Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : The X Window System and Virtual Consoles : Why doesn't my mouse work with X
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9.2. Why doesn't my mouse work with X

If you are using syscons (the default console driver), you can configure FreeBSD to support a mouse pointer on each virtual screen. In order to avoid conflicting with X, syscons supports a virtual device called ``/dev/sysmouse''. All mouse events received from the real mouse device are written to the sysmouse device, using the MouseSystems protocol. If you wish to use your mouse on one or more virtual consoles, and use X, the following configuration is recommended:

          moused_type=ps/2          # or whatever your actual type is
          moused_port=/dev/psm0     # or whatever your real port is

          Section Pointer
              Protocol "MouseSystems"
              Device   "/dev/sysmouse"

Some people prefer to use ``/dev/mouse'' under X. To make this work, ``/dev/mouse'' should be linked to /dev/sysmouse:

        # cd /dev
        # rm -f mouse
        # ln -s sysmouse mouse

Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : The X Window System and Virtual Consoles : Why doesn't my mouse work with X
Previous: I want to run X, how do I go about it?
Next: X Window menus and dialog boxes don't work right!