, then all cards' COST reduction would be 1. IV. Reaction (REA) ------------------ Reaction determines whether or not Snake can use defensive cards like Body Armor or the Front Evade cards. These cards in particular have a REA of 50%, meaning, there is a 50% chance that Snakes reacts to the attack from an enemy, and dodges/absorbs/blocks the attack. There are cards like Liquid Snake or the MP5 that can increase Snake's REA or lower the enemy's REA. Additionally, all equipped weapons have their own REA. If the reaction occurs, Snake will counter using the weapon free of COST. After the firing, the weapon is destroyed. Also, the soldier countered upon has an opportunity to counter himself. V. COST -------- Every card in the game has a set cost. If you use the card (whether for it's actual use or merely for movement), then the cost will be added to your total cost. This value determines when your next turn comes up. For example, let's say you use a Grenade (COST:7), and then a SOCOM (COST:5) to blow the grenade up, killing two guards. There are two remaining guards left on the map. One has COST of 3, the other has a COST of 7. Snake has a COST of 12 after his two turns are up. Neither of the three characters can make their next turn, as you need a COST of 0 to do so. However, COST is reduced at the same rate between Snake and the Genome Soldiers, so the first guard will have his turn up next. Then the next, and then finally Snake again. If you find your COST up high (like you needed to reshuffle your full deck, which has a penalty of 10 COST), there are cards like Meryl Silverburgh or Cost -4 that reduce it. If there are no enemies around Snake, then COST will automatically drop down to 0, and Snake can take another turn. VI. Game Column --------------- Every character, whether ally or enemy, has a column representing three things. This information can be seen through the Aerial View Mode, and can provide some more information on what your next move should be. The first number represents the number of cards the person had in their hand. The second is the amount of COST they have accumulated. The third represents their turn order. If that number is a 6, then it means that with their current COST, 5 other characters will have their turn first. VII. Equipping -------------- Most equip cards are easy to use. Simply equip the card in one of the two slots (4 slots with Equipment LV.2 and 9 slots with Equipment LV.3) and the card is activated. Examples of this are the boxes, card keys, and uniforms. The difficult thing that comes with equipping is with weapons. The game does a poor job of explaining what to do, and it doesn't help that the first weapons in the game, the SOCOM and FAMAS, are actually use cards. While the SOCOM becomes worthless early in the game, the FAMAS is still a decent weapon through the half-way point. So the game allows the gamer to reach this far without ever really forcing you to figure out how the hell equip weapons work. The key thing with equip weapons is to look at the ammo it uses. For example, the USP uses four CAL45 bullets when you shoot with it. Two other cards use the same calibur bullet; the USP (Laser S.) and the S.A.A. Colt. Let's say you begin a map with two USPs, one USP (Laser S.) and one S.A.A. Colt, and you want to kill the guard right next to you with the USP. First, equip the USP in one of the available equipment slots. Next, you now have to load this USP; as it is right now, there are no bullets in it. To load the USP, you need a WPN card that uses the same calibur bullet. Going back to your hand, you have three different cards that will load your USP so you can fire. You can use the same USP card, or you can use a different gun that uses the same bullet. Let's say you're going to load your USP with the USP (Laser S.). Usually, there is no rule that this card is better to load then the other card. To load, equip the USP (Laser S.), and move it over your already equipped USP. Instead of saying 'Replace' on the top of the screen, it will say 'Loading.' Press circle, and you will load the gun, and the game will give you the option to fire at the guard. You could use either of the three cards left in your hand to do so. However, you'd likely want to skip using the Colt, as the gun will only load three bullets, whereas the USP can be loaded with a total of four. If you look at the Colt card, you will see it fires three CAL45 bullets. The amount of bullets a gun fires is the same amount it will load, so if you were to use the Colt to load the USP, you would only fire three bullets. If you need a total of four bullets to kill the guard, equipping the Colt isn't going to work. I should also note that the number of bullets shot is determined by the ammo card. So while it may seem the USP has a total of four shots, you could technically load it with another card that fires 8 CAL45s. Although there is no such card in this game, other weapons in this game deal with this situation. The Chronicle Pack's R-5 has a total of five shots, but you can equip the M4 to fire a total of eight. So what does this do to your deck? Not a whole lot, but you may consider putting in 2-3 R-5s (the far superior gun) and 1-2 M4s (the better loader) to maximize your damage output as opposed to just putting in 4 R-5s. Additionally, there are many types of supplement equip cards in the game. Examples of these cards are Sniper Wolf, Aim, and Hold Up. You use these cards similar to how you load the gun. Lets continue to use the USP example, but instead, let's say you just have a USP and Sniper Wolf card in your hand, and the guard is three squares ahead of you looking at you. In this example, you could just use the USP to fire at the guard, but since he's looking at you, and is so far away, your hit % will be very low. To counter this problem, you can use the Sniper Wolf card to supplement your USP. Before loading it, equip the Sniper Wolf card on your already equipped USP. Now, load it and fire. Sniper Wolf supplements your USP by providing a 100% hit chance, and allows you to kill the guard instead of missing three or four of your bullets. Most supplement cards only have very specific uses, so make sure you take the time to look at these cards, and see if they're the right cards for your deck. VIII. Deck Construction --------------------- With the basics of the game understood, it's now time to look deeper into the deck you'll be using. There are a number of deck styles you can use, and it's really up to you as the player to decide what style you want. Some cards will be found in most people's decks. These include cost reduction cards, high BLK movement cards, and probably some sniper rifles. There are a lot of cards in this game, and it can be a little confusing in regards to creating a smallish 30 card deck. Some cards are only useful in certain situations, so you can eliminate these from your main deck most of the time. Examples of these cards is the Mine D. card. If you're on a map without mines, there is no reason to have the Mine D. card in your deck. These deck examples will not be very helpful for those beginning the game. There is an underlying theme in the cards (lots of COST reductions, lots of high BLK movement), so you can base these decks with lesser cards. However, the Sniper Deck isn't going to be a useful build for someone who doesn't have access to the PSG-1 yet. These decks are in a work in progress, so please send in your input. Sniper Deck ----------- A lot of people tend to use this type of deck for Teliko, as they give Snake something funner to do. Still, the sniper rifles in this game are devastating, and can really, dare I say, pWn the competition. This deck can also work well in multiplayer, although some minor changes will no doubtedly be made (like tossing the Jonathon Ingrams). 4x PGS-1 4x SVD Dragunov 3x Mosin Nagant 4x Sniper Wolf 4x Johnny Sasaki 4x Running Man 4x Stealth 2x Action + or Action ++ ---- 30 Total Cards CQC Deck -------- This deck cannot be accomplished until the very end of the game. Once the Power Plant missions are done, the MGS3 pack is available at Intermission. 4x Running Man 2x Ocelet Unit 4x Johnny Sasaki 3x Action + 4x Rush 4x Stealth 4x Cost -12 4x Jonathon Ingram ---- 30 Total Cards Multiplayer Deck ---------------- Remember, only COST -4 cards are available in multiplayer (lame). In my experience, Snipers rule, but I'm curious to hear your builds in e-mails. AFAIK, stealth does not work. The claymores work nicely, as you can totally lead your opponent into them. Load them up in a corner, then stay back and lure him in, or drop a few in random places in hopes of a lucky strike. It should be enough to get your opponent to start planning his movements by where you might have placed a mine. And if you have them there, than you have the game (Superbrak000). 4x PSG-1 4x SVD Dragunov 4x Sniper Wolf 3x Mosin Nagant 4x Johnny Sasaki 4x Running Man 2x Major Zero 2x Bandana 4x Claymore ---- 31 Total Cards ========================================================================= 3) WALKTHROUGH ========================================================================= This walkthrough is designed with stealth in mind. It is difficult to go through levels undetected until you earn the MGS2 pack in the card shop. Until then, my advice is to just shoot first and ask questions later. There, you'll want to buy Stealth cards. There are two difficulties in the game. Extreme mode is unlocked after defeating the game once. In Extreme mode, guards are more plentiful, have more LIFE, and some have a lot of equipment already on. This guide was not written with Extreme mode in mind. If you're looking for Extreme mode advice, unfortunately, there is not much to say. Stealth + COST reduction cards rule, along with the Rush + Rush combo. Remember that the LV.1 and LV.2 cards are in your inventory once the game starts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 00: Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move to the Genome Soldier card, and press circle to move. Take Snake to the designated point to your north, and then Roger will ask you to look forward (which is up if you haven't changed the camera yet). After you do this, we'll run into some more cut-scenes, interwinded with Snake running around. One back in control of Snake, it's time to tackle the ladder. Roger recommends (AN: demands in reality) to use the Body Armor card to move up to the ladder. I know it's early, but I figure now is a good time to give a little hint with movement cards: Always remember to keep a couple low-cost cards in your deck strictly for movement. Especially at the beginning of the game, when there are few movements cards available to you. The lowest cost for one of these cards is 4. The Body Armor costs you 5, so in reality, the ration or the Front Evade LV.1 would be a better choice. But in this situation, select the Body Armor card, press cicle on move, and then move towards the ladder and look towards it. This gives you the option to move up the ladder. Once on top, Roger gives you his lecture on equipping cards and items. For now, his lecture is enough for you to take advantage of evade and body armor cards. Once equipped, use the Genome Soldier to walk up to the gate. Then, use the Socom card (AN: despite it being a weapon, you don't actually equip this!) to destroy the lock on the gate. After the mission is complete, the game will take you to Intermission, which is where you'll spend a significant portion of the game at. Currently, there is nothing to do other then to select Map Select. