Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Networking : I can't make ppp work. What am I doing wrong ? : Ppp locks up when I shell out to test it
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10.7.12. Ppp locks up when I shell out to test it

When you execute the shell or ! command, ppp executes a shell (or if you've passed any arguements, ppp will execute those arguements). Ppp will wait for the command to complete before continuing. If you attempt to use the ppp link while running the command, the link will appear to have frozen. This is because ppp is waiting for the command to complete.

If you wish to execute commands like this, use the !bg command instead. This will execute the given command in the background, and ppp can continue to service the link.

Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Networking : I can't make ppp work. What am I doing wrong ? : Ppp locks up when I shell out to test it
Previous: Ppp locks up shortly after connecting
Next: Ppp over a null-modem cable never exits