Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Troubleshooting : When I mount a CDROM, I get ``Device not configured''.
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4.7. When I mount a CDROM, I get ``Device not configured''.

This generally means that there is no CDROM in the CDROM drive, or the drive is not visible on the bus. Feed the drive something, and/or check its master/slave status if it is IDE (ATAPI). It can take a couple of seconds for a CDROM drive to notice that it's been fed, so be patient.

Sometimes a SCSI CD-ROM may be missed because it hadn't enough time to answer the bus reset. If you have a SCSI CD-ROM please try to add the following symbol into your kernel configuration file and recompile.

        options "SCSI_DELAY=15"

Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Troubleshooting : When I mount a CDROM, I get ``Device not configured''.
Previous: When I mount a CDROM, I get ``Incorrect super block''.
Next: My printer is ridiculously slow. What can I do ?