2. Installing BCPP

To install BCPP

	Unpacking bcpp:
		tar zxvf bcpp.tar.gz
	Building bcpp:
		cd code
		cp bcpp ~/local/bin/
		cp bcpp.cfg ~/local/bin
		bcpp -h  or bcpp -?
	Recommended: Always use spaces instead of tabs in indenting during beautifying.
	Use the option -s so that the code looks the same in all types of editors like vi,
	emacs, MS DOS edit, Notepad, Wordpad etc..
		bcpp -s *.cpp
	In Solaris, you can also use:
		ls *.cpp | xargs -I{} -t bcpp -s {}
	in Linux, you can also use:
		ls *.cpp | xargs -i{} -t bcpp -s {}