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JavE - Documentation

[Online version of this document]

You can use this software free of charge.
However if you find this tool useful you can make me happy by sending a nice postcard (no virtual ones please!):

|  ._                       /\/\/\/\   |
|    `--..                 <50c     >  |
|  -..__                   <  O  O  >  |
|..        .               <   ()   >  |
|_   '--._  `'-..          < `.__.' >  |
| `-.__   `-                \/\/\/\/   |
| .    ' ..    -..  |                  |
|  `-.  _  `-.      | Markus Gebhard   |
| --._   `-.    `-- | Ackerstrasse 8   |
| _  '' .._  ''' ,  | D-92708 Mantel   |
|  `.      `      ' | GERMANY          |

The more postcards I receive the more often I will bring out new releases :-)

NOTE: At the moment there is no documentation available for all the tools in JavE. After you have managed to start the program I recommend going through the tutorial to figure out how to use the program.

Documentation on demand

Table of contents


For questions, comments and bug reports feel free to write to:

Further informations, updates, etc.:

Markus Gebhard, December 2001

Installation instructions

  1. As you can read this documentation you already should have downloaded the JavE ZIP-File from http://www.jave.de and unziped it to a new folder (you can use separate folders to install different versions of JavE).
  2. If there is no Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed to your system, download it from http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/jre/ and follow the installation instructions.

    Any JRE Java version 1.1 or greater should work.

    You only have to do that once and will be able to run any Java application from then on.

    (If you are not sure whether you already have the JRE or not, just follow the next steps. If you can not start JavE then just install the JRE as described above and try it again)

  3. What comes next depends on the operating system you are using:

If you have further information for the installation on a particular operating system please post it to markus@jave.de.


Uninstallation of JavE is simple: Just delete the contents of the folder you installed JavE to and all its subfolders - that's all.

There are no other files modified on your system (except for the ones you have edited with JavE).

For uninstallation of the Java Runtime Environment have a look at the documentation that came with it.

JavE files and folders

  /jave4.jar                Jave Executable JAR
  /docs/*.*                 documentation
  /demos/*.*                a few demonstration files
  /icon.ico                 icon
  /icon.bmp                 icon
  /icon.gif                 icon
  /clipart/*.jcf            Clipart Files
  /fonts/*.flf              Figlet fonts
  /fonts/categories.txt     categorisation file for figlet fonts
  /pattern/pattern.jcf      Patterns for fill tool
  /config/gradients.txt     Gradients for fill tool, image2ascii, etc.
  /config/convert.txt       Rules for the generic algorithms
  /config/convert_thick.txt Rules for the generic algorithms
  /config/repair.txt        Rules for repair tool
  /config/mix.txt           Rules for mixing characters
  /config/general.txt       Rules and options for misc algorithms
  /config/fonts.cgf         List of all fonts that have been tested with JavE
  /tmp/*.*                  Logfiles for crash recovery, other temporary files

Additional information

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