Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Preface : What is FreeBSD-current?
Previous: What is the latest version of FreeBSD?
Next: What is the FreeBSD-stable concept?

1.6. What is FreeBSD-current?

FreeBSD-current is the development version of the operating system, which will in due course become 4.0-RELEASE. As such, it is really only of interest to developers working on the system and die-hard hobbyists. See the relevant section in the handbook for details on running -current.

If you are not familiar with the operating system or are not capable of identifying the difference between a real problem and a temporary problem, you should not use FreeBSD-current. This branch sometimes evolves quite quickly and can be un-buildable for a number of days at a time. People that use FreeBSD-current are expected to be able to analyze any problems and only report them if they are deemed to be mistakes rather than ``glitches''. Questions such as ``make world produces some error about groups'' on the -current mailing list are sometimes treated with contempt.

Every now and again, a snapshot release is also made of this -current development code, CDROM distributions of the occasional snapshot even now being made available. The goals behind each snapshot release are:

No claims are made that any snapshot can be considered ``production quality'' for any purpose. For stability and tested mettle, you will have to stick to full releases.

Snapshot releases are directly available from and are generated, on the average, once a day for both the 4.0-current and 3.0-stable branches.

Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Preface : What is FreeBSD-current?
Previous: What is the latest version of FreeBSD?
Next: What is the FreeBSD-stable concept?