Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : System Administration
Previous: How do I enable support for QIC-40/80 drives?
Next: Where are the system start-up configuration files?

8. System Administration

8.1. Where are the system start-up configuration files?

8.2. How do I add a user easily?

8.3. How can I add my new hard disk to my FreeBSD system?

8.4. I have a new removable drive, how do I use it?

8.5. How do I mount a secondary DOS partition?

8.6. Can I mount other foreign filesystems under FreeBSD?

8.7. How can I use the NT loader to boot FreeBSD?

8.8. How do I boot FreeBSD and Linux from LILO?

8.9. How do I boot FreeBSD and Linux using BootEasy?

8.10. Will a ``dangerously dedicated'' disk endanger my health?

8.11. How can I add more swap space?

8.12. I'm having problems setting up my printer.

8.13. The keyboard mappings are wrong for my system.

8.14. I can't get user quotas to work properly.

8.15. What's inappropriate about my ccd?

8.16. Why can't I edit the disklabel on my ccd?

8.17. Does FreeBSD support System V IPC primitives?

8.18. How do I use sendmail for mail delivery with UUCP?

8.19. How do I set up mail with a dialup connection to the 'net?

8.20. Eek! I forgot the root password!

8.21. How do I keep Control-Alt-Delete from rebooting the system?

8.22. How do I reformat DOS text files to UNIX ones?

8.23. How do I kill processes by name?

8.24. Why is su bugging me about not being in root's ACL?

8.25. How do I uninstall Kerberos?

8.26. How do I add pseudoterminals to the system?

Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : System Administration
Previous: How do I enable support for QIC-40/80 drives?
Next: Where are the system start-up configuration files?