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 01: Lobito Laboratory - Outside Gate ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press triangle and take a good look at where each guard is. The guard in the southeast corner will not bother you at all, so ignore him unless you want to kill all the guards in the area. The guard at the gate, and the one between the two buildings to the west are your primary targets. To begin with, move foward and then up the ramp into the first building you run into. You can do this without being detected, as none of the guards actually walk out enough to see you. Grab the MGS1 pack, then exit out and kill the guard in between the two buildings. Ideally, his back should be against you. End your turn early so you aren't initally detected by him. Now, walk out and flatten yourself on the southern wall of the northern building. End your turn, so you have a full set of turns after you knock. Once you knock, move to the western wall of the building, and end your turn. The Genome Soldier tends to go south, then west to where you knock, so you can imagine your target path. I recommend killing the guard as his back is against you, so that you can enter the northern building for the second MGS1 pack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 02: Office ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you start with a Genome Soldier card and a SOCOM or FAMAS card, then you can take out the guard down in the hall. If you can't, first go into the office to grab the MGS1 pack. You may have to crawl once inside the office due to the guard's presence, but I did not crawl and was not detected. Exit out the office and and move east then north. Stop right under the camera on the west wall (it won't see you, so don't bother destroying it). From here, use a SOCOM or FAMAS to destroy the camera ahead of you. This is a long distance, so your hit % may be low. Still, unless you have a chaff grenade, there isn't anything you can do here. If you fail to destroy it on one card, then wait until you have a second. Continue through the hall, ignoring the door north. Destroy another camera (use triangle to see it's line of vision), and then grab the MGS1 pack. Return back to the door we first ignored, and then dispatch the guard in there (he may be north of the MGS1 pack by the time you're through the office area). AN: The guard can see south through the boxes when you get the MSG1 pack. Crawl if necessary. Before you enter the door to exit out of here, continue east to receive another MGS1 pack. When you have it, go back to the northern door to continue with the mission. Alice interrupts you before you can continue. Follow Alice's suggestion, as the east side simply leads to a dead-end. The west side consists of two cameras and one guard. You can ignore the northern most camera as the door leading to Gary is right next to the first camera. Upon entering the room, a Patrol Bot will appear. To my knowledge, the bot always goes south, so whatever you do, don't head south! Instead go north to go around the bot, and enter the door to go deeper into the mission. If you can destroy the bot (through a grenade, then using a SOCOM or FAMAS to blow it up is the best way), it will drop a MGS1 pack. You're now in the eastern office room. Grab the MSG1 pack (yeah, another one!) and continue north. Take out the guard if you want to. Eventually, the game will cut to a scene with Gary. Mission Change -------------- With the mission change, we now need to take the eastern path, way back when I told you to ignore this path originally because of Alice. You can actually see the target goal in front of the door as you make your way from where you met Gary. Three guards will be your obstacle to get through the eastern door. A Grenade + SOCUM card combo works well to take out two or three of the soldiers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 03a: Ruins - Lower ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Immediately use the Aerial View feature to get your bearings. Despite the guard's presence to your east (the one that goes back and forth), he won't be able to see you at all. What we need to worry about is the two guards up the closest stairs. Fortunately, they shouldn't bother you until you make some noise, so proceed down the road towards where the camera is. A small cut-scene will occur. If you haven't noticed it already, the wall in front of the camera was just built, preventing us access to the residential area. Unfortunately, the game requires us to go right up to the wal to do this, meaning we need to disable the camera. I did not try it personally, but you could load up on chaff grenades for this mission, so that you don't have to spend five rounds waiting for one to pop up. Use it to disable the camera, walk up to the wall, then back off. The other way to do this is to kill the guards. If you destroy the camera with conventional weapons, at least one of them will hear you. So... take'em out. You should be able to get on top of the stairs without detection, but you'll need to eliminate both on one turn. Once you reach the wall, another cut-scene will occur. Return back to where you entered the Ruins from. AN: In Extreme mode, you skip the next two levels as you already have the C4 in your deck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 04a: Minefield - Lower ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to move westward through the Minefield. If you don't have it in your deck, put in the Mine D. card so you can detect the mines. There is a mine in the square to the east of the boxes nearby. There is also a second mine two squares to the west of the wooden stairs of the building closest to you. So yeah, equip the Mine D. card as soon as possible so you don't have to figure out where these are based on my descriptions, cuz they suck, k? A third and fourth mine are located in the northwest corner of the map, way outside your path. With three guards in the area, this map at first seems rather easy. However, it can be difficult to get through unnotice, which increases the amount of guards you need to face greatly. The MGS1 pack on top of the vehicle in the middle of the area is inaccessible at this point in the game, unless you were lucky enough to grab a climb card from the MGS2 pack. Which is doubtful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 05: Armory ------------------------------------------------------------------------- First floor ----------- There are a total of six armory rooms in this map, but only two of the bottom three are accessible at this point in the game. Make your way west, slowly killing off guards. I am unaware of strategies that allow you to dodge killing them. Of course, I'm open to your strategies if you were able to do it. This is the first map where the guards will start using equipment. A lot of them have Ceramic Armor, which deflects 80 hit points. Keep this in mind when you're tackling more then just one. The two rooms accessible (they don't have a colored door) contain just MGS1 packs. Your goal is to use one of the two stairs to reach the second level, where the C4 is located. Second floor ------------ You have access to the two bottom rooms, plus access to the stairs in the north. These stairs lead you to the three northern armory rooms on the first floor. If all you want is the C4, then enter the room to the left, grab the C4, then backtrack to the beginning of the map. If you want to get as many packs as possible, then pick up the MGS1 pack on the eastern side of the map. Then, follow the door north to get the Otacon pack, then proceed down the stairs to the first floor again. While you do this, you'll face with some patrol bots. They're a lot tougher then the guards, so make sure you're capable of killing one in one turn. If they detect you, Snake is in deep shit. The patrol bots have a huge detection range, so beware of that. There are also gun-camera on the floor. Fortunately, they're still relatively easy to kill compard to the patrol bots, so they shouldn't bother you too much. Just use the Aerial View Mode so you don't accidently run in their view. First floor again ----------------- AN: You'll have to go back through the second floor to exit the Armory, as we don't have the keycard needed to exit out of this section of the first floor. The middle room has a MGS2 pack, and the right room has a MGS1 pack. In the right room, there are some detection laser beams in the middle, which require you to crawl under them. Considering this mission is really long, it would definitely be lame to alert the whole base because you ran into the beams. Return back to the beginning of the map. AN: If you do choose to go through the entire map to get all the packs, you're grade will likely drop due to the very high COST that piles up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 03a: Ruins - Lower (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We're back here again. Remember to have the C4 card in your deck. The game won't even allow you to enter the map without it. Unlike last time, you only have one guard to deal with on the second level. Eliminate him and the camera, and then continue adding cards to your hand until you have C4. If you are fortunate enough to have some Cyborg Ninja cards in your deck, then you can take out camera and guards as you wait for C4 to show up. Remember that the guard patrolling the southern part of the map can look north through a shattered wall and see you near the new wall. To prevent the loss of a nice movement card, note that the game will immediately cut to a scene after you move one square ahead of the destroyed wall. So don't go using a Running Man expecting to get across the map. Once your through the new wall, you'll likely have a guard or two to deal with. Once they're through, go up the nearby stairs and make your way to the MGS1 pack near the entrance to the Office. Also in front of the newly destructed wall is the Stinger card from MGS2. Then, continue east to the Residential Area. There is another Stinger at the very top of the map, but there's no need to get that at the moment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 06: Residential Zone ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proceed north and dispatch the guard. Enter the building, and a short cut-scene will occur with Alice. Ignore the first door you reach, and instead enter the room below it. Crawl under the laser barrier, and grab the MGS1 pack. The room at the very bottom also has a MGS1 pack. Unless you have increased your total REST, it's unlikely you'll be able to enter this room without killing the nearby guard. Exit out the left building to the east. There is a item just north of you, but it's actually a real pain in the ass to get. Continue along the path and enter the middle building. The last door available leads into another room with a MGS1 pack. Exit out of this room, and exit the middle building through the northern door. From here, move Snake to the west, past the guard, then south into the Nikita Missile card. Now, return to the small bridge you crossed, and go down the ladder into the sewer, heading south. Go up the ladder once you reach the end of the sewer, then east across the bridge. Go into the middle building, and exit to the east (AN: the door to the west is empty). From here, continue to the eastern building. The game will stop a little short of the building with a cut-scene. Enter the left building, and approach the terminal. After the scene, Snake has access through the building's security. The middle room has a MGS1 pack, and the southern-most door leads you to Flemming. Escape! ------- After the long cut-scene, you now find yourself with a partner Teliko. The goal is to exit to the north, which requires us to pass the LV.1 yellow door. Teliko has the LV.1 Card, which is needed to get past it. AN: Yes, I realize that you actually have to draw the card, which can take awhile. Once you do have the card, have Teliko stand at the door to keep it open, and then have Snake come through. There are a number of things we need to do here. Three guards run after Snake and Teliko, which should be dispatched relatively easily. Teliko does not have WPN use cards like FAMAS, but rather, equip card weapons. This means you need to equip the weapon, then wait until that same card draws again to use it as ammo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 07: BRC-026 (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first area of BRC-026 is fairly simple. Have Snake and Telika follow the wall west, then north, then east to the door. For the most part, you should easily slip past the guards in the area, as they tend to stand still for way too long. If the guard's view is blocking your path, just wait for him to turn. Go inside the northern door (with Snake), and proceed to the next area. To quote Snake, "[w]hat a nuisance." One character will have to move to a terminal, while the other goes through the newly unlocked door. And so on. Take Teliko into the western room, eliminate the guard, and then move to the terminal. With Snake, enter through the Security A door, and take out the guard (you may need to wait until you land an Action + card to kill him in one round. One Snake is at the Security B terminal, move Teliko to the Security B door. At this point, we have a number of options. Going east takes us to a LV.2 door, which we don't have its respectful card key yet. This leaves two rooms and the Security C door. Have Teliko enter the eastern door. Take out the guard, and use the Security A terminal so that Snake can leave the room he is in. Then, move Teliko to the Security B terminal in the same room so Snake has access in the same area. From here, have either Snake or Teliko enter into the western room (through the door on the east side, next to the Security