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In order to use spam-stat to split your mail, you need to add the following to your `~/.gnus.el' file:

(require 'spam-stat)

This will load the necessary Gnus code, and the dictionary you created.

Next, you need to adapt your fancy splitting rules: You need to determine how to use spam-stat. The following examples are for the nnml back end. Using the nnimap back end works just as well. Just use nnimap-split-fancy instead of nnmail-split-fancy.

In the simplest case, you only have two groups, `mail.misc' and `mail.spam'. The following expression says that mail is either spam or it should go into `mail.misc'. If it is spam, then spam-stat-split-fancy will return `mail.spam'.

(setq nnmail-split-fancy
      `(| (: spam-stat-split-fancy)

Variable: spam-stat-split-fancy-spam-group
The group to use for spam. Default is `mail.spam'.

If you also filter mail with specific subjects into other groups, use the following expression. Only mails not matching the regular expression are considered potential spam.

(setq nnmail-split-fancy
      `(| ("Subject" "\\bspam-stat\\b" "mail.emacs")
	  (: spam-stat-split-fancy)

If you want to filter for spam first, then you must be careful when creating the dictionary. Note that spam-stat-split-fancy must consider both mails in `mail.emacs' and in `mail.misc' as non-spam, therefore both should be in your collection of non-spam mails, when creating the dictionary!

(setq nnmail-split-fancy
      `(| (: spam-stat-split-fancy)
          ("Subject" "\\bspam-stat\\b" "mail.emacs")

You can combine this with traditional filtering. Here, we move all HTML-only mails into the `mail.spam.filtered' group. Note that since spam-stat-split-fancy will never see them, the mails in `mail.spam.filtered' should be neither in your collection of spam mails, nor in your collection of non-spam mails, when creating the dictionary!

(setq nnmail-split-fancy
      `(| ("Content-Type" "text/html" "mail.spam.filtered")
	  (: spam-stat-split-fancy)
          ("Subject" "\\bspam-stat\\b" "mail.emacs")

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