FreeBSD Handbook : Advanced Networking : Gateways and Routes : Troubleshooting
Previous: Routing propagation
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16.1.5. Troubleshooting

Sometimes, there is a problem with routing propagation, and some sites are unable to connect to you. Perhaps the most useful command for trying to figure out where a routing is breaking down is the traceroute(8) command. It is equally useful if you cannot seem to make a connection to a remote machine (ie. ping(8) fails).

The traceroute(8) command is run with the name of the remote host you are trying to connect to. It will show the gateway hosts along the path of the attempt, eventually either reaching the target host, or terminating because of a lack of connection.

For more information, see the manual page for traceroute(8).

FreeBSD Handbook : Advanced Networking : Gateways and Routes : Troubleshooting
Previous: Routing propagation
Next: NFS