C door), and access the Security C terminal. There is a guard in here. Using whoever you left to pass the Security C door, go east to access another Security C terminal so that you can have the partners together at last. The 'Exit' door the very west leads to nothing, despite the fact that it can be opened. The two doors on the north both lead to the same, large room with some stairs. Two guards patrol the area. To continue to the next area, both Teliko and Snake need to be on one of the bullseyes. In this final area, have one of the characters use the eastern door to gain access to the Security D terminal. There is a MGS2 pack located in here. Once the D door is open, move the other character to gain access to the Security E terminal. Then, use Snake (I had him go get access to the Security D terminal) to move north. There is another Security D terminal in this room, which allows Teliko to exit out of the room she's in. Then, have Snake open up the F doors using the terminal in the same room he's in. With the F doors open, use Teliko to take the western F door. Take the first door north, and use the terminal so that Snake can follow. Go through the narrow hallway, then proceed north until you hit another door heading south. There are two MGS2 packs in here. Dispatch of the guard outside, and then move Teliko and Snake onto the bullseyes again. This mission just keeps going. Fortunately, we're done with the Security doors. Move north through the double doors, into another large hangar-type area. It can be difficult to get past the guards, while going down the stairs. A lot of times, they can be alerted to you. There isn't much you can do about it, other then to make sure you keep a few options for weapons. Keep a FAMAS or two, or some ammo for a USP to make sure you can eliminate any threat before alert mode hits. Go west once you're down on floor level, and follow the hallway back to where we first were originally. There are two MGS2 packs on each side of this large room, but the ultimate goal is to continue south, through the door, then west at the fork. AN: There is a LV.2 door if you go south at the fork, and I figure this is a short-cut back to the beginning of the level. Ignore the door to the west, and instead, take the door to the south. Have Snake approach the ladder to finish the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 07: BRC-026 (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Time! ---------- Return back to BRC-026 (nothing on the map select is different). When you enter, Leone will drop uninvited. This begins the game's first boss fight, although the same rules and strategies apply. Forget about taking Leone head-to-head. To me, it seemed like he was able to evade anything I threw at him, and usually countered with his attack (which takes off about 100 HP!). Immediately, split up Snake and Teliko. Leone will follow one of them, which leaves the other to get behind him and chip away. This is much harder then it sounds, as Leone has no trouble moving his attention between the two. Throw grenades and blow them up with your own weapons for some good damage. Additionally, you can use the explosive barrels to take off around 150 HP and put him on fire. Being burned sucks and can take off a significant chunk of HP. When I first fought Leone, I actually managed to kill Leone by a 142 HP damage from him being burned. With these strategies, you shouldn't have too much trouble with Leone. As you approach the end of the battle, start stocking up on some cards. Even if this means you'll delay victory for a few rounds, you'll be glad to have a hand of cards after the battle, as Snake and Teliko will be forced to flee BRC-026 from about 10 guards. Escape... again! ---------------- After Leone is beaten, you'll be back in the first area with the Security doors and terminals. Fortunately, they're all open for you to pass, but you now have around 10 Genome Soldiers approaching you. In fact, a guard even starts right behind you. You can try plowing your way through the guards, but if you aren't in good shape after Leone, you may find yourself in trouble. All the guards have Body Armor, so you'll usually need more than a simple FAMAS to take them out. If you're well equipped, you should have no problem making your way to the exit. The exit is that door I originally noted for leading nowhere. It now leads to our goal. The guards tend to bunch up, so if you can manage any type of explosive attacks will greatly help. If you have a well-equipped deck, you can make a run all the way to the exit on one turn (using high BLK movement cards and COST reduction cards along the way). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 03b: Ruins - Upper ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the upper section of the Ruins we were here earlier. If you didn't get it earlier, the Stinger (MGS1) on the south end is available again. Outside of the usual Genome Soldiers and Patrol Bots, we now have a new enemy to worry about: the flying bots. With only 60 LIFE, your biggest worry with them is their large view range. If you choose to use Teliko to go north, note that there are some laser detectors in the square just north of her. You'll have to use a card to move in place so you can crawl under. I like to follow the northern wall; you don't have to worry about any of the machines, and there are a lot of obstacles to use to hide yourself. You should have a couple of Stealth cards from the MGS2 pack, which helps things greatly. You need both Teliko and Snake to finish the level on the west end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 08: Drawbridge ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our objective is to cross the drawbridge to the north. Just north of your current position, there is a MGS2 pack outside the small building. There is nothing in the building, so continue across the drawbridge. While you're moving along, stock up on weapon and defensive cards for some action coming up. When you reach halfway across, a short cut-scene will occur. With the drawbridge raised, return back to that empty building. As you approach that, the damn thing blows up. Shiat. After some more dialog, take out the four soldiers. Once they're gone, the mission's objectives change. Move to the bullseyes to the west. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 04b: Minefield - Upper ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember to add the Mine D. card in your deck, as hitting a mine can really make this level interesting. A Stealth card can really make this level easy. Truth be told, it's probably the difference between a S grade and a C grade. There are a decent amount of guards patrolling the area, so it's hard to manuever past them without any help. If you forget about the mine detector, then expect a mine on any type of shortcut past guards. If you see an available path that lets you easily pass a few guard, then it's probably too good to be true. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 09: Ebro Tower (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you head north, go south and grab the MGS1 pack under the gun-camera. If you walk right under it, it should not detect you. This saves you with wasting a WPN card to destroy it. After the cut-scene, your objective is changed. Now, you need to find a uniform so that the 'clown' soldiers won't shoot you down. As you saw from the scene, red won't shoot red, green won't shoot green, and so on. Careful with the green guard on top. For the most part, he can't detect you at the lower level, but he can detect if you're on the very northern wall. Use the southeast door to gain access to a green uniform. The southwest door has the blue and green uniforms. With all three uniforms obtained, return to the entrance of the factory; you need to put the cards in your deck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 09: Ebro Tower (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, back at Ebro Tower. Make sure you have the C4 and uniforms in your deck, or Roger won't allow you to continue on the mission. From the start, go north through the door, then east into the room with the green uniform. Use the NW corner to hide and wait until you can run past the soldier and use the crawl space to move into the northern room. Once you do that, go across the room towards where the red guard is (and where some stairs are). This part can get interesting. The green guard up on top can detect you at some squares (although I think you will only get the ? alert, and he'll forget about you. The red guard on the other hand, can be difficult. He's easy to run past if he's on the northern part of his patrol, but he can also be blocking you if he's stuck on the southern part of the patrol. Stealth works wonders here, or you can use Uniform-R. As you go up the stairs, switch to Uniform-G so the guard can't detect you. Before going down the ladder, go inside the nearby room. Crawl under the sensors, then activate the terminal. Apparently, there is a hidden room, which will require the C4 Alice suggested we bring to open up. Now, and go down the ladder in the middle of the catwalk. You must kill the guard here, so make sure you have the cards to do so. You might have to wait numerous rounds so you can get a clear shot from behind. He will be equipped with a Front Evade LV.2 After he's dead, continue to the other side, up the ladder, and then use the only available door. To get to the MGS2 pack, you'll have to use a Hang card (Manifest). Also, Solid Snake from MGS2 (Ferguson). There is a blue guard in this room. Undoubtedly, you have drawn the Uniform-B card, so use it to make your life in here easy. There are some laser sensors here, so crawl under them as you make it to the MGS2 pack in here. Exit out of the door once you've retrieved this, then move to the north wall to trigger some dialog with Roger. Careful with the soldier in this room; if you're crawling through the laser sensors, and he sees you, Snake's cover is blown. Once your back outside in the main room, walk to the northern wall, and Roger will tell you to put the C4 here. If you have not activated the terminal earlier, this will not come up. Instead, Roger will tell you to back to the terminal. Place the C4 on the ground, then blow it up. Walk through the hole, then finally towards the elevator after another scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 09: Ebro Tower (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure you have the Mine D. card in your deck!!!! Out of the elevator, proceed south through the door. This place looks a little intimidating at first, but isn't all too bad once you get things down. Having the Mine D. really helps as well. To begin with, let me describe what each colored panel does. Blue - Increases defense Yellow - Refreshes hand Red - Increases attack Green - Increases hit rate The yellow panel is really the only one you need to worry about. A new hand can be good, or it can be downright nasty. If you have the hand to defeat Clown, double-check that you don't accidently land on a yellow panel! While you're moving towards Clown, she'll be dropping down more claymores on the map. She likes to trap you in between claymores, so you're forced to get hit by one. Use big-time damage cards like grenades or a Nikita Missile. The Nikita is ideal, because you will set clown on fire, which does ridiculous damage. Just remember once she's burned, not to get close to her! After you defeat Clown, some more cut-scenes will occur. