Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : The X Window System and Virtual Consoles
Previous: How do I add pseudoterminals to the system?
Next: I want to run X, how do I go about it?

9. The X Window System and Virtual Consoles

9.1. I want to run X, how do I go about it?

9.2. Why doesn't my mouse work with X

9.3. X Window menus and dialog boxes don't work right!

9.4. What is a virtual console and how do I make more?

9.5. How do I access the virtual consoles from X?

9.6. How do I start XDM on boot?

9.7. When I run xconsole, I get ``Couldn't open console''.

9.8. My PS/2 mouse doesn't behave properly under X.

9.9. My PS/2 mouse from MouseSystems doesn't seem to work.

9.10. When building an X app, imake can't find Imake.tmpl. Where is it?

9.11. How do I reverse the mouse buttons?

Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : The X Window System and Virtual Consoles
Previous: How do I add pseudoterminals to the system?
Next: I want to run X, how do I go about it?