English 1.1 dccserv & Slackster == %C15%O %C3%B `` `` How you can create a skin language file for SDClone ? `` Define the skin language file as "sdclone-skin-" + your country tag + ".txt" `` Fill the 5 first lines like that : `` *The language `` *The SDClone version number the file is for `` *The Author(s) (the maker) of the language file `` *The spacer use to separate stuff, by default == (as in SDFind), but some could prefer other spacers like -=- or **yeah** (not so nice), `` nearly anything you want EXCEPT <``>, <%%> and <-> it's dangerous to use them. `` *The Low Color `` *The High Color `` Warning: it's really important that the 5 first lines aren't removed or else you get an invalid file `` To use it edit SDClone-1.x.pl file and change $SDLang="your country tag"; `` You can put comments in it (except before the 5 first lines...), a comment line is a line that start with `` `` Also remember YOU MUST have a skin & a language file in order to make it works (sdclone-skin-??.txt & sdclone-lang-??.txt) `` `` This file and the language file have the same rules, OK ? `` `` Here are the special words to use, oh yes, don't worry about the case, the script handle it... `` Except at the first 5 lines of this file, you can use these special words anywhere, even in the `` language file ! `` You can use them anywhere in Skin file AFTER the 5 first lines ! Or within the language file `` %%SDVersion%% Version number (without v, version... just the number ie: 1.1) `` %%SDAuthor%% Hey it should be me :-) -> dccserv `` %%SDHigh%% Highlighted color `` %%SDLow%% Lower color (normal) `` %%SDSpacer%% The spacer define by you on line 4 of that file `` %%SDFilesShare%% Total files we offer `` %%SDFilesShareSize%% is the total size of all files we offer (formatted with b, k, M, G, Terabytes...) `` %%SDFilesSent%% Total files we have sent `` %%SDFilesSentSize%% is the total size of all files we have sent (formatted with b, k, M, G, Terabytes...) `` %%SDList%% is the list name we use (dccserv-x.x-xxxx.txt or zip) `` %%SDListDate%% Date of our list (m-d-yyyy) `` %%SDListDateNMonth%% Date of our list (Month numeric: 5, 11...) `` %%SDListDateWMonth%% Date of our list (Month word: may, november...) `` %%SDListDateDay%% Date of our list (d) `` %%SDListDateYear%% Date of our list (yyyy) `` %%SDListSent%% number of times we have sent our list `` %%SDFirstDate%% Date - First time we have use SDClone (m-d-yyyy) `` %%SDTrigger%% our Trigger, without @ or !, just the trigger -> do @%%SDTrigger%% for gettting list `` %%SDTopCPS%% Top record send speed `` %%SDTopNick%% Top record send nickname `` %%SDDailyCPS%% Daily record send speed `` %%SDDailyNick%% Daily record send nickname `` %%SDcpsUP%% Bandwith in use for uploading files `` %%SDcpsDOWN%% Bandwith in use for downloading files `` %%SDcpsTOTAL%% Total bandwith in use (upload+download) `` %%SDCPU%% Our CPU type `` %%SDCPUspeed%% Our CPU speed (just the number, no Mhz...) `` %%SDOS%% Our Kernel version `` %%SDUptime%% Our Uptime `` %%SDSlotsFree%% Slots Free (YES or no) `` %%SDSlotsFreeValue%% Slots Free (number of slots free) `` %%SDSlotsMin%% Minimum number of slots we keep open `` %%SDSlotsUse%% Number of slots actually taken (in use) `` %%SDSlotsMax%% Maximum number of slots we can open (with small file rules this can be lower than Slots in use) `` %%SDQueSize%% Size of the Que (number of files in que). With files that cannot be sent too `` %%SDQueSizeActive%% Size of the Que for users that are presents in channel (number of files in que) `` %%SDQueUsers%% Number of users in Que (include users that are not present in a channel) `` %%SDQueUsersActive%% Number of users in Que (only users that are on a channel with us) `` %%SDQuePerUsers%% Number of files a user can put in the Que `` %%SDEND%% Indicate End of a skin, use to reduce lines we used for a skin (see lower for a real explain) `` %%SDFindTrigger%% is the Find trigger (default is @find) `` %%SDFindStatus%% is the Find command status (ON/off) `` %%SDColor0%% .. %%SDColor15%% Switch to text color # (happy nomada?) `` %%SDColorRandom%% Switch to a random text color (Pick a new color anytime display) `` %%SDBGColor0%% .. %%SDBGColor15%% Switch to background color # (note: switch to text color 15 + Background #, to avoid a `` bug in mirc, without a text color mirc don't change the bg color) `` So to switch to Color 4 & BgColor 8 do %%SDBGColor8%%%%SDColor4%% `` %%SDColorBold%% Switch to bold text `` %%SDColorNormal%% Back to normal color (stop bold) `` It's enough i think ! `` `` Skins are define like that, skins have a fixed size, so a fixed number of lines (this number is given to you before the skin) `` If your skin is smaller than the fixed size, then add the special command %%SDEND%% after the latest line to indicate to the script `` that you didn't use all the lines you are allow too `` example `` Skins size: 3 (means 3 lines, numbered to help you in the example) `` 1- This is a %%SDSpacer%%skin%%SDSpacer%% with %%SDVersion%% in %%SDSpacer%% it%%SDSpacer%% `` 2- %%SDEND%% `` 3- `` Did you notice that the line 3 exists ? We just left it empty, so our skin is 1 line long (2nd line close the skin with %%SDEND%% `` I also choose that example to show you usage of %% commands, look the result (version = 1.1, spacer = **) and watch the spaces `` This is a **skin** with 1.1 in ** it** `` `` Skins & language can be test with hidden commands in SDClone `` "/sdshowskin value" - Show the skin number "value", "value" is given with the skin, look for the number in the skin `` "/sdshowword value" - Show the language line number "value", so you can see how it will look `` `` `` Skin for the banner `` Size: 5 lines `` Test with : /sdshowskin 1 `` Display: If SDClone is in that language %%SDlow%%Type: %%SDHigh%%@%%SDTrigger%%%%SDLow%% for my list (%%SDListDateWMonth%%, %%SDListDateDay%%) of %%SDHigh%%%%SDFilesShare%%%%SDLow%% files (%%SDFilesShareSize%%) %%SDSpacer%% Free Slots: %%SDHigh%%%%SDSlotsFree%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Files in Que: %%SDHigh%%%%SDQueSizeActive%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Total Speed: %%SDHigh%%%%SDcpsTOTAL%%cps %%SDLow%%%%SDSpacer%% Files Served: %%SDHigh%%%%SDFilesSent%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Using %%SDHigh%%SDClone v%%SDVersion%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% %%SDFindTrigger%%: %%SDHigh%%%%SDFindStatus%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Record send: %%SDHigh%%%%SDDailyCPS%%cps%%SDLow%% by %%SDHigh%%%%SDDailyNick%% %%SDEND%% 2-This line will be read and ignore 3-This line will be read and ignore 4-This line will be read and ignore `` Skin for @trigger-stats `` Size : 10 lines `` Test with : /sdshowskin 2 `` Display: If User is in that language %%SDLow%%My list is date %%SDHigh%%%%SDListDate%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% I have sent it %%SDHigh%%%%SDListSent%%%%SDLow%% times. %%SDLow%%I'm sharing %%SDHigh%%%%SDFilesShare%%%%SDLow%% files for a total of %%SDHigh%%%%SDFilesShareSize%% %%SDLow%%I have send %%SDHigh%%%%SDFilesSent%%%%SDLow%% files for a total of %%SDHigh%%%%SDFilesSentSize%%%%SDLow%% since %%SDFirstDate%% %%SDLow%%Slots Open/Min/in Use/Max: %%SDHigh%%%%SDSlotsFree%%/%%SDSlotsMin%%/%%SDSlotsUse%%/%%SDSlotsMax%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Files in Que: %%SDHigh%%%%SDQueSize%% (%%SDQueSizeActive%%)%%SDlow%% %%SDSpacer%% Users in Que: %%SDHigh%%%%SDQueUsers%% (%%SDQueUsersActive%%) %%SDLow%%Uploading at: %%SDHigh%%%%SDcpsUP%%cps%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Downloading at: %%SDHigh%%%%SDcpsDOWN%%cps%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Bandwith in use: %%SDHigh%%%%SDcpsTOTAL%%cps %%SDLow%%Today Record Send: %%SDHigh%%%%SDDailyCPS%%cps %%SDLow%%by %%SDHigh%%%%SDDailyNick%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Top Record Send: %%SDHigh%%%%SDTopCPS%%cps %%SDLow%%by %%SDHigh%%%%SDTopNick%% %%SDLow%%Using %%SDHigh%%SDClone v%%SDVersion%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% CPU: %%SDHigh%%%%SDCPU%% %%SDCPUSpeed%%Mhz %%SDLow%%OS: %%SDHigh%%%%SDOS%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Running: %%SDHigh%%%%SDUptime%% %%SDEND%% 9- `` Skin for Daily report `` Size: 5 lines `` Test with : /sdshowskin 3 `` Display: If SDClone is in that language %%SDLow%%I have send %%SDHigh%%%%SDFilesSent%%%%SDLow%% files for a total of %%SDHigh%%%%SDFilesSentSize%%%%SDLow%% since %%SDFirstDate%% %%SDLow%%Today Record Send: %%SDHigh%%%%SDDailyCPS%%cps %%SDLow%%by %%SDHigh%%%%SDDailyNick%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Top Record Send: %%SDHigh%%%%SDTopCPS%%cps %%SDLow%%by %%SDHigh%%%%SDTopNick%% %%SDLow%%OS: %%SDHigh%%%%SDOS%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Running: %%SDHigh%%%%SDUptime%% %%SDEND%% 4- `` Skin for @trigger-slots `` Size: 5 lines `` Test with : /sdshowskin 4 `` Display: If User is in that language %%SDLow%%Uploading at: %%SDHigh%%%%SDcpsUP%%cps%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Downloading at: %%SDHigh%%%%SDcpsDOWN%%cps%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Bandwith in use: %%SDHigh%%%%SDcpsTOTAL%%cps %%SDLow%%Files Share: %%SDHigh%%%%SDFilesShare%% (%%SDFilesShareSize%%)%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Files in Que: %%SDHigh%%%%SDQueSize%%%%SDlow%% %%SDSpacer%% Users in Que: %%SDHigh%%%%SDQueUsers%% %%SDLow%%Today Record Send: %%SDHigh%%%%SDDailyCPS%%cps %%SDLow%%by %%SDHigh%%%%SDDailyNick%%%%SDLow%% %%SDSpacer%% Top Record Send: %%SDHigh%%%%SDTopCPS%%cps %%SDLow%%by %%SDHigh%%%%SDTopNick%% %%SDEND%% 4- `` Skin for your custom ads `` Size: 5 lines `` Test with : /sdshowskin 5 `` Display: If SDClone is in that language `` This custom ads is activate just settings a number of seconds to "Timing". `` Setting "Timing 60" will output the ads every minute (60s) to all channels where you are serving files `` Setting "Timing 0" will force "Timing 10" -> invalid, 0 is too few Timing 120 %%SDEND%% 1- 2- 3- 4-