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 10: Rope Bridge (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rope bridge is patrolled by U.A.V. Cyphers, meaning there is no way for Snake and Teliko to cross undetected. Snake suggests looking for a sniper rifle in the armory, west of the office. Roger agrees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 05: Armory (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before entering the Armory, put in the LV.1 and LV.2 card keys in your deck. Doing so makes you life significantly easier in this level. If you recall, there were doors you could not pass without these cards. For the most part, this didn't prevent you from exploring the whole level, but it required you take the long way. Walk into the hall from the lobby, and a short scene will occur. There are now more difficult guard here, with 100 LIFE. However, most do not carry any equipment on, so in some ways they're a little easier. Since it's been awhile, careful that you don't forget about the cameras! On the first floor, the southwest door requires Card LV.1 to open. Since you should have two (one for each character), I sent Teliko to open the door and get the goodies inside. Snake went north, as the Card LV.2 comes into play, and Snake is likely the only one with the card. The SW room has a MGS2 pack, and the NW room, which requires Card LV.2 has a MGS3 pack. After you get both of these, use the northern stairs. When you reach the second floor, the NE room has two PSG-1 cards. The NW room, which also requires the Card LV.2 has two more PSG-1 cards and a MGS2 pack. I found this level to be a real pain. It's long, so it requires a lot of moving. Secondly, if you only have one Card LV.2, you'll have to go through your entire deck to get it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 10: Robe Bridge (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember to get rid of the card keys you used for the Armory, and also add the four PSG-1's you retrieved. You can give two to each character, or all four to one. In my opinion, it's best to give all four cards to one character, as it will speed up the process of destroying the Cyphers quite a bit. But note that you can now purchase the rifle from the MGS1 pack in the card shop, so theoretically, you could load up both Snake and Teliko with four a piece. Once in the map, realize that there are five total cyphers. Which means you'll either have to reshuffle your deck to take out the last, or use conventional weapons. Some of the cyphers will eventually move onto where Snake and Teliko start. Once the PSG-1 cards start coming in, just move onto the bridge and take out the cyphers. Remember that after you make your move, and are selecting which direction to look, a orange arrow will appear above the cypher if you can attack it on your next turn. Once all the cyphers are destroyed, a cut-scene will occur. Afterwards, your objective will be changed slightly. Before we can enter FAR, we need to go to the Power Plant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 11a: Mountains ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before we reach the Power Plant, we need to go through the mountains. Load up on stealth and movement cards if you have been building up on your deck. No need to kill the guards if you can run right past them. The Running Man card from the Chronicle Pack, if you haven't already gotten one, is fantastic for this type of mission. And like the Rope Bridge, this is another great level to have four PSG-1 cards lying in your deck. There are a few WPN cards on the ground, so again, I emphasize stealth and movement. Careful for the guard on his flying contraption; at 180 LIFE, he can take a pounding. However, he doesn't patrol like most guards, and he can't see below where he is flying, so take that as your cue to not bother with them. There is a Nikita Missile card at that first western path up a hill, which will require a Stealth Card so he won't see you (or a 4 REST). AN: The flying guard sees essentially everything north of the shack you'll run into early in the map. Once you head east towards the bridges, you'll be okay. A Stinger (MGS2) is located near two soldiers, along with a flying guard looking beyond the cliff east of them. For grade purposes, it definitely is not worth trying to get the card, as you need to kill both guards together (or they will call for help if one dies), and the flying guard can see you approach the more northern guard. Whether or not you decide to go after the Stinger, you need to go west, then south up a hill and cross the two bridges. Despite how it looks, it should be fairly easy to cross them without being detected by the guards patrolling this last path of the map. Again, the PSG-1 works wonders here. But the game rewards stealthy-play, so your best bet is that wonderful Stealth card from the MGS2 pack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 12: Outside FAR (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to move directly east across the outer edges of FAR to reach the Power Plant. In the three smaller buildings, there is a MGS2 pack (except for the SE building, which has a MGS1 pack). In the larger building in the center of the map, you will find a Chronicle Pack. None of the buildings have any laser sensors tricks, so decide now if the card packs are worth the extra time, COST, and possible detection. Lets use south for now. Move down against the vehicles, and wait for the two guards nearby to reach the northern part of their patrol. This allows you to run clear across to the eastern side of the map. You will approach a guard at this end, and you can attempt to dodge him by moving north, using the vehicles east of the big building in the center to hide. From there, run east to the bullseyes. A really, really easy way to beat this is to load up on PSG-1s, and kill away. Or, put three or four stealth cards in makes this equally easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 13: Power Plant (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow, I'm not quite sure what to say for this opening section of the Power Plant. Even with PSG-1s, it's hard to get out of here undetected, because the guards are so close together. Outside of waiting for a couple of Stealth and movement cards (along with Action+ cards), I don't know how to get past here without being alerted. There is one MGS2 pack, and one Chronicles Pack. Of the many aspects of the game, I'm curious to see what you readers have on this part of the level. Onto the second section of the plant. The key is to go up the stairs and reach the bullseyes on the north part of the area. Grab the MSG2 pack nearby, and go up the only available stairs (as you further inspect the area, most of the paths are blocked by obstacles). Go up the stairs, then turn north, west, north, and down the stairs Once down the stairs, proceed east to another set of stairs. Before you do so, go north to find a MGS1 pack. Once up the stairs, go south to reach a Chronicle Pack, but your ultimate goal is north to where the bullseyes are. Again, this is another difficult area, because everything is so cramped. Without Stealth cards, you may be in trouble. I figure PSG-1s would rule again. In the following area, you'll run into another long corridor. If you have it, a grenade works perfectly to kill off the four guards all bunched up in front of you. If you don't, let them continue to move forward until they get close to the explosive barrel. Once the group of four are dead, you only have to worry about two other guards, one on each catwalk on the side. There is a MGS2 (in center area) and a Chronicle Pack (on west catwalk) located here. At the end of the hall, you'll find another set of bullseyes. Nikita Missile away! -------------------- To begin with, don't bother with the laser sensors to the east, and instead, go around the thing in the middle from the west. Dispatch of the guards, then fire a Nikita or RC Missile down the electrified hall north. Take a west, then continue until you run into a guard. As far as I know, I was unable to get the missile past the guard, as he would detect it and blow it up. So kill the guard, and use another RC or Nikita Missile card, following the same path. After where you killed the guard, take a short south, then west, and finally north into the switchboard. After this is destroyed, the whole place will be alerted. Fortunately, you should be stocked on some movement cards, so go down the newly unelectrified hall. Just when the previous electrified hall meets regular stone ground, there is a door that has a Chronicles Pack inside. Continue along this new path, until you run into a copy of the room you entered. The southwest corner has a Stinger (MGS2) card. Move whoever has a missile card to the east wall, and position them so they're one square west of the hole on that wall. There is a small passage that leads back to where you started. This allows us to get some elevation to the missile, so that it can destroy the second switchboard. Make sure there are no guards around left from the alert to detect your missile. Keep it east into the second electrified floor, and go north once you see another passage high up on the wall (about halfway down the hall). With the second switchboard destroyed, walk down the new path, then head north towards the control room. You can skip the first laser sensors on the west wall, but a few squares north of you there is another, non-skippable sensor. Crawl under it, then continue to the bullseyes. There is a Chronicle Pack in the center of the room. Your best bet is to take one of the catwalks. Destroying a patrol bot doesn't count as a "kill," so it doesn't hurt your score. I don't believe it is possible to get through here undetected without doing this specific strategy. The Final Stretch ----------------- Here, Snake and Teliko need to split up. Each need to move north into their respective door/path. At this point in this map, just kill whatever obstacle you run into. It's just not worth the extra time to try and figure out how to do so (if it can even be done). The terminal that Snake reaches unlocks the door to the room Teliko's path leads to. Have Teliko approach the terminal in that room, and this opens the door to a room with a Stinger (MGS2) card along Snake's path. Once Snake has the card, Teliko can exit out of this room and continue along her path. Directly west of the room with the Stinger is a Chronicle Pack that Snake can pick up. Continue with Teliko until you run into another terminal. Then, back with Snake, continue until you can reach the room that Teliko unlocked. Along the way, you'll run into a separate room that has a MSG2 pack. After Snake reaches his terminal, take control of Teliko and have her go all the way towards the control room. After Teliko is through the gate (next to the terminal she was at), Snake can continue along his path the control room as well. Once one of you characters reach the door into the control room, the mission will finally end. Ugh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 13: Power Plant (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is hard. The game suggests using the Therm. G. card, but I didn't find it as helpful. COST reduction cards and high movement stuff is always the way to go in mu opinion. For those anal about getting an S score, there IS a lot of leeway with regards to total COST used, LIFE taken, and kills. Return back to the Power Plant. With the lights out, your field of vision will be limited, and you won't be able to see guards further away. To make things simple, just have Snake and Teliko go back through their respective passes on this section of the Power Plant. Teliko will run into a guard just as she is going down the first pair of stairs on her path. Additionally, once she passes the gate opened by Snake, a guard or two may be near enough to detect. The first guard Snake will encounter is down the stairs after he passes through the door opened up by Teliko. A second guard he will encounter is the first terminal Snake accessed when we first entered this area. In the following section, you have two choices: go through the middle, or take the catwalks. By taking the catwalk, you need to deal with a Patrol Bot, which has a better view of vision. But by going through the middle, you'll need to destroy the explosive barrels to get through. In the electrified floor room, remember to dodge the laser sensors near the exit. At the very end of this section, go under the laser sensor just east of the bullseyes, as guards patrol the other section of this area. The next corridor in very similar to the one we were just in, minus the patrol bots on the catwalk. Have each character go on one of the catwalks, and kill the guard ahead north. If you can conserve COST, make a run with Snake and Teliko to the bullseye. You will be detected, but the guards won't be able to call for help. The last area of the map requires you to kill about five ACUA troops, the toughest guards in the game. Still, normal strategies work against them. If there's one piece of sound advice that I could give you, it would be to keep Snake and Teliko together, and isolate the guards to go on 2-on-1. There are a few explosive barrels to use, but be careful: they will use the barrels against you as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 12: Outside FAR (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get at least one Stealth card on Snake and Teliko. Like the last time we were here, take the southern route to the western wall. They two guards in the west end tend to group together in the north, leaving us free to reach the west wall. There is still one guard to deal with, and of course, it's up to you how you want to proceed. If you have enough 4BLK movement cards, you can run past him pretty easily. Or the