Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : For serious FreeBSD hackers only
Previous: What does 'BSD' mean?
Next: What are SNAPs and RELEASEs?

13. For serious FreeBSD hackers only

13.1. What are SNAPs and RELEASEs?

13.2. How do I make my own custom release?

13.3. How do I create customized installation disks?

13.4. ``make world'' clobbers my existing installed binaries.

13.5. When my system boots, it says ``(bus speed defaulted)''.

13.6. Can I follow current with limited Internet access?

13.7. How did you split the distribution into 240k files?

13.8. I've written a kernel extension, who do I send it to?

13.9. How are Plug N Play ISA cards detected and initialized?

13.10. Does FreeBSD support architectures other than the x86?

13.11. I need a major number for a device driver I've written.

13.12. Alternative layout policies for directories

13.13. Making the most of a kernel panic

Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : For serious FreeBSD hackers only
Previous: What does 'BSD' mean?
Next: What are SNAPs and RELEASEs?