Usage: iwpriv wlan0/eth0 COMMAND OPTION1 [OPTION2] [...] Commands ("iwpriv wlan0"): SetDebug - sets debugging/logging level (see L_* #defines in include/acx100.h) Default: 0x009b "iwpriv wlan0 SetDebug 0x000b" (L_STD | L_INIT | L_ASSOC) SetLEDPower - change power LED setting (0 - off, 1 - on, 2 - blink with range Default: 1 (on) "iwpriv wlan0 SetLEDPower 0", "dmesg" "iwpriv wlan0 SetLEDPower 2 60" (sets link quality value that equates to blinking at full speed to 60) GetLEDPower - get the current power LED setting and optional power LED mode information "iwpriv wlan0 GetLEDPower", "dmesg" SetRates - sets 802.11 transfer rates, basic and operational rate set Default: depending on iwconfig rate "iwpriv wlan0 SetRates "1,2 1,2,5,11,36,54" (basic rates 1, 2Mbps, operational rate set 1,2,5,11,36,54Mbps) ListRegDmain - lists the available regulatory domain settings in syslog "iwpriv wlan0 ListRegDomain", "dmesg" SetRegDomain - sets the value of the regulatory domain setting Default: depending on card EEPROM data "iwpriv wlan0 SetRegDomain 3", "dmesg" GetRegDomain - returns the value of the current regulatory domain setting "iwpriv wlan0 GetRegDomain", "dmesg" SetScanParams - sets scan parameters Use a parameter value of -1 to indicate that a parameter shouldn't be updated int 1: sets scan mode (0 == active, 1 == passive, 2 == background [default]) int 2: sets minimum channel time (in Time Units, 1/1024s) for active scans Minimum time is the time to wait for an initial PHY chan busy flag, if chan wasn't busy, then switch to next channel int 3: sets maximum channel time (in Time Units, 1/1024s) for active scans Maximum time is the time to wait on a channel (to scan ESSIDs) in case PHY chan turned out to be busy Passive scans: time to wait per channel (thus it's almost the same) int 4: sets highest scan rate to use for an active scan (10 = 1Mbps, 20 = 2Mbps, 55 = 5.5Mbps, 110 = 11Mbps, 220 = 22Mbps) GetScanParams - gets scan parameters SetSPreamble - Activates the Short Preamble transfer for slightly faster rates (0 == off, 1 == on, 2 == auto, depending on peer support) Default: 2, auto "iwpriv wlan0 SetSPreamble 1", "dmesg" GetSPreamble - returns the Short Preamble transfer setting "iwpriv wlan0 GetSPreamble", "dmesg" SetAntenna, GetAntenna, SetRxAnt, SetTxAnt - experimental antenna command SetPhyAmpBias - sets the bias (offset) level of the "external" radio amplifier (ACX100) Default: firmware dependent Range: 0 to 7 "iwpriv wlan0 SetPhyAmpBias 4", "dmesg" GetPhyChanBusy - get the percentage that the medium has been found to be busy "iwpriv wlan0 GetPhyChanBusy", "dmesg" SetED - change Energy Detect threshold setting Default: 0x70 == 112 "iwpriv wlan0 SetED 150", "dmesg" SetCCA - change Channel Clear Assessment setting Default: 0x0d == 13 "iwpriv wlan0 SetCCA 15", "dmesg" monitor - activate Kismet monitor mode (Orinoco card type) Default: off "iwpriv wlan0 monitor 2 4" Test - random test functionality DbgSetMasks - sets internal activation masks (debugging only) GetAcx111Info - get misc. ACX111 firmware status information DbgGetIO - query card I/O registers DbgSetIO - set card I/O registers