Stealth card works. Or you can just kill him. Once you approach the NW building, search for the square three squares down and one square west of the building's door. Use this diagram if you need help. NW Building's door +-=-+ | | | | |---| | | | | +---+---+ | X | | | X | | +---+---+ Assume that the XX is one bullseye, and all the squares around it represent another bullseye. Once Snake and Teliko are near the manhole, the mission ends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 14: FAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a number of cards you'll need for this mission. Move south down the hall, and destroy the gun-camera in the corner. Turn east, and destroy the gun-camera on the nearby wall. The patrol bot should not interfere with you. Nonetheless, you'll want to kill the bot off, as we'll be needing to use a guided missile in this part of the map. Once the patrol bot is destroyed, go north at the fork to the electrified floor. Before you fire a Nikita or RC Missile, use a sniper rifle to take out the gun camera at the very north end. While you're waiting for a Nikita or RC card to show up, continue east, then north down a narrow hall. Careful for the gun-camera in the corner. There is a MGS2 card in the following room. For simplicity's sake, let's say Snake is firing a Nikita Missile. Of the two square wide electric floor, have Snake stand on the more eastern one. Shoot the missile, and have it go north, then east two squares when you have to change directions. Continue going north until you hit the wall, then west, then north into the vent on the wall. Once you're through the vent, just head south into the switchboard. With the floor un-electrified, have Snake head down, grabbing the Chronicle Pack as he nears the terminal in the room. There are two gun-cameras located here, but they should be easily dispatched. Once the terminal is accessed, the southern door near the bullseyes will be opened. Move both Teliko and Snake on their respective bullseye to move to the next section. Second Area ----------- This part of the mission is essentially a 3 x 3 square map. Doors or destroyable walls separate each square/room. Go through the west door, and use C3 or C4 to destroy the the northern wall. This will alert the guards, so don't bother with stealth in this mission. Grab the MGS1 and Chronicle Pack while you eliminate the half-dozen or so guards that will rush after you blow up the wall with C4. Blow up the second wall to the north to get a MGS1 and MGS2 pack. Return back to the middle of the west rooms, and enter the center room. Go north, destroy the gun-camera, and walk onto the bullseyes. Mission Complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 14-1: FAR: B3F ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite the fact he's certified crazy, Leone remains the same boss we all know and love from much earlier in the game. Yes, the extra guards to help him out is kind of annoying, but your overall fire-power should blow them out of the water in no time. In particular, the Gun del Sol and Nikita/RC Missles work wonders. Not only do they do big damage, but they also burn, which causes significant damage over a few rounds. Other then that, Sniper rifles + grenades + blowing up the explosive barrels will slowly chip away at his mammoth 1500 LIFE. Remember to eliminate the lackies first, as they can just cause trouble while you're dodging Leone's tough attacks. And forget about going to head-to-head with Leone; he'll dodge everything you throw at him. Get behind him! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 14-2: FAR: B4F ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The goal of this mission is to drop down to floor level and reach the bullseyes to the south. To make things simple, there is one MGS2 pack in the entire map, just north of your starting position. And let me be the first person to say, "wow!." For a semi-difficult game, the last few levels in the game are awfully easy. There is a simple and hard way to do this level. If you have tons of Climb cards, have Teliko and Snake climb on the blocks near the entrance, then down the nearby stairs. The bullseyes are just east of there. Without the climb cards, you'll have to head north on this second floor before you can gain access to another stair-case to the first floor. Not much you can about it, unless you have the Climb cards. The guards are the same as they've been for awhile now. Was it just me, or did the door to the bullseyes not open until you killed a certain amount of enemies? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 14-3: FAR: B5F ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here, we'll face Clown again. She is still dressed as Teliko, so you'll have to be the distinction on who's who. Later, even more Teliko clones will show up; it isn't out of the ordinary to have five total Teliko's on the map at one time! To make things harder, the good Teliko will be computer-controlled, although I noticed I would get some turns with her. From the looks of it, it appeared to be completely random. To find who is who, use the Aerial View Mode by using the Triangle button. Clown has a total of 800 LIFE. The good Teliko has a 400 LIFE, and the clones have 60 LIFE. During the match, Clown will throw a flash grenade, which repositions everyone. This can get real annoying, as usually you just have Snake to make your attacks. And if Clown is on the other side of the map, there's nothing you can do. Fortunately, Clown's attack pale in comparison to Leone. Where a head-to-head show down was suicide with Leone, I recommend getting into Clown's face and beating the shit out of her. To do this, use anything that will burn her. Gun del Sol and the Nikita/RC Missiles are the common cards most people have in their deck. Once Clown is burn, her life will slowly go down, regardless if Snake can hit her while she uses her flash grenade. Also, Sniper Rifles clearly have the advantage here. With Clown gone, the last level of the game is unlocked. If you plan on beating the game, but you want access to the whole map to gain PTS, then keep a separate save file when you beat the game. Although there is a New Game+ feature in the game, you won't have access to the later maps to earn PTS, like Outside FAR. It takes roughly ~6hours to reach this point in the game on your second play-through. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 14-4: ??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- After defeating Metal Gear, you will be given the option to save a Clear Game Data. If you do so, remember that you won't have access to the better maps to earn PTS. Snake needs any type of long-range, high-damage weapons. This includes sniper rifles (particularly Mosin Nagant), Stingers, and tons of Jonathon Ingrams, Cost -12s, and Cost -8s. Teliko will need at least four strong healing cards (+300), along with FAMAS, Gun del Sol, and Sniper Rifles. Cyborg Ninja is also nice to have for the second phase. Additionally, Ally COST cards are very helpful. Once the first phase of Metal Gear is done, Teliko really becomes unnecessary; reducing Snake's COST can really help speed up the battle. How to kill Metal Gear ---------------------- Snake faces Metal Gear, while Teliko destroys the inner sections of the mad machine to help out Snake. At the beginning of the fight, there is nothing for Snake to do except dodge the guided missiles until Teliko does her job. Teliko needs to destroy the two 500 LIFE terminals, while taking damage from a roid-powered patrol bot. Don't bother killing the bot; another one will just replace it instantly. When one of the terminals are destroyed, the armor protecting that side's respective arm is destroyed, allowing Snake to beat the shit out of that side. When one terminal is destroyed, move to the second. Rinse and repeat. A good idea, and one I mentioned already, is to give Teliko a bunch of healing cards, as she will take a decent chunk of damage from the bot. With the terminals destroyed, let Snake unleash his Stingers to destroy each of the 500 LIFE arms. *** You don't actually have to use Teliko to destroy the terminals. When Metal Gear pops out its rockets, Snake has 10 COST to fire at Metal Gear without Teliko's help (Joshua Ulm). I like using the terminal strategy, just because you'll have to use Teliko anyway. After the arms are destroyed, Metal Gear enters into his second form (SEE:Metal Gear's attack arsenal for atk description), which is significantly easier. Second Phase ------------ Teliko's part in this phase is completely worthless. Outside of having the perfect six cards in your deck, there is just no way to destroy all four rods to stop the beam attack. I just had her kill the bot over again, cuz I was bored ^^; Snake on the other hand, has a lot to do. Keep close to Metal Gear, while stocking up on your Mosin Nagant and Stingers. When Metal Gear is charging up its beam, fire away, then run behind it. COST reduction cards are extremely helpful, and allow you to take that extra few turns to take out the 1000 LIFE on one round. Keep track of Metal Gear's COST. The beam attack only takes off 300 LIFE, so in my opinion, it's worth getting that extra Stinger off just so that you have one less attack to do. Metal Gear's attack arsenal -------------------------- When Metal Gear uses its guided missile attack, you can use the Aerial View Mode to see where the missiles will hit (squares in red). You can do this when Metal Gear has to wait 10 COST before the missiles are fired. Obviously, if Snake doesn't have a turn within this 10 COST, then you won't be able to see where the missiles are going to hit. When Teliko destroys the terminals inside Metal Gear, the tank loses four of the missiles it fires (so destroy both and it can't use this attack). Remember that the guided missile's explosion is 3x3. There is also a "crotch-beam" that Metal Gear uses when you get too close to it in the first phase (Ghost Freeman). I don't believe it uses the attack during the second phase, however. Once the two arms are destroyed, Metal Gear will begin using a charge beam-type weapon. After 20 COST, it fires a blast of energy that covers practically any square ahead of Metal Gear. As far as I know, you have to be behind it to dodge it. The attack itself reduces LIFE by 300. There is one way to stop the attack, but it is really tough. Within that 20 COST, Teliko can destroy the four rods that charge the beam inside Metal Gear. They each have 40 LIFE, so the reason for the difficulty is trying to get four weapons off within such a small COST limit. Cyborg Ninja helps a lot, because it can grab that one rod that is further away from the others. Without Ninja, you actually have to move the three or four squares to positon yourself there. Add in the fact that the patrol bot will proabbly be in your way, and the odds aren't in favor of you killing all four rods. ========================================================================= 4) CARD LIST ========================================================================= With a total of 204 cards, Metal Gear Ac!d is packed. I am dividing up this section in tens, so that you can find a card a little easier. To search, ranges are from 001-010, and 011-020 and so on. I'd like to add comments for each card, but we'll see... If you find yourself nearing the magical 200 card mark, then it's likely you are missing a few rare cards. Super-rares, for lack of a better name, are the yellow-tinted cards. Rare Cards ---------- 004. Desert Eagle (MGS1) 094. Phase Down (MGS2) 023. MP5 (MGS1) 103. Builder Bed (CHRN) 032. AKM (MGS3) 104. Gijin-san (CHRN) 036. Rush (MGS3) 137. Roy Campbell (MGS1) 038. M37 (MGS3) 142. Cyborg Ninja (MGS1) 053. Body Shot (MGS2) 143. Psycho Mantis (MGS1) 058. H.F. Blade (MGS2) 156. Solidus Snake (MGS2) 059. Dual Blades (MGS2) 170. Solid Snake (MG2) 061. Equipment LV.3 (MGS2) 180. Jonathan Ingram (CHRN) 062. Action ++ (MGS2) 181. Tony Redwood (CHRN) 066. Double Action: Cost+ (MGS2) 183. Ed Brown (CHRN) 068. Double Action (MGS3) 198. Sneaking Suit (MGS1) 073. Extra Turn (MGS3) Super-Rare Cards ---------------- 30. Gun del Sol (CHRN) 152. Fortune (MGS2) 44. RPG7 (MGS3) 157. Metal Gear RAY (MGS2) 55. Double Shot (MGS2) 165. Big Boss (CHRN) 105. Dark Loans (CHRN) 168. Metal Gear (CHRN) 106. Solar Bank (CHRN) 175. Metal Gear GANDER (CHRN) 136. Liquid Snake (MGS1) 184. Jehuty (CHRN) 141. Metal Gear REX (MGS1 192. The Boss (MGS3) 145. Genola (MGS1) 194. Shagohod (MGS3) 146. Solid Snake (MGS1) 199. XM8 (MGS2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 001-010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 001 - SOCOM - MGS1 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: ATK:10 