for Epic ircII

Last updated April 23, 1999 - 13:39:23 EDT

These directions should help you get started running MP3Tool quickly, If you have any problems with these directions, Please email me and let me know. I'll do my best to update the directions and of course give you some help via email. You can also usually find me online, try msging the user Cruise on the Undernet IRC network.

Epic ircII Install Directions

  1. Make sure you have TK/TCL installed on your machine. Since this process varies wildly with different UNICES I will not even attempt to discuss it here other than to say that if you are running RedHat Linux there will be RPMs on your install disk for this. For more information on TK/TCL please visit their website at

  2. Unzip (or untar) the file into your home directory (~/). It will create a directory named MP3Tool. the command to do this on RedHat Linux is...

    OR (for tar.gz downloaded files)
    tar -xzvf MP3Tool.tar.gz

  3. Run the UNIXINSTALL.TCL program located in the newly created MP3Tool directory.

    1. Enter the location of your home directory (~/) , remember to use forward slashes in the pathname! (/ not \)
    2. Enter the name of your list file
    3. Enter in directories which contain MP3s. If you would like the program to use ALL sub directories in a given directory, just click the button to the left of it's entry window.
    4. Set up your default que and send options. Descriptions are as follows.

      • Total Que Size - this is the total number of people, both those sending and those waiting for a send position, that you will allow.
      • Total Send Slots - Of the total slots you've configured, how many of them are SEND slots.
      • CTCP Will you make offers to the channel via CTCP MP3
      • CHANL Will you make offers by sending public text to the channel.
      • FIND Will you honor @find requests
      • COLOR Should your messages be colorized
      • LIST Will you honor @yournick requests for your file list.

    5. Press the Setup Button, if you have made any mistakes, you will get an error window, If you do get one, just correct the mistake and click the setup button again. When it is complete, the windows will just go away. A file will have been created in the MP3Tool directory named client-epic4_ircII.tcl. This is the program you will run when you start MP3Tool.

  4. Load the mp3tool.epic4 into Epic ircII.

    1. Start up Epic ircII as you normally would.
    2. type /load ~/MP3Tool/scripts/mp3tool.epic4
    3. A message will pop up on your screen giving you a little bit of information. You will need to do this each time or make an entry in your .ircrc file to load this script automatically.
    4. You are now done installing MP3Tool!

  5. Run MP3Tool! this is a two step process.

    1. Start Up Epic ircII, load the mp3tool.epic4 script and join your favorite MP3 channel.
    2. Run the MP3Tool (client-epic4_ircII.tcl) program then type /mp3start in the Epic ircII program. This will tell Epic to connect to MP3Tool and begin communicating with it. At this point You should check out the ScreenShot and Help section to learn about the program's many features.

  6. OPTIONAL! The following files are not needed by Epic ircII users and can be deleted.

[ScreenShots] [epic IrcII] [mIRC] [Zircon] [BitchX]