FreeBSD Handbook : Security : Firewalls : Building a packet filtering firewall
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6.4.6. Building a packet filtering firewall

Note: The following suggestions are just that: suggestions. The requirements of each firewall are different and I cannot tell you how to build a firewall to meet your particular requirements.

When initially setting up your firewall, unless you have a test bench setup where you can configure your firewall host in a controlled environment, I strongly recommend you use the logging version of the commands and enable logging in the kernel. This will allow you to quickly identify problem areas and cure them without too much disruption. Even after the initial setup phase is complete, I recommend using the logging for of `deny' as it allows tracing of possible attacks and also modification of the firewall rules if your requirements alter.

Note: If you use the logging versions of the accept command, it can generate large amounts of log data as one log line will be generated for every packet that passes through the firewall, so large ftp/http transfers, etc, will really slow the system down. It also increases the latencies on those packets as it requires more work to be done by the kernel before the packet can be passed on. syslogd with also start using up a lot more processor time as it logs all the extra data to disk, and it could quite easily fill the partition /var/log is located on.

As currently supplied, FreeBSD does not have the ability to load firewall rules at boot time. My suggestion is to put a call to a shell script in the /etc/netstart script. Put the call early enough in the netstart file so that the firewall is configured before any of the IP interfaces are configured. This means that there is no window during which time your network is open.

The actual script used to load the rules is entirely up to you. There is currently no support in the ipfw utility for loading multiple rules in the one command. The system I use is to use the command:

# ipfw list

to write a list of the current rules out to a file, and then use a text editor to prepend ``ipfw '' before all the lines. This will allow the script to be fed into /bin/sh and reload the rules into the kernel. Perhaps not the most efficient way, but it works.

The next problem is what your firewall should actually DO! This is largely dependent on what access to your network you want to allow from the outside, and how much access to the outside world you want to allow from the inside. Some general rules are:

Another checklist for firewall configuration is available from CERT at

As I said above, these are only guidelines. You will have to decide what filter rules you want to use on your firewall yourself. I cannot accept ANY responsibility if someone breaks into your network, even if you follow the advice given above.

FreeBSD Handbook : Security : Firewalls : Building a packet filtering firewall
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