HIT:90% CAL45 x 4 Silenced; Add fall 002 - FAMAS - MGS1 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: ATK:20 HIT:75% 5.56mm x 6 Adds 1cost 003 - C4 - MGS1 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: ATK:160 Triggered by detonator or timer 004 - Desert Eagle - MGS1 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: ATK:- HIT:50% CAL50 x 1 Target's LIFE 1/2 005 - Grenade - MGS1 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Use Card. Information: ATK:120 Detonates with 8cost after use 006 - Stun Grenade - MGS1 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: Affects 3x3 area Add faint 007 - Chaff Grenade - MGS1 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: Disables electronic devices for 30cost after detonation 008 - Stinger (MGS1) - MGS1 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 10 Use Card. Information: ATK:180 Locks on to machines only 009 - USP - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: ATK:20 HIT:80% CAL45x4 REA:30% Destroys equipment 010 - Makarov - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: ATK:15 HIT:80% 9mm x 4 REA:10% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 011-020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 011 - AKS74u - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: ATK:5 HIT:70% 5.45mm x 10 REA:30% 012 - M4 - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: ATK:10 HIT:80% 5.56mm x8 REA:60 HIT+10% vs. |pos. v 013 - PSG-1 - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: ATK:60 HIT:90% 7.62mm x 2 REA:0% 014 - M9 - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: ATK:0 HIT:60% 9mm x 2 REA:10% Puts target to sleep 015 - USP (Laser S.) - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: ATK:20 HIT:90% CAL45 x4 REA:30% Destroys equipment 016 - AKS74u (Laser S.) - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: ATK:5 HIT:70% 5.45mm x 10 Silenced; Free ATK 017 - M4 (Laser S.) - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: ATK:10 HIT:90% 5.56mm x8 REA:40 HIT+10% vs | pos. V 018 - Colt S.A.A - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: ATK:30 HIT:75% CAL45 x3 REA:50% Makes target bleed 019 - P90 - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: ATK:70 HIT:100% 5.7mm x3 REA:80% Area ATK; Adds Fall 020 - SPAS12 - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: ATK:40 HIT:100% 12GA x4 REA:20% Area ATK; Adds Fall ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 021-030 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 021 - Claymore - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: ATK:80 1 x 2 area in front 022 - Nikita Missile - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 8 Use Card. Information: ATK:100 Can move 5 BLK/turn 023 - MP5 - MGS1 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: ATK: 50 HIT:80% 9mm x 3 REA:20% Area ATK 024 - RC Missile - CHRN Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Use Card. Information: ATK:120 Can move 5 BLK/turn 025 - Mine - CHRN Pack Type: WPN Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: ATK:100 Can be cleared by crawling 026 - R-5 - CHRN Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: ATK:30 HIT:80% 5.56mm x5 REA:20 HIT+10% vs ^pos 027 - Five-seveN - CHRN Pack Type: WPN Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: ATK:30 HIT:85% 5.7mm x4 REA:20% Adds Fall 028 - M92F (Laser S.) - CHRN Pack Type: WPN Cost: 9 Equip Card. Information: ATK:40 HIT:90% 9mm x2 REA:20% Free ATK 029 - M92F - CHRN Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: ATK:40 HIT:70% 9mm x2 REA:20% Disables interference 030 - Gun del Sol - CHRN Pack Type: WPN Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: ATK:200 to 3BLK wide area in front ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 031-040 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 031 - Vz61 Scorpion - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: ATK:100 HIT:90% 7.65mm x2 REA:30% Area ATK 032 - AKM - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: ATK:60 HIT:50% 7.62mm x3 REA:40% ATK+10%/hand 033 - Punch (CQC) - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: Used with equipment CQC 034 - Kick (CQC) - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: Used with equipment CQC 035 - Throw (CQC) - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: Used with equipment CQC 036 - Rush (CQC) - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: Used with equipment CQC 037 - Stoner M63 - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 10 Equip Card. Information: ATK:40 HIT:70% 5.56mm x5 REA:40% Blocks counter 038 - M37 - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: ATK:80 HIT:90% 12GA. x3 REA:40% Area ATK; Adds Fall 039 - SVD Dragunov - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 10 Equip Card. Information: ATK:70 HIT:70% 7.62mm x3 REA:0% Adds Fall 040 - XM16E - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 9 Equip Card. Information: ATK:40 HIT:50% 5.56mm x5 REA:20% Destroys equipment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 041-050 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 041 - Mosin Nagant - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: ATK:250 HIT:60% 7.62mm x1 REA:60% Anti-armor; 1 shot 042 - C3 - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: ATK:250 Triggered by detonator or timer 043 - M15 Grenade - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: ATK:160 Can be shot Adds BURN 044 - RPG7 - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 8 Use Card. Information: ATK:170 Anti-armor 045 - Quick Draw - MGS1 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: ATK:-5 HIT:-20% Sets cost to 0 Attaches to weapon 046 - Strand - MGS1 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: Adds 1cost for each HIT Attaches to weapon 047 - Concentrate - MGS1 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: HIT:+4-; Cost at time of use +4 Attaches to weapon 048 - Equipment LV.2 - MGS1 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 7 Use Card. Information: EQUIPMENT LV.1 -> LV.2 049 - Action + - MGS1 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: actions/turn +1 (max.4) Snake only 050 - Marines - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: Movement card Can move 4BLK ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 051-060 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 051 - Navy SEALs - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: Movement card Can move 4BLK 052 - Aim - MGS2 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: HIT+20% Attaches to weapon 053 - Body Shot - MGS2 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 12 Equip Card. Information: Hit reduces target's LIFE 1/2 Attaches to weapon 054 - Critical Shot - MGS2 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: Adds 2cost for every HIT Attaches to weapon 055 - Shoot Twice - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: N/A 056 - Stop Counter - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: N/A 057 - Spin Kick - MGS2 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 7 Use Card. Information: ATK:60 Adds Fall;Adjacent to target to use 058 - H.F. Blade - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: ATK:100 Must be adjacent to target to use 059 - Dual Blades - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: ATK:90 Destroys equipment; makes target bleed 060 - Briefing - MGS2 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: Makes all allies discard their cards & draw 6 new ones ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 061-070 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 061 - Equipment LV.3 - MGS2 Pack Type:ACT Cost: 15 Use Card. Information: EQUIPMENT LV.2 -> LV.3 062 - Action ++ - MGS2 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 15 Use Card. Information: Increases ACTION by 2 (max.4) Snake only 063 - Add Fall - MGS1 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: Adds FAINT effect to weapon Attaches to weapon 064 - Head Shot - MGS2 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: Adds quick death effect to weapon Attaches to weapon 065 - Hold Up - MGS2 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: Reduces EQUIP level by 1; Must be behind target 066 - Double Action: Cost+ - MGS2 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: Current REST x2 Card's COST x2 Lasts for 1turn 067 - Funds - MGS2 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: Ally draws 1 card 068 - Double Action - MGS3 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 12 Use Card. Information: Current REST x2 069 - Survival Knife - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: ATK:60 Makes target bleed 070 - Choke - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: Adds FAINT Must be 1BLK behind target to use ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 071-080 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 071 - Attack 1 Enemy - MGS3 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: Area ATK -> Single ATK lasts for 1 turn 072 - Hip Shot - MGS3 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: Hit-20% Cost -5 Attaches to weapon 073 - Turn Again - MGS3 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 12 Equip Card. Information: After turn ends, immediately becomes user's turn again 074 - Scope - MGS1 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: HIT+30% at range of 3+ BLK Attaches to weapon 075 - Body Armor - MGS1 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: Reduces total damage by 50 REA: 50% 076 - Card LV.1 - MGS1 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: Opens doors of security LV.1 Equip to use 077 - Box A - MGS1 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: Equip to use Made of cardboard 078 - Mine D. - MGS1 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: Locates mines Equip to use 079 - Ration - MGS1 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: User's life +150 080 - Handy Survival Kit - MGS1 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: Ally's LIFE+100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 081-090 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 081 - Stealth - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: Equip to use Disappears after 20cost 082 - Uniform-R - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: Disguise REA:50% 083 - Uniform-B - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: Disguise REA:50% 084 - Uniform-G - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: Disguise REA:50% 085 - Card LV.2 - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: Opens doors of security LV.2 Equip to use 086 - Box B - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: Equip to use Made of cardboard 087 - Bomb Switch - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: Detonates all planted bombs 088 - Styptic - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: Stops bleeding Product name: "BANDAGE" 089 - Handy Medical Kit - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: Revives fallen ally with +10 to LIFE 090 - Survival Kit - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 9 Use Card. Information: Ally's LIFE+200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 091-100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 091 - Medical Kit - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 9 Use Card. Information: Revives fallen ally with max LIFE 092 - Book - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: Stops movement of enemies who find it Pretty good reading 093 - Cool Book - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: Stops movement of enemies who find it VERY good reading 094 - Phase Down - MGS2 Pack Type: ACT Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: Lowers alert phase by 1 level 095 - Timer - MGS2 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: Detonates attached bomb after 10cost 096 - Therm. G. - CHRN Pack Type: ITM Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: In search mode, displays enemies within 3BLK 097 - Box C - CHRN Pack Type: ITM Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: Equip to use Made of cardboard 098 - Ceramic Armor - CHRN Pack Type: ITM Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: Reduces total damage by 80 REA:80% 099 - Bomb Blast Suit - CHRN Pack Type: ITM Cost: 8 Use Card. Information: Reduces total damage by 100 REA:100% 100 - Ration B1 Unit - CHRN Pack Type: ITM Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: User's LIFE+200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 101-110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - Ration B2 Unit - CHRN Pack Type: