Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Preface : Are there FreeBSD IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channels?
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1.14. Are there FreeBSD IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channels?

Yes, most major IRC networks host a FreeBSD chat channel:

Each of these channels are distinct and are not connected to each other. Their chat styles also differ, so you may need to try each to find one suited to your chat style. As with *all* types of IRC traffic, if you're easily offended or can't deal with lots of young people (and more than a few older ones) doing the verbal equivalent of jello wrestling, don't even bother with it.

Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Preface : Are there FreeBSD IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channels?
Previous: What FreeBSD news groups are available?
Next: Books on FreeBSD