FreeBSD Handbook : Security : Kerberos : Creating the server file
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6.3.3. Creating the server file

We now have to extract all the instances which define the services on each machine. For this we use the ext_srvtab command. This will create a file which must be copied or moved by secure means to each Kerberos client's /etc/kerberosIV directory. This file must be present on each server and client, and is crucial to the operation of Kerberos.

grunt# ext_srvtab grunt

Enter Kerberos master key: 

Current Kerberos master key version is 1.

Master key entered.  BEWARE!
Generating 'grunt-new-srvtab'....

Now, this command only generates a temporary file which must be renamed to srvtab so that all the server can pick it up. Use the mv command to move it into place on the original system:

grunt# mv grunt-new-srvtab srvtab

If the file is for a client system, and the network is not deemed safe, then copy the <client>-new-srvtab to removable media and transport it by secure physical means. Be sure to rename it to srvtab in the client's /etc/kerberosIV directory, and make sure it is mode 600:

grumble# mv grumble-new-srvtab srvtab
grumble# chmod 600 srvtab

FreeBSD Handbook : Security : Kerberos : Creating the server file
Previous: Making it all run
Next: Populating the database