ITM Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: User's LIFE+250 102 - Ration B3 Unit - CHRN Pack Type: ITM Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: User's LIFE+300 103 - Builder Bed - CHRN Pack Type: ITM Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: Auto-recover 50 LIFE from out of action 104 - Gijin-san - CHRN Pack Type: ITM Cost: 12 Use Card. Information: ATK+30 to all of power Sets PTS. to 1/2 105 - Dark Loans - CHRN Pack Type: ITM Cost: 11 Use Card. Information: All damage -> 0 After 3turns, sets user's LIFE to 1 106 - Solar Bank - CHRN Pack Type: ITM Cost: 11 Use Card. Information: All damage -> 0 After 3turns, fully restores user's LIFE 107 - Box D - MGS3 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: Equip to use Made of cardboard 108 - Bandage - MGS3 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 12 Use Card. Information: User's LIFE+400 109 - Styptic + - MGS3 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: Stops bleeding User's LIFE+100 110 - Front Evade LV.1 - MGS1 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: REA: 50% Equip to use ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 111-120 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 111 - Rear Evade LV.1 - MGS1 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: REA: 50% Equip to use 112 - ?????? - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: N/A 113 - Endure - MGS1 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 7 Use Card. Information: Reduces damage by 5 one time only REA:60% 114 - Hang - MGS2 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: Enables hanging Equip to use; Disappears after 30cost 115 - Handy 1st Aid Kit - MGS1 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: Adds 200 LIFE to adjacent allies 116 - Cost -4 - MGS1 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 0 Use Card. Information: Reduces user's current cost by 4 117 - Ally Cost -4 - MGS1 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: Reduces ally's current cost by 4 118 - Front Evade LV.2 - MGS2 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: REA:75% Equip to use 119 - Rear Evade LV.2 - MGS2 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: REA:75% Equip to use 120 - Evade LV.2 - MGS2 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 12 Equip Card. Information: REA:75% Equip to use ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 121-130 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 121 - Climb - MGS2 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: Allows user to climb up/down walls of 1 block 122 - Sacrifice - MGS2 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 8 Use Card. Information: User's LIFE-50 Ally's LIFE+100 123 - Transfuse Blood - MGS2 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 8 Use Card. Information: User's LIFE+100 Ally's LIFE-50 124 - 1st Aid Kit - MGS2 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: Adds 300 LIFE to adjacent allies 125 - Cost -8 - MGS2 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 0 Equip Card. Information: Reduces user's current cost by 8 126 - Ally Cost -8 - MGS2 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 8 Use Card. Information: Reduce's ally's current cost by 8 127 - Mute - MGS2 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: While equipped, user becomes completely silent 128 - Hand Grip - MGS2 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: Increases Cost of remaining Hanging 129 - Reaction Block - MGS3 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: While equipped, blocks REA: Disappears after 20cost 130 - Front Evade LV.3 - MGS3 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: REA:100% Equip to use ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 131-140 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 131 - Rear Evade LV.3 - MGS3 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: REA:100% Equip to use 132 - Evade LV.3 - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: REA:100% Equip to use 133 - Cost -12 - MGS3 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 0 Equip Card. Information: Reduces user's current cost by 12 134 - Ally Cost -12 - MGS3 Pack Type: SPT Cost: 10 Use Card. Information: Reduces ally's current cost by 12 135 - Genome Soldier - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: Movement card Can move 4BLK 136 - Liquid Snake - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: "FOX DIE" ATK, HIT, REA+40 137 - Roy Campbell - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: ATK:150 to 5x5area Acts 10cost after 138 - Otacon - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: "Scientist" Attaches anti-armor ATK+10 HIT+10% 139 - Sniper Wolf - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: "Sniper" HIT+50% Attaches to weapon 140 - Vulcan Raven - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: "Bullet Spray" Single ATK ->Area ATK (3x3) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 141-150 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 141 - Metal Gear Rex - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 30 Equip Card. Information: "Trample" random 2cards from hand and destroyed 142 - Cyborg Ninja - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: "H.F. Blade" ATK:50 to target of choice 143 - Psycho Mantis - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 8 Use Card. Information: "Hypnosis" Causes confusion in target of choice 144 - Mei Ling - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 10 Use Card. Information: "Soliton Radar" Doubles interference effect 145 - Genola - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 10 Use Card. Information: "Roar" Knocks out all living creatures 146 - Solid Snake (MGS1) - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: "Survival" User's LIFE +500 147 - Naomi Hunter - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: "Healing" LIFE+10 every 5cost up to max of 200 148 - Meryl Silverburgh - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 0 Use Card. Information: "Break" User's cost 1/2 149 - Gurlukovich Sld. - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: Movement card Can move 5BLK 150 - Revolver Ocelot - MGS1 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: "Gunplay" Sets user's gunshot cost to 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 151-160 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 151 - Emma Emmerich - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: "Weak Knees" Evade all attacks until next turn 152 - Fortune - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 10 Equip Card. Information: "E.M. Device" Dodge 20bullets Equip to use 153 - Vamp - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: "Bloodsucker" Takes 1/2DMG dealt adds to user's LIFE 154 - Solid Snake (MGS2) - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: "Hang" Disappears after 90cost 155 - Iroquois Pliskin - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: "Cigarettes" Makes infrared se[n]sors visible 156 - Solidus Snake - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 8 Use Card. Information: "Dual Blades" ATK:50x4 157 - Metal Gear Ray - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 30 Use Card. Information: "Hydraulic Cutter" ATK:250 to 1 x 5 area 158 - Jennifer - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: "Suffering" Convert's user's added cost to damage 159 - Olga Gurlukovich - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: "Reload" User draws 3 cards 160 - Johnny Sasaki - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: "Diarrhea" Discard all cards & draw 6 new ones ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 161-170 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 161 - Raiden - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: N/A Comment: Earned by beating the game twice 162 - Gurlugon - MGS2 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 10 Use Card. Information: "Monster Beam" Adds 15cost to all enemies (creatures) 163 - Gray Fox - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: "Close Combat" ATK+20, HIT+5% to equipped CQC 164 - Snake (MG) - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: "Infinity Bandana" Used weapons return to hand Comment: Earned by beating the game 165 - Big Boss - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: "Victory" Doubles PTS. 166 - Machinegun Kid - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: "Gun Belt" Makes all A-rifle SMG bullets usable 167 - Fire Trooper - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: "Flamethrower" ATK:100 Area ATK; Adds Burn 168 - Metal Gear - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 20 Use Card. Information: "Vulcan Strafe" ATK30 to all targets Make target bleed 169 - Running Man - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: "Out of Breath" Movement card Can move 8BLK 170 - Solid Snake (MG2) - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 7 Use Card. Information: "Legendary Hero" Adds 100 to user's max life ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 171-180 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 171 - Chris Jenner - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: "Still Standing" Prevents users from knocking down 172 - Marionette Owl - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: "Night Eyes" Visual range x2 in search mode 173 - Viper - CHRN Pack Type: WPN Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: "Booby Trap" Destroys 1 of target's A-rifles Comment: Input password 'Viper' to unlock. 174 - Pyro Bison - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: "Flamethrower" ATK:120 Area ATK;Adds Burn 175 - Metal Gear GANDER - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 30 Use Card. Information: "Guided Missile" Fires 5 shots at random 176 - IdeaSpy 2.5 - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 7 Use Card. Information: "Inexplicable" Reduces use cost of all cards by 1/2 177 - Gillian Seed - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 6 Equip Card. Information: "Shot Trainer" HIT:100% Firing cost +10 178 - Mika Slayton - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: "Support" User's loses 2 cards Ally draws 3 cards Comment: Input password 'Mika' to unlock. 179 - Metal Gear Mk-II - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Equip Card. Information: "Data Processing" Arranges cards in hand by type 180 - Jonathon Ingram - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 0 Use Card. Information: "Solution" Reduces user's current cost by 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 181-190 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 181 - Tony Redwood - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 10 Use Card. Information: "Mr. Goddard" Sets everyone's hit rate to 100% 182 - Karen Hojo - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 5 Use Card. Information: "Blood Transfusion" Ally's loses 2 cards User draws 3 cards Comment: Input password 'Karen' to unlock. 183 - Ed Brown - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 15 Equip Card. Information: "Gun Shy" Blocks for everyone's REA for 5turns 184 - Jehuty - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 8 Use Card. Information: "Burst Shot" Sets All EQUIP to default status Comment: Input password 'Jehuty' to unlock. 185 - ADA - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 8 Use Card. Information: "Combat A.I." Move cost set to 1 for 3turns 186 - GRU Sld. - MGS4 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 5 Equip Card. Information: Movement card Can move 5BLK 187 - Ocelot Unit - MGS3 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 4 Use Card. Information: Movement card Can move 6BLK 188 - Major Zero - MGS3 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 15 Use Card. Information: "Active Sonar" makes all enemies appear on display 189 - E.B. Volgin - MGS3 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: "Bullet Punch" Destroys one of target's handguns 190 - N.S. Sokolov - MGS3 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 7 Equip Card. Information: "Power of Science" ATK+10 vs. armor ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 191-200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 191 - Naked Snake - MGS3 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 13 Equip Card. Information: "John Doe" Triggers random technique 192 - The Boss - MGS3 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 18 Equip Card. Information: "Special Force" Triggers random technique 193 - The Fury - MGS3 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 9 Use Card. Information: "Flamethrower" ATK:140 Area ATK; Adds burn 194 - Shagohod - MGS3 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 20 Use Card. Information: "Vulcan Strafe" ATK:120 to 9 x9 area 195 - Ocelot - MGS3 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 8 Use Card. Information: "Showdown" Prevents target of choice from firing 196 - EVA - MGS3 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 6 Use Card. Information: "Temptation" Keeps creatures within 3BLK at bay 197 - A.L. Granin - MGS3 Pack Type: CHR Cost: 0 Use Card. Information: "Order of Lenin" Sets user's current cost to 15 198 - Sneaking Suit - MGS1 Pack Type: ITM Cost: 8 Use Card. Information: REA:100% Reduces single attack damage by 5 199 - XM8 - MGS3 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 8 Equip Card. Information: ATK:50 HIT:60% 5.45mm x 6 REA:70 Mov6, RandomEffect Comment: Input password 'Xmeight' to unlock. 200 - Yuka Kosaka - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 10 Use Card. Information: BST: 35 WST: 23 HIP: 33 HGT: 5'6" SHS: 245 mm x2 Notes: Causes BLEEDING in male users Comment: Input 'Kobe' into password. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Card List: 201-204 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 201 - Asaki Yoshida - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 10 Use Card. Information: BST: 34 WST: 23 HIP: 35 HGT: 5'6" SHS: 255 mm x2 Notes: Causes BLEEDING in male users Comment: Input 'Umeda' into password. 202 - Yuu Saito - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 10 Use Card. Information: BST: 33 WST: 23 HIP: 33 HGT: 5'5" SHS: 240 mm x2 Notes: Causes BLEEDING in male users Comment: Input 'Yebisu' into password. 200 - Eri Shibuya - CHRN Pack Type: CHR Cost: 10 Use Card. Information: BST: 35 WST: 23 HIP: 33 HGT: 5'6" Notes: Causes BLEEDING in male users Comment: Input 'Kobe' into password. 204 - Stinger (MGS2) - MGS2 Pack Type: WPN Cost: 10 Use Card. Information: ATK:180 Locks on to machines only ========================================================================= 5) APPENDIX ========================================================================= ======================================================================= I . Controls ======================================================================= During Mission ----------- Start Button - * Cancel Demo Analog Stick - * Change View (slightly) L Button - * Change Camera Angle R Button - * Change Camera Angle Triangle Button - * Aerial View * Change to Quick Mode Circle Button - * Confirm Square Button - * View Card Details (when card is selected) X Button - * Open Command Menu * (END / PUNCH / DISCARD / KNOCK SYSTEM) D-pad - * Move Cursor * Select cards * Select commands AN: Press L, R, and the X button simultaneously to skip dialog. Intermission ------------ Triangle Button - * Change deck (when editing deck) Circle Button - * Confirm Square Button - * View card details X Button - * Cancel D-pad - * Select cards * Select commands ======================================================================= II. Story ======================================================================= (from the game's manual) The year is 2016. The place... somewhere over the United States. Flight 326, a jumbo passenger jet flying at 35,000 feet, has been hijacked - perpetrator unknown. The plane is laden with vecuronium bromide - a muscle relaxant which can be fatal to humans if ingested in excess. All 517 passengers aboard Flight 326 have been paralyzed by the noxious vecuronium fumes and rumor has it that Senator Hach, a major presidential candiate in the upcoming elections, is sitting among them. The setting changes to Lobito Island in the Moloni Republic - a small country situated in the southern part of Africa. Lobito Physics and Chemistry Lab facilities located there are being guarded by an unknown militia group. One man can be seen standing at the island's shores. That man is none other than Solid Snake. The hijacker of Flight 326 has demanded one thing - the prompt delivery of "Pythagoras." The U.S. government ran a criminal investigation on the hijacker, as well as a hunt for the meaning of the word "Pythagoras,' only to find out it is the name of a research project being conducted on Lobito Island. The Moloni government refused to cooperate with the U.S., insisted that foreign governments have no right to get involved in their country's internal affairs. Having lost patience with uncooperative Moloni Republic officials, the U.S. government dispatched an HRT special forces unit to the island to investigate. The unit was then attacked by a militia group stationed there, setting the entire mission in jeopardy and cutting off all communications. Ironically, this incident provided the perfect opportunity to uncover the details of the top secret research being conducted at Lobito Physics and Chemistry Lab. In desperation, the U.S. government has no other option but to call on one of their retired agents - that agent being none other than the legendary mercenary, Solid Snake. The hijacker's patience is running thin and time is running out. The search for answers takes place within a secret research facility on the remote island of Lobito - where things aren't always as they seem. Solid Snake accepts his calling in a fresh, new fight for justice. ======================================================================= III. CQC Combos ======================================================================= To use CQC, equip one of the four CQC cards in the game (throw, kick, punch, and rush), then use one of the six available CQC combo cards. The six include the four I just mention, and then the Boss and Naked Snake. These last two cards do a random combo. So basically, we have a base card equipped, then a secondary card that acts as "ammo". A different ammo creates a different combo. The non- high damage combos are best for their faint effect. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- combo: description: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Punch + Punch Punch-Punch; causes fall and some damage Punch + Kick Punch-Kick; causes fall and some damage Punch + Rush Punch-Punch-Kick; causes fall and nice damage Punch + Throw Throw guard face up Kick + Kick Spinning kick Kick + Punch Kick-Punch; causes some damage Kick + Throw Throw guard on floor; causes bleeding and fall Kick + Rush Punch-Knee-Kick; causes big damage Throw + Throw Throw guard on floor; causes faint Throw + Punch Throw guard face first; causes faint and damage Throw + Kick Kick guard while he's down; causes faint, and bleeding Throw + Rush Slams guard down; destroys equipment Rush + Rush Throat Slit; causes instant death Rush + Punch Punch-Punch-Knee; causes some damage Rush + Kick Knee-Punch-Kick; causes some damage Rush + Throw Slams down guard; causes fall and bleeding ======================================================================= IV. Need Help? ======================================================================= These tips are some suggestions that will help you through the game. I don't believe I'm particularly good with the game, but this advice helped me through the tougher parts. * With regards to fighting/killing enemies, always try to move as close as possible, and to the side or back. Your distance from the enemy affects hit %, and attacking from the side gives you a 1.2 damage bonus, while attacking from the back gives you a 1.5 bonus! Doing little things like this will make the difference killing the guard with just one card. * Look at every card in your deck. There are 200 total cards in the game, and it's easy to lose track of some good ones. Experiment with different style decks (just create a new save file so you don't lose your current one) to find unique decks. The beautiful thing about a card game is there really is no one, specific deck that beats everything out. * The triangle button makes your life easy in two ways. While the enemy is making their turns, press Triangle to move to Quick Mode, and make those buggers finish up. In the options mode in Intermission, you can turn this mode on so you don't have to press triangle. * Also, pressing Triangle while you view your hand brings you to the Aerial View Mode. I think I say enough of this mode during the actual walkthrough, but this mode definitely has huge strategic value. A lot of times, its hard to see where a guard is with the in-game camera, so the Aerial View Mode is helpeful in that way. * I like Outside FAR as the best map to gain PTS on. The "stealth" mission is about as easy as it comes. The other, "kill-all" mission is a bit harder, as you have to kill the one guard at the entrance of FAR. Use a Sniper, or use stealth to walk up to him. If you haven't reached Outside FAR, then Minefield-Lower is my second favorite level. ======================================================================= V. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ======================================================================= Q. How is this game related to the MG storyline? A. MGA has no relation to the true Metal Gear storyline, seen through the original Metal Gear games on the MSX, and the 'Solid' series on the Playstation consoles. There are a number of events that occur in MGA that confirm this. First, Shadow Moses did not occur. Snake is pulled out of retirement from Roger fairly easily. There is no way the true Snake would do this so easily if Shadow Moses and the events after had occured. Secondly, if MGA is in the timeline, why isn't Snake in some anti- Metal Gear organization, like Philanthropy? The game takes place in 2017, which is a few years after the events in MGS2. Why would Snake chase after Ocelot at the end of MGS2, then be back in retirement years later? This is purely speculation, but I also got the feeling that Snake looked younger then he should. According to MGS3, Snake was born in 1972, making him 55 for MGA. He looks old, but not 55 old. And lastly, there is no ****ing way that the wuss portrayed in MGA is the same 'Legendary Hero' that owns in the 'Solid' series. The true Snake would never for a second think he's Hans Davis. Worst use of a plot twist ever. Q. But Snake's experiences in the Metal Gears from the MSX are mentioned. Doesn't that mean MGA takes place in the same universe? A. It seems the MSX Metal Gears are canon for both universes. From the above question, there are simply too many questions to believe MGA is in the same universe as the 'Solid' games and we'll leave it at that. That said, with MGS4 and MGA^2 not _that_ far from the future, we'll know soon enough what is canon and what isn't canon. Q. I am in my first game, and I don't have Card LV.2. How do I get it? A. I get this question a lot, and I have not been able to pinpoint where people are messing up. My best guess is that you're skipping a certain map. Did you go to the Rope Bridge first, then to the Armory, or did you skip the Rope Bridge map already knowing you'd need the Sniper? Additionally, the card may be sitting in your deck. Other then these possible solutions, I have no clue where your Card LV.2 is. Q. I'm playing through a second time, and can't open the LV.1 door after Teliko rescued me in the Residential Area? A. The card key is in your deck list, which doesn't provide much help to you in the middle of the fight. If you go back the way you came in, you will be able to reach the bullseye without the use of the card key. Card LV.2 shows up in your deck after the BRC-026 (_I think_), but this card should be useless for someone going through the game a second time. ========================================================================= 6) CLOSING ========================================================================= Credits CJAYC - For creating the coolest site on the net and hosting this FAQ. Manifest - For solution to get MGS2 pack in Ebro Tower. Colin Ferguson - For above. Superbrak000 - For multiplayer deck advice. Joshua Ulm - Strategy for Metal Gear. Ghost Freeman - For additional Metal Gear attack. This GUIDE is (c) 2005 cnick. This guide may be not be reproduced at all except for personal, private use. This guide is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes (even if no money would be made by selling it or posting it on a for-profit webpage) ; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. Unless noted on this guide, this document should not be found on any web site other than gamefaqs.com. This GUIDE was created and is owned by myself. Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright their respective companies. You have proven Your inflitration skills. there is no mission you cannot complete. Metal Gear Ac!d FAQ (c) 2005 cnick -End of FAQ-